So... as you've seen, I am not responsive anymore. I'm afraid that it won't get any better in the future.
1) You can batch import multiple script files at once; they need to be named "something_number.txt" and you have to write "something" or "something_" in the file selector. You may also merge the text files into one big file.
2) The "Inactive" animation might be not automatically preloaded (that's the case for the "SetJumpAnimation" but I don't remember about "SetInactiveAnimation"): you can force the preloading by using lines "SetStandAnimation( Your inactive animation )" then "SetStandAnimation( The normal stand animation )".
3) I don't know about the model exporter. It used to work (export as FBX) on pretty much all the models listed in the archives (you must export the "GameObject", always). Exporting as OBJ or others might work but usually with much data loss in the process (typically, animations are not exported).
4) The model importer, however, doesn't work well. You can do very few things that would work (modifying animations and moving vertices should be OK) and you must absolutely keep the same hierarchy as exported: you can't add/remove bones and things like that, and you must be careful that the model editor you use (I'm not sure if there's a free one that works) doesn't automatically change the hierarchy.
5) When you add/remove enemies from a battle, you must change the "Group" settings and the scripts accordingly. Typically, the "InitObject" lines of the "Main_Init" function of the script, and create script codes for the enemies you add (out of the script window "Edit Entries" and reflect the add/remove there, then in the script window right-click on the list of functions and add functions there).
6) You are correct about "AddParty", "RemoveParty" and such. I guess that you just missed several lines in the Prima Vista's cargo room because there are several moments at which the party is set in that field (IIRC, it's setup twice at the very start, then once right before the battle then once again after). Also, be sure to setup Freya's datas with "SetCharacterData".
7) I'm not sure if changing the orientation with a "AttachObject" line is possible.
You might be forced to completly change the system: use a variable that, when set on, changes Freya's position and orientation to the ones of the chocobo every frame, like this:
Function Freya_100
if (CustomVar_FreyaRiding) {
MoveInstantXZY( GetEntryPosX( Choco's entry ), GetEntryPosZ( Choco's entry ), GetEntryPosY( Choco's entry ) )
TurnInstant( GetEntryAngle( Choco's entry ) + 60 ) // 60 is an example there, adjust it
// Optional: have Freya's animation depend on the situation
// I don't know what to use to replace "Is Choco Running": you may use "IsButtonDown( 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 )"
// or write the XZY pos of choco in custom variables and compare the old/new position each frame
if ( Is Choco Running ) {
SetStandAnimation( Riding_Move ) // Animation of Freya when Choco moves
} else {
SetStandAnimation( Riding_Normal ) // Animation of Freya when Choco doesn't move
Wait( 1 )
I'm not sure; you seemed to have done things properly...
Maybe double-check that the "Wht Mag" you changed is the good one? Like maybe you mixed Dagger's and Eiko's command? But that doesn't work for "Blk Mag"... So maybe you didn't install your mod properly after generating it.
Best way to have more abilities in the commands is to use the Moguri mod or Memoria Engine mod: with these, many datas are read as .csv files (excel-like files that can also be opened with a text editor). The file for that is "Data\Characters\Commands.csv". HW can generate these .csv files if you choose "Save Steam Mod -> Spreadsheets" that can then be used by Memoria.
We can't make a Waterga Sword because of our lack of knowledge on the format of the spell animations.
It *might* be because of a deprotection patch that is applied to your german version of the game (Paradox patch).
One of these compresses datas and make them impossible to edit with HW, although it should warn you when opening the game instead of bugging like that.
In any case, it is very strange that "Open -> FF9_German_CD1.bin -> Do changes in HW -> Export as PPF -> Apply that PPF with PPF-O-MATIC on FF9_German_CD1.bin" would lead to an error "Bin/block check fails" or such... A small part of the binary file is copied in the PPF when generating it with HW and it's then compared to the file you want to patch with PPF-O-MATIC, so there shouldn't be any difference whatever you did in HW...
I have worked with the german version of the PSX game, but never did a HW update specifically for that version for what I remember...
Unfortunatly, that's a problem I oversighted when including the randomizer inside HW... also it wouldn't be so easy to solve ><
What you can do is to apply the randomizer for disc 1, then "Save as HWS", then for each other disc, apply the randomizer + "Open Mod -> the HWS of disc 1" (in that order); no need to look for the random seed that way.
Alternatively, you may want to use
Meteor on FFIX instead for the PSX version, even if it has a couple of differences...
I didn't know that MSVCP140.dll was required for running HW... It looks like a developer library (Microsoft Visual Studio C++) although you never know with Microsoft.
Anyway, downloading only the DLL (
here for instance) and putting that DLL in the same folder as HW should make it work, or at least throw a different message.
Windows 10 is the most suited operating system to run HW since it was compiled on that OS.
You may save your mod using 4 different ways:
- Save Mod (PSX and PC): save the game datas and the modifications inside a file that can only be read by Hades Workshop without modifying the game’s disc image. This is the most preferred way of saving modifications when you don’t want to apply them at once.
- Export as PPF (PSX): basically does the same as makeppf.exe (only faster): create a PPF3.0 file that can be applied to a disc image using the appropriate tool. You should never use this method if the file on your hard disc has been altered (using Hades Workshop or any other tool). This is the most preferred way of saving when you want to share your modifications.
- Overwrite Binary File (PSX): save the modifications inside the disc image for a ready-to-go game. The modifications can not be undone. This is the most preferred way of saving when you want to test your modifications and have a backup of the original file.
- Save Steam Mod (PC): duplicate the Steam files and apply your modifications to the duplicate. Replacing the Steam files by the created ones will enable the changes. May also generate "Spreadsheets" and "Raw Unity Assets" files instead that can be used as a Memoria mod (to be configured in "Memoria.ini" when Memoria is installed).