DOWNLOAD: is a quick n' dirty way to remove the original SD models from those FMVs in which they're hard-baked. FMVs like "dumcrush", "ontrain", "fallpl" etc. feature pre-rendered versions of the blocky, chibi models, which can't easily be swapped out. So I took those files into some video editing software and had a shot at superimposing some images of the realistically proportioned character models on top.
The results are far from perfect, this is NOT the mod for you, if your idea of modding FF7's cut-scenes is to
improve their visual quality, lol. But, if like me, you're more annoyed by inconsistency than by bad animation, then maybe you'll appreciate this as a way to avoid ever seeing those chibi models at any point during the game...
dumcrush (The Mideel collapse sequence) over the original models frame-by-frame
Cut some shots short to minimise work-load
Lazily rotated some backdrops to minimise work-load
Superimposed partially animated models
fallpl (Sector 7 is destroyed), the timing with the real-time models goes slightly out, but it's not too bad.
Painted over the original models frame-by-frame
Cut some shots short to minimise work-load
Removed minor NPCs for convenience
Superimposed still-frame models
gold3 (Gondola scene, where the Chocobo racers pass the window) the Chocobo riders, obscuring their proportions
Cut to adjust timings, to match up with real-time models
hiwind0 (Cloud climbs up to see the Highwind) camera movement for convenience
Cut some shots short to minimise work-load
Painted over the original model
Superimposed partially animated model
hwindfly (The Highwind arrives to rescue Tifa) camera movement for convenience
Cut some shots short to minimise work-load
Painted over the original models frame-by-frame
Superimposed partially animated models
This one is a particularly complicated sequence, so expect crappiness
jairofal (Tiny Bronco crash lands) Cloud and Cid, obscuring their proportions
Added overall motion blur to further obscure changes
monitor (Shin-Ra employee asleep in the monitor room) over the original model
Superimposed still-frame model
ontrain (Cloud escapes by jumping onto the train) some shots short to minimise work-load
Painted over the original model frame-by-frame
Superimposed partially animated model
parashot (Parashooting sequence) frame-rate for a couple of seconds to minimise work-load
Painted over the original models frame-by-frame
Superimposed still-frame models
Red XIII and Cid do not appear for convenience
Cut the sequence in places to match the timing of the real-time models
southmk (Cloud falls after the Airbuster fight) over the original models frame-by-frame
Used some masking so a little of the original explosion is still visible
Superimposed partially animated models
weapon2 (Sapphire Weapon attacks Junon) out the shots where Shin-Ra troops are visible
weapon3 (Sapphire Weapon attacks Junon) out the shots where Shin-Ra troops are visible
Also included in the download is a zip file called This is an flevel patch which corrects an issue with the hwindfly sequence wherein Tifa's field model would remain visible on top of the entire FMV. To install this fix (which restores the sequence effectively) unzip the file and place the unzipped folder in your root Final Fantasy VII directory (where FF7.exe or FF7_en.exe are located) then double click "RUN ME.bat".
I used the FMV Restoration project's files as a base.
I used character models from Kaldarasha's Redone Models and from Reunion.
Ulgp Credits:
All credit where it's due.