Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99998)  (Read 5533057 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6750 on: 2018-04-11 03:40:15 »
It's a feature of the mod. :D

Spoiler: show
The Playstation translation had "this guy are sick." This was later fixed in the PC release, but because of how funny and memorable some of them are, Sega Chief has restored a few for the mod.

OOOHHHH ok, i thought sega chief was fixing every misspelling from the game so i thought i caught one XD thanks for the quick reply with that Bowser9


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6751 on: 2018-04-11 14:37:42 »
Nice to see some changes since last time i checked. Good work Sega!

Love the fact that Cloud has a decent innate now instead of a random elix...i mean Second Wind.

I do though have a few things to said about Clouds current innate. How it works now it;
* Overlaps with Reds to some degree
* Doesnt insentivice Fury status or low limit lvls
* Doesnt affect if you want to be defensive or aggresive.

Lets persume that every significant battle starts with all 3 chars having full limitbars (which rarely happens, especially since i play arranged/no encounter/no rank up).
Lets also presume you get 5 str/mag per limit break with maximum of 5 stacks aka 25 each.

Now, at the start of the battle, most often will you use all 3 chars will use their limits meaning Cloud gets 15 str and mag. With the slow increments similar to Reds ( not counting Barrets since he has flexibility with either defence or offence) you are not incentiviced to remove Sadness/add Fury or lower your limitbreak lvl just to get those extra 10 stats. Its simple to much for to little.

This way you can be full on defensive, get your 15 stats and not bother if you get the other 10 or not. Which dont think is a good thing.

My "fix" is simple; remove stats per stack, and instead add lets say 35 to both str/mag when you reach 5 stack (or 6 might be fine).

This way you can choose either be offensive/purposely lowering you limit lvl to get the stats faster or be defensive maybe getting it towards the end of the fight = affects decision making = good thing 😃.

It also becomes quite different from Red whom already have "stats over time" concept.

Plus you can link the "lore" of his innate to mako energy and how it gives Cloud a burst of power or something 😄

But as always, good job Sega, cant wait for future projects.
(cough Take over Grandia Redux Complete from Dunal cough)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6752 on: 2018-04-11 19:11:36 »
Cloud and Red share potential roles as all-rounders, with Cloud leaning more towards defenses and Red leaning towards speed. Having their Innate overlap isn't an issue because we want 1-2 characters to excel at any given role (all-rounder, offense, defense, speed utility), especially since Sega Chief lets you choose your lead character in Disc 2/3. It also helps that the .exe now alters Limit effects, so lower level limits are more valuable throughout the game.

Depending on whether you are playing on Arrange and whether you have Tifa in your party, reaching max stacks during boss battles will be unavoidable no matter how defensive you play. The battles where Cloud wouldn't stack much will be quick battles, in which case Red will also not get many stacks. This isn't counting post game where it's possible to end super bosses without taking much damage (thus not getting any limits) and have 255 for one or two stats.
« Last Edit: 2018-04-11 19:28:03 by Bowser9 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6753 on: 2018-04-11 19:50:15 »
Cloud and Red share potential roles as all-rounders, with Cloud leaning more towards defenses and Red leaning towards speed. Having their Innate overlap isn't an issue because we want 1-2 characters to excel at any given role (all-rounder, offense, defense, speed utility), especially since Sega Chief lets you choose your lead character in Disc 2/3. It also helps that the .exe now alters Limit effects, so lower level limits are more valuable throughout the game.

Depending on whether you are playing on Arrange and whether you have Tifa in your party, reaching max stacks during boss battles will be unavoidable no matter how defensive you play. The battles where Cloud wouldn't stack much will be quick battles, in which case Red will also not get many stacks. This isn't counting post game where it's possible to end super bosses without taking much damage (thus not getting any limits) and have 255 for one or two stats.

Though you are correct, avoiding overlapping as much as possible is good i think. And the change i suggested makes Cloud innate go from "it will happen when it happens" to " I want the huge stat boost fast, thus i can afford to go all out-aggression". In my opinion it adds a bit more decision making on how you approach it.

Another example of this is comparing Vincents and Tifas innate. Vincents passive heal is based on current mana, thus you can alter how you approach it, more phys dps/tank, or waste mana as a mage and lose some of the healing. While Tifas just happens when you get bursted down.

Now this wouldnt be a problem since we already have "passive" and "active" innates (what i call the scenario above) in other chars. But since Red is already the "Passive" one of the all-rounders, Cloud could potentially be the "active" one making it more engaging (in my opinion of course).

I could change this myself with WallMarket but i suck with scripts xD

EDIT: Just came up with an idea that would retain the all-around feature but add a bit more flavour to this innate.

5 stacks
Each stack gives 4 STR/MAG (= 20 in both at max)
When reaching 5 stack Cloud gets 15 VIT/SPR.

This allows Cloud to choose a aggressive style and be rewarded with defensive stats for getting alot of limits off. While also being able to go at it more slowly and getting boost along the way, "cementing" the defensive style when reaching max stacks

Ofc the numbers can be tweaked to lets say 15 total overall ( STR/MAG/VIT/SPR)
« Last Edit: 2018-04-11 19:58:28 by deha0002 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6754 on: 2018-04-11 20:24:54 »
I've noticed some weird things during my current Arrange run:
  • Hell Houses are practically impossible to morph because of Bad Plumbing spam.

Went back to test the solution in the current build. Use two Quakes, then let Bad Plumbing go off 3 times. This will put it at ~8 HP assuming you stacked Magic optimally.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6755 on: 2018-04-11 21:35:32 »
As was noted earlier, I was disappointed to see no Trine cast from Armour Keeper in arranged (3 tries). By the time you reach North Crater, there are 10x better options for a turn than choosing to cast Trine. Bummed to see it essentially scrapped in arranged, one of my favorite spells all time, from Vanilla :/


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6756 on: 2018-04-11 22:03:13 »
As was noted earlier, I was disappointed to see no Trine cast from Armour Keeper in arranged (3 tries). By the time you reach North Crater, there are 10x better options for a turn than choosing to cast Trine. Bummed to see it essentially scrapped in arranged, one of my favorite spells all time, from Vanilla :/

You can manipulate a Thundercracker for Trine. It's on the mountain path before Keeper.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6757 on: 2018-04-11 22:13:35 »
Thundercracker only has "thunderbolt2" when manipulated (arranged) no Trine. :(
« Last Edit: 2018-04-11 22:35:40 by Webbhead08 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6758 on: 2018-04-11 22:19:21 »
About the Fort Condor battles - do you have to win the mini game to win the prizes or will killing the enemy at the end of a 'fail' net the rewards? And, are the prizes worth it? (vague I know) It's maybe the one thing I have yet to still explore in the mod but my gut has said that this early in the game it can't be anything must have or spectacular to take time off the main game from. Thanks as always team -


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6759 on: 2018-04-11 22:26:31 »
About the Fort Condor battles - do you have to win the mini game to win the prizes or will killing the enemy at the end of a 'fail' net the rewards? And, are the prizes worth it? (vague I know) It's maybe the one thing I have yet to still explore in the mod but my gut has said that this early in the game it can't be anything must have or spectacular to take time off the main game from. Thanks as always team -

You should still be able to defeat the enemy commander in a mini-boss fight to get the rewards. This is slower than just rushing the bottom side, though.

The prizes are extremely helpful in all difficulties. Rewards range from good accessories, X-Potions, Remedies, etc. That said, you can ignore the side-quest and do fine on the main story line.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6760 on: 2018-04-11 23:26:02 »
Thanks for the info about the Condor battles, will try them out going forward -


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6761 on: 2018-04-12 00:09:07 »
Anyone find Trine in arranged besides North Crater??


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6762 on: 2018-04-12 00:27:56 »
I picked up e-skill " ?? ?? ' and it is not a non elemental damage e-skill, rather a gravity based attack. I saw a post earlier about Calamantra in the ancient forest, and also Ultima Weapon later, where non-elemental damage is key and this skill is not that in my latest 1.5 arranged play through so I'm wondering if there are any other sources of non elemental outside of Shadow Flare and summons
« Last Edit: 2018-04-12 00:30:23 by Webbhead08 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6763 on: 2018-04-12 00:54:49 »
I picked up e-skill " ?? ?? ' and it is not a non elemental damage e-skill, rather a gravity based attack. I saw a post earlier about Calamantra in the ancient forest, and also Ultima Weapon later, where non-elemental damage is key and this skill is not that in my latest 1.5 arranged play through so I'm wondering if there are any other sources of non elemental outside of Shadow Flare and summons

? was changed to Gravity a while ago. Shadow Flare (and Pandora) does hidden element damage and as such can be absorbed.

Non-elemental damage can be dealt with Throw, Coin, Vampire Fang, Cactuar Gun, Ultima (Planet materia), Comet 1&2 (by extension the Stardust item), Mustard Bomb (E-Skill), Matra Magic (E-Skill), and summons like Ultimate End.
« Last Edit: 2018-04-12 01:00:38 by Bowser9 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6764 on: 2018-04-13 01:24:00 »
Soft locked random encounter, Junon Path 2nd area, 2 slalom's and a Soldier: 2nd. Could make the run animation but no turns/actions were going. I had just used sense and was about to cast Bolt 3 when things perma stuck.

Does Soldier: M-Class (is this Soldier: 2nd?) still have a chance to drop another Yoshiyuki as listed in the enemy items guide or is that outdated? Took me a while to find one and then of course when I did the battle froze... Just wondering if obtaining 2 masamunes is possible. Thanks -


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6765 on: 2018-04-13 01:33:10 »
SOLDIER: M-Class should still have Yoshiyuki as its only possible drop; Steal T/S Bomb; Morph Edincoat.

EDIT: Soft lock might be the same as SOLDIER: 1st, where they try to use 2x cut once or twice but then there's some kind of error as the game waits for the enemy to act. Until Sega Chief has time to check back on this thread, you'll have to rely on Paralysis status to ensure SOLDIER: M-Class doesn't do anything.
« Last Edit: 2018-04-13 01:40:06 by Bowser9 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6766 on: 2018-04-13 01:35:23 »
The buggers are hard to find I've only found like 2 in about 12 battles and no drop yet... Thanks for the quick reply, appreciate it as always.

Edit: 0/8, received Hi Potion and Deadly Waste four times in a row, don't think it still drops anymore :(
« Last Edit: 2018-04-13 01:54:47 by Webbhead08 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6767 on: 2018-04-13 02:14:32 »
The buggers are hard to find I've only found like 2 in about 12 battles and no drop yet... Thanks for the quick reply, appreciate it as always.

Edit: 0/8, received Hi Potion and Deadly Waste four times in a row, don't think it still drops anymore :(

Hi Potion is the drop of SOLDIER: 2nd. SOLDIER: M-Class is different. Slalom will drop Deadly Waste. The scene.bin file lists SOLDIER: M-Class as only being able to drop Yoshiyuki. They are nearly identical save that M-Class also absorbs Gravity, but M-Class should appear somewhere. I'll need to back track to a different save to figure it out.

EDIT: Only save I got for Underwater Reactor is on normal, not Arrange. I'll have to work up to there to figure it out.
« Last Edit: 2018-04-13 02:19:50 by Bowser9 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6768 on: 2018-04-13 03:24:16 »
Can confirm Guide Book converts from Kalm Traveler to Gold Chocobo. One slow AF PoS gold chocobo haha. I guess the option to all caves is nice before Midgar raid if wanted.

I cleared through Junon already so not sure you can even get back to the zones for the potential drop, and I have the original Yoshiyuki but thought it could be fun to mess around with 2 or 3 'munes a little later on... Don't feel to pressured to figure it out!


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6769 on: 2018-04-13 07:09:23 »
Can confirm Guide Book converts from Kalm Traveler to Gold Chocobo. One slow AF PoS gold chocobo haha. I guess the option to all caves is nice before Midgar raid if wanted.

I cleared through Junon already so not sure you can even get back to the zones for the potential drop, and I have the original Yoshiyuki but thought it could be fun to mess around with 2 or 3 'munes a little later on... Don't feel to pressured to figure it out!

Yeah, it's the worst Chocobo ever BUT if you take it and breed it with a Wonderful Chocobo you'll get a free Gold Chocobo that isn't absolute trash and can easily carry you to 10 wins in S class.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6770 on: 2018-04-13 13:51:27 »

I´m spanish and I am playing this fantastic game with this mod that I love it right now, but there is a problem. There is an error when I try to snowboard for the first time in the history. When you go to try it, after you defeat Elena and get the board, there is a black screen and you cant do anything. If you exit with the "window" botton, there is a message that there is a error, and after that, ffvii is not responding or something like that and the game stop. Can you help me please?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6771 on: 2018-04-13 15:18:39 »
Sorry if i am boring with the innate, but its my favorite part of NT.

After Bowser9 told me that Tifa (and Vincent might have similar) trivialize Clouds innate by adding to many stacks too fast, my idea goes out the window. If the stats are max after one limit break, might as well just give it passively, right?

BUT since i more or less think innates on my way home from work, I might have something really good in mind.

Since Red and Cloud are supposed to be the all rounders of NT, why not make their innate "opposites"?
Red gains 50 (if its still the same) STR/MAG over time, Cloud could get, lets say, 30 STR/MAG when someone uses a limit break, then the stats slowly declines over time until he is back at 0 bonus stats, from where the cycle repeats.

So when someone uses a limit break (Or Tifa uses more since every hit count as one) you get the message "Overcharged". Now, during the stat decline, no matter how many limit breaks are used, his stats do not bumb up to +30 (might be to hard to limit it). But instead when he reaches +0 bonus stats we get the message "Cloud is no longer overcharged", a new limit break might be used to gain +30 stats again. Wording aside, this could be a cool concept for the two all rounders, like Ying and Yang of each other, but also incorporate play style since you have/can juggle between when to go offensive and when to go defensive.

Of course this has to be handled in the scripts so that i cant be stacked into oblivion, but i think its possible. Might even check it out myself.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6772 on: 2018-04-13 19:33:48 »

I´m spanish and I am playing this fantastic game with this mod that I love it right now, but there is a problem. There is an error when I try to snowboard for the first time in the history. When you go to try it, after you defeat Elena and get the board, there is a black screen and you cant do anything. If you exit with the "window" botton, there is a message that there is a error, and after that, ffvii is not responding or something like that and the game stop. Can you help me please?

If this is still a problem, please let us know if you are playing on the Steam version and if you have other mods besides New Threat.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6773 on: 2018-04-13 19:38:09 »
If this is still a problem, please let us know if you are playing on the Steam version and if you have other mods besides New Threat.

I just have this mod with the spanish version, and I am playing the Steam version.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6774 on: 2018-04-14 08:20:18 »
I`ve reuploaded the installer of the Spa version with the minigame bug fixed .  :)