Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3086440 times)


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That took a long time to finalize.  Had to figure out a lot of stuff to make my own module run at the end and get FMV to loop and free and so on. But it's done.

Next, I'll record a starfield FMV.

Code: [Select]
it sets looping flag based on movie ID - for example >

cmp dword ptr [ebp+0C],14
je 0040B035
cmp dword ptr [ebp+0C],15
je 0040B035
cmp dword ptr [ebp+0C],17
je 0040B035
cmp dword ptr [ebp+0C],1C
jne 0040B04B
mov [ebp-00000208],00000001

Where 14, 15, 17, 1C are movie IDs.  (15 is one of the last fmvs)  - course it also checks the disk too.  2A is also looped from code above it.

The value is then ebp+c  in prepare movie function.
2A is disc 2 - very likely the water screen FMV.  All others are disc 3.
Anyway that concludes that
ultimately 9a0e20 is the looping flag when everything is processed
« Last Edit: 2020-01-25 11:01:42 by DLPB »


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That's great, I had actually forgotten that the starfield was in the game until you mentioned it. Brings back memories of how I felt after my first playthrough.

Also can I just say, well done on fixing Gongaga! Those fields always confused me, it makes so much more sense now.

Reunion is well on it's way to becoming the definitive version of FF7.


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DynamixDJ was the one who brought that to my attention :)


It's a bad port, Dan.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-25 11:31:47 by DLPB »


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Confirmed this only happens when New Translation is enabled:

In Cosmo Canyon, Barrett is standing in a room talking about how avalanche started. After the initial conversation, if you try to talk to him again, you can't. He just stands there and doesn't respond.

Here is the save (which is after the initial conversation):

Just load the first save and walk up the stairs and into the top room and try to talk to him.


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Isn't that normal?  I may have added that so you don't get repeated information.

Also things like

cosin1_1   Barrett can gain infinite Love Points.   Yes   Luksy   DLPB   R05

Is any dialogue missing?  If not, it's not a bug.  If you can't talk to a character and get the same information twice, that's not a bug, basically - it's a fix.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-26 04:36:20 by DLPB »


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Isn't that normal?  I may have added that so you don't get repeated information.

Well it's definitely not normal - it's inconsistent with every other NPC interaction in the game, which is why I raised it.


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He's not an NPC  - and more than that, he's just finished a long speech.  There's no bug there unless dialogue is missing.


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Awesome work DLPB!  :D


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Good job with the starfield! ;)

Reunion is becoming more and more of a "must-have" modification.


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Loving the R06!

Is there a way to the turbo/speed not be limited to the fps? If I enable vsync there's no change in battles if is already at 60fps, but if I disable vsync screen tearing is all over the place making the game almost unplayable. Can you make the vsync disable when you activate the turbo and re-enable when it is deactivated? If not, can you suggest any other way/program to make this functional? Tried with cheat engine, but it's still limited by vsync.

As a suggestion, you could make the turbo/speed as a toggle on and off and the velocity (2x,4x,8x) set on the .ini. When using this feature a lot, now you have to circle through the options to disable and it would be much simpler as an on/off option.

Can something be done to use the triggers on a xinput as L2/R2?


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I'll see what can be done


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Hello! I made an account here just to say Thank You So Much for all the work you have put into making this incredible mod / upgrade. My fiancee has never seen FF7 before, and I've been playing with Reunion + Remako mods so she can have the best visual and narrative experience possible. It's a truly awesome way to first experience the game, and it wouldn't be possible without everything you've done. She and I both are as grateful as can be!

I have of course run into some of the peculiarities that others have already mentioned (most recently the Group Room stuck character in Wall Market), as well as some others that might be all my own (I can't get any Turbo / Speed Multiplier or Default Run to work, for instance - possibly side effects of Remako? If anyone else has info on it I'm certainly curious). I have also spent time reading through the thread (sweet job fixing up the ending starfield scene!) and the Google Spreadsheet detailing all the bugs and fixes, and it makes me excited for R06b's release since it looks like it'll contain most of the fixes everyone has noted so far.

On that - has R06b been released and we just missed / overlooked it, or is it just still work-in-progress? If we didn't simply miss the release, were you projecting any specific release date? We know greatness takes time, and we certainly are patient and capable of waiting for your polished work. We're both eager to play and appreciative to have the opportunity to enjoy FF7 in the best form it's ever been presented. Seriously, thanks again!


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There's no way to do it, sadly.  Vsync can't be toggled. TrueOdin is looking into that but it doesn't seem to be the case.

So for now, options:

1. Get a monitor that has a high refresh rate so vsync will cap higher
2. Disable vsync.  It's not so bad in full screen mode?


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Thanks :)

You'll know when R06b is released because this thread will be updated.  You won't be able to miss it.


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There's no way to do it, sadly.  Vsync can't be toggled. TrueOdin is looking into that but it doesn't seem to be the case.

So for now, options:

1. Get a monitor that has a high refresh rate so vsync will cap higher
2. Disable vsync.  It's not so bad in full screen mode?

I'm playing on a TV, so that's a limitation, and yes it's that bad even on full screen. Sometimes looks ok, but suddenly there's screen tearing on the middle of screen.

Even so, thanks a lot for the fast response and for looking into it.


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Is your monitor refresh rate 60 hz or a multiple of it?


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60 hz


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I'm trying to fix

30.Jan.2020   NotAkam   Core   Yuffie's Blood Sacrifice / Bloodfest Limit break can crash the game and cause audio to cut out.   

before releasing R06b.

Code: [Select]
5256.SetVolume [Channel 42, Volume 127]
5256.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 42, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5256.SetVolume [Channel 43, Volume 127]
5256.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 43, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5276.SetVolume [Channel 46, Volume 127]
5276.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 46, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5276.SetVolume [Channel 47, Volume 127]
5276.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 47, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5312.SetVolume [Channel 50, Volume 127]
5312.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 50, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5312.SetVolume [Channel 51, Volume 127]
5312.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 51, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5340.SetVolume [Channel 54, Volume 127]
5340.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 54, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5340.SetVolume [Channel 55, Volume 127]
5340.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 55, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5384.SetVolume [Channel 58, Volume 127]
5384.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 58, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5384.SetVolume [Channel 59, Volume 127]
5384.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 59, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5408.SetVolume [Channel 62, Volume 127]
5408.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 62, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5408.SetVolume [Channel 63, Volume 127]
5408.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 63, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5452.SetVolume [Channel 66, Volume 127]
5452.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 66, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5452.SetVolume [Channel 67, Volume 127]
5452.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 67, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5508.SetVolume [Channel 70, Volume 127]
5508.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 70, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5508.SetVolume [Channel 71, Volume 127]
5508.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 71, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5540.SetVolume [Channel 74, Volume 127]
5540.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 74, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5540.SetVolume [Channel 75, Volume 127]
5540.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 75, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5588.SetVolume [Channel 78, Volume 127]
5588.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 78, Balance 64, Effect: 345]
5588.SetVolume [Channel 79, Volume 127]
5588.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 79, Balance 64, Effect: 322]
5824.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 11, Balance 64, Effect: 103]
6360.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 11, Balance 64, Effect: 103]
6884.SetMemoryEffect [Channel 11, Balance 64, Effect: 103]

Channel 79!??  That's suspicious.  This is related to the audio entirely.

--fixed it.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-03 18:07:47 by DLPB »


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 I noticed that if I disable The Reunion, the game no longer sees my save file, until I re-enable it again. Is this normal? If so, does this mean that cloud saves don't work? If cloud saves don't work, where is the save file located so I can back it up myself?


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The save is in the application directory under a save folder. So assuming you're using steam it's going to be under .../Steam/.../common/FINAL FANTASY VII/save. Up one level from where Options.ini is, since you're presumably editing that to turn it on/off.

They absolutely use separate sets of saves and this one won't be cloud backed up, I assume Reunion expects them in a different format (granted I haven't tried plopping in a vanilla save to see what happens).
« Last Edit: 2020-02-06 08:59:14 by Zaeri »


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I noticed that if I disable The Reunion, the game no longer sees my save file, until I re-enable it again. Is this normal? If so, does this mean that cloud saves don't work? If cloud saves don't work, where is the save file located so I can back it up myself?

I discovered the same thing, but quickly found that it's just because Reunion's save directory is different from Steam's by default. While Reunion's directory is in its own folder as mentioned above, I found Steam's save files for FF7 in my Documents folder, I believe in a "Square Enix" -> "Final Fantasy VII" folder. The saves can be dragged and dropped between the 2 folders (and even renamed to a different save "slot" filename to avoid overwriting anything between the two). That's what I did to move my Vanilla save to Reunion and it worked fine.


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This is a problem because the team that worked on Steam version are brain dead.  They changed Save location and if you copy the saves across to that location, they will be deleted if a checksum fails  - which it will - UNLESS you resave from the Steam version (i..e with Reunion disabled).


1. Disable reunion
2. Copy save across to Steam save location
3. Open steam version
4.  Open save and then resave immediately.

If anyone has any idea how to make this more painless or remove this insane behaviour, let me know. Best person to ask would be Sithlord?

Also, why would anyone want Cloud support for this game.  Which tit made that happen?


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Also, why would anyone want Cloud support for this game.  Which tit made that happen?
Because cloud.  Everything's better in the cloud, and the cloud will solve all your problems.  It'll solve world hunger, cure erectile dysfunction, and enable warp travel.  C'mon, get with the game!


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The save is in the application directory under a save folder. So assuming you're using steam it's going to be under .../Steam/.../common/FINAL FANTASY VII/save. Up one level from where Options.ini is, since you're presumably editing that to turn it on/off.

They absolutely use separate sets of saves and this one won't be cloud backed up, I assume Reunion expects them in a different format (granted I haven't tried plopping in a vanilla save to see what happens).

This is a problem because the team that worked on Steam version are brain dead.  They changed Save location and if you copy the saves across to that location, they will be deleted if a checksum fails  - which it will - UNLESS you resave from the Steam version (i..e with Reunion disabled).


1. Disable reunion
2. Copy save across to Steam save location
3. Open steam version
4.  Open save and then resave immediately.

If anyone has any idea how to make this more painless or remove this insane behaviour, let me know. Best person to ask would be Sithlord?

Also, why would anyone want Cloud support for this game.  Which tit made that happen?

Ah thanks for the explanation. Was interested in cloud saves because I would've liked to continue my save from a different PC that I have the game installed on. Also in case anything ever happened to my PC or drive or whatever, having it backed up is nice. Nothing that just transferring or backing up manually wouldn't solve, but having the saves automatically backed up/sync'd is nice.