I'm sorry if this is the wrong topic to post this in, but it seemed to be the most approperiate to my very specific issue.
I'm seeking help to remove a minor annoyance I have with the PC version of FF7... I really don't like the mouths they added to the avatars, is there any way at all to just remove the mouth textures? Really, it's just the open mouth O's that I don't like, it looks silly to me, and they didn't have them in the original game.

"Uuuuuh...." Sephiroth looks like he's very confused and/or eating an Oreo...
Why wouldn't they give Sephiroth the same mouth that Cloud has?
Anyhow, again, if there's a mod out there that removes the weird mouths, I'd love that. If not, someone please point me in the right direction to request such a mod. If there is
not such a mod in existence, I would very much like to
recruit a modder to help make such a mod for me, so if that's possible, I'd love to know the details to make that happen.
Hell, I'd be happy if it's just taking Sephiroth's O mouth off, no one else who has it particularly bothers me.
EDIT: I don't want to use the Chibi replacer either, I like the Chibis, I just don't want the open mouth O mouths is all, they're distracting to me.