Hi again,
thank you for answering, Sega Chief. If you are interested, I noticed more things and / or some I forgot to mention on my last post:
Dialogue again:In Wutai, in front of the Pagoda, there is a man who looks like Gorkii - he explains the pagoda to Cloud. He mentions that the guardians are "Power, Speed, Magic, War and Omni". However, when climbing the Pagoda, Power is actually "Defense", and War is "Weapons".
I also wanted to report inconsistencies in Gorkii's name - but after beating Godo, more names, even wackier ones were used for him, so now I'm pretty sure that it's an intended joke.
I would kind of agree that every dialogue-related thing I brought up so far was nitpicking. But this one line during Yuffie's Gold Saucer date is the first one which I really think ruined character developement (kind of). Now we all know Yuffie is not the most honorable person. I can kind of understand the "Who the hell is Marlene" thing, maybe that naver came up so she really might not know about her. But her line after Cait Sith handed over the Keystone really is out of character, if you ask me:
"So you sold us out to Shinra -
There goes my exit plan"
And I'm gonna tell you why I think so:
Yuffie is after the party's materia. She needs it to avenge her hometown ergo fighing Shinra. Eventually she also learns that the main party is doing "the right thing" (at least the fighting Shinra part) - this is revealed when she and Godo are arguing in Godo's mansion. Then at the date she kisses Cloud, and actually feels well doing so, after the gondola ride.
Given that information, how can she still think of selling out the party? Especially to Shinra!
Suggestions: If you are looking for some extra dialogue / text to put in some dungeons, I have some suggestions:
1) Tifa in the party when climbing Mt. Nibel: She can have a talk with Cloud on the bridge about that incident ("testing" Cloud again how much he knows about the bridge tearing 5 years ago, and maybe also some comments about falling over the bridge together about 10(?) years ago. Maybe also on that place where they landed 5 years ago (where the 2nd Shinra grunt was lost / died).
Also, returning to the place where Tifa's father got murdered with her in the party would be a possibility.
2) Tifa and/or Aeris in the party during the 2nd half (Corneo part) of the Wutai story. This is kind of self-explanatory.
Miscellaneous:Another one which was already flawed in vanilla: the Limit Breaks "Blood Fang" and "Dragon". They deal damage and suppose to drain the enemy's HP and MP. But the HP draining only works if the enemy has MP. And also, you can never drain/heal more HP than MP.
You hit a Spencer with Blood Fang, dealing over 1,000 damage. Spencers only have 30 MP. Red XIII will heal for 30 MP, but also only for 30 HP, which is a joke. As I said, on enemies with 0 MP, those limit breaks won't even heal for a single HP.
It would be great if you would be able to fix this.
I also like the new Items which were introduced, but the order is kind of messed up. What I mean: when sorting your Items, only one option makes sense (Type). In vanilla, it was pretty good, only the playe of the Eye Drops was messed up (it ended up somewhere in the middle of status infliction items). But most of the new items end up at the bottom (still above Equipment items, but underneath Tent, Greens, Nuts, Battery etc.), far away from other items with similar effects. I know what is causing this (those items were either dummies, or the useless items like Super Sweeper etc.) - but is there a way to change the order of "Type"?
I admit that this one is a rather minor issue though.
So the Cursed Ring grants more stats, but has a more devestating curse. As far as I noticed, restorative is neutralized, and if you look in the status menu, you'll see that you are also now immune to regen. But when using Aeris's "Planet Protector", it just said "Miss" on the cursed character, although it didn't say in the status that it also grants "immunity" to Barriers and Shield.
Another Wutai thing: according to your excel file (and proud clod as well), you can morph Chekhov into a Wizard Bracelet. But you can't, actually. Well at least I have not found a way to make Chekhov receive damage from Morph, as she is immune to physical damage. I tried to drain all her 999 MP away, that didn't break any sort of "protection", as well as casting Dispel. So you are just mocking us with that Wizard Bracelet, aren't you?

And last but not least: Can you please tell me what the Arrange mod does?
EDIT: Forgot another thing which I wanted to report in my first post, fml.
Howl Comb appearantely does not inflict Berserk at all, although the description says so.