Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 5005901 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3025 on: 2016-03-30 10:48:07 »
How does aerith behave after the revival? Is she a silent npc all the way or had some scripts added in the scenes where other chars comment something or dialog?
She already had dialogues in Vanilla because she was supposed to die later.

Found another bug, it concerns the Gaea dragon (encountered in Gaea's cliff, at the last save point before the dragon boss fight (schizo in vanilla).
The gaea dragon will soft lock when trying to use a specific skill, but I don't know which one. Similar to the previous captain fight when poisonned, camera centers on a character, ATB goes to wait mode and nothing happens. (Gaea dragon doesn't need to be poisoned to happen)

Reproduction steps :
- No idea at all xD.
It happened twice. First fight it happened after 3 turns, even before the first use of dragon force. Camera locked Cid.
Second fight, it happened when fight was almost done, camera locked whole team.

Also, I'd like to mention that the fight is really hard since Gaea Dragon has some weird ATB spamming a Gale each turn + sometimes doing a random attack or a dragon force. Even if you slow it and haste your party, its ATB keeps up with yours. When you can't cure anymore whole party with the "all" materia, it's pretty much an insta death. I think Gaea Dragon has either too much hp either too much damage. I may not have found the proper trick tho. Also is the Gale skill an elemental one ?
« Last Edit: 2016-03-30 10:52:51 by aquecoucou »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3026 on: 2016-03-30 10:55:09 »
shit. you can probably reflect him to learn dragon force cant ya

why did i not think of that sooner


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3027 on: 2016-03-30 10:59:42 »
strawberries. you can probably reflect him to learn dragon force cant ya

why did i not think of that sooner

I'm pretty sure that enemies skill can't be reflected in vanilla. I'll give it a try.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3028 on: 2016-03-30 11:05:54 »
i've all reflected my party to triple cast beta plenty enough times to say that, yes, enemy skill is reflectable now

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3029 on: 2016-03-30 11:21:30 »
You're absolutely right. I have custom .ogg's in the /music folder but the custom sleep song (yado.ogg) was the culprit. I replaced it with the Original 'yado.ogg' OST version and wa-la! No more freeze when going to sleep!

You may have ran into this already but there was one more tiny bug I found (not so much a bug, I guess). When talking to certain people, the dialogue box takes a while for it to pop up. Example: the NPC in the blue shirt and purple pants in the Tailor shop at Wall Market. Whenever I initiate a convo with him it takes about 20-30 seconds for the dialogue box to appear...

Glad to hear that's fixed, but the conversation pause is a new one; not heard of that before. I'll investigate it.

Not a huge thing SC, but during the battle on the bridge with the Plasma-robot boss (sorry, the name escapes me--its the one where your party surrounds it though) the bosses graphics are goofed up.

The backside (ie its weakpoint) was actually the front and vice versa.  I don't know why it's displaying like this, but it led to a very glitchy-looking fight.  Everything functioned the way it was supposed to other than which way the boss was facing when it was not in action.  Everything else ahs looked goo so far once I figured out how to get my controller setup correctly!

Not sure how worth your time it is, but it's there!

One other question too--as far as leveling and SP gains, is overleveling in Midgar going to massively impact my SP after leaving?  I only ask because I played like I normally do an fought all the random battles I encountered, which eventually led to me passing the first stopgap of level gains by Wall market (level 12, after which my exp required returned to roughly the level I'd expect).  I'm generally keeping off random battles now, but will this be an issue for me?

That's a problem with that model in general which was there in the default game; Air Buster's facing won't always match up with where he's visually facing; his 'true' facing will be whoever attacked him last (or if he attacks someone). I tried a couple of times to fix it with AI, but I never got anywhere.

Leveling won't be much of an issue; bosses all give out a set amount of SP and you get some from certain story events as well.

Hey there!  Not really sure why but I keep freezing at the bomb king.  Four attempts and there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason as to why he's freezing the battle, but it won't continue.  The actual game doesn't freeze though, the atb just stops.  I can still try and run away and it says that i cant flee.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, and otherwise awesome mod!

Sounds like a soft-lock, I'll check his attack animations and make a scene patch.

This is a weird one: moving across the tracks on Mt. Corel, I ended up fighting a bomb which I managed to morph into a fire ring. When I got to the bridge just outside the town, though, the bombs there gave the usual fire fangs as their morph. I tried going back to the tracks to morph another bomb to make sure I'm not crazy, but I can't seem to get that battle now. ???

Someone else mentioned this a while ago, but is the Striking Staff supposed to cause Barrier on hit? It did that in 1.35 as well, but it's counterintuitive for a weapon with very high attack and a name which implies it's for hitting things to give enemies a buff which halves the damage.

Regarding balance, magic feels ridiculously strong compared to physical attacks in the early parts of the game (I've just now gotten to North Corel, so I can't judge late-game magic yet). Keeping MP topped off is a non-issue with a few Heal materia and tents, and magic has huge advantages from the many All materia you can find and sitting in the back row. It doesn't help that all of Cloud's early weapons have mediocre attack. Tifa and Red XIII can be made into very strong physical hitters with the right equipment, but that still doesn't beat the AoE nukes and adaptability that magic gives you.

Unrelatedly, Kalm Fangs are apricotholes. Getting back attacked by them immediately after leaving Midgar is a great way to suddenly game over and lose progress. >:( Levrikons are similarly much more dangerous than every other enemy in the area.

And about a certain angry Cokatolis...
Spoiler: show
The Mamatolis really ought to be immune to sleep. Using the spell makes the battle very long, boring, and more or less impossible to lose.

There are two entries for the Bomb enemy and I only remember editing one of them. I'll correct that for the patch to fix Bomb King; same thing with the Striking Staff.

The physical attack side of things starts to pick up once Deathblow comes in, and it can be combined with the Command Counter sitting on Mt. Corel's train tracks; you can also give it a push with Elemental and Added Effect for 2x physical damage and some statuses like Stop that wouldn't normally be accessible at that time. As for front row vs back row, you'll see a lot more Limits by being in the front which can get fights done and dusted a lot faster.

Back Attacks are a pain, but this links into Front Row vs Back Row again; another benefit of having a front row fighter is that they'll start back attacks in the back-row and be a bit safer from that initial 2x hit that the enemies will get using their physical attacks. There's a lot fewer pincer fights in NT, but some still exist so keep a Smoke Bomb handy as a panic button.

It should be the Prism staff. I'll check it as soon as I can. The VIT Staff (Prism) should cause barrier (but doesn't seem to be 100% on each hit) while the SPR Staff (Aurora rod) should cause MBarrier (was 100% when I used it, not sure if I was lucky). So I guess if the Striking staff is causing barrier, it's not intended, but let's wait SC before concluding :)

Edit: Yup, Prism = barrier, Aurora = MBarrier.

Also, I got a question regarding Jenova at the end of Disc 1 (possible bug) :
Spoiler: show
When Jenova use her undead skill (Ishtar curse) at the very beginning of the fight, it seems to only affect Cloud since I still can heal Yuffie / Cid. When she uses it again, it affects all characters. Is that intended ? Because the skill visual effect seems to hit whole party.

It's only supposed to be single-target now, affecting one party member and then being used again if that party member dies. If it afflicted both surviving party members on the second use, then that's not intended. As for the visual effect, I'll change it so that it appears single-target.

How does aerith behave after the revival? Is she a silent npc all the way or had some scripts added in the scenes where other chars comment something or dialog?

She's got the full set of scripts that the other party members have, so she'll comment on things during events like they do.

She already had dialogues in Vanilla because she was supposed to die later.

Found another bug, it concerns the Gaea dragon (encountered in Gaea's cliff, at the last save point before the dragon boss fight (schizo in vanilla).
The gaea dragon will soft lock when trying to use a specific skill, but I don't know which one. Similar to the previous captain fight when poisonned, camera centers on a character, ATB goes to wait mode and nothing happens. (Gaea dragon doesn't need to be poisoned to happen)

Reproduction steps :
- No idea at all xD.
It happened twice. First fight it happened after 3 turns, even before the first use of dragon force. Camera locked Cid.
Second fight, it happened when fight was almost done, camera locked whole team.

Also, I'd like to mention that the fight is really hard since Gaea Dragon has some weird ATB spamming a Gale each turn + sometimes doing a random attack or a dragon force. Even if you slow it and haste your party, its ATB keeps up with yours. When you can't cure anymore whole party with the "all" materia, it's pretty much an insta death. I think Gaea Dragon has either too much hp either too much damage. I may not have found the proper trick tho. Also is the Gale skill an elemental one ?

Gale is an elemental skill, Wind-element probably. I'll get that softlock fixed and look into rebalancing him a little bit. Note that all dragons will use Dragon Force as a counter against Limit Breaks specifically, so to avoid seeing that you want to avoid hitting him with Limits; if you have physical attackers along, have them use alternatives like Added Cut or Deathblow to keep attacking. Otherwise, dose him up with Resist so that he doesn't get the Regen from Dragon Force or alternatively have a Dispel queued to minimise it's impact.

strawberries. you can probably reflect him to learn dragon force cant ya

why did i not think of that sooner

Dragon Force isn't reflectable anymore; you learn it by beating up a special enemy in Kalm. Other enemy skills can be though, like Pandora's Box.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3030 on: 2016-03-30 11:53:41 »
Here's the patch:

Edit: Also, thanks to 'AH' for the donation :3
« Last Edit: 2016-03-30 12:02:04 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3031 on: 2016-03-30 12:15:48 »
Hey SC, I would like to say the mod is really well done thus far. A couple of issues I have encountered that I'm not sure if you know of:
In Corel, when talking to the old man in the first screen with Barret, Yuffie and Cloud, Cloud would just walk into Barret resulting in a soft lock.
The fight with the captain in front of shinra mansion pits you vs the debug claw.

I also have a few questions. How does the undead status effect work and how do you prevent it? For the fight where you get alexander, is there a way to stop the charm that she throws at the start?

Thanks in advance for your answers and I'd like to see more fixes to this already awesome mod.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3032 on: 2016-03-30 13:40:30 »
Hey SC, I would like to say the mod is really well done thus far. A couple of issues I have encountered that I'm not sure if you know of:
In Corel, when talking to the old man in the first screen with Barret, Yuffie and Cloud, Cloud would just walk into Barret resulting in a soft lock.
The fight with the captain in front of shinra mansion pits you vs the debug claw.

I also have a few questions. How does the undead status effect work and how do you prevent it? For the fight where you get alexander, is there a way to stop the charm that she throws at the start?

Thanks in advance for your answers and I'd like to see more fixes to this already awesome mod.

Must be a positioning thing; I think you can talk to the old man from different angles which could potentially throw it off. I'll see if I can put a counter-measure in there somewhere. For the debug claw, that's been fixed in the flevel patch; make sure to download and install both that and the scene hotfix patch (same install procedure as the main installer, unless you're on 7H).

Undead isn't so much a status as it is a flag; it sets a character to absorb/nullify the Restorative element which prevents healing. There's no way to dispel it, but you can still heal with other elements. If you go into the battle absorbing Ice, you can use Ice magic to heal the afflicted party member. I think Elixirs still work too, in a pinch.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3033 on: 2016-03-30 15:30:27 »
elixirs instakill the character

i used a megalixir cuz shit was goin wrong and ended up makin it going wrongerer


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3034 on: 2016-03-30 16:32:30 »
Hey there.
Is the last version (30) already safe to play? No major bugs?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3035 on: 2016-03-30 16:42:48 »
I downloaded today's patch and whilst fighting the dragon in gaea's cliff, I got a freeze and an exception error for ff7, which crashed it. This happened when I got it quite low and during Cid's "Hyper Jump" limit break. Was today's patch not a fix to this soft lock?
EDIT: It happened again, this time at the start of the fight when I used Hyper Jump.
« Last Edit: 2016-03-30 16:53:38 by FifulX »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3036 on: 2016-03-30 16:50:41 »
I downloaded today's patch and whilst fighting the dragon in gaea's cliff, I got a freeze and an exception error for ff7, which crashed it. This happened when I got it quite low and during Cid's limit break. Was today's patch not a fix to this soft lock?

Oh, was the Limit Break Hyper Jump by any chance? FF7 PC (although it's Aali's driver I think) has a problem with it where it'll randomly crash when it's used. This carried over to the Steam version as well, which suggests they're using something based on that driver. There's no known fix, unfortunately.

Hey there.
Is the last version (30) already safe to play? No major bugs?

Seems to be; all bugs reported so far were fixed and Mithrain reached the North Crater.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3037 on: 2016-03-30 16:54:53 »
Ah, so it's just with Hyper Jump? Thanks for the fast response. I guess I'll just not use it and it should be fine ;)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3038 on: 2016-03-30 17:53:10 »
Nice. Going to try it then. Is there any missable aditional content? Or time sensitive quests?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3039 on: 2016-03-30 17:58:44 »
Nothing missable, but some things have steps that are undertaken early. After getting the Bronco, try going back to Cid's House with him in the party and talking to the kid there. 3 fights are available through that which unlock after certain points in the story (last one being Disc 3 for the Lv.4 Limit).


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3040 on: 2016-03-30 20:56:47 »
That's a problem with that model in general which was there in the default game; Air Buster's facing won't always match up with where he's visually facing; his 'true' facing will be whoever attacked him last (or if he attacks someone). I tried a couple of times to fix it with AI, but I never got anywhere.
Have you tried toggling the various attack types? 07 is used on Air Buster only, perhaps type 3, 5 or 6 may correct this error (remember that 05 has been incorrectly labelled in Pr Cl as a Pincer Attack)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3041 on: 2016-03-31 00:48:19 »
First off I want to say how great I think this mod is, I haven't had this much fun with this game in quite awhile. Now I am not sure if this is a common problem or not but in Mt. Nibel I have been trying to defeat the "Powersoul Keeper" and I just simply cannot beat him no matter what I try. He continuously uses "powersoul charge" over and over again and I cannot damage him since he keeps restoring his HP. He isn't killing me really, but he just keeps spamming powersoul charge and I just can't seem to find out why. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it very much.   


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3042 on: 2016-03-31 03:00:04 »
First off I want to say how great I think this mod is, I haven't had this much fun with this game in quite awhile. Now I am not sure if this is a common problem or not but in Mt. Nibel I have been trying to defeat the "Powersoul Keeper" and I just simply cannot beat him no matter what I try. He continuously uses "powersoul charge" over and over again and I cannot damage him since he keeps restoring his HP. He isn't killing me really, but he just keeps spamming powersoul charge and I just can't seem to find out why. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it very much.   

you could berserk him. if your tank is durable enough with barrier/backrow/sadness it makes the fight easy enough until he goes stupid rage mode


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3043 on: 2016-03-31 03:18:06 »
So, I wanted to apply the new hotfix patch to my current game.  Is this going to mess anything up with my save?  Also, do I just direct the exe to the data file like the original patching exe?

Sorry if this is spelled out somewhere, but I'm a bit of a noob at using this particular patching program.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3044 on: 2016-03-31 05:27:52 »
It will not affect your save. Direct the exe to the data file like always.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3045 on: 2016-03-31 06:17:38 »
Have you tried toggling the various attack types? 07 is used on Air Buster only, perhaps type 3, 5 or 6 may correct this error (remember that 05 has been incorrectly labelled in Pr Cl as a Pincer Attack)

I don't think it's the type of battle that's the problem; it's more to do with his AI to 'correct' his facing when he uses his Turn (and the animation itself) not updating his 'true' facing. That being said, it's worth a shot; I've not tried changing the type of side-attack used.

*Raises hand* I for one would love to see this list for NT 1.4 (which is so far, amazing btw)

Feel free to add to that list if it exists too, SegaChief  8)

You could use the Proud Clod tool (PrC) for that; open the mod's scene.bin with it and then use the search function to find a specific enemy and check its steals, drops, etc. You can also review its stats, attacks, AI, as well.

First off I want to say how great I think this mod is, I haven't had this much fun with this game in quite awhile. Now I am not sure if this is a common problem or not but in Mt. Nibel I have been trying to defeat the "Powersoul Keeper" and I just simply cannot beat him no matter what I try. He continuously uses "powersoul charge" over and over again and I cannot damage him since he keeps restoring his HP. He isn't killing me really, but he just keeps spamming powersoul charge and I just can't seem to find out why. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it very much.   

Active ATB is useful here, because it wears down the Countdown he gets very quickly and reverts his damage back to normal. Berserk won't work either, he can only apply it to himself (the ability has a flag on it called status ignore that lets him gain Berserk despite being immune to it). To get through the healing, apply Poison to him early on (he only takes 50% damage from it though), use Debarrier/Dispel to get rid of his Wall, and make use of Earth attacks to deal double damage. You can also save your Titan summon for when he starts to use Powersoul Charge in order to push through this phase faster, but make sure his MBarrier is dealt with before using it. Limits will also be handy so consider dropping Sadness (if you're using it) for Fury instead, just beware of the accuracy loss that goes with it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3046 on: 2016-03-31 08:53:01 »
Active ATB is useful here, because it wears down the Countdown he gets very quickly and reverts his damage back to normal. Berserk won't work either, he can only apply it to himself (the ability has a flag on it called status ignore that lets him gain Berserk despite being immune to it). To get through the healing, apply Poison to him early on (he only takes 50% damage from it though), use Debarrier/Dispel to get rid of his Wall, and make use of Earth attacks to deal double damage. You can also save your Titan summon for when he starts to use Powersoul Charge in order to push through this phase faster, but make sure his MBarrier is dealt with before using it. Limits will also be handy so consider dropping Sadness (if you're using it) for Fury instead, just beware of the accuracy loss that goes with it.
If you play with a dispel materia, remember to slow him again after each dispel, it will delay its next powersoul charge. Remember that his damage is x2 for each status, meaning if you can't tank it while it's slowed + poisoned you gonna have a hard time damaging him over his heals. If you still can't beat him, rethink your party the following way :
-One mage who can cure when needed and then spam Quake 2
-One STR char who can haste/slow/barrier/dispel when needed, and then attack each turn
-Either a second STR char whith elemental + Titan linked in his weapon (if you agree to play with summons) or if you play her, Yuffie with the same setup, a high %attack weapon and spamming DeathBlow under haste.
« Last Edit: 2016-03-31 08:55:36 by aquecoucou »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3047 on: 2016-03-31 11:07:33 »
I can't find any information about the "L2 Holy" attack.

It's used by cuahl when defeated (in Gaea's cliff). The problem is that it instant one shot my whole party. MBarrier doesn't seem to reduce the damage, reflect doesn't reflect. In Vanilla cuahl has two differents attacks depending if you hit with physical or magical. Going full physical or full magical still results in a L2 Holy at the end :\


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3048 on: 2016-03-31 11:10:27 »
Get a character to an odd level. Otherwise, consider draining their MP to 0 first. I don't recall if they were vulnerable to transform, silence, or berserk, but those are worth a shot, too.

You can also tank the attack with 2 star elemental materia + any holy.

Barring all that, if you still want to push through, assuming you have enough Ink, you can fury them and hope they miss.
« Last Edit: 2016-03-31 12:07:46 by Bowser9 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #3049 on: 2016-03-31 11:51:11 »
I noticed that the fight against Tseng in Rocket Town is a little bit weird. For some reason, he started shooting himself, and getting extra turns just to shoot himself. Is that intended or is the AI bonkers?