Author Topic: [FF8PC-2013 + Remastered-2019] HorizonPack: Remastered - World Texture Overhaul  (Read 320397 times)


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Hi McIndus !

I am a great fan of your work on FF8.
I was wondering if you were planning to release an upscaled version of the Balamb area : as much as I like the new textures, I would like to have the original upscaled ones and the possibility to make a choice, but I am not skilled enough to do it by myself (^^).

I also read some months ago that you were planning on releasing the Esthar area ? I have to admit that I am a bit lost between all these projects.

With many thanks,

Hello!  I'm putting together a new release of HorizonPack today, so hopefully I'll be able to put the finishing touches on it right now.  The next release will be an original upscale, touched up by myself.  I think I will release the 'replacements' as I finish them as different packs.  Some things had to be replaced (railroad bridges, railways, roads, etc.) but this was due to the upscale process being somewhat unreliable when it comes to upscaling such small textures. 
As this pack progresses, I hope someone will take the opportunity to replace the buildings!  They need the most level of detail, but would add a -huge- element to the map.

Next release includes entire upscale for:

world map with detail edits (including Esthar)
world textures (not including the ocean - it's glitchy)
the world sky
complete roads replacement (tentative)

Having some issues with the Esthar textures and two of the roads textures - going to finish/progress tomorrow.
« Last Edit: 2016-03-28 04:03:14 by Mcindus »


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Hiya! Congrats of making this wonderful mod. The textures are much better than in normal!


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Hello!  I'm putting together a new release of HorizonPack today, so hopefully I'll be able to put the finishing touches on it right now.  The next release will be an original upscale, touched up by myself.  I think I will release the 'replacements' as I finish them as different packs.  Some things had to be replaced (railroad bridges, railways, roads, etc.) but this was due to the upscale process being somewhat unreliable when it comes to upscaling such small textures. 
As this pack progresses, I hope someone will take the opportunity to replace the buildings!  They need the most level of detail, but would add a -huge- element to the map.

Next release includes entire upscale for:

world map with detail edits (including Esthar)
world textures (not including the ocean - it's glitchy)
the world sky
complete roads replacement (tentative)

Having some issues with the Esthar textures and two of the roads textures - going to finish/progress tomorrow.

Hey Mcindus,

Some stellar work that you've done. I'm playing through now and these mods have breathed new life into a game I've played  a million times.

You mentioned in the above post that an update to this was imminent. Is it still on the cards? Did something happen?


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I don't know if I'm just not seeing it, but it says v3.0 but the only download links I can find on the first post are for 2.1.


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I don't know if I'm just not seeing it, but it says v3.0 but the only download links I can find on the first post are for 2.1.

Sorry - I updated the post, but then was too unhappy with a few things, so I went back to the drawing board with them.  Should be 3.0 release by monday or sooner.



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Sorry - I updated the post, but then was too unhappy with a few things, so I went back to the drawing board with them.  Should be 3.0 release by monday or sooner.


Cheers! Thanks for the update.


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Sorry - I updated the post, but then was too unhappy with a few things, so I went back to the drawing board with them.  Should be 3.0 release by monday or sooner.


Thank you for the hard work, is GF texture overhaul still in the cards eventually? I remember you posted your Ifrit awhile back it was beautiful.


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Thank you for the hard work, is GF texture overhaul still in the cards eventually? I remember you posted your Ifrit awhile back it was beautiful.

Yes, I am currently underway and the project looks great.  Thanks :)  Currently Ifrit, Shiva, Brothers, Quetzalcoatl, and Leviathan have been overhauled - but the rest of the GF's have been upscaled.  I'm going to put some TLC into Hellfire, so that it has some consistency.

Also - check the Original Post --  HorizonPack v3.0 has been RELEASED!


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Great job as always Mcindus; will try this weekend!


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Noticing two new issues. The first is the roads are vanilla, I don't think they converted, at least in the starting Balamb area, I'm only that far in my playthrough.( Also I lost your new textures for the balamb school/ area, that is intentional correct?) The second is that sometimes my squall world model will have the outline of a black square underneath his feet. Like 4 black lines around his feet that meet in a rectangle. I am using fated courages/mago's world model for squall, wondering if it's not playing nice together with this. Or maybe it's just my shitty laptop that is not really meant for gaming.

Also the seams on forests and some other textures but I see you are aware of that one.

Other than these issues, loving the mod! Thank you once again.
« Last Edit: 2016-12-24 11:47:02 by olearyf2525 »


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Sharp graphics as strawberries:P
« Last Edit: 2016-12-24 14:47:04 by LeonhartGR »


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Noticing two new issues. The first is the roads are vanilla, I don't think they converted, at least in the starting Balamb area, I'm only that far in my playthrough.( Also I lost your new textures for the balamb school/ area, that is intentional correct?) The second is that sometimes my squall world model will have the outline of a black square underneath his feet. Like 4 black lines around his feet that meet in a rectangle. I am using fated courages/mago's world model for squall, wondering if it's not playing nice together with this. Or maybe it's just my strawberriesty laptop that is not really meant for gaming.

Also the seams on forests and some other textures but I see you are aware of that one.

Other than these issues, loving the mod! Thank you once again.

You mean the road goes back to low resolution? Odd... I've tested that area so many times. :P Perhaps I missed a variable. If you can post a screenshot, then I can tell you if it really is.

As for the black squares, it's probably missing hashes for his  upscaled shadow? Was never sure why it bugs out like that, but I think getting the hashes for them should fix it? I'll check into that.


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Noticing two new issues. The first is the roads are vanilla, I don't think they converted, at least in the starting Balamb area, I'm only that far in my playthrough.( Also I lost your new textures for the balamb school/ area, that is intentional correct?) The second is that sometimes my squall world model will have the outline of a black square underneath his feet. Like 4 black lines around his feet that meet in a rectangle. I am using fated courages/mago's world model for squall, wondering if it's not playing nice together with this. Or maybe it's just my strawberriesty laptop that is not really meant for gaming.

Also the seams on forests and some other textures but I see you are aware of that one.

Other than these issues, loving the mod! Thank you once again.

Did you make sure do delete the old hashmap??  You shouldn't just copy/replace the old mod - you should outright delete it before you install this new version!  They will definitely cause conflicts.

Also - the seams is an issue with the game UVs.  Maki did a nice fix, but it doesn't quite fix them all the way.  He's currently working on a better UV fix, and Balamb, Timber, Galbadia, and the mountain zone will see a huge benefit when he does.

And yes, I removed the 'new' textures from the Balamb area due to the mod being inconsistent with them... This is a full vanilla upscale.  The only things that were completely 'replaced' were the roads.


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Yes, I just overwrote didn't delete. Thank you, I'll delete the old version and re-install the new version and let you know how it works. I'll take a screenshot for fated courage if the roads are still ugly after.

Okay, thank you.

Makes sense to me, I prefer the consistency as well.


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You mean the road goes back to low resolution? Odd... I've tested that area so many times. :P Perhaps I missed a variable. If you can post a screenshot, then I can tell you if it really is.

As for the black squares, it's probably missing hashes for his  upscaled shadow? Was never sure why it bugs out like that, but I think getting the hashes for them should fix it? I'll check into that.

Okay, I tried McIndus' suggestion, still looks like this.

Is that how its supposed to look, maybe I'm just used to McIndus redone textures for the road there?
« Last Edit: 2016-12-24 22:39:06 by olearyf2525 »


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Ah - this is because you aren't implementing Maki's current UV fix. I HIGHLY reccomend it.  I'm not sure what's going on with the shadow.... I'll have to test it out.  What disc are you on? At what point in the game are you?  Are you using the English version?


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Ah - this is because you aren't implementing Maki's current UV fix. I HIGHLY reccomend it.  I'm not sure what's going on with the shadow.... I'll have to test it out.  What disc are you on? At what point in the game are you?  Are you using the English version?

Ok I'll try to find makis fix. I'm on disc 1 about to embark on the timber owls mission, just got diablos lamp.


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Okay thank you, Maki's UV fixed everything except the black square under squalls feet in world map. Roads and whole world looks much better, no seams/blocks.

It also lets me alt-tab in and out! Before Maki's fix whenever I alt tabbed out and then back in it would show a mish mash of textures over a black screen. Like the texture pics for mods.

Edit: Sometimes alt-tabbing still causes this issue, but doing it a few times fixes it.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-01 11:10:43 by olearyf2525 »


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Okay thank you, Maki's UV fixed everything except the black square under squalls feet in world map. Roads and whole world looks much better, no seams/blocks.

It also lets me alt-tab in and out! Before Maki's fix whenever I alt tabbed out and then back in it would show a mish mash of textures over a black screen. Like the texture pics for mods.

Edit: Sometimes alt-tabbing still causes this issue, but doing it a few times fixes it.

Can you pm me about this?   

I will need to guide you through a process for a fix


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Hey all!
I'm having a bit of an issue after updating Horizon Pack, SeeD Reborn, and Project Hellfire.  After I enter a battle and finish the battle (Whether escaping or killing all enemies) the mini map is reverting back to its OLD self.  This never used to happen before i updated those 3 mods.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.


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Hey all!
I'm having a bit of an issue after updating Horizon Pack, SeeD Reborn, and Project Hellfire.  After I enter a battle and finish the battle (Whether escaping or killing all enemies) the mini map is reverting back to its OLD self.  This never used to happen before i updated those 3 mods.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Sounds like missing hashcodes... Though, I was sure I got most for battles. Where are you at and what enemies were you fighting? Or is it literally after every battle? Because that shouldn't happen.


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I was in the Trabia region.  Its on again off again, meaning some times it will revert back.  then i'll get into another battle and it will fix itself.  but last area i was at was on DISC 2 Trabia Garden snow area.  Also i forgot to put this in my last post, but im getting a black border around balamb garden mobile. I'm trying to figure out how to attach a screenshot.  I was thinking I might just do a fresh install of all mods etc.  but just trying to avoid that.


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I was in the Trabia region.  Its on again off again, meaning some times it will revert back.  then i'll get into another battle and it will fix itself.  but last area i was at was on DISC 2 Trabia Garden snow area.  Also i forgot to put this in my last post, but im getting a black border around balamb garden mobile. I'm trying to figure out how to attach a screenshot.  I was thinking I might just do a fresh install of all mods etc.  but just trying to avoid that.

Ah, okay. So I missed a few battles... I'll be sure to keep a look out and get them when I have the time. Thanks. :)

As for your Garden issue, reinstalling won't help. Methinks Mcindus left the wrong texture in place by accident. Since there is one in the folder that is transparent (I checked). So, you can wait until he either fixes it or just go in and change the name yourself.


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Here is what my overworld looks like at the very beginning of disc 3, right before going to the orphanage to see Edea.