Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3086129 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2850 on: 2016-07-19 03:51:14 »

Also - they keep on coming.  Here's another I just found:

Field: nmkin_2   When exiting the elevator, Jessie will run down the stairs.  If you return to the elevator and come back out, she will do the
same again from the initial starting point. This can be repeated indefinitely. Let's call this bug 'Teleporting Jessie'.

There are a few ways to fix this using vars. I decided to add this to field 'elevtr1':
Code: [Select]
If $GameMoment == 12 (else goto label 4)
$GameMoment = 13 (16 bit)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2851 on: 2016-07-20 08:49:35 »
From what I remember, the first phase of the parade where you have to align with the rank and show off for the TV, is broken.
I recall, was on PSX, I had tried it over and over for an hour to figure out once and for all what you're really supposed to do there,
and I ended up doing pretty good every time (aligning at first try, right in lign, rifle moves perfectly synched) but always I was getting the lower rewards.
And then I noticed that joining the rank and just mashing [Circle] brainlessly (which looks totally disordered) gets you the best score... that's stupid

Yeah - I've had a look at this.  Firstly, the score seems to be dependent on where you walk.  Certain places   show a deduction to rating. Second, that silly text "Aaaand..... [var]" is actually a ratings bonus you should get from holding circle... but you have to be holding it at that point. If you hold it, you get +3.  If you don't, it's +1.  The problem is... the text makes NO SENSE.  I don't think it should even be there.  Telling the player "Aaaaand 3"   or "Aaaaaand 1" is just meaningless babble.  I think it's even more likely that this is a DEBUG MESSAGE for the programmer to see in game if the +1 or +3 were correctly being added :P

But, as you noted, the check for circle continues, and you can keep mashing it to add on +3  each time.

So to fix:

1. Remove silly debug text.
2. Stop mashing of circle - and perhaps add on the bonus only if circle is held down for the duration of the parade.

I am now going to test if that works fine - or whether the prize values / rating bonus need a tweak too.

edit.  Prob gonna need to be edited, as well.  Not to mention there doesn't seem to be any reward or penalty for marching in/out of line that I can see.


Mashing isn't the issue.  Holding circle is what you're meant to do and it adds 3 every so often, rather than 1.  Problem is that mashing it will do the same thing.  So a fix has to check for a hold rather than a button push.  I just got 68% with a hold button.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-20 21:26:31 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2852 on: 2016-07-20 17:28:26 »
So I'm completely new to the scene, but I've browsed the forums as much as I could in the last couple of days to get an idea of how far modding has come here (7th Heaven, Steam-PC98 compatibility, Aali's opengl mod, your anxious hearts mod, etc.), and I have a request from you DLPB:

Could you make The Reunion available without the menu/relocalization portions? I know an absolute ton of work went into the project but from what I have gathered, The Reunion is the only mod on qhimm that contains a no fuss installer for the 60fps mod and custom field models. I'm sure I'm not the only person going onto this site looking for exactly those two things (and nothing more) and stumbling into very complex install processes that break certain things in the steam version (achievements, etc.). I've even looked into your own v1.1 60fps patch, but the link for that is dead now; I'm not sure if it was a simple install for the steam version.

In short, I really want a simple 60fps + custom models install. The Reunion provides exactly that but with your relocalization/menu mods which I may like on a future playthrough of the game, but not my first playthrough in over a decade. I was wondering if you could help me out.

Sorry that my first post on this board is a request. It seemed like my best bet after hours of searches.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2853 on: 2016-07-20 17:42:06 »
The short answer is no.  It is too much work for me to separate them - which is why i decided to drop doing that.  Reunion R03 was the last to support a separated mod. I will never support them as separate mods from this point on.

The 60fps / frame limiter will be separated when I get time as the only exception.  But I am far too busy at the moment.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2854 on: 2016-07-21 16:06:39 »
The parade is fixed.  It wasn't as easy as I thought to fix everything.

Issues fixed:

1. Soldiers disappear before they leave left hand side of screen.
2. Poor location lines lead to bad detection of where Cloud is (I always hated this as a kid too - that you could reach the correct formation spot and the silly guard would STILL call you back.)
3. Demonstrating soldier does not move perfectly in line with the other soldiers.
4. Cloud is too fast for the soldiers and starts to move out of formation.
5. The action button can be mashed rather than held. The latter is still more beneficial even in original game - but mashing the action button looks stupid.
6. There is no penalty for moving out of formation once you are in it.
7. You can take a short cut to the correct formation space by using the first and 2nd rows, rather than the rear. Due to crap location line programming, it's actually easier this way than the rear.
8. Ratings bonus / ratings penalty / prize thresholds needed tweaking.

Also, Tori is an annoying script programmer who did things the hard way.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-21 16:09:13 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2855 on: 2016-07-22 18:04:07 »
I am very glad to hear you have been working on this "minigame" because I found it completely meaningless and arbitrary in its rating.

I never made any sense out of it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2856 on: 2016-07-23 01:16:06 »
Hey DLPB, I came across this retranslation from the Eurogamer article and have been following it ever since:

FF7 is one of the most memorable games from my childhood, and I was fascinated reading about the work that went into this.

Since I do quite a bit of work on digitizing books, I decided to install Reunion and take a look through the text files.

My brain reads double words as one - and missing words as being there when there should be double.  It's irritating.  Stupid brain.

This is an extremely common typo—it even occurs in many books. In the future, you should be able to use this Regex (or some variant of it):

Search: (\b[A-Za-z]+) (\1\b)

Definitely Typos

I used that Regex to catch a few more "double words".


“Oh yeah,Bugenhagen,
  I need one ***more more*** favour…”{NEW}
“We’re carrying around these
  Huge Materias. Since they’re
  kind of delicate we’d like to
  leave them in a safe place.”

“It just felt like ***the
time was right…”

I believe that is all of the wrongful "double words". There were only a handful more throughout the entire text, and they all seemed valid.

Here are some "everyday" errors:

I believe these should be changed to "every day".


“Whoa! Wooow!
  Gotta give you some credit…
  Not ***everyday*** you can surprise me!”


  it’s not ***everyday*** you see
  people climbing up here.”{NEW}
“Huh? What’s wrong with
  your eyes? Never mind…”{NEW}
“Listen,this is about to turn
  into a battlefield with Shin-Ra.”{NEW}
“You’d best go back down if
  you don’t want to get involved.”


  it’s not ***everyday*** you see
  people climbing up here.”{NEW}
“Listen,this is about to turn
  into a battlefield with Shin-Ra.”{NEW}
“You’d best go back down if
  you don’t want to get involved.”


“You don’t see one
  like this ***everyday***…”

Similarly, here is a "far away" error:

I believe this should be changed to "faraway".


“…During the war.”{NEW}
“My husband was sent to the front.
  Some ***far away*** place called Wutai.”



“Oh yeah,***jockey’s***
  can’t bet on themselves.”{NEW}
“But if you win,you’ll get the
  corresponding item ticket,
  so give it a whirl!”

There were 25 other usages of "Whoa", but only 1 "Woah".

This should be changed to "Whoa".


***Woah***,what a nice set of beds.”

This should be changed to "you ’n’".


“This is between
  ***you’n*** me,but…”{NEW}
“…Bugenhagen’s always
  bin a Shin-Ra regular.”{NEW}
“Oh,dinnae get me wrong…
  He’s sure never bought
  weapons or Mako.”

There is a missing space in "Vol. 1".


15. The Space Program:
     A Glorious History ***Vol.1***

Optional or Unsure

I am not 100% on this, but I believe "li’l" or "lil’" are valid.


#xy 128 48
“Well,if it isn’t ***li’l’*** Marin!
  Aren’t you going to say
  hello to {CLOUD}?”


  Well aren’t you a cute ***li’l’*** lady.”

The other two usages only had three 'E's total ("Eeevil" + "eeevil"). This one has four 'E's.

I am not too sure if this was intentional or not.


{CHOICE}The ***Eeeevil*** Dragon King’s weak point
{CHOICE}Princess Ruza’s measurements

Here are the other two usages:


Evil Dragon King
“It is I,the ***Eeevil*** Dragon King,
  Varvadoss! The princess is
  unharmed. I have been waiting
  for yoooou!”


{CHOICE}The ***eeevil***… dragon king
{CHOICE}The king
{CHOICE}The soldier

This is currently a hyphen. I assume it was meant to be an em dash, but those don't exist in the game font.

I propose this should be changed to use a colon: "follows:".


#cy 8
The fluctuating columns of light
on the viewscreen indicate hidden
The basic strategy is to avoid
the columns,approach enemy
subs from behind,then lock-on.{NEW}
The horizontal gauge at the bottom
of the viewscreen displays your
sub’s integrity. The vertical gauge
on the left is your sub’s velocity.{NEW}
Signals are as ***follows-***{NEW}
{RED}WARNING{WHITE}: Enemy sighted
{RED}ALERT{WHITE}: Incoming torpedo
{YELLOW}MINE{WHITE}: Mine detected
{GREEN}CONFLICT{WHITE}: Collision imminent
               (reverse or turn around)

I took a look through the text for anything similar, and only found this usage + one other one.

The above is the only one that uses "-{NEW}", and the other one uses a colon:


#cy 10
The following mastered
materias can be ***combined:***{NEW}
Steal  Sense  Throw
Morph  Death-Blow
Manipulate  Mimic{NEW}
The materias will fuse
to form a single {YELLOW}Master
Command{WHITE} materia.

In any case, I believe one of these should be normalized.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-23 01:21:23 by Tex2002ans »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2857 on: 2016-07-23 02:44:56 »
That's a very nice compilation.  Some of those have been fixed already for R05 - but I will double check and go through each one.  May also need Covarr to look over them also.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2858 on: 2016-07-23 03:43:45 »
OK time to report.  Thanks for that - it's been VERY helpful and you've fixed a number of issues.

I will leave the Everyday discussion to Covarr.  Considering what I've read, I think you're right.  But best to get that cleared up, since I've gone back and forward on the issue a while now.

See the BugTracker for a list of what's currently been changed (Reunion Bugs tab).

“***Woah***,what a nice set of beds.”

While not strictly wrong, I've changed it. May as well be consistent.

“This is between
  ***you’n*** me,but…”{NEW}

This one got left alone because I assumed it was some sort of Scottish thing. I mean, they use "no" instead of "no’", for example. They don't place an apostrophe for the missing t. I'll have to check this one again. Edit.  Checked with Prince Lex and it is "You 'n' me", even in Scotland.

15. The Space Program:
     A Glorious History ***Vol.1***

Deliberately left with no space, due to the font being so spacey already.  It looks crap in game when a space is added there. So grammatically incorrect, but no-one will really notice and it looks better anyway.


is perfectly acceptable and I chose that version since I believe it's more correct considering the missing letters.

{CHOICE}The ***eeevil***… dragon king

The extra letters was just choice and it looks a little nicer than always having the same number on that particular part of the game.  However, the above is another mistake:  the proper noun is not capitalized :P I have amended it now.

The hyphen issue is deliberate because it looks crap to use a colon there in game when a lot of colons follow it. It was just a choice to make it look better.  Although, saying that, I did add the {NEW}, so it would now look ok to use the colon.  Ok, I've amended that too.

« Last Edit: 2016-07-23 16:35:29 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2859 on: 2016-07-23 03:49:37 »
Also, I am aware of the numerous issues with comma splices and what not.  That's being taken care of.

I have now also fixed the Everyday error.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-23 17:45:48 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2860 on: 2016-07-23 18:44:20 »
While not strictly wrong, I've changed it. May as well be consistent.

Exactly. That is one of the key points when working on texts—to make the work consistent within itself.

If you spell things a certain way (or follow certain rules), make sure you stick with it throughout the work. :)

This one got left alone because I assumed it was some sort of Scottish thing. I mean, they use "no" instead of "no’", for example. They don't place an apostrophe for the missing t. I'll have to check this one again. Edit.  Checked with Prince Lex and it is "You 'n' me", even in Scotland.

Heh. Trying to wrap my head around this new Cait Sith dialogue is making my head hurt—and it doesn't help that a lot of his words get in the way of "legitimate" English words. Plus all the apostrophes make it a giant pain to quickly read + spellcheck. :P

I may have to do a few passes looking only at Cait Sith's dialogue + trying to make that consistent within itself.

For example, I did a quick word list of Cait Sith's dialogue, and there were:

  • 20 "aboot" + 2 "’boot"
  • 19 "cannae" + 2 "can’t"
  • 1 "ev’ry" + lots of "everyone"/"everyone’ll"/"everyone’s"
    • 1 "ev’rythin’" + 1 "Everythin’s"
  • 1 "gawn" + 3 "gone"
  • 1 "intae" + 1 "into"
  • 9 "Ah’ll" + 1 "I’ll"
  • 1 "ol’" + 1 "old"
  • 7 "th’" but 101 "the"
  • 7 "yer" + 1 "your" + 1 "yours"

These types of inconsistencies will probably require very careful consideration/reading + another normalizing pass.

Deliberately left with no space, due to the font being so spacey already.  It looks crap in game when a space is added there.

Well then, there are these two:


15. The Space Program:
     A Glorious History ***Vol. 1***
18. The Space Program:
     A Glorious History ***Vol. 2***

There are no more "Vol." anywhere else in the entire text, so there isn't anything else to compare to. The only other times periods are followed by numbers are all of the:

Shin-Ra ***Bldg. 70F***

So grammatically incorrect, but no-one will really notice and it looks better anyway.

Well I guess I will continue being a no one. :P

PS. I actually have no idea how it looks in the game, so you might know best there with the font spacing issues. I actually haven't played FF7 since way back on PS1. I read the Eurogamer article and was thinking now might be a good time to jump back in... although I still haven't decided whether I want to hold off until R05, or just jump in now!

The hyphen issue is deliberate because it looks crap to use a colon there in game when a lot of colons follow it. It was just a choice to make it look better.  Although, saying that, I did add the {NEW}, so it would now look ok to use the colon.  Ok, I've amended that too.

Great to hear!

I am not that familiar with the in-depth workings of the FF7 dialogue system (Window Size, Font, Window Positioning, etc. etc.).

So is there any sort of rules that strictly have to be followed when editing these text files?

Can extra lines can be added or can text be shifted around from one line to the next?

Or is there a certain max character limit per line?

Or is there another nebulous "rule" you should follow, such as if there are multiple lines, try to make them approximately the same length of characters?
« Last Edit: 2016-07-23 19:04:16 by Tex2002ans »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2861 on: 2016-07-23 19:09:49 »
I did a check on Cait's dialogue not long back - but seems there need to be corrections.
Can you get me the maps that have:

2 "can’t"
1 "Everythin’s"
1 "into"
1 "I’ll"
1 "your"

Gawn does not mean gone ;) Means going.

I'll have a look at the Vol thing again.  I was ok with place names.  But battle menu doesn't use space (D.Blow). Vol will have to be consistent.

So is there any sort of rules that strictly have to be followed when editing these text files?

Has to look nice in game.  I use my own tool BoxFF7 to preview it in-game. But with so many windows, it's impossible to do a perfect or consistent job. I gave up trying. It all has to be done manually.

Can extra lines can be added or can text be shifted around from one line to the next?

All text is fully editable.

Or is there a certain max character limit per line?

There is a max limit on total text - but text in lines is limited by how it looks in game - and screen width.

Or is there another nebulous "rule" you should follow, such as if there are multiple lines, try to make them approximately the same length of characters?

Within reason I try to make the text in the box even and look good on-screen.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-23 19:14:41 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2862 on: 2016-07-23 19:31:03 »
I also don't know if you caught some of my edits—I was editing my post for quite a while (didn't expect you to respond so quickly).

2 "can’t"
1 "I’ll"

False alarm on these. Those actually existed in a {CHOICE}.

1 "Everythin’s"


“Fortune looks good.
  ***Everythin’s*** perfect!”

1 "into"


#cy 88
“The Ancients sure did
  put some effort ***into*** aw this.”

And that "aw" made me look it up.

Cait Sith says ~21 "all" + ~7 "aw".

There is also 1 "awready" + 1 "already".


  Ah’ve told ye that ***already***.”

1 "your"


  did ye make up ***your*** story
  juist tae gain our sympathy?”

I also caught this one just now. 1 "been" -> 11 "bin":


“See,there’s somethin’
  aboot ye that’s ***been***
  botherin’ me.”{NEW}
“It’s the way that ye live.”{NEW}
“Ye dinnae get paid,
  ye dinnae get praised.”{NEW}
“Yet ye still risk yer lives,
  an’ continue oan yer journey.
  Seein’ that makes me…”

Gawn does not mean gone ;) Means going.

Haha. Well that is what I get for only looking at word counts and making quick assumptions. :P

Well he says 20 "goin’". That is the only "gawn" in the entire text!
« Last Edit: 2016-07-23 19:57:04 by Tex2002ans »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2863 on: 2016-07-23 20:41:31 »
Yeah, there is inconsistency with Cait, but it's deliberate.  The use of one 'gawn' is to place it into people's minds that he is Scottish. If I used gawn for all goin', it would be very jarring.  I toned down the Scottish dialect a lot for the sanity of everyone, and so sometimes you will see aw and sometimes all.  Depends on how I felt it sounded in text.  Some words are ALWAYS used like 'tae' (which is why into is definitely incorrect).  I think the 'already' one needs to change, though, and so does the 'been'.

But bottom line I tried not to overdo the Scottish dialect - and Prince Lex discussed how strong I needed it.  It would become an annoyance to have a strong true dialect, rather than its intended purpose - making Cait unique, and making sense of the scene with Heidegger/Scarlet.

Also, I saw your edits and edited ages ago to respond to them ;)

Thanks for those!
« Last Edit: 2016-07-23 22:44:55 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2864 on: 2016-07-24 10:41:04 »
Hopefully someone finally fixed the mistranslation of North Pole into Knoll's Pol.  Knowlespole was one of the most famous mistranslations in the original US version, i'm rather surprised it was mistranslated twice.  Also I hope in the next version I can finally play it without needing to run the game exclusively on disk 3.
The Japanese kana is difficult to decipher, but it certainly isn't "North" or "Pole". The likelihood is that Knoll's Pol is correct to a high degree of certainty.  That would place the literal meaning as "Pole at the mountain top / Mountain's Pole"  - which is precisely the correct location.  it may even be a reference to 

But the point is the Cetra called the location a geographical north "Pole" [Pol is what the kana is and is very likely from a non-English language, designed to make the place sound more foreign - since this is the Cetra who named it] on a mountain.  It not only fits the kana perfectly, but also the logical location in-game. The Great Glacier is a mountain - and the whole region is a mountainous area. 

In other words, we didn't mistranslate it. North Pole would be a 100% inaccurate translation (doesn't match the kana at all) - and Knoll's Pol has a very good chance of being the exact intended name.

You see, the issue is this:

ノース (Noosu)  North.  FF7 uses ノルズ (noruzu) 

You can already see that the kana is different.  It's of course entirely possible that they took the English and mangled it (the argument against that is how different the kana is).  As in, the actual name is based on North, but different to give a uniqueness to the Cetra's name for it. If that's the case, Knoll's (or Knolls') would be incorrect, even though it matches the kana they've used; and a better localization would be something close to North Pole, like Nordpol.  Something that allows an English person to see a North Pole influence, while not being the actual English. In either case, the Japanese writers made it clear that they definitely do not want North as a 1:1.  And I have to go with likelihoods that Knoll's  is what they meant.

Similarly, Pole is ポール and not ポル.

The reason it ended up Knowlespole in the original game is because Baskett was clever enough to see that it was too different to be North Pole - and so he conjured something up.

< From another forum.  I'm just clearing up our use of "Knoll's Pol".
« Last Edit: 2016-07-24 13:42:22 by DLPB »

Ver Greeneyes

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2865 on: 2016-07-24 12:30:42 »
[Pol is what the kana is and is very likely from a non-English language, designed to make the place sound more foreign - since this is the Cetra who named it]

FWIW, pol doesn't mean "pole" in all the languages on that page (for instance in Dutch, it means a clump of plants growing together). The languages in which it does mean "pole" are Catalan, Danish, Irish, Norwegian (both), Serbo-Croatian and Swedish.

What I find a bit odd about "Knoll's Pol" is the possessive apostrophe. In Danish, for instance, the genitive ending would simply be "Knolls Pol". Оf course, "Knoll" is the English word, but it seems odd to me to use an English word for the first part, a non-English word for the 2nd, and use the English possessive apostrophe. Something like "Nordpol" would avoid that problem, but is perhaps harder to justify as you said.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-24 12:38:48 by Ver Greeneyes »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2866 on: 2016-07-24 13:21:59 »
There is no way to tell. The only two possibilities are that this is meant to be a deliberate alteration of North Pole (or North Pole in another language) - or Knoll's Pol (pole) meaning "Pole on a mountain". 

If it's the former, then Nordpol would be a very good localization.

Edit.  It really is impossible to tell, because Knoll's fits the kana - and the meaning seems to work well - but at the same time, it could be a variation of North Pole.  I'll see which Luksy finds more likely:

Knoll's Pol (The reference being a Pole on a mountain/mound)  or a variation of North Pole (I'd opt for Nord Pol, which is also German for North Pole).
« Last Edit: 2016-07-24 13:53:14 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2867 on: 2016-07-24 14:12:47 »
Actually, after all that - THIS is what it is:

matches the kana...

The kana uses "zu" simply because it isn't the English word North, it's the Old English / Norse.

Nord Pol.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-24 14:45:28 by DLPB »

Ver Greeneyes

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2868 on: 2016-07-24 14:40:54 »
Cool, that does seem plausible :) Not "Nordpol" though? That's the actual German word, and many of the languages this may have been based on are agglutinative (though most of the languages where "pol" means "pole" have the actual word as "nordpolen", it seems).


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2869 on: 2016-07-24 14:44:24 »
Hmm so german doesn't separate the words?

You're right. Nordpol it is.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-24 14:46:39 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2870 on: 2016-07-24 14:47:40 »
Here are a few potential things I ran across today:


"Whadda you" -> "Whaddya".

There are 5 other cases where Cid says "whaddya":


***Whadda*** you guys up to?”

I think in this case, "them" -> "’em" would work better:


  It’s one of ***them*** freak Weapons!!”{NEW}
“Of all the times to show up!”

Some Cid Word List Stats:
  • 13 "’em" + 4 "them"

Cait Sith

Cait Sith only says 1 "with" + 12 "wi’":


“Rufus wants tae defeat
  Sephiroth ***with*** it.”
1 "My" -> 8 "Mah":


“Gil! The gil!
  ***My*** gil is missin’!”

"until" -> "’til":


“But the reactors create channels
  where the energy leaves the ground.”{NEW}
“Once those are open,they cannae
  be plugged ***until*** the flow runs dry.”

2 "dae ye" -> 3 "d’ye":

[yougan.txt] + [yougan3.txt]

“This one?
  What ***dae ye*** mean ‘This one’?”{NEW}
“Got a guilty conscience
  fer somethin’ else,aye!?”

Some Cait Sith Word List Stats:
  • 3 "c’moan" + 3 "come oan".
  • 33 "o’" + 3 "of"


"taking" -> "takin’":


“At first,it was revenge
  against Shin-Ra for ***taking***
  my hometown from me.”{NEW}
“But now…”{NEW}
“Yeah,I’m fightin’ for Marin.”{NEW}
“For Marin…
  For Marin’s future.”{NEW}
“Yeah… I guess I’m doin’
  all this for her sake.”

This one could potentially be changed from:

"apologize" -> "’pologize"

There was one other time that was used in the text (the only other time Barret said any form of "apologize"), and it might work well here too:


“You got nothin’ to ***apologize*** for.
  We’ll come back an’ check on ya.”

I think it would fit well with the rest of his dialect.

Yeah, there is inconsistency with Cait, but it's deliberate.  The use of one 'gawn' is to place it into people's minds that he is Scottish. If I used gawn for all goin', it would be very jarring.

Then I would argue to change that "gawn" into "goin'". There are already so many other "Scottish" words being used—plus every other usage throughout the entire game Cait Sith says "goin'"!

I toned down the Scottish dialect a lot for the sanity of everyone, and so sometimes you will see aw and sometimes all.  Depends on how I felt it sounded in text.  Some words are ALWAYS used like 'tae' (which is why into is definitely incorrect).

Heh. I would think this Scottish is  already pretty in your face throughout all of his dialogue. I will have to take a closer look at the "aw" and "all" usages specifically. I guess that is why I am partially trying to post the # of usages. Saves me work later on when trying to take closer looks at some potential mismatches/oddities. :)

But bottom line I tried not to overdo the Scottish dialect - and Prince Lex discussed how strong I needed it.  It would become an annoyance to have a strong true dialect, rather than its intended purpose - making Cait unique, and making sense of the scene with Heidegger/Scarlet.

I agree completely.

And were these discussions somewhere on the boards (maybe in the old Beacause topic?)? Or was this something discussed via PM? I would be interested in reading the explanation/reasoning/levels being discussed.

I must admit, I haven't read through the entire old Beacause thread yet. :P I typically try to do my research before posting!


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2871 on: 2016-07-24 14:59:55 »
Thanks :)

I'm happy with all of those, except "My" and "Until" for cait. I'm aware of the issue with Cid / Barrett not always using the same words - but if you take this example:

“At first,it was revenge
  against Shin-Ra for ***taking***
  my hometown from me.”{NEW}

< I deliberately left "taking" intact here because it's a very serious dialogue and I thought him using a full word had more impact. I did actually think about that as I used the full word :)  Plus I don't want every single character using the same words all the time in every dialogue.  I've allowed for some flexibility.  But keep bringing this stuff up, because it's helping and the "My" by cait is a mistake.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-24 15:24:37 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2872 on: 2016-07-24 19:19:07 »
While it's correct to write Nordpol, I would write Nord-Pol or Nord Pol. Because I assume that the double meaning is intended. It refers to the most northern point on the map and also to the great mountain at that point. That's why I would separate the words to have double meaning of Pol intact and making it more noticeable.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2873 on: 2016-07-24 22:02:23 »
Yeah, but that's just a style choice.  The German word is joined - and the Japanese could easily have intended the same.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods - The Reunion (R04c)
« Reply #2874 on: 2016-07-25 04:31:52 »
Plus I don't want every single character using the same words all the time in every dialogue.

Exactly! Just like when you are writing Fiction, you want each character to have their own voice (using certain words/sayings, have certain levels of intelligence, etc. etc.), and not merge into one unforgettable blob.

You want them to be unique, such as:
  • Yuffie is the only character who says "gawd" (7 times) + from a quick look, she seems to be the only one who drags some words: "c'moooon" + "boooooring".
  • Barret/Cid are the only main characters who say "whaddya" + they like cuttin' their "ing"s.
  • Cait Sith wi' his Sco'ish accent.

Earlier this morning I split each main character's dialogue so I could get individualized Word Lists. This is how I spotted some of those inconsistencies. I will probably do a few more broad passes like this before drilling down into the real nitty gritty. :)

I find it also helps you spot errors when you rip apart the text and visualize it in multiple different forms.

< I deliberately left "taking" intact here because it's a very serious dialogue and I thought him using a full word had more impact. I did actually think about that as I used the full word :)

I was thinkin' the same thing before I posted, and I could see the reasoning. I had the same exact thoughts runnin' through my head when looking at the places where Cid said "them" <-> "'em".

I will have to gather more stats/evidence in the more nitty gritty phases... I believe you will learn to see my ways! :P

"{PURPLE}♥{WHITE}" occurred 63 times total. 61 of those were placed DIRECTLY after the punctuation. Only these 2 had an extra space before. I have no idea if this extra space changes the actual display in game.


#xy 172 64
“Okay,okay.***{PURPLE} ♥{WHITE}***
  (You moody thing…){NEW}
“Come on,everyone’s waiting.”
{CHOICE}What the hell am I doing?


#xy 188 72
“So,shall we begin?*** {PURPLE}♥{WHITE}***”{NEW}
  did you choose this room
“…you’re feeling lonely?”
{CHOICE}I’m used to it
{CHOICE}I don’t want to talk