Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3212577 times)


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Sorry, your database's color coding was kind of confusing. I took green to mean that they were fixed in the current release and didn't look closely enough to see they're fixed in an upcoming release and not the current one. You might be able to save future annoyance if you make that a little more clear in the spreadsheet. Sorry once again, and thank you for your hard work.

It has a status column that tells you exactly where it's fixed.  Changing the colour won't make much difference.

I can't be any clearer than

"Status: Fixed in R06b"  The colour change is so I can keep track of what I have fixed.  :)
« Last Edit: 2020-01-08 03:03:39 by DLPB »


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It has a status column that tells you exactly where it's fixed.  Changing the colour won't make much difference.

I can't be any clearer than

"Status: Fixed in R06b"  The colour change is so I can keep track of what I have fixed.  :)

Once again, I'm sorry, I'm sightly dyslexic so it can be hard for me to see a lot of small text and figure out what I'm looking at. It's easier for me to parse color coding and shapes. I just feel bad that you get enough people confused about what they're looking at that you have to delete replies regularly. Maybe someone can volunteer to help make a simpler information status chart for people like me who have trouble with reading lots of text for you with future releases, especially since this mod is so well-made and nearly professionally made and constructed.


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Not a bug per say. I looked through the Reunion database and couldn't really find mention of specific scene's translations. But, I've been fiddling around testing various features of the mod - and if you use the "Use original names" option. Marlene is still Marin in 7th Heaven Bar. However, during the sequence after the Sector 7 Plate Collapses Barret shouts at the rubble and says "Marlene!" whilst shooting. I am not sure if this already known, or whether it is a problem with Beacause or with the "use original names" option.. Just thought I'd drop it here. Hope it helps :).

PS: I hope this was clear. And sorry for not having specific scene IDs. Also I am only using Reunion on a base and blank install of Steam.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-08 07:39:27 by Mendelevium »


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Definitely shouldn't be - but I did change something recently to fix another issue where her name is concerned.  Are other names altered?  I'll test later.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-08 07:53:12 by DLPB »


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As of getting to Fort Condor, all characters names have been as they were in the default game with the "use original names" option ticked on. Marlene/Marin has been the only oddity so far. I'll keep you informed as I do another run through. The options and documentation suggests some names were not reverted, so I initially thought it had to do with that.

Anything you'd want me to keep an eye out for specifically during my playthrough? :)
« Last Edit: 2020-01-08 17:18:55 by Mendelevium »


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@Mendelevium Thanks. -- Any bugs  - especially crashes.  As soon as a crash occurs, please send me app.log and save file.

I suggest also waiting for R06b - which will be out by Monday.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-09 03:45:38 by DLPB »


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Are the sound effects supposed to be the same as the base game? Or did you edit some?

The first weapon shop in Junon for example, when you walk through the blue beam makes a confirmation sound effect rather than a bell like in the base game. Sometimes it makes no sound effect at all, but I haven't been able to replicate that once I went to record it.


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I edited all of them and all should be 100% correct. That bell changes sound because it breaks once Sapphire Weapon attacks.


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Ah if that is the reason, then sorry to waste your time. 


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Should have R06b out on Monday.  Everything's looking good.  Luksy has helped sort out a problem in ffmpeg and Charlie Beer is back proof checking.

Kaldarasha has supplied some new models and also fixed up the issue at the Temple.

Gonna try to rattle these two off:

21-Nov-2019   DLPB   Core   FF7 logo does not hold on screen after the opening credits.
20-Nov-2019   DLPB   Core (Modding framework)   Items will not be correct by alphabetical order in the menu when their names are changed.   
« Last Edit: 2020-01-10 06:53:11 by DLPB »


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This is an apology to you all about the way I conduct myself on this thread and in general.  I do have a low tolerance to people not doing some of the work themselves, but in no way does that give me the right to be aggressive or so intolerant. I need to step back when I get irritated rather than immediately react.

Some people are actually being rude (a minority) and I'll probably continue to respond to those types in kind - but I'll be reforming my general approach and stop being a nob head.  It's not who I am.



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I appreciate your apology, even though I can see why you react the way you do to a lot of people. I still think it's very big of you to have the ability to be introspective enough to apologise for behavior you aren't proud of. So I applaud you for that ^_^.

That being said, I have come to post another bug I've come across.

So I'm in Junon, Disc 1 and I go to the tunnel with the alarm (the one leading to the under water mako reactor), I turn on the alarm and start killing enemies. The only enemies that show up are "Death Machine" and "Slalom". Every now and then I get a crash at the battle swirl. It boots me to the desktop with the launcher up, without a crash.dmp. This has also happened on the worldmap surrounding Junon. I've got the crash to occur twice in that tunnel though, only once on the worldmap surrounding Junon.

I found this on the database:
"Game crashes when a random battle is initiated against the following enemies: Mu, Trickplay, Hammer Blaster, and X-Cannon. Please delete files DADA, HRDA, CCDA, and JCDA from The_Reunion\BASE\60i\battle."

I wonder if it is the same vein, because I am using the 60fps mod. And the crashing doesn't seem to happen when I turn the mod off, but because the crash has been happening randomly I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause.

Here are the files I could gather (save, app.log, and reunion.log)
I wonder why no crash.dmp was generated? It never generates though, only a boot to desktop with the launcher up.

Also, I am on Window 10, and my CPU is an Intel Core i5-8400 @ 2.80GHz. I don't think it is a performance issue, but for completionism sake :).

« Last Edit: 2020-01-11 13:18:07 by Mendelevium »


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I assume you've also deleted those files, are using Hotfix 6, and retested?


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I am using hotfix 6. I removed the files now. But, the files weren't removed as of posting the report. Now I am seeing that was probably silly of me. My mind said "Mu, Trickplay, Hammer Blaster, and X-Cannon" aren't the ones spawning here, so perhaps more enemies that cause the bug. Testing now.


Can confirm I still get a soft crash when grinding monsters in that hallway, even with the files removed.

Should have said in original post. The exact screen is "Junon, Passage".
« Last Edit: 2020-01-11 15:55:34 by Mendelevium »


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hello all, I apologize, but I am a FF7 modding newb

I previously had satsuke's full mod with kalderasha's models both working in 7th heaven, but now i've decided i want to play with the reunion mod, so i am downloading the game over and starting the process over, when i install from steam (i have steam version) do i need to run the non-7h version of gameconverter before i run reunion06?


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No R06 has its own conversion.


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No R06 has its own conversion.


now i have a fresh installed game, installed r06, but now am confused on how to start the game, i no longer have ff7.exe, just ff7_en.exe and ff7_launcher.exe (both try to run the game through steam)

any clue on what i am missing and/or doing wrong?


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also, i dont seem to have a mods folder, will a texture mod need to be unpacked in the folder ...The_Reunion/SavedTextures/ folder?  this is the part that 7th heaven made easy

btw my game is installed to E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VII  and inside that folder is where there is no FF7.exe nor mods folder


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With my Reunion install, I just play it through the Steam launcher, and it works. Also don't forget to install the hotfix. :)
« Last Edit: 2020-01-11 18:41:48 by Mendelevium »


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@Mendelevium  it's unrelated and I can't replicate.  Likely some sort of issue that's gonna be very difficult to spot without the crash handler kicking in.

And for some reason it's not always kicking in.


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Thank you for looking into it. I'll let you know if it ever produces a crash.dmp. Sorry for the vagueness of it. Perhaps I'll try a fresh install of the game, mod, and hotfix and see if the crash occurs in that scenario with the same save file.


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Hi DLPB, I just encountered a bug on the field where cloud blew up to cover most of the screen, but he was still controllable and invisible at his proper location (the location finger still worked).

Zoning to a different field screen always fixes it, and battle sometimes fixes it.

Only encountered it at this specific zone and reproduced it multiple times by changing fields repeatedly, hard to explain so I recorded a video, it happens at exactly the 2:57 mark, can only see it for a few seconds because unfortunately a battle triggered and fixed it:

Here is logs and save file:


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This was a known issue with the original game that I fixed with New Translation option (as that's got my own specific fixes).  I can't read your log as I'm in work.  Are you using New Translation?  If not, I'm afraid it's one of the many bugs you'll have when not using the translation option ;)

It's always worth making sure the bug doesn't happen when Reunion is disabled - because many bugs existed with the original game.  See Reunion Database field bugs tab for more info.  In this case:

mtcrl_3   Cloud's model can be seen briefly on screen load at Game Progress 448 and 451.   ?   tonysonico   DLPB   R06

Though to be honest... this does look like a separate mess up.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-12 13:17:11 by DLPB »


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i finally got satsuke's mod and kalderasha's mod to work with r06

its already been mentioned that marlene has been changed to marin, not that big of a deal, but now
i just noticed that Reno has been renamed Leno for some reason, i have Jay Leno's son out to kill me and kidnap aeris, lmao.... please help

also i would love to help work with the translation, there are way more dialogue you fix and give clarity to, there are also a couple of things made worse IMO
by a weird word choice, for instance "spare me the speeches" is a quote from cloud at the beginning instead of "spare me the lecture"... i've never in my life heard
anyone say "spare me the speeches", whereas the latter is quite common and sounds way better

seriously, though, great job dan, i got to the "this guy are sick" part and that part no longer makes me cringe, since its fixed!


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