Author Topic: FF7 Glitch after Yuffie runs away  (Read 4826 times)


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FF7 Glitch after Yuffie runs away
« on: 2015-07-12 19:42:34 »
Hi all, I've come across this odd glitch while replaying the game.  I'm just starting the Wutai portion of the game.  When exiting the screen after the forced battle (after Yuffie's taken the group's materia and run off) I find myself teleported outside the mythril cave riding a chocobo.  I'm playing the square-enix store re-release converted using the game converter on these forums.  I've also applied aali's newest driver, anxious heart mod and the re-translation from the reunion mod.  If anyone has any idea what's going on and how to either fix or get around this, I'd really appreciate it. 

Sega Chief

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Re: FF7 Glitch after Yuffie runs away
« Reply #1 on: 2015-07-12 21:29:19 »
Never heard of that one before. All I know about it is that there's some checks and whatnot around the Mythril Mines entrance to ensure that you 'keep' the chocobo you caught in the event that you've not been to Kalm yet (so players can back-track there easier). Could it be that something from this has interfered with the jump from that Wutai area field screen to the world map? Maybe it sent you back to the last known coords of the wild chocobo, sorta like what the game does with the Highwind? (just spitballing for anyone who might be able to shed some light on this)


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Re: FF7 Glitch after Yuffie runs away
« Reply #2 on: 2015-08-17 19:43:57 »
I just encountered this bug as well, right after finishing the Yuffie quest. What the hell is going on?


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Re: FF7 Glitch after Yuffie runs away
« Reply #3 on: 2015-08-17 20:01:22 »
I'm suspecting this might have something to do with the big FF7 Reunion patch? I haven't mucked with any save settings beyond a few simple things like EXP, Love Points, or E. Skill materia.

Here's my save file right before it triggers.

Here's my save file right after (well shortly after) it triggered where it warped me back to the Grasslands Area on a chocobo.


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Re: FF7 Glitch after Yuffie runs away
« Reply #4 on: 2015-08-18 02:24:23 »
UPDATE: A solution was found here.

tl;dr, Make backups of your save files on your desktop. Then, with the Black Chocobo editing program, check your save file before you go into the Yuffie encounter. Under Location and "World Location" there is a little checkmark next to "Wild Chocobo", this needs to be unclicked. Somehow, someway, the game thinks you were riding a Wild Chocobo still due to some sort of glitch in the system. It never properly dismounted you. Thus why you teleport all the way back.