Author Topic: UPCOMING: [FF7 PSX] Enemy weapons  (Read 3332 times)


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UPCOMING: [FF7 PSX] Enemy weapons
« on: 2014-03-21 00:08:32 »

...notice something (apart from my model mods being active and weird choice of names) ??

Cloud carries that SOLDIER 3 sword! The guys who normally have it use to have hardedges somewhere in their pockets to be mugged but prefer the usage of those weird round pointy blades.

Now Im trying to give this a little more sense. Enemies who carry weapons will drop those when defeated. Im not sure what kinds of objects I will include but I immediately thought of some Shinra guns like the tranquilizer(implementing this would be np thx to wm) or the Lances of Gi-Spectors. Wolfmeister is an option, too but its WAY big, Lazy Bastard posted using this one in some thread a while ago and it looks a little weird. Well, Tonberry's knife would be actually quite funny as well, maybe yuffie could throw it around or something :D

Claws could make up for weapons of Tifa and Barret maybe gets Dyne's needle gun to work. I will also alter properties of all weapons like including a shot gun hitting multiple enemies, weapons with elements, statuses, drain ability, affect mp, break barrier spell, special relation between hit rate/critical rate/atk damage and so on n so forth.

This thread will document the progress of this mod but hopefully it will also help me getting good ideas for this. And that's where you come into play ;)

If you're interested in this, feel free to post ideas for weapons/body parts of enemies to be used as weapons and cool configurations/special properties of said weapons or the original ones.



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Re: UPCOMING: [FF7 PSX] Enemy weapons
« Reply #1 on: 2014-03-21 01:25:38 »
As a potential warning, IIRC setting weapons to automatically hit all enemies causes issues when you try to do 2xCut and 4xCut. I guess because of a lack of animations or just something never programmed to be a possibility. You might just want to test that first.


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Re: UPCOMING: [FF7 PSX] Enemy weapons
« Reply #2 on: 2014-03-21 01:32:43 »
Thx ;)
Of course I will test everything before I make a release, I absolutely dont expect everything to work right away. But a weapon hitting multiple enemies is just a small part of this, first of all I just need ideas no matter if they will work or not :)

The more the better, cool/funny/crazy/creative stuff, maybe Ill even get my hands on parts of the summon models - I know that Lazy Bastard had some good progress with this even though some parts seem to be drawn on the screen.


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Re: UPCOMING: [FF7 PSX] Enemy weapons
« Reply #3 on: 2014-03-21 16:10:18 »
As a potential warning, IIRC setting weapons to automatically hit all enemies causes issues when you try to do 2xCut and 4xCut. I guess because of a lack of animations or just something never programmed to be a possibility. You might just want to test that first.

This shouldn't be an issue with long-range characters though, because they simply repeat the same animation over and over.

Also, 4x-Cut presents even less of a problem there, because it doesn't even obey weapon target data.