Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 5006928 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2300 on: 2015-12-17 04:31:15 »
I actually can't remember either; I guess we'll never know :I

Unless somebody finds out :l

Oh okay no problem, was just curious if I screwed something up with 7th heaven and somehow got Reunion Beacause which I don't want, thank you for the quick responses :) and the awesome mod.

Edit: Okay so after reading some of the Reunion thread I see that he changed the dialogue with the Guardian Scorpion and changed the name of phoenix downs among other things which didn't change for me so it seems like I didn't screw anything up with the 7th heaven and other mods and it's just a pc script change or new threat change.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-17 04:42:31 by olearyf2525 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2301 on: 2015-12-19 05:56:23 »
Not that far into the mod, but really loving it so far, when I was on the way to the sector 5 bombing, I was thinking "if this guy is good he'll put something at the end of the train tracks maybe a chest or a new fight" sure enough got a hilarious fight :-p. I really liked how in the opening mission time was actually running short too, especially when I restarted and lost cloud during the Scorpion fight, which really made me escape with like 45 seconds left. I actually got worried when I got into a random battle with 1:20 or so left. Really great work so far the only thing is the tutorial area didn't tell me how often we get the level ups, is it every 5 levels, so like lvl 15 is the first? Or I'm  a bit confused on the sp level up system. Also I noticed a ton more dialogue changes, but they seem to be for the better and help clarify things, I also noticed some options which I'm guessing were skips but I didn't choose them. Really cool so far, I played the hardcore mod and I liked it too but it was more grinding/item management based, this seems more tactical than grindy but some item management too! :D

Edit: Oh I really like the touched up models too, I prefer the Chibi/originals style, I just wish they still had their mouths, it doesn't look weird when the camera is far away but when you walk right up to the camera it's pretty noticeable that slit/line for their mouths are gone.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-19 06:04:06 by olearyf2525 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2302 on: 2015-12-19 14:05:43 »
Found this while looking through the thread, looking for the hp fix/patch.

I'm still open to swapping Geo onto Cait and giving Aeris the MP regen again, but I'll need to get toward the end of this test run before I can be sure.

Necroquoting I know, but "do want". Although I'm just generally not a fan of using defend to absorb elements, as it doesn't seem all that useful once you reach endgame. :>

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2303 on: 2015-12-19 15:51:32 »
Not that far into the mod, but really loving it so far, when I was on the way to the sector 5 bombing, I was thinking "if this guy is good he'll put something at the end of the train tracks maybe a chest or a new fight" sure enough got a hilarious fight :-p. I really liked how in the opening mission time was actually running short too, especially when I restarted and lost cloud during the Scorpion fight, which really made me escape with like 45 seconds left. I actually got worried when I got into a random battle with 1:20 or so left. Really great work so far the only thing is the tutorial area didn't tell me how often we get the level ups, is it every 5 levels, so like lvl 15 is the first? Or I'm  a bit confused on the sp level up system. Also I noticed a ton more dialogue changes, but they seem to be for the better and help clarify things, I also noticed some options which I'm guessing were skips but I didn't choose them. Really cool so far, I played the hardcore mod and I liked it too but it was more grinding/item management based, this seems more tactical than grindy but some item management too! :D

Edit: Oh I really like the touched up models too, I prefer the Chibi/originals style, I just wish they still had their mouths, it doesn't look weird when the camera is far away but when you walk right up to the camera it's pretty noticeable that slit/line for their mouths are gone.

I'll improve the explanation for SP in the new version. The way it works is that whenever you defeat a boss (in 1.4 this will also include random enemies with a higher level than your party) your characters gain SP. When they have enough SP, they can buy one of 3 sets of sources to improve their stats (increased to 4 sets to choose from in 1.4). This lets you develop each character's stats in different ways. The maximum times you can do this per character is 8 (to stop stats being capped out).

Kalderasha made that model set; I added some tweaks after he donated them. I decided to remove all the mouth textures for a PS1-style, but after 1.4's release I'll see if I've still got my old files kicking around to make a special char.lgp for you that has those textures added back in.

Found this while looking through the thread, looking for the hp fix/patch.

Necroquoting I know, but "do want". Although I'm just generally not a fan of using defend to absorb elements, as it doesn't seem all that useful once you reach endgame. :>

I'll make sure it's useful end-game D:


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2304 on: 2015-12-21 15:53:04 »
I'll improve the explanation for SP in the new version. The way it works is that whenever you defeat a boss (in 1.4 this will also include random enemies with a higher level than your party) your characters gain SP. When they have enough SP, they can buy one of 3 sets of sources to improve their stats (increased to 4 sets to choose from in 1.4). This lets you develop each character's stats in different ways. The maximum times you can do this per character is 8 (to stop stats being capped out).

One thing I can think that needs improvement on this is to let us look at our characters stats before we select what set to use. A lot of times I forget to check my stats before hand.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2305 on: 2015-12-21 17:17:50 »
One thing I can think that needs improvement on this is to let us look at our characters stats before we select what set to use. A lot of times I forget to check my stats before hand.

Good idea; I'll add an option to check the Menu so you can see the character's stats before picking a source-set.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2306 on: 2015-12-21 18:52:57 »
Good idea; I'll add an option to check the Menu so you can see the character's stats before picking a source-set.

On that note, would it be possible to have the option to see what sets you've chosen previously? I've been keeping track using a note on my phone but in game would be easier :v

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2307 on: 2015-12-21 22:16:52 »
Should be able to, I'll need to figure out an efficient way to track them that doesn't use too many variables.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2308 on: 2015-12-22 09:10:06 »
I'll improve the explanation for SP in the new version. The way it works is that whenever you defeat a boss (in 1.4 this will also include random enemies with a higher level than your party) your characters gain SP. When they have enough SP, they can buy one of 3 sets of sources to improve their stats (increased to 4 sets to choose from in 1.4). This lets you develop each character's stats in different ways. The maximum times you can do this per character is 8 (to stop stats being capped out).

Kalderasha made that model set; I added some tweaks after he donated them. I decided to remove all the mouth textures for a PS1-style, but after 1.4's release I'll see if I've still got my old files kicking around to make a special char.lgp for you that has those textures added back in.
Thank you Sega Chief


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2309 on: 2015-12-22 18:58:45 »
When 1.4 comes out, can we just run the setup and install it over the version of 3.5 we are running now or will we need a fresh version of FFVII?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2310 on: 2015-12-22 20:11:40 »
It should just patch right over the top of the old one.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2311 on: 2015-12-22 22:08:54 »
Would you ever consider making a difficulty mod for ff8? I know there is a bunch of texture mods which I downloaded, but I would really enjoy something that balanced junctioning and battles in general a bit better.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2312 on: 2015-12-23 06:30:46 »
Yeah, I think FF8 could really flourish if the right adjustments could be made to it's various systems. Shard seems to be working on a tool that can better translate the field script which would be a big step toward making custom scripts like NT has. On the battle side of things, people have been working towards deciphering the battle system a bit more thoroughly which might pay off for an enemy/formation editor. I guess what we'd need as well is some kind of way to adjust Junction bonuses but I think someone has done that already.

So my checklist for starting an FF8 mod project would be:
-) A way to adjust Junction bonuses from various magics.

-) A way to change the item type and quantity given by Card Mod; being able to do this would let us better control high level Magic while also keeping Card Mod available from early on in the game (they don't take into account that rare cards which morph into 100x of a high level item are farmable to an extent as they reappear after refining in the Card Queen's deck).

-) A method to either remove level-scaling from enemies or to impose level caps on weaker enemies to restrict EXP and access to high level spells. I'd also need to change the items gained from those enemies, and the spells they have for Draw; if level-scaling is unfeasible then I could rebalance around that at least; the idea would be to keep things limited to what is useful at that stage of the game and keep high-end stuff restricted until later, to encourage the player to push on rather than grind.

-) A field editor that can adjust the spells gained from Draw Points, the items found on the field, and/or adjust the level of enemy encounters (if the level is set through the field; just covering all the bases).

-) Some unknown measure for bringing Limit Breaks in check. This is a big problem that I can see causing a lot of headaches in any mod due to how powerful and easily abused they are. Even if you set the danger/crisis criteria right down to the edge, the usual method of abusing it would still work due to the really low HP that party members revive with from using a Phoenix Down. The base power and effects of the Limits would need to be changed, though some like Rinoa's Angel Wing are still going to cause problems (you can empty her magic list so she only has Meteor and then rain merry hell down on enemies with it). There'd need to be a fair bit of brainstorming to come up with a working solution to all the Limits.

I think with those five things in place you could set something up that's nicely paced with a little work and experimentation. Maybe when this update is done and the dust settles, I'll start dabbling with the FF8 tools ._.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2313 on: 2015-12-23 11:09:53 »
Maybe when this update is done and the dust settles, I'll start dabbling with the FF8 tools ._.

Unless we keep you busy with this!

Have you ever considered a bestiary sort of thing for NT? Similiar to this, for example; :>

Edit: I have no idea if it's even possible to do, I just wanted to "collect" more stuff. :> Gives one an incentive to seek out the more annoying/rare encounters and actually defeat them.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-23 12:16:06 by Mithrain »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2314 on: 2015-12-23 13:54:47 »
What are you thoughts about putting a item shop in the battle arena? The items could cost more than a normal shop as a penalty for not having enough items. It sucks if you run out of items and have to lose your battle points if you leave.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2315 on: 2015-12-23 15:34:02 »
Unless we keep you busy with this!

Have you ever considered a bestiary sort of thing for NT? Similiar to this, for example; :>

Edit: I have no idea if it's even possible to do, I just wanted to "collect" more stuff. :> Gives one an incentive to seek out the more annoying/rare encounters and actually defeat them.

I dunno, every fight would need a variable switch added to it and I'm not sure if there's enough to go round. But I could try making a powerpoint or something that has a pic of every monster + stats/location attached to it?

What are you thoughts about putting a item shop in the battle arena? The items could cost more than a normal shop as a penalty for not having enough items. It sucks if you run out of items and have to lose your battle points if you leave.

I'll add an item vendor to the battle square.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2316 on: 2015-12-23 16:36:01 »
I dunno, every fight would need a variable switch added to it and I'm not sure if there's enough to go round. But I could try making a powerpoint or something that has a pic of every monster + stats/location attached to it?

If there are not enough variables, you could maybe just create a boss monster bestiary. Morphing a monster without being able to sense it's HP and it being immune to Gravity makes it extremely difficult.

BTW, what are the batteries for?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2317 on: 2015-12-23 16:54:19 »
Batteries were for making a certain monster available in Extra Battle back when there were item requirements for unlocking them. Now they serve the important function of redacted


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2318 on: 2015-12-23 23:01:27 »
Hello, I'm currently playing 1.35. I must say I like how you redesigned it, and you are for sure a genius. I haven't gone that far yet so I'll repost later about my experience.

Also I've tested with & without .exe patch. I really don't like the .exe patch because the rework of materias force you into a dps + tank + mage team while without patch (playing in Advance tho) still allows you to go with a hybrid team where any member can go both STR/MAG (Cloud + Yuffie + Nananki for example). I'll retry later as well when I'll be further in the game but for the moment I feel like the .exe patch forces me into specific teams while Advance let me with a lot of combinations open.

I'm mainly posting because I have a question about the DeathBlow materia. According to your 1.35 database it should be found in Sector 7 where I didn't find it at all. So I wanted to know if I missed it and need to restart a game or if the database is wrong and I get it somewhere else. Also after digging a bit I found that DB materia was on Tifa in 1.2 when "recruiting her" which isn't the case in 1.35 so :
- Was it on Tifa and you just changed location from "Tifa" to "Sector 7" in the database which is where we got Tifa but have relocated the materia somewhere else and then the database isn't correct
- Is the materia still on Tifa when you recruit her and I didn't get it (mostly a bug then ?)
- Is the materia really located in sector 7 and I missed it ?

Anyway, you did a great job there and I can't wait to see what you planned for 1.4 & 1.5 :)
« Last Edit: 2015-12-23 23:03:37 by aquecoucou »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2319 on: 2015-12-23 23:08:45 »
It's maybe been removed; I can't really remember placing Deathblow down anywhere. I'll look over the .EXE patch again and see if I can come up with something.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2320 on: 2015-12-23 23:21:13 »
Thanks in advance then, I have another question I just noticed the 1.35 level hotfix. What would it change as my game is already started ? It seems you have talked about a wrong HP/MP curve, is it significant ?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2321 on: 2015-12-24 01:12:02 »
My understanding is that the further you are through the game (and your Levels) the less benefit you'll get from the patch; that's why it hasn't really been made available like a normal patch (on the main page, etc). Without the patch you'll be using 1.35's current HP/MP curves which don't give you a great deal of either overall (about 3000 or so for HP, which goes down when Materia enters the picture). In 1.4 I've implemented curves closer to the original game; max HP ends at 5500-7000 for that one and enemy strength is going to be much more closely tuned to these arcs.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2322 on: 2015-12-24 13:46:39 »
Hey, it's me again :D Gonna bother you again since there's no actual full guide. As my question have a spoiler on an addition of the mod, don't read between the lines if you haven't done it yet.

According to the databse + from what I've read there is only one MP plus materia which we should get in the crater, yet the ziegfried fight (located in a forest near condor) rewarded me one, is it a random materia and is the fight redoable ?

And by the way, from what you wrote earlier in the thread you relocated some E. skills because they were too strong when we should only have a lower tier magic. The problem is that you can steal high tier magic to some mobs. For example in mithril mines before the turk fight there is an ark dragon spawning in the northen room. You can keep stealing a flame veil producing Fire 3 while your fire materia is still level 1.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2323 on: 2015-12-24 14:17:39 »
Yeah, he's a fairly recent addition and I changed the Materia he drops to an MP Plus; I guess I forgot to update the thing. I've also figured out how to turn off those battles so it won't be repeatable in the future.

Items are slightly different; they're consumable so I put some more of those about the place (the steal rate for items like that should be quite low compared to the other steals they have). I've revised the item lists though for 1.4 so there aren't as many of them available early on.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #2324 on: 2015-12-24 20:03:53 »
I dunno, every fight would need a variable switch added to it and I'm not sure if there's enough to go round. But I could try making a powerpoint or something that has a pic of every monster + stats/location attached to it?

Sounds like sarcasm, but in the event that it isn't; I'm sure someone would love that, although an updated database-thingy would be just as good. :>