Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 4994623 times)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8300 on: 2019-07-28 12:46:13 »
Sorry for barging in but i feel like i should give my feedback on my 1:30h experience so far. I heard about this mod from someone in another game and decided to try it. Seeing as vanilla FFs are all extremely easy i decided to go for Arranged. Ohh boy, common enemies attack twice before my char can queue an input and bosses attack 3 times. I'm stuck at the sewer monster after Cornello because Aeris stays unconscious, forcing me to 2x1 a boss whose normal attack deals 500 to Tifa, she has 450hp, and 340 to Cloud with defense items.

Now, it could be my fault since i read that the mod has some sort of customized stat upgrade, but i have no idea how to use or even how to reach it, everyone has the same stats since the start.

Seriously, i just died to the rapist trio on Cornello mansion because they attacked 6 times before my queued attack was used.

Edit: Managed to kill the sewer monster out of pure luck, Aeris dodged a back attack wave, which normally instantly kills her, in time to use her barrier on both again. Also i was using maximum battle speed, which was what was causing the insane enemy attack queue even with wait atb.

The reason I called it arrange mode was to try and divert people away from jumping into a hard mode for the first run. I would recommend starting it up on normal mode.

The stat-up system isn't accessed until shortly after you've left Midgar, in the Mythril Mines.

I just feel underpowered, everything in disc two just got stronger when I more or less stayed the same. Basically by end disc one most of my character we're 8/8, so they couldn't get stronger in disc 2. Went from hitting for about 6k in disc one to only hitting for maybe 2k-3k. Grinding didn't help because I basically don't get stronger for being higher level. The bosses basically hit for all my health, my characters health is around 6500 health. So in every fight I'm basically on back burner spending more time spamming life or cure. There was the hole issues with being silenced even through I was wearing a item that stop silence and being silence still after death. The boss battle that broke me was for Yuffi. Every idea I had just didn't work, they would cast ability that remove you from the game. Thought hey, I'll silence them and then kill them. Nope they can still uses their ability while silence, thought if they could remove me maybe I can remove them. Nope doesn't affect them.

Even rocking sadness isn't enough, mobs or bosses would still basically hit for all of my health. Other issue is everything is moved, I would love a ribbon but they're moved. Tried to get something I think would help or increase my defense and it's gone. Items on mobs you could steal would be replaced by a less item. Like fighting Reno and Rude in The Sunken Gelnika are different and aren't as good. Put the finishing touches, I spawned in my Ultimate weapons and gave me max stats in the game. I was still only hitting for 2-4k... What really pushed me over the edge an made me just go play FF15 is cloud... Cloud with max stats and ultimate weapon hit a boss for 6 damage with a limit...

The fight for Yuffie's Lv.4 Limit:
Spoiler: show

The two enemies accompanying the boss will counter with a whirlsand-type attack when killed. Instead of killing them, they should be incapacitated using statuses. The following work against both:
Sleep, Confu, Silence, Slow, Stop, Berserk

Slow, Stop, and Sleep are great when used together because Stop freezes the runtime of other statuses meaning you have a buffer after Stop wears off to reapply the status as the enemies will still be incapacitated.

Berserk is a more permanent alternative that forces them to use only their physical attack instead of their other abilities like Curse, etc. but their base physical lowers defence stats by 5% on the target each time so be careful if going this route.

Confu can turn them on the boss for you, but they may hit themselves and remove Confu (I think this can be prevented with the use of Resist so that they remain Confused) or accidentally kill the other and prompt Whirlsand.

Izanami has an ability called Blessing which buffs the main boss' stats by 15% so this one should be incapacitated first if you need to choose. Silence should block this.

You can open the battle strong with Alexander to reliably inflict Stop on both the flying cohorts (it also can't kill them as they have 10,000HP and damage cap is still 9999 in this mod) but you'll need to be careful about using multi-target damage after that. Follow that Stop up with Slow and Sleep to keep them down for a long time.

As for the boss itself, Paralysis works so Cross Slash or some Dazers can help if you need a breather. Holy element is the way to go damage-wise, as Poison doesn't work against undead enemies. Elements to defend against are Holy, Fire, and Water (2 attack use Water). Shout is also used; this can be blocked using Elemental + any Bahamut summon in your armour. You likely won't be able to block them all, so pick which attacks are causing the most trouble and block those:
Uzume Fall: Holy (multi-hit, inflicts Darkness), base 8 x10 hits
Leviathan: Water (same as summon, inflicts Silence, ignores MDef)
Kagura: Shout, Confu/Silence, hits all, base 40
Sunyata of Fire: Fire, Inflicts Slow, swaps target Row, base 55
Sunyata of Water: Water, Removes Sadness/Fury, base 72

One thing to watch for is buffs that the boss will use. Sunyata of Wind gives Haste and Auto-Crits, so have Dispel handy to remove that ASAP. Sunyata of Earth is a Wall + Reflect, so Debarrier can take care of that. For status defence, Confu is likely the priority but if you block the elemental damage of an attack then you don't need to worry about the statuses attached to that attack.

The Limit breaks dealing 6 damage sound like something's wrong though. Another user mentioned that as well.

When I do tests, outgoing damage tends to range from 1500-2000 for physical attacks (per physical, not total from a 4x-cut for instance) with spells reaching up past 5000 to 9999 depending on the enemy. If you guys can send me your save files so I can have a look, it'll help me figure out what's going wrong.

But I think what I'll do tonight is, I'll do a quick sweep and drop out some of the things that have been causing consistent issues like attacks that ignore status defence, speeding up the yellow cave fight, maybe upping the damage player party deals, etc. Not sure when my final update is going to be ready, so better I do some maintenance now instead of waiting it out any longer.

So I'm on 'Disc' 3, and made it to the bottom of crater. Got the call that there'd be another NPC to talk to about weapons and other NT material. Problem is....

There isn't.

The only NPC that's there is telling me about the level 4 limit breaks. I have nothing for anything else. I'm assuming it's meant to tell me about the ultimate weapons, since I've yet to see those, but there's no one else there, and no new info in that particular NPC. Color me confused.

That's the only NPC, not sure why it said it would talk about the weapons. For those, go to the NPC in the blue house near Gongaga on the world map. He's the one who makes them. Also check in at the operations room, there's a new NPC on the right of that room who allows for party leader swaps to Tifa or Cid.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8301 on: 2019-07-29 11:02:24 »
Hi Sega Chief,

an All + Regen spell just missed on one of my chars. Equipment was this:

Red XIII with with Crystal Comb / Rune Armlet / Touph Ring cast it on everyone and
missed Tifa with Crystal Glove / Rune Armlet / Touph Ring.

Red had iirc darkness but nothing else. First time that happened at all.

I was in combat with a Sea worm near Mideel, he attacked me with Sandstorm and i cast Regen on all. It missed and i cast it again with her as a target. Then it worked.

/Edit: wtf, again. It worked on the 2 others and missed Tifa.
/Edit 2: And again. But only Tifa gets missed. Red had darkness.
/Edit 3: Might be the Touph Ring? Now Cid cast it on the party and missed himself: Partisan / Rune Armlet / Touph Ring

Tifa is the party leader btw and Cloud not yet found.

I can upload a save, if necessary.

I've had this as well. It happens whenever a party member has an accessory that halves restorative. I figured that the way it works is it gives Regen a 50% chance to miss.

Regen also won't hit if the party member is shielded.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8302 on: 2019-07-29 14:02:04 »

I just feel underpowered, everything in disc two just got stronger when I more or less stayed the same. Basically by end disc one most of my character we're 8/8, so they couldn't get stronger in disc 2. Went from hitting for about 6k in disc one to only hitting for maybe 2k-3k. Grinding didn't help because I basically don't get stronger for being higher level. The bosses basically hit for all my health, my characters health is around 6500 health. So in every fight I'm basically on back burner spending more time spamming life or cure. There was the hole issues with being silenced even through I was wearing a item that stop silence and being silence still after death. The boss battle that broke me was for Yuffi. Every idea I had just didn't work, they would cast ability that remove you from the game. Thought hey, I'll silence them and then kill them. Nope they can still uses their ability while silence, thought if they could remove me maybe I can remove them. Nope doesn't affect them.

Even rocking sadness isn't enough, mobs or bosses would still basically hit for all of my health. Other issue is everything is moved, I would love a ribbon but they're moved. Tried to get something I think would help or increase my defense and it's gone. Items on mobs you could steal would be replaced by a less item. Like fighting Reno and Rude in The Sunken Gelnika are different and aren't as good. Put the finishing touches, I spawned in my Ultimate weapons and gave me max stats in the game. I was still only hitting for 2-4k... What really pushed me over the edge an made me just go play FF15 is cloud... Cloud with max stats and ultimate weapon hit a boss for 6 damage with a limit...

for my experience (20 + regular run on ps1 + 40h into this 1.5 NT mod) you must go full defensive. I run barret back with cover and counter-attack, added status + stop, and all + barrier. it's basically a support char. cloud front with all+haste and physical attacks. aerith back with full magic equip as glass cannon. imo it's the only viable comp since every pack / bosses is extremely strong. I think cloud is the weakest but cannot be changed before reaching crater bottom.   levelling / grinding will not do the trick, the power increase is minimal. you have to plan for every boss or area the correct accessories and resistances. it's extremely well balanced if you have 20+ years experience, it could be too difficult otherwise. 
note for saga chief: imo magic is too strong compared to physical attacks. at crater and with 255 atk (lvl 99) the physical attacks hits for really a low amount, while spells hits for large chunks. is the dmg level low to not abuse the 4x cut? btw still amazed by your job.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8303 on: 2019-07-30 02:57:32 »

I'm checking if I missed something. I'm working on getting Cid's ultimate limit break and I triggered the scene where I'm told the weapon system is missing a targeting system and to maybe check Wall Mart out. I've gone back to there but I can't seem to locate anything. The "item" shop just shoots at me without response, and none of the NPCs have anything important to say. I tried to go back to the guy fixing up the tiny bronco but I can't even talk to him.

Also on small occasions, big brawl will do absolutely nothing and not trigger a single hit. Is that normal?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8304 on: 2019-07-30 07:49:34 »
So, I just finished Cave of Gi and I have some question regarding summon materia.

Is early summon supposed to be this weak? It only deal a small amount of damage and it's limited to once per battle. I don't see any benefit equipping summon materia over magic tbh.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8305 on: 2019-07-30 09:12:52 »

That's the only NPC, not sure why it said it would talk about the weapons. For those, go to the NPC in the blue house near Gongaga on the world map. He's the one who makes them. Also check in at the operations room, there's a new NPC on the right of that room who allows for party leader swaps to Tifa or Cid.

Hey, thanks for that! Yeah, I found the way to change party leaders pretty quickly, just so I could get Tifa's and Cid's level 4. Took me a bit to figure out Cid's but once I realized the feature of changing party leaders, made it a little simpler.

Now it's time to go out and search for a lot of items to get some weapons :T Guess I'm technically only looking for 3, that being for the ones that I'm using.

You've breathed fresh life into this game or me and I thank you for that. I only downloaded the mod last Thursday, and it was because I saw Max d00d playing it. Wouldn't have known this existed otherwise! I honestly bought this from steam for this mod alone. So again, thank you.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8306 on: 2019-07-30 10:09:39 »

for my experience (20 + regular run on ps1 + 40h into this 1.5 NT mod) you must go full defensive. I run barret back with cover and counter-attack, added status + stop, and all + barrier. it's basically a support char. cloud front with all+haste and physical attacks. aerith back with full magic equip as glass cannon. imo it's the only viable comp since every pack / bosses is extremely strong. I think cloud is the weakest but cannot be changed before reaching crater bottom.   levelling / grinding will not do the trick, the power increase is minimal. you have to plan for every boss or area the correct accessories and resistances. it's extremely well balanced if you have 20+ years experience, it could be too difficult otherwise. 
note for saga chief: imo magic is too strong compared to physical attacks. at crater and with 255 atk (lvl 99) the physical attacks hits for really a low amount, while spells hits for large chunks. is the dmg level low to not abuse the 4x cut? btw still amazed by your job.

Physicals revolve around quantity; you have 4x-cut, 5x counter hits (plus Command Counter if you go full out), added cut, and Limits. Though it sounds like certain limits aren't outputting intended damage.


I'm checking if I missed something. I'm working on getting Cid's ultimate limit break and I triggered the scene where I'm told the weapon system is missing a targeting system and to maybe check Wall Mart out. I've gone back to there but I can't seem to locate anything. The "item" shop just shoots at me without response, and none of the NPCs have anything important to say. I tried to go back to the guy fixing up the tiny bronco but I can't even talk to him.

Also on small occasions, big brawl will do absolutely nothing and not trigger a single hit. Is that normal?

Is Cid the party leader? It can be swapped in the Highwind's operation room. I think it's been scripted to check if Cid is the controlled character.

Big Brawl is bugged on PC as far as I know, or at least it is for the steam version (latest versions of the aali driver may have fixed it, like it fixed the Hyper Jump crash). I think the damage does go through though, just doesn't display visually (enemies killed by this won't vanish either, but will for all intents and purposes be 'dead').

So, I just finished Cave of Gi and I have some question regarding summon materia.

Is early summon supposed to be this weak? It only deal a small amount of damage and it's limited to once per battle. I don't see any benefit equipping summon materia over magic tbh.

I checked that recently and noticed that a lot of the base powers for these were reduced significantly from what they were a while ago. People often mention they're underpowered now so probably went too far with a nerf or something. I'll run some tests and reinstate the base powers of them if they're too wimpy.

Hey, thanks for that! Yeah, I found the way to change party leaders pretty quickly, just so I could get Tifa's and Cid's level 4. Took me a bit to figure out Cid's but once I realized the feature of changing party leaders, made it a little simpler.

Now it's time to go out and search for a lot of items to get some weapons :T Guess I'm technically only looking for 3, that being for the ones that I'm using.

You've breathed fresh life into this game or me and I thank you for that. I only downloaded the mod last Thursday, and it was because I saw Max d00d playing it. Wouldn't have known this existed otherwise! I honestly bought this from steam for this mod alone. So again, thank you.

No worries, let me know if there's any problems.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8307 on: 2019-07-30 10:11:48 »
No worries, let me know if there's any problems.

Less a problem, more a curiosity. In Mr. Smile's rank up, there's a "??????????" character. Was that a place holder or is there an actual secret character in this mod that I'm unaware of?


Final message after beating the game has a couple of typos. Small, but can help to cap off a great experience. Basically, not an immediate issue to look into :)
« Last Edit: 2019-07-30 11:29:48 by Shinizaru »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8308 on: 2019-07-30 10:50:07 »
How about the Alpha enemy skill? I just fought Alpha Zolom but it didn't use Alpha, only Beta. Alpha's been moved somewhere else?

Hail, glorious Sega Chief.

I'm having the same issue as this fine gentleman who seems to have gone unanswered. The Alpha Zolom doesn't seem to want to cast Alpha on me, only Beta.
Am I missing something super obvious?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8309 on: 2019-07-30 12:24:28 »
Less a problem, more a curiosity. In Mr. Smile's rank up, there's a "??????????" character. Was that a place holder or is there an actual secret character in this mod that I'm unaware of?


Final message after beating the game has a couple of typos. Small, but can help to cap off a great experience. Basically, not an immediate issue to look into :)

It was a placeholder that I didn't remove; it was unfortunately copied across a tonne of save points, making it difficult to remove easily.

Hail, glorious Sega Chief.

I'm having the same issue as this fine gentleman who seems to have gone unanswered. The Alpha Zolom doesn't seem to want to cast Alpha on me, only Beta.
Am I missing something super obvious?

It was changed back to Beta, Alpha is no longer in the mod (replaced with chronocure I think, used by crater enemies; death dealer I think?).

Apologies if I missed an earlier question about Alpha.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8310 on: 2019-07-30 12:50:31 »
It was a placeholder that I didn't remove; it was unfortunately copied across a tonne of save points, making it difficult to remove easily.

It was changed back to Beta, Alpha is no longer in the mod (replaced with chronocure I think, used by crater enemies; death dealer I think?).

Apologies if I missed an earlier question about Alpha.

Turns out I already had it :P
Now I've been waiting for the Marlboro to use magic breath on me for a while now... Do I have to trigger it somehow? The last enemy skill I need before tackling the weapons ;w;

EDIT: Oh. Triggered on a limit break.
« Last Edit: 2019-07-30 13:02:53 by Fishmeistercod »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8311 on: 2019-07-30 18:18:43 »
Follow up on the Vincent cave, the other item was an oversoul shard; 9 of which are used to make a Masamune at that blue house near Gongaga on the world map. There were other things it needed as well; a yoshiyuki and a ribbon I think. The masamune can be equipped by any character, takes on the appearance of their base weapon, and has a 100% crit rate.

hi, i am almost 70hrs with this mod, i have 2 questions, the first one i accidentally on arrange mod after i talked to a npc at mt corel before riding the gondola to gold saucer, not knowing arrange mod is harder, any way i can get back to original mod? currently i at disc 3 before realizing this, secondly, i have cloud equipped with masamune, however i cant get maximum damage with it, at best it around 7k plus damage, mostly avg at 3-4k damage. is it normal? what is the highest damage i should expect when using masamune? ultima weapon however deal max 9999. my strength stat is 230, attack is 255 and attack % is also 255.



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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8312 on: 2019-07-30 20:17:25 »
And done.

Thank you, Sega Chief. I wasn't even planning on replaying FF7 this year considering how busy I was, but right from the start, this total overhaul had me hooked, enthralled, and downright obsessed in ways I haven't felt about this game in literal years.

I think when Arrange Mode is finished and New Game+ gets added, I'll just have to do it one last time. <3


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8313 on: 2019-07-30 22:26:49 »
Hi, I tried searching around a bit for an answer to this, but if I'm using 7th Heaven, where in the load order should New Thread be? Right now I'm only wanting to use Animations, Music and Sound, and New Threat. The thread for 7th Heaven has a suggested load order with general descriptions, but New Threat meets multiple of them and could go in any number of places, so I'm not really sure what to do. Thanks if anyone can help, and sorry if there was some obvious place with the answer to this that I missed.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8314 on: 2019-07-31 01:08:53 »
hi, i am almost 70hrs with this mod, i have 2 questions, the first one i accidentally on arrange mod after i talked to a npc at mt corel before riding the gondola to gold saucer, not knowing arrange mod is harder, any way i can get back to original mod? currently i at disc 3 before realizing this, secondly, i have cloud equipped with masamune, however i cant get maximum damage with it, at best it around 7k plus damage, mostly avg at 3-4k damage. is it normal? what is the highest damage i should expect when using masamune? ultima weapon however deal max 9999. my strength stat is 230, attack is 255 and attack % is also 255.


For physicals it depends on the defence of the target, Masamune uses a regular damage formula as opposed to ultimate weapons. To get it hitting harder, you could try elemental in the weapon or a status like berserk; other than that, there's no other ways to boost it further.

And done.

Thank you, Sega Chief. I wasn't even planning on replaying FF7 this year considering how busy I was, but right from the start, this total overhaul had me hooked, enthralled, and downright obsessed in ways I haven't felt about this game in literal years.

I think when Arrange Mode is finished and New Game+ gets added, I'll just have to do it one last time. <3

Thanks bud; I've got big stuff in the works for the last update so watch this space.

Hi, I tried searching around a bit for an answer to this, but if I'm using 7th Heaven, where in the load order should New Thread be? Right now I'm only wanting to use Animations, Music and Sound, and New Threat. The thread for 7th Heaven has a suggested load order with general descriptions, but New Threat meets multiple of them and could go in any number of places, so I'm not really sure what to do. Thanks if anyone can help, and sorry if there was some obvious place with the answer to this that I missed.

This is the mod load order based on type of mod:

Miscellaneous - Dynamic Cloud Weapons
Miscellaneous - Jessie Mod
Miscellaneous - Team Avalanche Fields
Battle Models - Weapons
Field Models - Objects
Battle Models - Characters
Battle Models - Enemies
Battle Textures
Field Models - Main Characters
Field Models - Non-Player Characters
Field Textures - Omzy/satsuki/yarLson
Gameplay - Difficulty and Story
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
Media - Movies
Media - Music and Sound
Menu - Avatars and Backdrops
Minigames - Chocobo Race
Minigames - Coaster
Minigames - Fort Condor
Minigames - Motorbike Chase
Minigames - Wonder Square
Spell Textures
The Reunion - Beacause and Menu Overhaul
World Models - Characters
World Models - Enemies
World Models - Vehicles
World Textures

NT comes under gameplay - difficulty and story.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8315 on: 2019-07-31 06:21:56 »
For physicals it depends on the defence of the target, Masamune uses a regular damage formula as opposed to ultimate weapons. To get it hitting harder, you could try elemental in the weapon or a status like berserk; other than that, there's no other ways to boost it further.

what i notice is when i am using masamune with any character, like cloud for example, when he hit the target, the sound is like normal hit, i assumed if critical damage the sound is louder. it is like it dont do any critical damage at all. i did try on berserk status, the damage is increase however still not max 9999 damage even with max character stat, like from 5k to 7k, just wondering is it the same as others who try to use the masamune?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8316 on: 2019-07-31 22:48:27 »
Hey Sega!

Thanks for making that recommendation. I completely forgot about making him party leader. I'd been waiting for him to become party leader for EVER (I like having two mages in my party for magical flexibility and cloud isn't that great at it) and because with the right set up, he's a great tank.

This isn't the first version I've played. I recalled I played either 1.3 or 1.4 and can tell you, I definitely feel like Summons are very weak. There's a big penalty (large reduction in HP/MP) to equip them with a small reward (slight boost in magic) for a one time use that's often outclassed by 3rd tier spells or even some enemy skills. If you have two higher tier summons, like Hades and Bahamut zero, you're suffering a massive 30% HP reduction and there's not much power behind them by comparison to the compatible materia that you get at the time (Planet and Contain). One character that has both of those equipped are able to cover a lot more weaknesses. Having a summon that can cause a status effect is nice, but it's niche and can only partially help you against certain enemies. You may be able to use added effect to imbue your attacks with it, but now you're taking your tank/melee fighter and hamstringing him/her for the sake of a status effect.

I agree, in the original, summons we're completely broken and made the game so incredibly easy that you could get away with clearing trash mobs with chocobo wind until nibelheim, but by then you got other summons anyways, but I feel the only summon worth the energy or time are KOTR and the niche status effect I mentioned above for select fights.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8317 on: 2019-08-01 08:11:40 »
good morning Sega!

I finished everything ! what a great experience!!!
I have just 1 recommendation: remove Stardust and Gospel Spark or remove W-Item bug.
before W item every fight was a masterpiece.

a part from that, I'd hug you if I could, what a great 60h of pure magic <3

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8318 on: 2019-08-01 08:34:08 »
what i notice is when i am using masamune with any character, like cloud for example, when he hit the target, the sound is like normal hit, i assumed if critical damage the sound is louder. it is like it dont do any critical damage at all. i did try on berserk status, the damage is increase however still not max 9999 damage even with max character stat, like from 5k to 7k, just wondering is it the same as others who try to use the masamune?

I thought the sound used the Masamune SFX across all characters cause it's tied to the weapon.

Hey Sega!

Thanks for making that recommendation. I completely forgot about making him party leader. I'd been waiting for him to become party leader for EVER (I like having two mages in my party for magical flexibility and cloud isn't that great at it) and because with the right set up, he's a great tank.

This isn't the first version I've played. I recalled I played either 1.3 or 1.4 and can tell you, I definitely feel like Summons are very weak. There's a big penalty (large reduction in HP/MP) to equip them with a small reward (slight boost in magic) for a one time use that's often outclassed by 3rd tier spells or even some enemy skills. If you have two higher tier summons, like Hades and Bahamut zero, you're suffering a massive 30% HP reduction and there's not much power behind them by comparison to the compatible materia that you get at the time (Planet and Contain). One character that has both of those equipped are able to cover a lot more weaknesses. Having a summon that can cause a status effect is nice, but it's niche and can only partially help you against certain enemies. You may be able to use added effect to imbue your attacks with it, but now you're taking your tank/melee fighter and hamstringing him/her for the sake of a status effect.

I agree, in the original, summons we're completely broken and made the game so incredibly easy that you could get away with clearing trash mobs with chocobo wind until nibelheim, but by then you got other summons anyways, but I feel the only summon worth the energy or time are KOTR and the niche status effect I mentioned above for select fights.

Buff incoming for those then.

good morning Sega!

I finished everything ! what a great experience!!!
I have just 1 recommendation: remove Stardust and Gospel Spark or remove W-Item bug.
before W item every fight was a masterpiece.

a part from that, I'd hug you if I could, what a great 60h of pure magic <3

Cheers bud, glad you enjoyed it; as far as W-Item goes, there is an assembly fix for it that I think DLPB came up with but I held off on asking to use it because I felt it'd be a bit of a bummer for folk expecting to use the glitch finally getting the W-Item materia only to discover that it's been patched out. So as far as that glitch goes, I leave it up to the player to use it or not. Stardust is getting adjusted from the next overhaul though at the very least, Gospel Spark may or may not be getting cut; not sure yet.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8319 on: 2019-08-01 09:12:11 »
good morning Sega!

I finished everything ! what a great experience!!!
I have just 1 recommendation: remove Stardust and Gospel Spark or remove W-Item bug.
before W item every fight was a masterpiece.

a part from that, I'd hug you if I could, what a great 60h of pure magic <3

I actually found myself preferring going the regular route over W-Item. When I tried going that route against Nemesis, I just got roflstomped :P All ribbons for the last stretch of the game after that realization.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8320 on: 2019-08-02 01:49:57 »
I want to run the vanilla combat version (using the .exe installer not 7H IRO), every time I enter battle the enemy encounters are wrong. First battle against Shinra soldiers is against three enemies from the train graveyard. I've used the normal NT before with no problems and uninstalled FF7 since to clear any modified files but the encounters are still janky. Any ideas?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8321 on: 2019-08-02 05:49:09 »
Ok, i got gud and i'm still at 1st visit of Nibelheim, but i have to ask... What is up with "lost number"? Not only when he splits up he drains poison, his attacks become much stronger, not to mention the lowering your level every now and then. First part is easy to cheese but i can't figure out the way to beat the second part of the fight. Will try other things later but me dealing 40 while taking 4000 made me think i shouldn't be there yet.

Tbh this mod is reminding me of the Ocarina of Time remaster for Game Cube, it changed item locations and keys and a lot of small things, it's refreshing.

Edit: I think there is something wrong with the exp system. Lvl 30-32 requires a total of 40-50k exp each, lvl 33+ requires less than 10k.
« Last Edit: 2019-08-02 19:48:21 by howlerleech »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8322 on: 2019-08-02 08:17:41 »
I want to run the vanilla combat version (using the .exe installer not 7H IRO), every time I enter battle the enemy encounters are wrong. First battle against Shinra soldiers is against three enemies from the train graveyard. I've used the normal NT before with no problems and uninstalled FF7 since to clear any modified files but the encounters are still janky. Any ideas?

There's an .exe installer for the vanilla combat version? I thought it was just the IRO, where did you find that? It'll need to be updated with the same fix the IRO got.

Ok, i got gud and i'm still at 1st visit of Nibelheim, but i have to ask... What is up with "lost number"? Not only when he splits up he drains poison, his attacks become much stronger, not to mention the lowering your level every now and then. First part is easy to cheese but i can't figure out the way to beat the second part of the fight. Will try other things later but me dealing 40 while taking 4000 made me think i shouldn't be there yet.

Tbh this mod is reminding me of the Ocarina of Time remaster for Game Cube, it changed item locations and keys and a lot of small things, it's refreshing.

If it's on arrange mode, then that fight is probably one of the hardest ones. Best thing is to leave it for now.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8323 on: 2019-08-02 14:32:57 »
There's an .exe installer for the vanilla combat version? I thought it was just the IRO, where did you find that? It'll need to be updated with the same fix the IRO got.

I found the download here. If you could update the installer I would very much appreciate that. I've never been able to get 7H to work  ???

And this is the Main Installer for a special version of NT that uses vanilla enemies/kernel:!L8MFESKY!SCNN_r0HC1eEPCnO7tkN07SiJMzGfe5AeZuNgktrMGM

IRO version of it:!GlVhRIYI!QDvB7Wvs-mtK8kM8WVNhr8Pm40fUsj97QFJiFmY8_AA


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #8324 on: 2019-08-03 02:13:39 »
After my annual playthrough of vanilla FF7, I've been playing this as a NewGame+ using Black Chocobo to reset my save to the game start. I'm vastly overlevelled, but I was more curious about the added content than anything else, and it has not disappointed at all.

A couple of things I wanted to highlight;

Spoiler: show
The fight with the dragon in the Temple of the Ancients was wonderful. Seeing its HP, realising how thoroughly outclassed I was even at a second playthrough level, and having the scorpion appear again to back me up was absolutely nuts.

There is some really strange game behaviour during the Junon Raid sequence. PHS is active at the savepoint where you find Yuffie, and I could change out my entire team, including Barret. If I did this before talking to Yuffie, the game hangs when I try to talk to her. If I load a save at this point, Barret will uncontrollably run to the northern edge of that field screen, and won't respond to my inputs at all until he reaches the field limit. Also, maybe one time in every 5, a random encounter on the airport screen will result in the game hanging too. I'm not sure why, but this is the only area in the game where I've had any issues.

I like the little Gamefaqs shoutout if you get the rocket code on the first try, because I absolutely was looking at Gamefaqs when I did it.

All in all, I've had a lot of fun with this so far. Some of the new stuff has made me laugh myself silly. Once I've finished the game I'll be sure to do a proper playthrough from a new save, because even at my second playthrough levels, some bits have been really challenging, and I feel like I've not really been fair to this mod playing it the way I have.

Excellent work!