Author Topic: Bootloader crash on main menu  (Read 2378 times)


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Bootloader crash on main menu
« on: 2014-06-02 03:13:32 »
I followed the installation instructions for the steam version, but every time I try to run Bootloader I end up getting a glitched main menu after the Eidos load screen, and I can't do anything. I've tried running the mod with default settings and safe settings, but it happens every time and I have to close out of it. Anybody know of a fix for this?


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Re: Bootloader crash on main menu
« Reply #1 on: 2014-06-26 02:19:21 »
Alright well first off I think this post might have been better in the tifa bootleg area. I only say because you might get a faster response from alyza or vgr. Things people need to know to help you is screenshots of all setting that you used. You can make an account with imgur which is free and very simple to use so that we can see those screenshots. You will also need to let people know what guide you used to accomplish the install. Screenshots of the problem your having are also helpful along with even a video if need be. You also should post pc specs along with whether you ran all programs under admin rights (ran as admin). What is the directory you installed the game under? Make sure you do not have steam in the c drive or where ever you have the system OS because that always complicates mods. If I left anything out left me know hopefully I didn't. Hope someone else can get back with you soon. Just make sure you have more information in your posts to really get the ball rolling on troubleshooting. Cheers  :)