Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3092624 times)

White Wind

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1950 on: 2015-09-19 14:37:55 »
They've also copied some of those ideas and explanations from me (from the excel document)

Well, yes, most of what they documented for the non-dialogue text is directly taken from your excel document (a previous version) just translated ( I've edited the credits I give in my previous post in regard to that ).

That could be the ending.  So it would literally be a cube that is possessed or is an evil spirit.

Which is precisely what this enemy does.  It can cure you too.  But Luksy will know if the kana can work :)  The downside to my theory is that the Nue itself is a specific thing.

Ow ow I think you nailed it. A real good pretender for our guy. Congrats.
Maybe some contraction of "Rubik's cube" and "Nue". Like a Nue (nu) that is incarnated in / possessing some Rubik's cube (rubi cu). Yeah, let's see what luksy says.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-19 14:56:22 by White Wind »

Shasta McNasty

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1951 on: 2015-09-19 21:40:20 »
So this is a much smaller deal in this Final Fantasy because it doesn't show up very much, but for the enemy attack asupiru (アスピル), which has been translated in the spreadsheet as "Aspire.." I've gone back and forth with that for a long time on my own with other Final Fantasy games I've played trying to figure out what the hell "asupiru" is supposed to be, and I also used to think it was meant to be "aspire."

However, for context, in Final Fantasy VI there are two spells that damage the enemy's MP in some way: rasupiru ラスピル (translated as "Rasp" by Square's English localizers) and the higher version of that spell, asupiru.  If they were going for the word "aspire" in the Japanese, "raspire" as the lower level version of that spell wouldn't make sense.  "Respire" might, but the kana doesn't quite match (though there's also that weird "Araise" アレイズ spell that doesn't quite match what it should be, "Arise" アライズ, so maybe I'm wrong).  It's possible it's meant to be something a little more off the beaten path, like "aspear" or "aspell," or just some random word.  But I'm not sure "aspire" is it.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-19 21:42:36 by Shasta McNasty »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1952 on: 2015-09-20 00:50:40 »
Shasta, will you please stop finding contradictions that make sense.   :evil:  :-D

You make an excellent point.  Thinking about it :)

White Wind

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1953 on: 2015-09-20 01:00:49 »
Does the kana have anything to do with breathing /respiration ?
 "breathe out /exhale" (for the Rasp spell) and "breathe in /inhale /inspire" (for the Drain spell)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1954 on: 2015-09-20 01:41:39 »
Ok what I'm getting here is that the FF6 spell isn't "higher", it's different. Does "Raspire" (Rasp in FF6 English) take more MP off an enemy than "Aspire" (Osmose in FF6 English)?  I am still not made up that it is "Aspire" (the "ru" ending is seen elsewhere and is to be ignored sometimes), but I am more sure "Raspire" is an effect with "Ra" added to the start, and nonsensical in English.

Strictly speaking, I can't see how アスピル can be "Aspire" anyway.  It often gets localized to "Aspir", but that makes no sense.  .   I would definitely not take the "Ru" as gospel, since even in "Sleep-ru", it is just added.  there is also "End [aspir]."  There's something more going on here. This isn't "Aspire",  but I have no idea what it is meant to be.  Thinking.


What End "Aspir" and "Aspir" have in common is recovery from killing / injuring an enemy.  Aspir recovers MP by draining it from enemy, and End Aspir recovers ATB from killing enemy.  Therefore "Aspir" must be a word that means "drain" or so on.  It seems that even the official localizers have given up on this, opting to use "Siphon" instead.

edit 2.

Is it at all possible that this is just sucky kana and is meant to be "asp" like the snake?
« Last Edit: 2015-09-20 02:33:31 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1955 on: 2015-09-20 02:06:21 »

That would seem to agree with me.  There is even a "venom" version.

White Wind

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1956 on: 2015-09-20 06:42:45 »
I fear more work coming for you Dan. Promise you won't be mad? Okay, so I have looked at the documentation for the enemy names in the Néo-Midgar project and I am going to report what could be interesting for us (and sometimes give my opinion too). There's most likely a lot that you already know or even that was found by yourselves in the first place ( I've omitted what I knew was from you or known by you ) so of course feel free to ignore those parts or anything that you'd judge not fitting. But some things I find interesting and even relevant.

- Acrofies: "Acro" comes from Acropora, we already know that, but the end of the name could come from the end of the word "Calliophis", an genus of snakes ( which is part of a species called oriental coral snakes (
Be it the real source or not, the suffix "-ophis" ("ὄφις") means "serpent" in Old Greek (the ethymology is documented on the French page of the wiki ( but not on the English one). The enemy being a serpent combined with a piece of coral, Acro + ophis --> "Acrophis" seems to be the most faithful spelling.

- Bagnadrana: Okay, for this one they have decomposed the word as follow: "Bug" (as a bug, but more in the sense of a computer bug), "na" (negation), "dra" (beginning of the word "dragon"), "na" (negation). That gives us "Not a bug nor a dragon", and maybe a fusion of both. The enemy looks like a dragon with six legs, as bugs have. And in Costa del Sol, the lady at the tourist board tells us about strange dragons living on Mount Corel, and at Mount Corel there is no creatures looking like strange dragons other than these. So they went for "Bugnadrana". They also say that "Bug" is more likely than "Bag" in that word in Japanese.

- Live Wire: Here they start by stating that the first word is "Kappa" (not "Kyappa"). They believe that "Kappa" is the fusion of "capa", like in "capacity" in electronics, and "kappa", the Greek letter for our K (the enemy has the shape of a K).
They also state that in kana the word "copper" is spelt the same as "Kappa", just for one kana difference (so, "copper" with a modified letter would translate to the same kana as "Kappa"). Thus in French they went for "copper" ("cuivre") but with that letter modified (so it fits with the kana for "Kappa") which in French gives "Kuivre". In English, that would give "Kopper Wire". I believe luksy has to be summoned on that one.

- Chews Tank: Their view on this one may be very right but we may need luksy and even Kaldarasha to find out.
That first word: it is believed that the kana are the ones for "Tschüs" ! The "bybye!" of the German speakers! (pronounced 'tchooss') Basically the little seahorse has fled away from his big aquarium ("Tank") and he is now free, so ..Tschüs Tank ! xD I'm already 'convinced' by that one haha, it's just funny.

- Deanglow: Just a comment about "Dean": Dean electric guitars could be the source for the word The logo is the word "Dean" with wings and their slogan is "It's time to get your wings" (fits with the creature appearance).

- Goulashtrike: According to them, the beginning of the word matches the kana for the beginning of the word "grasshopper" (the sound made is 'grassh'), and the creature looks like a grasshopper. The last 4 kana give "trike", which means "tricycle" (that is already known).
The last 3 kana could also mean "-like", so we're not far from something like "grasshopper-like", just for one kana. It could also be a contraction between "grass(hopper)" and "strike".

- Grim Guard: They say the kana match with "Grimm", as in The Grimm brothers, and that it is a direct reference to them and their enchanting universe, and that there's nothing grim about that enemy.

- Gel Schmelze: Maybe Kaldarasha can help confirm this but the word Gelschmelze is a real word (the word can be seen several times on that page) and here is the same page in English . The word defines something that can melt gelatine-type matters. The main attack of the enemy is some sort of liquid poison.

- Madhu Ju: Again, that's what they say: The kana for "mad" can be read as "mud", and then there is "ooze". Mud and ooze (so "Mudooze" for his name) fit with the fact that the enemy can be found in a cave near a swamp, and that he attacks with "Swamp Shoot" (don't know what you called that attack for The Reunion)

- Maul Dancer: They didn't go for the sense of "maul" but for the one of "Moor" . Just saying in case you didn't consider this before.

- Muu: Look: Mu-Venom from Secret Squirrel. That one seems so obvious (which would lead to "Mu").

- Harley Quinn: That one comes from "Arlequin/ Harlequin/ Arlecchino" , a famous character in the Italian Commedia dell'arte, but that has nothing to do with FFVII.

- Leaf Suck: "sack" at the end could mean "bag". Then "bag of leaves" could be a possible meaning.
"Rilsan" could have inspired the name in some way. Rilsan is something that has the shape of the enemy and that is made from castor oil plant (the enemy is a plant).

- Senior Combattant: Does the English word "senior" convey the sense of "experienced" or just the sense of "old/ mature" ? They say that in Japanese here the word means "experienced", "which has gone a step further / a level above".. maybe "senior" doesn't fit so well. The guy is an evolution to his two previous swap-colour.

- Serpent: When you google-image those kana you get only sea serpents and big sea serpents. That word is an old word for "snake", often used to depict sea serpents, serpents looking like dragons or hydraes (water serpents).
Here "Serpent" doesn't fit because the enemy isn't a snake but actually a half-serpent half-dragon sea creature. The enemy attacks with Ryûjin Danse (Ryûjin is a mythical sea dragon) and with "Serpent Breath" (translated on-the-fly by me) which clearly shows his dual nature. They went for "Sea Serpent".

- Under Lizard: Subspecies of lizard. That creature is always isolated: on the Cactus Island, on the Goblin Island or in the Temple of the Ancients. That confirms that the term "subspecies" does fit because a subspecies is always a branch of specific individuals geagraphicaly isolated from the main species from which it derives (the French wiki is clearer about that than the English wiki: ..that's in the paragraph named 'Concept'.. and here is the English wiki just as for our guy. So our creature belonging to a subspecies could make the prefix "Sub" a better choice here than the prefix "Under". That'd give "Sub Lizard" or "Sub-Lizard". "Under" wouldn't seem to be the best choice to indicate that the creature belongs to a subspecies.
Or it could be that "Under" would imply that our guy is an 'oppressed' creature, an 'underdog', 'which has no chance to win', because the enemy is rather weak at the moment of the game when we meet him.

- Semzealot: May share a vague association with the Slavic word "zimzelen" which means "evergreen":

- Zenene: "Zenene" in romaji, but the beginning of the word fits only with other words that begin with "gene" (..I personally don't get what that sentence means). The enemy has an attack referring to "géhenne" (French version more rich: For the French project they went with a compression between "Gene" and "Géhenne" which gives "Génene", hinting that the genes of the creature take their origin in Hell.

- Zorokarter: Shouldn't it be a 'i' ?

Took me the whole day x)
I'll see if I can get my hands onto some other pieces of documentation for non-dialogue text from their project.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-20 06:58:29 by White Wind »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1957 on: 2015-09-20 12:54:20 »
  Most of those are plain guesses and there are also a lot of inaccuracies and bending of the facts.  For example, with Goulashtrike, you can't just say "Well, it sounds like grash, which is like grass, so that's what it is."  That's not good practice.  The kana is too different.  On other points, I am not sure "mad" can be "mud" but I suspect they'd have used the "mu" sound if they wanted that.  They do have a "Mu" sound. ム.  Also, Serpent is serpent - that's what the kana is.  If they wanted snake they would definitely have used it.

Also, Zorokarter can be either (although I'll look into which is more used).

Bugnadrana, Sub Lizard , and Acrophis sound promising. Grimm is possible too, but it's sheer guesswork.  I'll ask Luksy his thoughts on these.
« Last Edit: 2018-07-12 20:26:08 by DLPB »

Shasta McNasty

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1958 on: 2015-09-20 17:09:22 »
Maybe "asupiru" is just one of those nonsense words they made up.  Hard to tell.. I've been trying to figure it out for a few years and I just can't get what it's supposed to be.  I'm sure whatever you end up going with will work.. hell, maybe even Aspire would do the trick.  If it IS meant to refer to a "real" word or words, Final Fantasy spell names seem to be weird bastardizations of English words anyway so I guess it could be any of those-- Aspire, Aspear, Aspell, Aspir.. tough to tell.

Haha you're gonna hate me here but there's another thing I've noticed.  When it comes to "Status Null" being the translation for "Esuna" ("S-null"), there's also a spell in Final Fantasy II (the same game where Esuna first appeared) called "Basuna."  Like Esuna and Poisona, "Basuna" nullifies certain status effects.  "S-Null" and "Poison-Null" might make perfect sense if "Basuna" didn't exist ("Basu-null?"  Doesn't make sense).

It could be that all of these spells are meant to refer to something else anyway.. in Final Fantasy I there are a lot of spells that start with "Ba," i.e. "Bakorudo" (BaCold or Bar Cold), "Basanda" (BaThunder or Bar Thunder), "Bafaia" (BaFire or Bar Fire), etc. that protect the party from certain elemental spells.  So maybe Basuna is supposed to be "BaSuna" or "Bar Suna," with "Suna" referring to something else?  Does that mean "Esuna" is really supposed to be "E-suna" or something similar rather than "S-null?"

off course I might be overthinking things in my previous paragraph, but at the least I still feel like "Basuna" should be looked at for reference when deciding what "Esuna" and "Poisona" are really supposed to be.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-20 17:20:05 by Shasta McNasty »

Shasta McNasty

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1959 on: 2015-09-20 17:33:04 »
OH!  This is a bit of a stretch, but if you take into account the Final Fantasy's bastardization of English words for spell names and adding of silly meaningless endings to words (Saitoro = Sight, Suripuru = Sleep, Desuperu = Dispel, Meruton = Meltdown, Arutema = Ultima, etc.) what if asupiru is supposed to be a bastardization of "ESP?"

Knock the "ru" off of the end and you have "Asupi."  If you said "ESP" as a word instead of letters it would be "Esp," like in "Esper" (the literal meaning of which is not "Phantom Beast" like Woolsey made it in FF6, but "someone who can use ESP"), which is not far from "Asupi" if you considered the "u" and "i" sounds as having been intended to be whispered silent vowels as the Japanese are wont to use when transcribing English words.

Yes, the kana don't quite match and they could have used "esupiru" instead, but look at the bastardizations in the kana for "Meltdown," "Ultima," etc. and you'll see that an over-reliance on the kana to determine what was originally meant isn't always the best way to go, since they're often kind of "fudging it" anyway.

And off course it's not just Final Fantasy where the Japanese get lazy or weird about transcribing English words anyway.  In the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid, "Liquid Snake" is "rikkido suneeku" instead of "rikuiddo suneeku" or something similar, "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patroits" is "ganzu obu za patoriotto," instead of "ganzu obu za peitoriotsu," etc.  So sometimes they just straight up fudge the kana just because.

There's also a small chance "asupiru" it could be a bastardization and re-arranging of the vowels and consonants in the word "sap," but I think that's less likely and even more of a stretch.  Still, Drain and Sap as the two spells that drain HP and MP respectively would make sense.  Drain and ESP (draining somebody's mind power) would make sense too.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-20 17:43:20 by Shasta McNasty »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1960 on: 2015-09-20 21:24:41 »
Maybe "asupiru" is just one of those nonsense words they made up.
I find that highly doubtful because nearly all the words in the earlier (and even later)  titles have an origin that is a real word.  It could be that this partcular word uses a mixture of origins like the Asp snake, or a foreign word, or mythology, but it's very unlikely to just be a random series of letters.  It's also important to note that some earlier titles had a character limit (like Dimension -or better localized Warp - becoming "Di-sion") - so this could be the case here, as well.

"S-Null" and "Poison-Null" might make perfect sense
Regardless of what silly kana they add to the begining of the word, it's almost certain that Esuna is S-Na, and Poisona (shortened due to space) is Poison-Na.  The change to "Basuna" obviously doesn't work in English but that does not change the original word.

Sleep-ru exists because they added it to be a complement to Sleep-ra.  It's a silly rule that has to be removed in English, but there is a reason they did it.  Spells with "ru" endings need more caution.

At the end of the day, the best practice is to go with what is more likely given the kana; and if there is nothing that makes sense, either change to something that does or use the literal.  Sometimes even the correct name needs amending (like Dimension, which is really short for "Dimension shift", or warping).

Also, Shasta McNasty, have you checked your PMs?  8-)


One other small thing...  In MGS1, I was under the impression that Liquid has the actual kanji for the name.  You can hear the Kanji version(????) in the control mix music from the OST (that was taken from MGS1)?  Perhaps it uses both.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-21 02:00:17 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1961 on: 2015-09-20 21:49:13 »
I also notice that "Speed" uses "Spi" , could this Aspiru be bad kana for "A-spell"  or something, as you noted before?  I mean that sounds less likely to me because "A" doesn't make much sense... and all these "Aspiru" spells drain something.

I suppose it could also be from "Aspirin"... a lame use.


There is also "Aspiration" or
matter that has been drawn from the body by suction.

The meaning would fit.

Since this spell is from FF2, I think it highly likely there was a 4 character limit... meaning Aspir / Asper/ is actually short for a longer word.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-20 22:13:45 by DLPB »

White Wind

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1962 on: 2015-09-20 22:14:52 »
Ours match the kana and make more sense, for starters.  Most of those are plain guesses and there are also a lot of inaccuracies and bending of the facts.

Yeah I really guessed so.

You're discarding Tschüs Tank too? That one makes sense no? (if the kana fit with Tschüs, of course).. no further investigation needed?
And Gelschmelze too? That word exists as is in German.

Okay, the name Mu coming from a song of the band Secret Squirrel may be a sheer guess, but the enemy being a squirrel half-hiding in the ground... But yeah, that one's still obscure.

Concerning Madhu Ju, if we stay on "Mad" and not mud, we still end up with something that makes sense: Madooze. The kana could point to "ooze" ? If yes, that'd fit with the idea of the swamp.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1963 on: 2015-09-20 22:22:57 »
You're discarding Tschüs Tank too? That one makes sense no? (if the kana fit with Tschüs, of course).. no further investigation needed?

The problem with this one is meaning.  I can find you tons of words that "fit" the kana, but none fit the enemy.  The "Tank" does because this is a water enemy and likely comes from fish tank.  And "Chews" does because of the act of chewing.  A lame name, sure - but a name that has meaning.  "Bye Tank" has absolutely no meaning whatsoever and even mixes one german word with one English.  It seems very unlikely given the simple alternative.

And Gelschmelze too? That word exists as is in German.

I am looking online and can find no backup that this is one word.  Are you sure?  Even if so, the alternate of 2 words does work given the enemy.

Concerning Madhu Ju, if we stay on "Mad" and not mud, we still end up with something that makes sense: Madooze. The kana could point to "ooze" ? If yes, that'd fit with the idea of the swamp.

That's for Luksy, but I'd be surprised if you can get "ooze" from that kana.  Not my dept :P


Also, I am now heavily leaning to Aspir being short for Aspirate.  It's a real medical word as noted above and the meaning fits.  The localizers now go with Osmose (from Osmosis) which may indicate that they have been told the meaning and are opting to use something more familiar.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1964 on: 2015-09-20 22:45:20 »
I'm not sure where you got that definition, but I can tell you that aspirate doesn't mean "drawn from the body by suction".  Aspiration has to do with with water or food, or a foreign object entering the trachea instead of the esophagus.

The More You Know


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1965 on: 2015-09-20 22:53:41 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1966 on: 2015-09-20 22:54:24 »
There are a few sources:

to draw or remove by suction

I think it could be an origin, even if silly?

White Wind

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1967 on: 2015-09-20 23:10:15 »
I am looking online and can find no backup that this is one word.  Are you sure?  Even if so, the alternate of 2 words does work given the enemy.

Well I am no German speaker (that's why maybe Kaldarasha could help), but here is a page about a patent on something and the word appears there several times:  and the same page in German:
On the French forums a German speaker (I don't know him) said that the word exists (as one word) so that was modified accordingly in their relocalisation. I know nothing more.

Ah, and in French "aspirer" means "suck up/ vacuum up/ hoover up/ inhale/ breathe in". Be it a liquid, a solid or a gaz, if it went in then we can say it has been "aspiré".
Even in space, you're in a ship, a window breaks, all things in the room get "aspirées" through the window.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1968 on: 2015-09-20 23:11:14 »
Yeah, this is definitely our best theory so far really.

Shasta McNasty

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1969 on: 2015-09-20 23:35:20 »
Damn, I think you guys nailed it.  Guess it's meant to be Aspir, short for aspirate/aspirer in the same way Libra is short for/comes from library.

That's been bugging me for years.  Glad someone finally figured it out.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1970 on: 2015-09-20 23:36:48 »
Considering we now no longer have a character limit, it should be placed in full.  But it may be wiser to cheat here and just use a word that works better in english for "suck / drain".

White Wind

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1971 on: 2015-09-21 00:13:42 »
The best word I can think of is "Absorb".


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1972 on: 2015-09-21 00:40:36 »
I'd avoid that since we already have a materia that uses it.

One of the common official localizations is Siphon / Syphon, which works fine.   Other words that would work are:

Drain (in use already by enemy)

Any of those will work (I prefer Leech, Drain, Consume, or Siphon).  I can note Aspirate as the likely origin in the documentation.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-21 00:45:19 by DLPB »

Shasta McNasty

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1973 on: 2015-09-21 00:45:27 »
You might want to avoid "Drain" and "Draw" because those are used in other Final Fantasy titles for different spells and abilities and could therefore be confusing/misleading.  Now that the meaning of "asupiru" has been established I really think "Aspire" or "Aspirate" would be fine.  Makes perfect sense when you look at the definition.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R03d)
« Reply #1974 on: 2015-09-21 01:15:14 »
We can't be 100% that it is that but, I think, even if it is, it's a tad verbose and strange.  It may be wiser to just use something that keeps meaning without it looking totally out of place.

I'll give it some thought.  It's worth noting that Gi Nattak boss does both Drain (HP draining) and Aspirate (MP draining).
« Last Edit: 2015-09-21 01:25:11 by DLPB »