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Mayo Master

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #150 on: 2015-06-22 15:56:10 »
I disagree with a number of points that you made (in particular, the degree of realism the game was originally aiming at, and how technical limitations constrained how the environments would be rendered). It also looks like neither of us is going to convince the other of the superiority of his viewpoint. I guess it goes to show that, no matter which direction FF7 takes, it's going to leave many people dissatisfied.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #151 on: 2015-06-22 16:26:42 »
This isn't a difficult concept really... the majority of FF7 fans fell in love with FF7 because of its story, battle system, design and everything else that was there originally.  And if they change one or all of these, it will not be received well with fans.  But they don't care about that since the "fans" are not large enough anymore to bow down to.  They'll change it to have mass market appeal, so that means saying bye bye to ATB, sane cutscenes, the original design, dozens of scenes and options, and they'll also "update" the music without giving us an option of having the original.  I hated the FFX "remaster" music they did but originally they gave no option to allow the original.  I am guessing FF7 will be the same. 

In short, they are going to update the game to a new generation. A generation that sucks monkey balls and wouldn't know good game design if Sephiroth smacked them in the chest.  I have to admit that I have been DREADING a remake of this game for the last 5 years.  Most have done nothing but look forward to it, but I don't look forward to it when it is being handled by those loons.  I know that we always have the original game, but that;s about the only good thing I can think of.  I suppose when someone craps all over something I feel passionately about (even if they are the original writers), it annoys me.  Especially when they are crapping over it purely for financial gain.

If they had announced that the remake of FF7 was going to be pre-rendered scenes and in the spirit of FF7 original, I'd now be really looking forward to it.  But even that one small cut-scene makes me want to smash them in the face.  If they had used the prerendered setup (in 720p), they'd save a ton of time and the rest of the game would benefit from the extra time available and the fact the style would be maintained.  It's already apparent where most of the time and effort is going to be spent - it isn't going to be on good game mechanics or level-headed storytelling.  Can't wait to see Zax winking away as he slaughters 100 soldiers again.

« Last Edit: 2015-06-22 16:35:45 by DLPB »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #152 on: 2015-06-22 18:09:13 »
Not sure if you guys saw this... it's not confirmed true but apparently comes from a reliable source.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #153 on: 2015-06-22 18:26:49 »
Not sure if you guys saw this... it's not confirmed true but apparently comes from a reliable source.
All that confirms is there will be a KH3 eventually, FFXV is taking too long, and they're trying very hard to make sure all the changes to FFVII doesn't make the game suck. Not winning lots of cred.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #154 on: 2015-06-22 18:30:55 »
I want to point out this NeoGAF post from the same guy who leaked that the remake would be announced at this E3. He's got a pretty solid track record for leaks (almost certainly works for Sony), and he confirmed the remake back in February 2014. The game's been in development for a good long while, then, even before Nomura had to leave FFXV.

ultima espio

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #155 on: 2015-06-22 19:07:41 »
This was posted on TLS. It's something he posted on NeoGAF. I'll try and post them as they come.

So when planning began a long time ago, there were several issues. It's a big game, it's very important to Kitase, and obviously Nomura, and fans. There were other issues here, but we'll just skip to the game. You're going to remake this game. Now, people will say that since there's already a story, music, script, that a lot of the work is done. This is wrong. You have a starting point, but this is very much like building a new game. That takes a very long time.

Since there's a huge difference in technology, and this is the remake of a game that exists, you have to go through, and address everything. You have to get the scenes, and then decide what you're going to do with them. Some stuff is pretty clear, and it's mostly about presentation. For example, nothing major storywise is being changed. No one has to worry about that. Cloud is still a nutcase, Aeris is still going to die, Weapons are going to run rampant, the Lifestream, and pretty much every important story moment is going to be present. That's FF7. You can't change that. But because this is a new generation of technology, and it's a proper game, that alone brings changes from a design point of view.

Now you have a balancing act of lots of small things, and lots of major things. Kitase, I can assure you, is someone who is quite involved in making sure they try to stay as faithful as possible. He's someone who worried the most originally about this project, and he's also someone who's heavily involved right now. And the original writer is back with Nomura too, so it's a big thing.

Let's use examples:

They want to integrate Zack more, so how do you do it? In the original, it's very much an optional thing, but that's not as realistic now. You can flesh it out too, but in order to integrate it, it needs to be placed somewhere. This is a technically a script change, but it's not a bad thing. It also takes work.
Characters like Yuffie and Vincent which are optional need to be integrated.
How do you tackle the implied sex scene in this game? This is going to be in the game, but it's another presentation issue. How do you do it this time, over two decades later?
How do you tackle Cloud beating the hell out of Aeris? It was fine then, but this needs to be thought about. It's kind of an important story beat for his character because of what happens next, so do you want to change it? But at the same time, is it something you're comfortable leaving in, or should it be altered a little?
A lot of the side story stuff, can it be integrated better, or will some of it have to be cut?
They need to change up the Junon infiltration a little. Red XIII being in a suit isn't that big of a deal, but the ship aspect needs to be worked on now because you have a parade, which then leads to boarding the ship, and the big boss battle. This area and sequence has to be overhauled. It's a good amount of work.

Everything related to the story needs to be addressed within the confines of the new game, and the presentation of that new game on current technology. This means going through all of that, and seeing how to fit in the important things, what to flesh out, and what to alter. Basically, you're designing everything again. There's something to work with, but it's much like creating something new due to the work it actually involves.

Separate to that, there are a lot of other things. There are a lot of mini-games in FF7, notably the snowboarding game, and also the Chocobo breeding. With the former, it doesn't make as much sense to have it happen like that, so you need to integrate it all again, but at the same time, you can still leave something as a nod for fans. How do you do this? Is it possible to do that? Then there is also the case of some stuff being replaced, and maybe Nomura wanting to add other mini-games.

Basically, it's a lot of work. They have to prioritise major things with minor things, and as time goes on, they'll probably have to do it again depending on the development progress. This doesn't mean they can't show you anything this winter. Far from it. They're at a place right now, where they have a little to show, but it's a big game, and it's still in its infancy. It's not as simple as if they have something to show, then they're really ahead of the game. They're not rushing this.

It's important to all of them to remain as faithful as possible, but at the same time, create a new FF7 for a new generation of fans as well as old, and something which takes advantage of what is available today. This means design changes, execution changes, alterations etc. And because you're not just creating something new, and have to keep in mind a beloved game, the cuts you decide to make, or the changes you decide to do, have to be careful. As time goes on, and more work is done, there'll probably be other changes too. It's also important that the creators create something that they're pleased with because this is a project that's going to take a lot of their investment, time, and effort. It's unfair to not give them a chance to show you their new vivion at least.

This game being announced right now isn't ideal. That wasn't the plan. This time last year, no one was thinking, "Hell yeah, let's announce FF7, and have fans wait a few years again! That's going to be great!"

But the problem is, PS4 isn't doing great in Japan. There are a bunch of issues, FFXV has taken longer than expected, and it's basically a crap situation to be in if I'm frank. So this announcement is there to build some faith, and also try to make people believe that there are a lot of big plans for the PS4. And there is a lot to come, but because of so many issues, it's taken time. Thankfully, since FFXV is around the corner, and KH3 is also progressing well, it's not that bad of a time really. Those games are coming soon, and this announcement happening now, as well as those games releasing should help fans believe more in companies trying their best to get content out there.

It also didn't help that FFXV had a bit of a negative shadow over it with people complaining last year when it was revealed Nomura has been removed, and then again recently when Tabata mentioned the changes. Now people know what Nomura is doing. There doesn't need to be doom and gloom over him leaving. He's busy, he's working on something. Leave him to it.

FFXV, also, can now be focused on as its own entity, and hopefully have people look at it as what it is rather than what they felt it could have been. And this game is actually coming soon, so there's something to be actually be excited for.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #156 on: 2015-06-22 19:13:30 »
There wasn't an insinuation of sex in the original (you'd have to scrape the barrel to find it) - that only came about because of a poor localization into English (and people's bad imagination).  They were going to have a scene where Cloud and Tifa came out of the chocobo stables, but that never got anywhere other than being a joke. 

It's important to all of them to remain as faithful as possible, but at the same time, create a new FF7 for a new generation of fans as well as old, and something which takes advantage of what is available today. This means design changes, execution changes, alterations etc. And because you're not just creating something new, and have to keep in mind a beloved game, the cuts you decide to make, or the changes you decide to do, have to be careful. As time goes on, and more work is done, there'll probably be other changes too.

That's simply what I (and others here) am saying but in a more diplomatic and spin-doctor way.  That entire paragraph is fighting with itself, too.  "Faithful as possible" isn't good enough when they're deciding what "as possible" is.

the cuts you decide to make, or the changes you decide to do, have to be careful.

How about not making any cuts and change only what needed changing in the first place?  Oh, of course not.  How silly of me :P

Well, I'm just gonna have to hope I am completely wrong on this, but I don't think so. I'll revisit this thread again when it's been out a while. :-D
« Last Edit: 2015-06-22 21:39:09 by DLPB »

White Wind

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #157 on: 2015-06-22 22:03:07 »
How about not making any cuts and change only what needed changing in the first place?  Oh, of course not.  How silly of me :P

Yeah exactly.

"But because this is a new generation of technology (...) that alone brings changes from a design point of view."
So he's basically saying that modern technology implies per se realism and modern gameplay ? Like, that is the technology being more advanced now that forces you to make the game like that ?
If they put away the original style, I fear for the spirit of the game.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #158 on: 2015-06-22 22:27:01 »
I found some solace in that post, I remain excited.

Also this isn't a debate forum last time I checked, we are all entitled to our own opinions. For example, I did interpret a sex scene between Cloud and Tifa.

What I'm trying to say is that the walls of text attacking each others opinions and ideas are boring and in some cases slightly insulting. Doesn't make for a place where discussion can be cultured.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #159 on: 2015-06-22 22:29:22 »
As I said, you very likely only interpreted that because the faulty localization ended up implying it.  The original text and the actual scenes simply don't bear it out.  You can imagine it happened (that's your prerogative), but the scenes and original text don't support it.  Imho that's a good thing, the last thing FF7 needed was teeny sex romp in what is meant to be a heartfelt scene.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-22 22:34:19 by DLPB »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #160 on: 2015-06-22 22:37:17 »
Yes, but my point was that it doesn't matter. When I played FF7 the first time round I didn't know about language barriers and translations. I enjoyed the game for a) what it was and b) how I interpreted it.

Mainly because the style left a lot to interpretation, as far as I am concerned.

My really big point is that I now feel like I am defending my opinion or my interpretation, surely you can see a problem with that.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #161 on: 2015-06-22 22:45:07 »
this is my thoughts about ff7 remake. keep in mind the video was recorded before before E3 i still stand by this while the remake is happening


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #162 on: 2015-06-22 23:09:57 »
"But because this is a new generation of technology (...) that alone brings changes from a design point of view."
So he's basically saying that modern technology implies per se realism and modern gameplay ? Like, that is the technology being more advanced now that forces you to make the game like that ?
If they put away the original style, I fear for the spirit of the game.
Don't be silly. That only means you don't display a scene in 3D the same way you display it in 2D.

ultima espio's quote seems perfectly reasonable to me. It all goes back to the fact that you just don't trust SE anymore. I'm not saying you're right or wrong but that's definitely a wrong thing to fear every one of SE's communiqués and read them with a negative bias.

Just wait the damn game. We don't have enough informations on this remake to have a proper opinion about what it'll look like.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-22 23:12:29 by Tirlititi »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #163 on: 2015-06-22 23:10:17 »

My really big point is that I now feel like I am defending my opinion or my interpretation, surely you can see a problem with that.

No more than I am defending the portrayal of the scene, the original text, and MY opinion.  If two people differ, then they both have to be defending their position.  I don't see anything wrong with that at all.

Just wait the damn game. We don't have enough informations on this remake to have a proper opinion about what it'll look like.

Actually, we do.  We have the trailer, interviews, past experience, knowledge of how games get remade, and the current trend of Square Enix and their prequel / sequel cash ins (and the style they took).  So far, things don't look so good. This thread is here to debate, good or bad.   Why is it that negative opinions on something are always something to be stamped out, but positive opinions are to be embraced, despite any current or prior evidence against such opinions?  What makes one more worthy than the other?
« Last Edit: 2015-06-22 23:34:00 by DLPB »

White Wind

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #164 on: 2015-06-23 01:03:32 »
Don't be silly. That only means you don't display a scene in 3D the same way you display it in 2D.

Well okay, didn't understand it that way, but okay.

It all goes back to the fact that you just don't trust SE anymore.

In my case, that's not a question of trust or not. SE's way of remaking the game may end up going against what I think is the spirit of FF VII, but then I won't be saying that SE is not trustworthy of my personal feel of what makes the spirit of FF VII.

that's definitely a wrong thing to fear every one of SE's communiqués and read them with a negative bias.

FF VII exists and we love it, each one of us for his own reasons, so it is impossible to have no bias in the matter. But as I said in my first post in this thread, I have no expectations, and that is not negativity or lack of trust, it's just that I think that FF VII cannot be remade without becoming something else than FF VII, so I'm not going to compare it to 98/97 FF VII. It'll just be another kind of FF VII, and of course I'll prefer 98/97 FF VII, but the remake may end up being a good game in its own kind.
But I think that having expectations inspired by the original game and comparing it to the remake would only lead to depreciating the remake once it is played, even if it turns out to be a decent game, and that would be a pitty.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #165 on: 2015-06-23 02:26:29 »
I'm still not getting the hate.
No game will ever be the original FF7.  Because it is literally impossible for any other game to have the exact same dialogue, characters, and art style without it being the original.  What SE is doing is remaking (see re-imagining) the original.  For everyone already complaining about it before we know anything, you're not going to like it.  Not because it won't be a good game, but because it won't be frame for frame and line for line the same as the 1997 one.  There is literally nothing they can put out that will make you happy.

It's basically the same reason DLPB's Beacause retranslation gets hate.  It's not EXACTLY what we played a decade ago so it's terrible and blasphemous.  Thing is, REimaginings and REtranslations aren't horrible if you approach them with an open mind and see them as a chance to revisit old friends.  Will it be exactly like what you played a decade ago?  Nope.  What would the point of that be if not a lazy cash grab.  But that also doesn't mean it can't be good in its own right.  Sort of like the whole compilation.  By no means am I praising it, because at least one of the games seems to me to be a ridiculous cash grab, but by not expecting the same old FF7 with a new bow on it allows them to be enjoyable..... Like i said about catching up with friends you haven't seen in years, you can't expect the relationship to not have changed.  It's been over 15 years.  You've changed. They've changed.  The dynamic is going to be different, but that doesn't mean you have to hate them or be upset that they aren't the same person they were a decade ago.  They're going to be a little different, and that's ok.

If you could only buy and play one: A remake with only updated backgrounds and models OR whatever the current remake becomes, I think you'd be a fool to choose the former.  We've already played it.  Some of us dozens of times.  Why on earth would you pay for the same game you already own? 

« Last Edit: 2015-06-23 02:29:05 by obesebear »

Mayo Master

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #166 on: 2015-06-23 05:04:45 »
I'm still not getting the hate.
No game will ever be the original FF7.  Because it is literally impossible for any other game to have the exact same dialogue, characters, and art style without it being the original.  What SE is doing is remaking (see re-imagining) the original.  For everyone already complaining about it before we know anything, you're not going to like it.  Not because it won't be a good game, but because it won't be frame for frame and line for line the same as the 1997 one.  There is literally nothing they can put out that will make you happy.

It's basically the same reason DLPB's Beacause retranslation gets hate.  It's not EXACTLY what we played a decade ago so it's terrible and blasphemous.  Thing is, REimaginings and REtranslations aren't horrible if you approach them with an open mind and see them as a chance to revisit old friends.  Will it be exactly like what you played a decade ago?  Nope.  What would the point of that be if not a lazy cash grab.  But that also doesn't mean it can't be good in its own right.  Sort of like the whole compilation.  By no means am I praising it, because at least one of the games seems to me to be a ridiculous cash grab, but by not expecting the same old FF7 with a new bow on it allows them to be enjoyable..... Like i said about catching up with friends you haven't seen in years, you can't expect the relationship to not have changed.  It's been over 15 years.  You've changed. They've changed.  The dynamic is going to be different, but that doesn't mean you have to hate them or be upset that they aren't the same person they were a decade ago.  They're going to be a little different, and that's ok.

If you could only buy and play one: A remake with only updated backgrounds and models OR whatever the current remake becomes, I think you'd be a fool to choose the former.  We've already played it.  Some of us dozens of times.  Why on earth would you pay for the same game you already own? 

I feel very much the same way. I remain very curious about how they're going to handle all the various aspects of the remake. There's also much which can be expanded on.
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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #167 on: 2015-06-23 07:42:32 »
I'm pessimistic about the remake because the Nomura - Kitase - Nojima triumvirate has been pushing out what for me is edgy teen pop trash for the last 10 - 15 years. I'd be more than happy to play a complete re-imagining of FF7, but from what I've seen from these people over the last decade I doubt I'll be able to overcome my visceral hatred for the airbrushed Maybelline bullet time brigade.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #168 on: 2015-06-23 11:36:50 »
Sorry, I am not a mind-reader - and seeing as SE has been primarily a publishing company for quite some time now, I took "from" to mean "from SE" not "developed in-house in SE" - and seeing as how there is no real distinction a lot of the time, since many teams are made up of contractors to begin with, it doesn't really make sense to draw a line in the sand like that.

There are already rumors going on that this game is primarily being developed by third-party contractors (which would make sense when SE already has so many titles on its plate).

I didn't expect you to read my mind sir (but the post I made about AAA companies may been a bit vague and open for interpretation). We may simply have a different natural reaction on the word "from" in the given context... Or maybe I'm too lazy in my wording. :P In my defence though -and as a correction- I did use the word "create" which imo relates better to the creative process (development) than publishing rights, or whatever you imagine when you conjecture the word "from". I was not trying to make fun of you or anything by the "lol" and whatnot in the latter post, sorry about that.

And, yes, any big company will always have contractors/third party and/or new blood on any project (most projects at least). I used to work for Cisco as a contractor; I know a bit about this. Even though there always were some contractors on every project, the end products -at the time- were always considered in-house developed Cisco products. Do you mean "in-house development" and "third party developed" are such blurred terms that it is debatable whether they should even be distinguished? Just curious, not trying to put you on the spot or anything. The way I see it is that there usually is a clear distinction on who have the creative input vs publishing rights, even if the parties are mixed. With exceptions of course. There probably have been "internal" disputes on who the publishers are and who the developers are.</offtopicish>

I'm still not getting the hate...

I don't if you refer to people like me... :O Pretty much everything said in ultima espio's quote presupposes a mass-appeal minded, realism themed, matrix-esqued FF7R. Which fits the evidence so far. If that also turnes out to be true, then I, most likely, will not like it. Which is based on the recent stuff SE has made, the direction/trend they seem to follow and the evidence of the remake we currently have. I try to strip my expectations (to anything fictional), but in the case of FFs and SE it's kinda hard to do that without giving them the benefit of the doubt. Everything of the above may still be true at release, and I may still like it. I have not decided that I will not like it even though to some I seem to be on the hate-train with no going off. What I'm guessing as of now however, is that I will not like it. Based on the evidence. The reason I voice it is not to spread hate but in an poor attempt to make similar minded people to not automatically buy into this. Hate =/= not liking in my book. What I find a bit troubling however, is this presupposition I mentioned above that have snuck in, seemingly unintentionally everywhere.

Now, as I said before, I understand why SE would do a remake in this manner. As a company they have to survey the marked to conclude what kind of product would be most profitable for them. It's a company mentality not a personal mentality. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty of people in SE who loves what they do, and work with passion.

If FF7 was ever to be remade, and still get a huge coin from the original fans, they are running out of time. In that regard making it now makes sense.

On the topic of "staying true to the FF7 spirit" vs "FF7 rebooted", I would actually love to see a more R-rated-ish rebooted FF7 (no, I don't mean porn). With mature themes, hard decisions and whatnot. Hell, GoT is wildly profitable right now, can't SE get inspired by that? I would love SE to at least make a FF spin off title aimed for us that are tired of PG 13 FFs.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #170 on: 2015-06-23 13:27:37 »
Pretty much everything said in ultima espio's quote presupposes a mass-appeal minded, realism themed, matrix-esqued FF7R. Which fits the evidence so far. If that also turns out to be true, then I, most likely, will not like it.

That's precisely it.  I would prefer no remake to one that just rides roughshod over the original because, to me, that's a real waste of potential.  It will also be the game that a new generation identify with as FF7, which is even more sad.  I think it's clear that most people against this remake DO want an updated translation and updated graphics - but they also want something that's as intelligent as the original and respects the fanbase.  So far, all signs point to this not being so.  I don't think people like myself and gj can be considered "haters" or bigots, given we have both finished projects that address some big faults with the original game (translation , difficulty) but... that's just the point isn't it?

Those things needed fixing.  They needed updating.

FF7 does not need matrix effects, endless cutscenes, graphic fests, dumbed down battle system, teeny angst, or anything else Square is delivering these days.

In other words, what the pessimists like myself want is a game that ADDS to what was already there, not deducts or completely changes the original.  And they're already saying that's exactly what they're going to do.  What's to feel happy about?  Why bother remaking a game if it is going to have less quality and variety, and more bloat?  Does anyone here believe this is being driven by anything other than money?  I know all game companies are big business, but the modern Square is the type we don't need and don't like and don't want - FAT CAT BUSINESS.  Imho they simply aren't capable of remaking FF7 to any decent standard anymore, and there will be no soul because they lost theirs a long time ago.

Anyway, I think I'm going round in circles now, so I'll bookmark this and pop back when the disaster is on our shelves.   :)
« Last Edit: 2015-06-23 13:42:23 by DLPB »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #171 on: 2015-06-23 14:09:06 »
I'm a bit worried myself, but mostly excited. Final Fantasy has been touch and go for awhile, but Square does do awesome work (been playing Sleeping Dogs Definitive edition). I think it'll be a bit different, but possibly more exciting (fmv's are certainly more entertaining than comic book bubble dialogue). In the end I think it'll be a satisfying game. It's their best game and series, and ultimately their legacy. I'm sure they'll find a good balance between the original game and FFXV/KH game mechanics. Otherwise the game will sell retire and buy a whole country well, but no one will likely ever buy another Square game again. There's a lot riding on this for them.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-23 14:11:09 by cmh175 »

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #172 on: 2015-06-23 17:45:12 »
It almost feels like the best PR move Square could possibly pull off would be to "hire" Sakagushi so that his name would be on the directors list. I'm not sure there's so much "bad blood" between him and Square (after all, he still seems to be talking to Kitase regularly), but would he be interested in getting involved in this?


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #173 on: 2015-06-23 21:04:29 »
Those things needed fixing.  They needed updating.

But who gets to decide what needs fixing?  Maybe part of the appeal is that it's easy to run through and you don't have to grind and grind to progress with the story.   Maybe the story with all of it's quirks and ill-translated names gives it a certain charm and allows the player to better enjoy it than if it had been perfectly translated.
I personally feel that the turn based battles in FF7 are way outdated.  I've seen newer games tackle battles with an updated turn based mentality that works well, but is that something that NEEDS to be updated?

"Expect the worst, hope for the best" was my motto for many years.  It helps avoid disappointment when things don't go your way.  I think it's perfect for all those people already worried the remake will step all over the original.  If you're expecting it to be terrible, try instead to be apathetic about it.  It doesn't affect you and there's literally nothing you can do to change how SE makes the game.  But you shouldn't be upset by it or dreading the release date.

That last paragraph is kind of ass, but basically, who cares if it ends up being terrible?  Just don't buy it.   Like countless people here I have spent an exorbitantly large amount of time playing and modding the game, it's basically been a part of my life since I was 15.  If I hate the remake, oh well, it will be forgotten and I'll promptly move on with my life.  But if it's good, well then hell that will be awesome.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake is HAPPENING!!!
« Reply #174 on: 2015-06-23 21:39:41 »
The person who decides is ultimately the director - and he should know the basics of game design.  Everything I get from the current crop at Square is that they don't, but they aren't held to account because of the brand.  It's not too hard to see what was wrong with the original:

1. Models are lego, graphics are pixellated because of low resolution. The pre-rendered setup is fine.
2. FMV have same problem
3. Difficulty is far too easy (probably needs a choice between hard / easy at game start)
4. Ties in with 3. The implementation of the materia system and battle system is poor.  The design is fine.
5. Localization into English is poor
6. Cait Sith (well, he's here to stay, sadly haha)
7. Some minigames (like Submarine) are unfinished
8. Game could have had more minigames at Gold Saucer

If those things were fixed and updated, the game would still retain everything that made it great and, at the same time, ADD to what was there originally.  But such a task would take a competent director and writing staff, a company that cared, and much more time and money than they are willing to spend.  Nearly all the budget will go into bloated CGI, high resolution 3D environments, and voice acting.  None of which made the original what it was.  If FF7 had SNES graphics with everything else intact, it would still be hailed a masterpiece.

In other words, I never wanted a remake to address the graphics in this way.  That misses the point entirely about where most effort was needed.  All the graphics needed was an update based on the original feel.  The interviews so far (and sadly the prevailing mindset elsewhere) is that a remake was only necessary to shove the power of the next gen graphics in our face.  That entire train of thought is the worst way to start a remake project.  That mindset misses the point entirely.  But perhaps not from a money-making side of things.  I can already see the 40/40 and 10/10 reviews by big gaming magazines simply because the remake has 1080p CGI environments.  Who gives a crap about anything else?
« Last Edit: 2015-06-23 21:49:40 by DLPB »