Tirlititi, thanks very much for helping me figure out the issue with my mod was, a couple of weeks ago I managed to figure out that it was a problem in the menu interfaces of all things. Truthfully I'm not entirely sure what it was in the interface, but rebuilding it seems to have done the trick.
I'm getting pretty close to making a thread and spewing the first draft of my project out into the world, but there's one major thing that I'm trying to sort out. I've been trying to replicate your method of refreshing boss HP, but I've been having trouble getting it to work on some of the more basic bosses, like ones that don't die when under 10000 HP due to a script. Here's what I've got for my Lich script, for example:
Function Lich_Loop
while ( GetBattleState != 1 ) {
Wait( 1 )
if ( VAR_GlobUInt8_24 == 0 ) {
Wait( 15 )
RunBattleCode( 36, 9 )
Wait( 10 )
BattleDialog( 12 )
Wait( 60 )
BattleDialog( 13 )
Wait( 75 )
RunBattleCode( 35, 0 )
while ( GetBattleState != 4 ) {
Wait( 1 )
if ( #( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] <$ 10000 ) ) {
if ( VAR_LocUInt8_60 < 1 ) {
set VAR_LocUInt8_60++
set SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] =$ 40000
This is after allocating 61 in the local variable panel as well. The script does parse correctly, but it doesn't seem to actually restore Lich's HP. I've also initialized set VAR_LocUInt8_60 to 0 in Lich's Init function, just in case.
One thing that working on this has helped me realize is that I'm really not especially good at scripting at all, like I'm fairly sure I can interpret everything that's going on in this particular loop, but I'm not all that sure on what I'm missing. Any ideas? Every time I fight Lich now I feel like he's mocking me when he dies.