Author Topic: FFX MUSIC DOWNLOAD!!!  (Read 35632 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 2001-07-07 16:27:00 »
Here's a number of possible reasons:

1)The copy of your MSIE is corrupt or virus infected.
This is a very high possibility. MS's IE download has been known to be really corrupt at times and that the virus stays in your BIOS even after you reformatted it. Solution:Replace the computer(run a DOS based Antivirus scanner (i.e Symantec's Virus remover(Download from" TARGET=_blank>  )

2)Your version of IE is fake or beta
As if you didin't know, there are many fake MS sites out there with lots of virus waiting 4 u 2 download. Also, Beta versions of IEs are known to corrupt critical system files. Solution :Delete the copy/reformat the computer/reinstall windows.


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« Reply #51 on: 2001-07-07 16:34:00 »
Forgot to add: Symantec's website is temporarily down todey. try again later.


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« Reply #52 on: 2001-07-07 08:33:00 »
Joey: do you have ANY clue WHAT you are talking about?

hmm . . . so you're getting a Shell32.dll error during the installation of Windows?  I wouldn't think that these two problems are related, but it seems like a strange co-incidence.  Try using a friend's Win98 CD and seeing if it gives you the same error.


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« Reply #53 on: 2001-07-07 20:48:00 »
No I got the Shell32.dll error when I instaled IExplorer 6.0 and then when I formated the hard drive the Shell32.dll error was still there.


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« Reply #54 on: 2001-07-09 12:41:00 »
Hey yeah Qhimm Christ right?  LoL it was a joke anyway.. Sheesh.. Reality i have no grip of except the surreal boundaries that border from time to time as i slip in and out of Dreams.. he he he

About the Shell32 thing Joey *(&*(@&#$*Y&*Y&^!&&*^!@#* GOD MAN YOUR A MORON!!! He probably got it from a valid website or from a friend .. i highly doubt sommeone wrote a damn virus into 6.0 and yes its a beta.. Boy Christ Jesus Wept son of a .. anyway.. even if it was a virus unless it was a crafty one it should have perished with the format.. try something else.. (at the command prompt)

C:>Format C: (or your hd) /u

*this does an unconditional format*

or if you get really pissed at it


and kill the partitions.. **nothing lives through that.. you better have your disks ready.. you boot to nothing.. infact i dont even believe you get a prompt.. be careful with Fdisk.. and you may want to read up on partitioning your HD.. thats what it does.. it basically just removes the partition so the computer cant find data.. it doesnt really kill anything.. so yeah FDSIKING will not help if the cops are after your HD..

::advertiser voice::
Just use the Standard DOD Government shredder
.. hell they can even pass that too.. it just makes it harder  :)

good luck.. but nothing lives past new partitions...


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« Reply #55 on: 2001-07-09 13:07:00 »
Yeah I think I have sorted it now. I did something called a "Low Level Format" which is what I think you were talking about Caddberry. It took damm nearly half the night but when I came to install Windows 98 again it never crashed like it did before so I think my problem is sorted  :)


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« Reply #56 on: 2001-07-09 20:38:00 »
Caddberry: Viruses that are stored in bios won't be destroyed if you format your hard-drive.

And I can't get it why low-level format was needed. Maybe format c:/q/u (quicker) would be enough too.


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« Reply #57 on: 2001-07-09 21:41:00 »
True. Luckily bios viruses are fairly rare since they only work on one bios model (=one motherboard) generally. (And usually they aren't long-term as such; they just wipe the bios so the computer dies). You're fscked if you *do* get one though, unless you're lucky enough to have a dual bios.


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« Reply #58 on: 2001-07-10 14:16:00 »
Well I tried format c:/q/u and all the other combinations etc but I read somewhere that formating does not remove a) your internet history [index.dat or somet] and b) your system files! This makes sense as when I did a Low Level Format everything started working again including the System File that was corrupt in the First Place (Shell32.dll). So I would advise no one to download Internet Explorer 6.0!!! I quite like the new MSN Explorer that has MSN Messenger Integrated into it.   :)

Edit - Ooooooo I'm an insane Poster  :)

[This message has been edited by Jedimark (edited July 10, 2001).]


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« Reply #59 on: 2001-07-10 15:34:00 »
Umm ... formatting - any sort - should remove *all* files. Only thing it doesn't clear is boot records generally. Didn't think IE6 would update that! but I guess you never know.


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« Reply #60 on: 2001-07-11 11:10:00 »
no way. Your history can be removed also manualy, and format will destroy it for sure.
Btw when Im reinstalling system, Im not formatting, I just rename old system directory and system files, then I install new system, and it is totaly clean. No problems, and it takes only about hour.


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« Reply #61 on: 2001-07-12 11:16:00 »
Ok about bios viruses and the like.. now lets be honest here people.. most viruses now are Visual Basic, C, C++ .. even some in Pascal.. to code a Bios virus wouldnt you have to use Assembly? I mean atleast if you were going to write one .. wanted to do it right sorta thing.. plus not many have the knowlege of writing viruses like that.. unless you really pissed off someone i really wouldnt worry about that.. oh n e way..

I have seen formats where it allows you to leave the system files .. i thought you had to type C:>format /s and it would retain or copy system files.. they may have changed it though.. I just use FDISK.. i think it works the best when your really frusterated want everything to die and dont wanna play Unreal Tournament, FF, whatever  for awhile anyway..  :) they might have changed that though.. god Computers are so user friendly i wanna puke sometimes...


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« Reply #62 on: 2001-07-12 13:25:00 »
I wouldn't advise to low level format...not if you are talking about that option in your BIOS settings at least. It has a potential for destroying newer hard drives because it formats them like the older ones...or so Jari told me. The newer BIOSes don't have a low-level format option anyway...

If you are really paranoid about it you can always get hold of a linux boot-disk and type "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda". Should wipe things clean. Or, you can download a tool from the manufacturers web-site (those custom hard drive tools are usually quite least the ones I've touched...lets you recover a totally broken hard disk sometimes).

Now for what I really wanted to say. Look on why viruses exists in the first place. Granted, in the later years it's been a lot of 31337 script kiddies that have taken advantage of Microsofts idiotic system design, but traditionally viruses is something that had prestige...creating a good virus really proved you knew your stuff. So I think most people created them to test their abilities and perhaps gain some bragging rights.

Anyway, the old-school viruses and the new-school viruses are like two completely different worlds. There is NO WAY that any old school virus were written in a high-level language. Those viruses were able to completely integrate themselves into exisiting programs...detect which parts of the programs were unused, and put themselves there. The best viruses never left a trace, files had the same file size and date, only by doing a CRC check could you detect anything (these days we have virus scanners of course).

I would say that unless you rely on the total incompetence of Microsoft to get it spreaded then assembly is a must for doing viruses...and assembly programmers aren't really few in this world. In fact I had the impression they were all over the place :-)

Lastly I want to mention that in other operating systems than Windows there are no viruses, because the designers of those systems weren't so beyond belief incompetent in their system design. So for a virus to attack a Unix system it has to attack at boot time (when forgetting to take out the disk before booting).


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« Reply #63 on: 2001-07-12 14:47:00 »
Anyway, they are still viruses.


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« Reply #64 on: 2001-07-12 20:38:00 »
I see future of viruses in mix of highlevel language + asm, because it is hard to maake viri spreading throught email and stuff in assembler, and it is hard to code good virus in high level language.
But as i heard, now W2000 has many things denied, int's, ports and so.


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« Reply #65 on: 2001-07-12 21:31:00 »
You don't need to write viruses to take out Unix systems ... you just let the system blow itself up.

Unix (ESPECIALLY Linux) does everything to extremes. When it works, it's *very* reliable and *very* stable. When it doesn't it refuses to recognise the fact you've got a computer ("PC not found"). There's nothing in between. Hence why Windows is still used by major organisations and businesses (not exclusively, mind, but even still).


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« Reply #66 on: 2001-07-12 22:35:00 »
I can kind of agree to that...

With Windows and Plug&Pray, it's just to reinstall Windows and the programs over and over again, and perhaps try different drivers, until things works. This also means that a Windows system can run without being 100% in order.

What I don't like about it is the unnerving thing that I never know if the system is fine or not. In Linux there is always a reason. So, if you know enough about the system, it's just a matter of changing some text files and things are in order.

Not implying that I know linux that well myself. I've just never gone through that repeated reinstall cycle, but rather searched desperate for non-existant hints on what I'm doing wrong...I guess the difference is that in Windows, the system might be doing something wrong, while in Linux you are likely doing something wrong. It's theoretically easier to correct yourself than the system, but it's even easier not to correct anything I guess.

Computers today are way too complicated anyway. They should have been consumer products, not some hacker tool. Why aren't text editors and web browsers as easy as gaming consoles? Why did the shitty i386 architecture get so widespread? We should all go and get ourselves some macs...

Of course, for us programmers this is all a great bonus as we get the incredible flexibility with it...

Joey: They are still viruses, but they are targetting the PC rather than Unix, so Unix has nothing to do with it. You can really call them BIOS viruses instead (though some of them does install themself in the hard disk boot sector and only uses the BIOS to perform the installation).

Idea for a cool virus: An email virus that patches Outlook on the end user system. The virus would have total control over the computers out- and ingoing email, and can replicate very easily with small chances of getting caught...luckily ILOVEYOU shut down the binary attachment door most places so it can't get around that easily anymore...if ILOVEYOU was coded smarter we would never have got rid of it...


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« Reply #67 on: 2001-07-13 10:11:00 »
Dagsverre.. When u think about it who the hell would wanna write a virus and try to spread it through a linux Unix system or hell any other system for that matter.. Windows is most popular . basically cuz it has to be.. Why waste your time (unless your pissed at some poor unsuspecting bastard) to write a virus that wouldnt really spread like the ILOVEYOU and Melissa Viruses..? I sure as hell wouldnt


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« Reply #68 on: 2001-07-13 13:44:00 »
Greatly simplified:

It is impossible to write a virus for Linux because programs don't have write access to most areas. Meaning, if you start a program named ff7.exe (it isn't exe in linux but for the sake of the discussion) then ff7.exe isn't allowed to write to any program files. In fact, it is not allowed to write to anything in the entire machine except for the user directory ("My Documents"), which it has to write to to save your documents.

So, say that a virus is run in Linux, it has no way to spread itself because it can't write itself to disk, and it is gone when you reboot the system. No matter how good you are in coding doesn't change the fact that it is impossible to create a virus for linux (that is, assuming linux systems are bug-free and correctly set up...they usually aren't but that doesn't help the viruses as all the systems have the errors in different places).

Oh, and I don't mind people not bothering to fact I'd be perfectly happy with linux even if I was the only one in the world using it, because it's so nice to use for programming etc. I guess you have to be a programmer to really appriciate the system.

[This message has been edited by dagsverre (edited July 13, 2001).]


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« Reply #69 on: 2001-07-20 00:10:00 »
/me looks at post one

talk about offtopic...


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« Reply #70 on: 2001-07-20 02:10:00 »
It's kind of tradition on this board, isn't it...

actually, on *most* message boards. This isn't as bad as some...  :wink:

Sir Canealot

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« Reply #71 on: 2001-07-20 02:27:00 »
Haha. This isnt as bad as Eidos.
I remember the six "Age? Not relivent I guess..." topics that we spamed up. Ah. Good days.


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« Reply #72 on: 2001-07-20 10:32:00 »
Dag .. Spreading would really be out of the question anyway.. because Microsoft is the VAST majority .. to such the extent anyway that no one has any reason to thrash a linux system..

Spreading would be unheard of anyway because .. well.. no one uses linux.. viruses can still devistate linux they just dont spread as easily or at all.. but if linux was the VAST majority that microsoft is .. i bet hella more people would certainly be trying.. i just think they really dont care at this point..

I am not bashing linux.. In fact if things werent the way they are i would happily use it.. but i am a gamer.. and it is alot easier to just install the game.. tweak a few things.. that not have the thing run at all.. Windows sucks! i hate it.. but.. XP is supposed to take care of everything.. We'll see.. I have had linux installed and used it a bit.. but i just felt more comfortable in windows.. therefore i dont know very much about linux .. so  :) i could be wrong about the viruses being able to spread or whatever..   :)


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« Reply #73 on: 2001-07-20 12:17:00 »
How bout the virus disabling that feature?

The SaiNt

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« Reply #74 on: 2001-07-20 18:46:00 »
Originally posted by dagsverre
It is impossible to write a virus for Linux because programs don't have write access to most areas. Meaning, if you start a program named ff7.exe (it isn't exe in linux but for the sake of the discussion) then ff7.exe isn't allowed to write to any program files. In fact, it is not allowed to write to anything in the entire machine except for the user directory ("My Documents"), which it has to write to to save your documents.

So, say that a virus is run in Linux, it has no way to spread itself because it can't write itself to disk, and it is gone when you reboot the system. No matter how good you are in coding doesn't change the fact that it is impossible to create a virus for linux (that is, assuming linux systems are bug-free and correctly set up...they usually aren't but that doesn't help the viruses as all the systems have the errors in different places).

I don't think the same thing applies for memory(RAM). I'm pretty sure there's a way or two to intercept memory calls. Modifying memory can have adverse effects, if you get what I mean.

Oh, and Joey, if dag's idea does in fact work 100%, you won't be able to disable the feature since you don't have access to anything at all, except memory.

[This message has been edited by The SaiNt (edited July 20, 2001).]