Hello, I'm new by there and I just discovered some great mods (fullscreen, alternate difficulty..) and your editor for the great FF9 !
Thank you all for your hard work
I also wanted to try and create some mod for this lovely game but I am unfortunately not that skilled by now..
Well, I just want to create some simple (I guess) mod actually. Well, I have some nice idea that could be great if it's was possible to bring them to the game..
So, firstly, it's about the exclamation mark and card icon when you approach an NPC.. I know that this stuff, the card icon specially, is coming from the mobile version of the game for gameplay convenience. And in the end it's also help those who want to play with the keyboard and mouse but when you want to play the game with the gamepad only it's become more useless.. so I was thinking to add some option for makes it to appear or to disappear depending on how you want to play or if you need it. In another hand, I'm aware that thanks to that we can now clearly see if a NPC wants to play card as there is no card icon for other NPC. But it could also help those who want to play the game in the old fashion way by spamming the square button
So an option for this icon would be nice I think.
Or at least, I wanted to reduce those icons.. the fact is that in some small area with a lot of NPC, the screen is full with lot of those icons popping up when you walk past someone.. xD
So a way to reduce them with the option to make the card icon to disappear or not would be a perfect addition for the game.
Finally, a nice idea that can help those who want to get the Excalibur 2 weapon while speedrunning the game without leaving any items behind on the way there.. anyone knows that when you come closer of any interactive stuff (chest, hidden item, for climbing up..) each time there is an exclamation mark that appears. Also, anyone knows about the (pretty useless ?) hand that appears pointing to your character when you are standing there for a while.. So my idea would be to makes some or all of the exclamation mark to appear when you are standing there (like for the pointing hand) showing you all the hidden items around you. That way you can clearly see all the items that you can grab without wondering if you missed any in a house or elsewhere..
Of course it's could be a waste of time by standing there waiting for the items to appear so we could either make an option to always make them visible or even better just tweaking the standing time needed to showing up the exclamation mark so that way the icons don't always fill up the screen and we would lost less time for grabbing items. In the game, there is already the option for activate or deactivate the pointing hand so we just have to mod this option by allowing hidden items to appear that way the hand option become more usefull too
Well, don't know how hard it could be and if it's even really possible doing that but would be great if someone can give me some thought about which of my ideas is possible to realise or how to better use the Hades Worshop if it's could help for that.. I already tried searching in the CIL Code and other function but no dice for now.
Also, I have checked some of the pages but not all of them so I don't know if someone else have already proposed same ideas as me so sorry about that if it's was already asking.
Hoping for some answer
Thank you !