Author Topic: The tripple a we all hate EA - A rant  (Read 4085 times)


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The tripple a we all hate EA - A rant
« on: 2014-08-06 18:16:49 »
Okay, So last night i was playing Alice: Madness Returns on my PC, having a blast, when the same old bug hits me, I aim, and i can't stop aiming, i am stuck. so i just say screw it i'm done, and take a break, come back. and it didn't save at the last check point.

So at this point i am annoyed because two known bugs that are semi game breaking are in this game. I knew that had been reported long ago, But i decided. screw it, i'm going to contact EA directly about this. waited on their tech support for 30 minutes, Than spoke with a nice gentleman, who was annoyed at EA's BS about not patching shit.

So i think, Hey maybe this will be good ya know? Maybe, even if in a few days, if i get an e-mail that says it won't be fixed, Hell i tried.

This was at 2AM EST this morning, so i go to bed, wake up do my usual running around and marketing, check my e-mail, Oh shit it's from EA! "your case has been closed. Reason: Known issues" So i know they knew about them before, but in less than 12 hours they dismissed it, Wouldn't be surprised if it was a machine.

Now i get it, they are busy, don't wanna waste the man hours, thats fine. Spicy Horse, the original coders and writes, Offered to fix it, And those bastards denied them, To fix their buggy ass product, for free, And they say know.

I'm so glad i haven't purchased an EA game since Mass Effect 3, and i will continue to not do so.


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Re: The tripple a we all hate EA - A rant
« Reply #1 on: 2014-08-06 19:23:38 »
Yeah I have a gamebracking bug with Dragon Age, when you enter Denerim the game will crash sooner or later and the save files for that place are also corrupted. It is known, but will never be fixed as well.
This is a problem with all huge company's, Square Enix and all its daughter companies are a parade example. The community of Deus EX HR DC have claimed for a patch to fix some bugs and restore the graphics (yes they said improved graphics in the DC version, but in fact they had cut out content).
It's an amazing game and plays storywise in the same league like Metal Gear, but there is simply stuff in there which really needs to be fixed.
I really hope that SE will collapse and frees up some resources.
The actually surprise for me is that Square hasn't changed in its tactics. I have played Xenogears and was very impressed and I really expected that the first disc would be shorter. But when I played the second disc I was horribly shocked, the story was now told in a novel form and from time to time you have to fight against a boss or they are so kind to let you explore a dungeon, but the freedom of a world map has gone... I really understand why so many people have left Square after FF IX. It was the only possible way to finish a game without being dragged to a new project, while the game is only 2/3 finished.
If companies like Monolith will grew out of the corpse, which SE will leave behind, then please, Square Enix, please, die. But with dignity in form of a FF7 remake. :evil:


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Re: The tripple a we all hate EA - A rant
« Reply #2 on: 2014-08-06 19:39:00 »
Your rant is totally justified. EA's business model is quantity, not quality and it most likely isn't the programmers or designers who are at fault, its the management and the time crunch. As a software dev, I know how hectic things can get near a release date-I'm very familiar with staying up all night, chugging coffee and debugging.  :o The guys who cut the business deals are in it more for the returns and hitting that release date than for the sake of making a great game, seeing how many bugs often slip through the cracks at EA. Look at how much of a public backlash there was before EA 'fixed' the latest battlefield? Sadly I don't think that EA will fix your issue, there's just not enough incentive($$$) for EA when they are busy rushing out the next 12 new games for this year. It's also annoying that they can charge as much as they do for games with less polish than those from other companies. /rant


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Re: The tripple a we all hate EA - A rant
« Reply #3 on: 2014-08-06 19:47:40 »
They also re-release the same game engines with different names for full price each year (most notable with the sports games, but they do this with their other engines as well).

I don't even remember the last EA game I bought. They haven't made anything that interested me recently. A lot of big companies unfortunately are following in their footsteps. The gaming industry needs another crash, but the market is way too big for a crash to actually happen, so we'll just keep seeing more of the same garbage games piling up, covering up the small gems some indie companies are coming up with.


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Re: The tripple a we all hate EA - A rant
« Reply #4 on: 2014-08-06 22:34:25 »
I just can't fathom why if someone gives you the damn solution FOR FREE, why you wouldn't take it? It seriously bothers me that they are so selfish they can't spend the what? 1,000 to have it published? this is PC not console, not like you have to spend 20,000 to release a patch


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Re: The tripple a we all hate EA - A rant
« Reply #5 on: 2014-08-11 02:18:47 »
the story was now told in a novel form and from time to time you have to fight against a boss or they are so kind to let you explore a dungeon, but the freedom of a world map has gone... I really understand why so many people have left Square after FF IX. It was the only possible way to finish a game without being dragged to a new project, while the game is only 2/3 finished.

To me FFX wasn't even bad. I mean I noticed the linearity right away, but the core gameplay was still there. The story wasn't bad either. I didn't play XI, but XII turned me off of the main series in a very definite way. I played about 5 minutes of XIII, and havent had any desire to play it since.

The last EA game I remember playing is 007: Nightfire. I tend to avoid the company as a whole if I can.

My biggest gripe with them is the exclusivity with regard to professional sports. The fact that only EA can make an NFL game, etc., is really ridiculous. They effectively monopolized sports games. That's insane.