1. Okay I understand. Again, thanks for taking the time to explain to us.
Well, I doubt that increasing the size of the letters would resolve the spacing issue. If you increase the size of a letter you're also increasing the size of the spacing between that letter and another one, no ? I mean, I think the scale (size of letter / size of spacing) will be kept the same.
5. I've noticed all the alignments you speak about (except for the materia element obviously, not showing on the picture) and to my eye it is top notch. Maybe (and that's just a maybe) aligning the materia name Y with the second line in the materia list on the right would make the materia name look less sticked to the top of the box. The materia name would then be in front of the inbetween of the stars and AP, that wouldn't look bad either. The materia name would breathe more and space would seem used better.
I personally think it makes more sense to say what the materia does and other areas of the game are consistent with that, like the command menu.
Then yeah, if other areas do that, then consistency tells to do the same here. So okay, it tells what the materia does, but I still find it awkward to call "equip" what the materia does. My vocabulary isn't rich enough or colorful at all, but to me it's more like the materia Assigns xxx magic to the bearer, Grants the bearer with xxx magic, Lets him use/ cast xxx magic, Confers..., Provides... I can't think of anything else right now, but Equips just sounds wrong for an ability / a power given by an item.
A limitation with kernel size (I think the size is increased now) and also what the Japanese says. It doesn't offer any additional info. It just says "Equips Full Cure materia [possibly magic]". Other materias have an explanation. I could add an explanation but then I'm also changing the game and I don't like going too far, plus what explanation can you really give for "Full Cure"? "Fully restores HP to one target"? Materia help is largely redundant.
If that's what the Japanese says, then okay.
I would just plain scratch that entire box, but then I understand that it is a big liberty taken over the original game. But if it has to stay, let it say the same thing than what the original says, indeed.
"Equips Full Cure materia [possibly magic]"
mmm, possibly magic, you say..
Ok, so here's a summary of what I think.
If in Japanese it actually says "Equip(s) xxx materia", I would put "Equip xxx materia", because Equips would refer to the action you would take letting you equip ( the action to equip the materia (pressing the button) equips the materia ), or would refer to the materia letting you equip the materia(?), that sounds twisted and awkward.
If in Japanese it actually says "Equip(s) xxx magic" (which would appear to be more consistent with other areas in the menus, like what command a yellow materia "provides"), I would go for another formula as I said above.