because he deleted ff7input. see the help file.
ahh, i see
Honestly, I have no idea what's causing that issue but first stop is to go into ff7 submenu and make sure every key and control is set manually again. See what happens. The steam setting shouldn't be able to do anything because reunion doesn't use steam code at all.
steam ALWAYS gets a few hooks into the game when launched through it (steam overlay and controller mapping)
it even does this with non-steam games launched through it if you choose to do so
i'm starting to doubt the controller thing is the problem as well, but the people that reported the problem aren't trying the suggested solutions and reporting back
In my case, I use Steam to provide keyboard-emulation for FF7, so I can use my XBox controller. [I've configured FF7 as a Non-Steam application so Steam can launch it for me] I don't have any other games that I use this functionality for. I have the d-pad and buttons configured for Keyboard actions, and both sticks set to NONE.
Disclaimer - I haven't actually installed/played R06d yet, so my experiences may or may not be applicable to the currently most recent build.
this is almost exactly what i do, and it does indeed work with r06d
the only difference is i dont have ff7 configured as non-steam game, and also before i checkmarked the option in my screenshot on the previous page, the dpad wouldnt work and the OK button would register twice
but i just left FF7 in the steam folder and in the steam library like normal and everything works like it should
so what's best solution? reunion doesn't use steam so how's it affecting game? is it a case of setting steam controller to none? if so, is that for ff7 alone?
you can edit settings and have different controller mappings for each game, so yes, you can set all steam buttons to do nothing and ONLY do this for FF7 if you want
IMO the solution i provided is the best, map with steam and ignore everything from the game and reunion - this will make sure you arent getting interference between controller mappers
but you could also go into steam and make all buttons none for ff7 and just use the game mapper