Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 4994588 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6250 on: 2017-10-28 10:42:12 »
how to get Mystile ?
documentation says
Mystile: Mirage [Drop], Dark Cave (Disc 3)
I fought that boss couple times, there is nothing to steal, there is no after fight summary no money, exp or items, screen flashes and I am outside of the Dark Cave... am I doing something wrong ?
« Last Edit: 2017-10-28 19:04:20 by boozek »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6251 on: 2017-10-28 14:47:57 »
I hope to come across more "oh shit" moments like that boss and the one before it. Also how do I date Cait Sith?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6252 on: 2017-10-28 16:35:03 »
LOVING THIS MOD!! <3 i have some questions.
1) do you have a list for steals rare steals and morphs cause i find myself morphing abd stealing every monster just cause want to know but tried morphing jormungrd and i have to drop it cause is a hard boss (great job on that one)
2) rune armlet is the best item we get from welcoming rufus or i just need do it perfect?

Thats all for now. Love the mod it gives alot more of re play and more funnier than the original barret seeing tifa under skirt rofl

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6253 on: 2017-10-28 22:31:48 »
how to get Mystile ?
documentation says
Mystile: Mirage [Drop], Dark Cave (Disc 3)
I fought that boss couple times, there is nothing to steal, there is no after fight summary no money, exp or items, screen flashes and I am outside of the Dark Cave... am I doing something wrong ?

I've added a debug line to the NPC on the Highwind so that it'll drop when you talk to him (the new technician closest to the Chocobo Pen, the one moving around gesturing). I'll update the flevel patch with it tomorrow.

I hope to come across more "oh strawberries" moments like that boss and the one before it. Also how do I date Cait Sith?

You can't, he's stealing the keystone D;


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6254 on: 2017-10-29 01:32:59 »
So I've been playing the game for quite a while. Enjoying things here and there... thought I'd give a little feedback:

I really dislike this Source system you have going where you choose these fixed upgrades only to find out some charcters might end up becoming completely useless. I scrolled up and saw someone else mention this and you said you can't or havent implemented a reset, however I think an alternative suggestion could be to just leave in SP upgrades except after Level 8, they just be Bonus Levels of sort, maybe giving +5 to all stats or maybe just +5 to any stat of your choosing if +5 to all is too broken. I notice the characters gain SP anyways...


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6255 on: 2017-10-29 10:51:32 »
I've added a debug line to the NPC on the Highwind so that it'll drop when you talk to him (the new technician closest to the Chocobo Pen, the one moving around gesturing). I'll update the flevel patch with it tomorrow.

I can fight Mirage using that NPC but still not getting Mystile from it. Only option is to obtain Micro Engine but no Mystile.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6256 on: 2017-10-29 17:47:33 »
I seem to have come across a glitch that's keeping me from buying the chocobo lure, at least at 200 gil. I tried buying it when I didn't have enough, so I had to come back later to when he asks from the get go if I'm ready to buy it. I only have over 500, but it keeps telling me I don't have enough still.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6257 on: 2017-10-29 21:04:09 »
I seem to have come across a glitch that's keeping me from buying the chocobo lure, at least at 200 gil. I tried buying it when I didn't have enough, so I had to come back later to when he asks from the get go if I'm ready to buy it. I only have over 500, but it keeps telling me I don't have enough still.

Maybe the gil check is off, had an issue like this before with fort condor. Might be that it deducts 200gil as intended but is checking that 2000gil is available. I'll check that just now.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6258 on: 2017-10-30 14:32:55 »
What are the chances for enemies in Northern Crater to drop weapons? I've been fighting like for an hour, and still no items...
However I stole everything first try with Sneak Glove. Maybe add the option to morph monsters into weapons, in addition to drop? I have everyone maxed and every materia maxed, with only weapons left to farm, and so these item drop rates makes the battles just an artificial waste of time.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6259 on: 2017-10-30 16:28:22 »
What are the chances for enemies in Northern Crater to drop weapons? I've been fighting like for an hour, and still no items...
However I stole everything first try with Sneak Glove. Maybe add the option to morph monsters into weapons, in addition to drop? I have everyone maxed and every materia maxed, with only weapons left to farm, and so these item drop rates makes the battles just an artificial waste of time.

By that point in my last playthrough, I was able to blast through those enemies really quickly with the right setups, it was almost kind of fun to see, even though I myself am not the biggest fan of grinding. I also forgot about morph, does it not work on them?

Speaking of drops, though, is the reason you don't get mystile from Mirage because it's set to drop by chance? I want to know for the next time I go through the dark cave quest so that I'm not wasting my time re-fighting it until I get the item.

Furthermore on the subject of the end of that quest, would you be able to add a debug line for the Midgar key? I didn't have it after the dark cave quest (there was an "Unused" key item that I figured was originally that but correct me if I'm wrong) and I can see it stopping people from completing Cid's sidequest.

Edit: I can confirm that I needed 2000 for the chocobo lure.
« Last Edit: 2017-10-30 17:14:06 by Scaevola »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6260 on: 2017-10-30 17:28:30 »
Speaking of drops, though, is the reason you don't get mystile from Mirage because it's set to drop by chance? I want to know for the next time I go through the dark cave quest so that I'm not wasting my time re-fighting it until I get the item.

Not sure if drop chance makes any difference if there is NO afterfight drop/exp/gil/ap screen...

I'll just wait for a patch.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6261 on: 2017-10-31 03:16:34 »
Jesus Christ, Jormungandr, what the fuck is going on

I'm dealing with the exact same boss that ShayElric was on the last page, and I'm completely updated with the last hotfix.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6262 on: 2017-10-31 05:03:12 »
(New here, created an account just to leave this post on the thread for this mod!)

I've heard good things about this mod, saw bits and pieces of GarlandTheGreat playing this on YouTube (as well as my boyfriend through streaming, though that was a fair while back) - so I wanted to try it for myself, downloaded it maybe two weeks ago or something, I'd say (so I'm quite sure I'm on the latest version). And I'm definitely not on Arrange mode or anything, normal standard mode for me, please! (Let me play this once or ten times before I try anything challenge, get used to what I'm seeing and doing, heh. But anyway.) I don't wanna say I'm far enough along yet to form a completely fair opinion on the whole thing - but I have yet to run into anything I genuinely dislike so far (one or two base game mechanics are still coming back to haunt me - Stealing, such a love hate relationship! - but nothing specific and new introduced by the mod, I'd say) - definitely good things are what I'm seeing here.

I'm currently at the Train Graveyard, the save point right after beating Apps. I'm just messing around right now in this area seeing what I can get from Morph, and how low these enemies need to be before Tifa can Morph them in as few hits as I can. So yeah, I'm not taking my fights too seriously. But I did run into something a bit...awkward! Hardly something that needs to be a high priority fix, I would think - but it does seem to have rendered this particular random encounter I'm in unwinnable, almost hilariously so. The Ghost enemy in this fight won't undo his invisibility! I can't hit him with anything - physical, magical, even healing items miss him (as per base game, I imagine, but just to make sure that's clear). "Give him more time!", someone might be saying? Well, I'd like to - but he's been invisible long enough for him to almost completely refill both Cloud's and Tifa's Limit gauges from empty (I tried using Tifa's Limit Break just in case somehow those might get around his invisibility - no luck!). "But how is that necessarily a lot of time?" might also be asked. Well - they're both at Level 3, that's surely a LOT of necessary damage taken to get back that much gauge. Especially given he's using only physical attacks (I'd say about 80-something to 90-something per hit, no matter who he hits) - he won't use any other abilities or commands whatsoever, that I can tell anyway. Even more baffling since, unless my luck was just aligned like that, Ghost wouldn't physically attack me AT ALL in this mod, before this incident!

I think I know what triggered it - I used Seal Evil on him just in curiosity if Stop might somehow work (that would be a resounding negative!) - Silence seemed to work, though. And then he did his invisibility counter. And then that was it! He's non-stop spammed physical attacks on me since then. Tifa's gauge wasn't even full before then - but it got full after a few hits or so - and since then, it's had time to all but totally refill (it looks to me like there's maybe 3 to 5 pixels missing for full? but I'm not an expert or anything, that's a total guess). That seems to me like I've given him far more than the necessary amount of time to become visible and vulnerable again. So I think the Ghost's AI messes up a little when you put them in Silence. Or I might have just found some unique one-off situation where Silence somehow triggered this. (Silence doesn't seem to have a timer for wearing off, either - I don't recall if it did in base game, but it definitely doesn't seem to here, Tifa and Aerith were Silenced before I used Seal Evil, and they're still Silenced, so I'm guessing the Ghost is still Silenced as well.)

...I let it run a bit longer just now. Yep, everyone's got a full Limit Gauge now. I think I have no choice but to flee this battle - I seem to be quite stuck, hoho! While I can't imagine this is of high priority - I also can't imagine this is exactly how you intended this enemy to work. Can anyone else confirm/deny what I'm seeing here, and what I'm speculating is the cause of it? (There goes my 0 Escapes file! Sadface! ...actually no, I don't care too much, I might have run before this point and just forgotten anyway. I'm more just amused by the silliness of this thing I seem to have accidentally triggered.)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6263 on: 2017-10-31 19:45:28 »
What are the chances for enemies in Northern Crater to drop weapons? I've been fighting like for an hour, and still no items...
However I stole everything first try with Sneak Glove. Maybe add the option to morph monsters into weapons, in addition to drop? I have everyone maxed and every materia maxed, with only weapons left to farm, and so these item drop rates makes the battles just an artificial waste of time.

The chance is 33/63 so roughly 50% drop. The enemies originally had these weapons tied to Morph but people were saying it was too difficult as those enemies can't be sensed.

Furthermore on the subject of the end of that quest, would you be able to add a debug line for the Midgar key? I didn't have it after the dark cave quest (there was an "Unused" key item that I figured was originally that but correct me if I'm wrong) and I can see it stopping people from completing Cid's sidequest.

Edit: I can confirm that I needed 2000 for the chocobo lure.

Yeah, I'll add it.

Jesus Christ, Jormungandr, what the fern is going on

I'm dealing with the exact same boss that ShayElric was on the last page, and I'm completely updated with the last hotfix.

I'll take another look at it, see if it's behaving like it should be.

The Ghost enemy in this fight won't undo his invisibility! I can't hit him with anything - physical, magical, even healing items miss him (as per base game, I imagine, but just to make sure that's clear).

There was an AI change there; I don't think I was able to spot what the flaw was last time I checked it, and couldn't replicate the problem. But I'll check every instance of Ghost's AI in the files again in case one is different to the others.

Edit: Patches should be up tonight once I've generated & uploaded them.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6264 on: 2017-10-31 21:58:42 »
Thanks, I really appreciate it. Again, I love the mod.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6265 on: 2017-10-31 23:21:46 »
I've done the following:

-) Found and fixed the 200gil check in Chocobo Ranch; there were two of them, and only 1 had been adjusted down from 2000gil.

-) Added option to Morph Crater enemies instead of farming for the drop. Enemies that already had a Morph (Malboro, Pollensalta, Master Tonberry) had their drop rate set to 100% instead.

-) I made adjustments to the Jormungandr fight; crit-chance on physical attacks have been disabled, the drain effect on Tail Attack was removed, Paralysis on Serpentarius was removed, and there was a reduction from 12 to 10 base power on Midgard Wave. Should cut down on the RNG and prevent progress being undone by some unprotected Tail Attacks, but the fight will still need a solid strategy to bring down.

Like Illuyankas/Bottomswell, the fight is one of the few in the mod intended for the entire party to be in back-row (short-range attacks can't hit him). You can use Elemental to reduce the damage of Tropic Breath (Fire) and Wave (Heal Materia now carries the Water element) as well. He gains Wall when preparing to use Tropic Breath so Debarrier can be handy in this fight.

-) Mystile check added to Debug NPC (with Sector 5 Key), Mystile drop & Sector 5 Key added directly to Dark Cave script

-) Spoopy ghost continues to spoop (AI seems fine, so I'll prob need to redesign it).

-) Fixed Cait & Vincent's Innate text

-) Some text fixed (alignment/placement issues)

I'll upload these now; be around an hour or two.

Edit: Hotfix patches + IRO updated.
« Last Edit: 2017-11-01 00:24:15 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6266 on: 2017-11-01 04:36:06 »
Great! Might I ask if Jormungandr is completely resistant to poison, or is it just a really really low chance?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6267 on: 2017-11-01 09:06:16 »
If Dirty Bombs don't work, then he's completely immune.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6268 on: 2017-11-01 09:57:57 »
thanks for the patch Sega Chief
« Last Edit: 2017-11-01 10:01:26 by boozek »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6269 on: 2017-11-01 21:04:07 »
Jesus Christ, Jormungandr, what the fern is going on

I'm dealing with the exact same boss that ShayElric was on the last page, and I'm completely updated with the last hotfix.

Yeah Jormungandr is kind of a pain to deal with. I had to grind up to level 30 to compensate for the level/damage scaling. At that point his attacks feel manageable and the fight can progress with some Bolt2/Limit Spams.
Beforehand I was around level 23 with Cloud, Barret & Tifa all in back-row with elemental defences setup and still couldn't handle it.
Only got as far as Gold Saucer at the moment but it now feels like I can just power my way through enemies without thinking of strategies.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6270 on: 2017-11-02 10:19:20 »
There was an AI change there; I don't think I was able to spot what the flaw was last time I checked it, and couldn't replicate the problem. But I'll check every instance of Ghost's AI in the files again in case one is different to the others.
That's weird... I was able to replicate it easily, in any encounter with Ghosts I got into - use Seal Evil at any time, and they never undid their invisibility/invincibility. I was able to do this with both an encounter where the was only one Ghost (and two different monsters accompanying, I believe, but I forget which ones they were, sorry) as well as in an encounter with 3x Ghost and nothing else (all three Ghosts exhibited the same behavior after using Seal Evil, non-stop physical spam and never lifting their invisibility). If my connection was worth a damn, I'd straight up record footage to show the problem without hesitation, so I apologize that it's not really an option at the moment. But yeah, it's strange how easily I was able to get it to trigger multiple times...and whenever I did, I was always forced to flee. Very odd!
And nothing else is striking me as acting unusual or clearly wonky (granted a first time player of this mod, but still), so I don't think I patched anything wrong. At least I can't imagine I did, anyway, if only this one thing is inexplicably going wrong, and seeming nothing else.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6271 on: 2017-11-02 18:30:44 »
Oh, I see! It's after using Seal Evil rather than just happening; I guess Stop interferes with it in some way then (or maybe the Silence?) I'll try adding a check to pre-action to sort that out, or make them immune if I can't fix it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6272 on: 2017-11-03 09:07:20 »
Sorry if I didn't explain that well before, but yes, that's the only way this is happening to me, specifically in response to Aerith using Seal Evil, nothing else was triggering it. Glad to get that cleared up with you! I hope it won't be a hard fix or anything.
And I admit it's pretty minor as far as AI script quirks go - but I appreciate that you'd hear me our on it and take such a thing seriously. Warms my heart to know there actually are still modders/hackers out there that will listen, and give a damn about the quality of their work, not just say "It's too minor, don't care, live with it", or "It's not a bug, it's a feature!" when it's clearly incorrect and even counter-productive behavior, so, thanks for hearing me out! I'm too used to running into seemingly-friendly game mods that turn out malicious (to the tune of being insanely tedious rather than trying for actual difficulty) and the mod creator just doesn't care. Or even defends it saying "good hack design" or whatever nonsense excuse they might come up with to say that bosses spamming 3000+ damage Luminaires in Chrono Trigger is totally fair and challenging gameplay. Heh.)

Also - after applying the last hotfix (not sure if that's coincidence or the reason, just mentioning it for context), as soon as Aerith leveled up (and eventually once Cloud leveled up as well), the "Exp to next level" did something...wonky. I don't know if this was intentional, but it seems strange that it would be happening just as soon as I applies that latest hotfix. (And I'm using the Stand Alone Installer, no the Seventh Heaven IRO...whatever the heck the other one is, sorry, I'm totally inexperienced with this sort of thing - this is the first time I've ever used a mod with a Steam game, but someone with much more experience led me through the install and all. Anyway!)
How do I explain this... Yuffie is Level 31. 95,068 Exp acquired, 27,828 to the next level, that's about 1/3rd of her Exp bar at the moment. Cloud just now leveled up, hit Level 32. 123,031 Exp acquired, 11,948 to the next level, totally empty Exp bar. ...I'm sorry, what? Why did my Exp to next level suddenly drop so drastically upon hitting Level 32? I believe Aerith did the same thing, suddenly needed like, a third the Exp to next level as I would have expected, as soon as she hit Level 32. (She's now Level 34, needs 11,576 to next level, bar has only filled up a little, maybe an 8th the bar or something?) Am I supposed to be suddenly gaining levels a fair bit faster? Is this intentional?

Secondly, the Mythril Diver in in Mythril Mines - this one seems more likely to be game mechanics than anything incorrect with his AI, but I'd rather double-check just to be 100% sure - I'm not a total expert on FF7's inner workings by, like, any stretch of the imagination, so if this is normal and intended behavior, all well and good, just wanted to check it with you, and be sure.
Whenever Mythril Diver dies, he's supposed to have a death counter, that big tidal wave attack (totally taken from Apps, heh!), and it's supposed to hit the full party - is that correct? Well, whenever I kill him with Choco/Mog, he gets Confused as expected - and then hits *one* character with that tidal wave. (Unless he's out of MP, of course, though that much seems 100% intended behavior, that the tidal wave is supposed to charge him MP to use it.) Seems random too - the first two times, he hit the Choco/Mog summoner (so I thought maybe it messed up his counterattack to be single target rather than multi-target - I've seen this when tinkering with FF6's monster scripts, that normally multi-target spells that have no option to single-target will only hit the attack despite the spell's targeting saying otherwise, so I thought it was possible to occur here as well) - the third time, though, he hit Cloud, who had only targeted him once previously, with Steal, and that was at least a few turns prior. Is Confusion supposed to affect death counters like this? Is that totally normal?

EDIT: I just met Ziegfried in the forest outside Junon (my first encounter there). He went through a comical spiel on me. Failed to summon Odin. And then sat there for like, a couple dozen turns saying ": |" at me. After the battle, I was on a totally black screen - but the hand icon was still there showing I had spawned in. I even moved around, and the hand followed me. I was given an MP Plus Materia - I went into my Triangle menu - and when I exited the menu, a field just POPPED in out of nowhere, looking for all the world like the same area you'd see Yuffie in vanilla when recruiting her (minus the Save Point and the appearance of any party members; only Cloud was visible). ...I mention all of this because I reacted to all this with someone I was talking to online - and they said that this wasn't what happened when he encountered Ziggy, that the dude actually completely committed suicide, no real "battle" took place at all, much less the chances I go to Steal (nothing) and Morph (nothing, heh) from the guy, much less steal all his MP about a fourth of the way through his 9000 HP (it was only 50 MP, but still, didn't want to chance the guy suddenly remembering how to be competent and thrashing my party out of nowhere, heh). Did my Ziegfried act up? Did you change Ziggy's behavior at some point in the last year or so?
« Last Edit: 2017-11-03 23:21:23 by Bohepans »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6273 on: 2017-11-03 16:36:42 »
Ah, the EXP gauges have 'soft caps' in them every 11 levels. So Lv.31>32 takes vastly more EXP than 32>33...>41. Then at Lv.41 there's another soft cap to get to Lv.42.

The idea was that, combined with high scaling for EXP given by enemies in successive areas of the game, I'd be able to better judge where a party's level would be (roughly) and spec enemies based on that. It's not perfect, but it helped a little bit. Bosses will power you through these caps quicker.

It's probably his confu script; if the tidal wave has spread flags set, then it means it can be used as a single-target attack. Or maybe it's the attack set in his confu/berserk slot. I'll need to check it out.

Ziegfried has been a bit of a nightmare since 1.5 went out; I'm not sure why, but he seems to break a lot now. I'm going to adjust his AI completely and go with something much shorter, probably remove the Odin summon as well because that causes a tonne of problems with targeting, etc.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6274 on: 2017-11-04 17:16:28 »
the game soft locked when i save at Junon when weapon attack and yuffie join cause i used PHS  i loaded game and barret sprite doesnt appear you should block PHS option on that save point so this soft lock dont happens if someone has this issue just use black chocobo and go to Woa_3  Twister maze ID 711 go trought screen and  all the scenes will happens again so wait and things will fix  dont get hit with the wind cause that soft lock too cause you are red XIII or Any other character
« Last Edit: 2017-11-04 19:57:42 by Inuyashaya »