Author Topic: [Teaser/WIP] Sephiroth Story prequel Rise of Shinra and other mods.  (Read 4296 times)


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Update: So recently I got this idea to use the Nothern Crater for something else as it is not used in the main Story mod.  Basically it'll give you material with abilities that are similar to Sephiroth enemy attacks.  This will go with making Sephiroth only have one limit and that is to transform into Safer Sephiroth.  Not sure when i'll implement this still doing some finishing tweaks to the flevel.

Mcindus has supplied a great picture of Kyte check it out here:  More to come as they are thought of.

Since the story mod is coming to a close on the main fixes for the game to be playable.  I also decided to make a mod to use Clouds da file and build some animations from there.  He will mostly have his basic animations and will edit the ones that were missing with the da.  Also hopefully we can set it up so I can have Sephiroth transform into safer and find how to get the Japanese Supernova to work with him.  Well that is all for now I'll try to keep you posted on stuff as I can make them available.  I got a bite on creating portraits for the new Characters and will post who I have after more portraits are made.

Since the Story mod is in the final major overhall stages I figured the it is the best time to set up for the eventual release of the Prequel mod.  For now since development hasn't fully started for now I can share some details of what to expect to be different.

The story will focus on more characters then just Sephiroth.  Zack, Cloud and Kyte I plan to set up their own stages.  Angeal and Genesis I still plan to have in there.

Different weapons will be givin to the main protagonists as certain standouts of the First Class soldiers will be playable.  One will use Lances and another will use gauntlets.  More will be thought of as time progresses and the mod starts getting developed.

That is all I can think to share of right now that isn't subject to massive changes.  This is a rough teaser with more to be added and made into a proper preview and progress thread.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-27 21:05:43 by genesis063 »


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Hello there,

Nice project and keep up the good work!

Do you know where i can find a tutorial for creating and implementing my own Avatars into the game?

My new character is missing an avatar in game as he or she wasn't a battle model character in the original game. Thank you in advance.


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Wrong thread.. :P
« Last Edit: 2015-07-10 22:42:41 by mr_nygren »


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Update coming soon in the near future.

This will tie all my works together rather then clutter the forums with tons of topics.  I will making a save at the end and be able to mop up things.  I aim to make this work much like Mass Effect.  I will make a version without my Sephiroth mod but will be included in it as well. For my boss refight on board the Highwind I'll also make two versions.  Why do this you ask?  Well the answer is very simple.  To be able to apply them to other mods and tweak when necessary if they so please.  I will bundle the boss generator and end game mop-up in 7th Heaven so you can extract it.  I still fully plan to make the prequel version of the Sephiroth mod and the expansion.