Author Topic: [PC+R+Switch] Unofficial bad UV texture patch [powered by DLPB tools]  (Read 152172 times)


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Mcindus, RaW is being released soon with Hext built in.  At that time, it be cool if you could update for those using it - it's a lot less hassle than the launcher.

Basically... each lang would just need one file in the global folder.


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Hello Mcindus. Global thanks for all your great mods.

Here is the issue I have :
Patcher run as administrator, FF8_FR.exe in the same folder, FF8_UVPatcher_FR.txt in the "HE_in" subfolder, and its 1st line is exactly the one the patcher looks for.. But looks like it can't find it though, and I can't see why.

Hope it will help.

I think I fixed the issue - try downloading the patcher again and let me know if it works for you!

Mcindus, RaW is being released soon with Hext built in.  At that time, it be cool if you could update for those using it - it's a lot less hassle than the launcher.

Basically... each lang would just need one file in the global folder.

Oh yes, I've been waiting for this change :) I will be porting the mods over to the new RaW format - I just have to make sure that things don't get screwed up when I do, and try to figure out the balance between standalone and RaW dependent add-ons.  Will people still be able to use HextLaunch if they don't have RaW?  And if they had hextlaunch with existing mods and upgrade to raw, will they have to re-arrange their folder/file structure when they do so?
« Last Edit: 2018-08-28 20:38:45 by Mcindus »


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RaW doesn't force music on people.  They can opt to disable that also :) So there's no real advantage to not having the dll in the root folder.


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I think I fixed the issue - try downloading the patcher again and let me know if it works for you!

Worked like a charm, thanks for the fix.


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The black lines (They're invisible in fact, as there's no texture there) in some places is the bug Square tried to fix by doing this crappy texture mess up routine.
I added HextLaunch support for PC 2000 english version.

Is there any way to fix this?  It's a bit grating to have black lines on the road.

In other news - here is the change that will be needed for new RaW version.

When released, simply pop

# Unofficial bad UV texture patch by Maki

153CC0 = 00
153CCA = 00
153CD8 = 00
153CE2 = 00
153CF2 = 00
153CFC = 00
153D0C = 00
153D16 = 00
153D26 = 00
153D30 = 00
153D38 = 00
153D42 = 00

In a text file and save to [Root]\RaW\GLOBAL\Hext

It's likely +400000 is all that's needed to go from file to memory in all versions.


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@DLPB - If you've got the UV Injector working and have disabled bilinear filtering (the black lines are texture bleed from the texture adjacent to that one in the atlas), you shouldn't be getting black lines anymore (at least at a very minimum)

the only way to make the PC port 'perfect' is to fix the .5 pixel offset problem inherent in dx9 -- theres code out there you can inject into the pixel/vertex shader, but i don't know how to do it, so we are stuck with a 'less-than' perfect setup - but at least Maki fixed the garbled mess that was the overworld.

Also, I tried to do the +400000 trick to my uv injector and it didn't work with hextlaunch... so am I correct in stating that this new file will work with raw, but not with hextlaunch?
« Last Edit: 2018-08-31 00:06:28 by Mcindus »


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Should work with HextLaunch too. I've verified it working with RaW for sure and the code is copy pasted.

Exact same code if using latest version (although it has a bug where working folder doesn't work - so you have to place files in Hext_in )

Also, thanks for the update!
« Last Edit: 2018-08-31 00:10:30 by DLPB »


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Should work with HextLaunch too. I've verified it working with RaW for sure and the code is copy pasted.

Exact same code if using latest version (although it has a bug where working folder doesn't work - so you have to place files in Hext_in )

Also, thanks for the update!

To be clear, if I don't put the +400000 in my hext file, the game loads the uv injector just fine, but i had to set the timer to 7000 in the settings for HextLaunch.  If I do add the +400000, hextlaunch doesn't inject the uv fix at all.  Also, I've noticed that the UV injector has to be the first mod in the list to run, so I've renamed it with a "1_" prefix to ensure that it loads before all other hext files.

Also, been looking everywhere for that ragnarok save and a concert save at FH for you... no luck yet


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If you don't use +400000 then it will be patching the completely wrong memory addresses - so the fix shouldn't work.

With RaW there is no delay option - the changes are added on game start - but i cant work out why that would stop your uv injector.


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Hi, wanted to bring it to everyone's attention that FFVIII Remastered will also have the incorrect UV mapping problem.

Take a gander at the screenshot of Squall on the world map in front of Balamb Garden. Looks exactly like the "BEFORE" in Aavock's comparison screens here, right?

Looks like this fix will need to be ported to the Steam version of the remaster. I'm not holding out that an official patch will ever address this issue.

Thank you for your time. I apologize for bumping such an old thread; again, I'm just trying to raise awareness, not calling for any action.


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You're right rotschleim :o nice catch. Plus, none of the worldmap textures have been "remastered" (maybe vehicles?).


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Thank you, Aavock. I noticed that they didn't even alter Squall's appearance to match his new field/battle models. I don't think anything about the world map has been changed, nor will it be. I hope the UV map fix is easy to port to FFVIII Remastered, whether Maki does it or someone else does.
« Last Edit: 2019-08-21 01:49:58 by rotschleim »


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nah pretty sure all they have done is pass the backgrounds through some crappy basic filter to smooth them a little. and character models, most of them brilliantly i will say but 2 they have completely screwed,zell looks like a child, an squall...his hair seems to change from black to brownish, and his face its so different not just from the original , but the fmv's.
i hope the basic structure of the game files wise will be similar, coz that will help us mod it.
but that then leaves me with a question, whats the point? you know? what we have here, with the beautiful work done by everyone, i consider to be superior to this square offering. So why waste time trying to upgrade this new one when we already have something brilliant?, just my thoughts   


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the redone models might not be perfect, but they have a higher poly count and better jointing, not to mention the polygons won't warp as terribly as they do on PC. (remember the times squalls lips would make him have a :3 face?)

the fan efforts are great, but they require tonberry and you can't play them on console, either. i just hope the UV map patch is eventually ported to the remaster, and that nothing's too wrong with it


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well I recently sent an e-mail linking to Dotemu linking this thread - let's keep fingers crossed- but I doubt they will introduce game code changes in a week to publish (or actually do anything at all).


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I am honestly just expecting them to drop this rehash, and then nothing, no support , patches anything. give us your money now your on your own.


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well I recently sent an e-mail linking to Dotemu linking this thread - let's keep fingers crossed- but I doubt they will introduce game code changes in a week to publish (or actually do anything at all).
i appreciate it, maki. it'd be cool if they did a day 1 patch and credited you for figuring it out, actually. but what's more realistic is that the world map code couldn't be changed, meaning the addresses are in the same spot, so hopefully you (or someone else, if you're not up to it) can port this fix over to FFVIIIr Steam.

I am honestly just expecting them to drop this rehash, and then nothing, no support , patches anything. give us your money now your on your own.
same here, gunner. i think maybe if there are really bad glitches (like music looping in FFVII/IX on xbone/switch) they'll fix it, but otherwise what we get is what we get
« Last Edit: 2019-08-22 19:55:29 by rotschleim »


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yeah rotschleim unfortunately its just a sign of the times, the decline of square that started when they became square-enix.


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yeah rotschleim unfortunately its just a sign of the times, the decline of square that started when they became square-enix.
well i mean they've put out plenty of patches for their other games, but being a $20 cash-in remaster, i doubt they'll do anything substantial like the uv map fix for it.


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They could easily add these fixes - but why bother when there are enough suckers around to keep throwing $20 at them regardless.
That's true but still this is not Dotemu decision- they are just contractors working on SE project. They do strictly what SE said to do and no one would pay them for adding XX years bug fix to crappy world map even though it's only changing 5-6 bytes. That's sad what SE have become.


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hello lovely people i need help, iv'e screwed my game up . ever since i downloaded the game installed lunatic pandora mod pack, the uv injector never worked i just got the error spam in the ultra launcher window, tried downloading the 2 fixes but nope.i gave  up on it, ignored it for ages while i modded my game with the tools etc. now i dont know why i had a brain fart an decided to try i cant even load the game. all i get is
 \HL_files\settings.ini has been created . please configure.
press enter to exit.

Ignore my dumbass , i'm all good back to where i started. Used the settings as a template from the hexlaunch folder , in the hextools pleased with my little brain for commin up with that.
« Last Edit: 2019-09-01 21:56:32 by gunner_1207 »


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So Dotemu couldn't do this so I did:
Code: [Select]
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2CB2 - add byte ptr [esi+08],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2CB8 - add byte ptr [esi+08],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D17 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D1D - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D6D - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D73 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2DC5 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2DCB - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E1B - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E21 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E6F - add byte ptr [esi+04],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E75 - add byte ptr [esi+04],00

change 4th byte on those pointers to 0
« Last Edit: 2019-09-06 13:03:00 by Maki »

Yagami Light

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Nice Maki, the road still has marks which means they used linear filtering, is there a way to turn that off since they removed that option from the remastered version.


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Ding dong! The switch patch is available. Just patch GuardianEFIGS.nro:
Code: [Select]
0xE04E38 = 1F2003D5
0xE04E58 = 1F2003D5

0xE04E98 = 1F2003D5
0xE04EB8 = 1F2003D5

0xE04EFC = 1F2003D5
0xE04F1C = 1F2003D5

0xE04F5C = 1F2003D5
0xE04F7C = 1F2003D5

0xE04FC0 = 1F2003D5
0xE04FE0 = 1F2003D5

0xE05008 = 1F2003D5
0xE05028 = 1F2003D5

I updated also the main post with some additional instructions for demastered pc and switch editions


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So Dotemu couldn't do this so I did:
Code: [Select]
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2CB2 - add byte ptr [esi+08],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2CB8 - add byte ptr [esi+08],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D17 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D1D - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D6D - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2D73 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2DC5 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2DCB - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E1B - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E21 - add byte ptr [esi+0C],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E6F - add byte ptr [esi+04],00
FFVIII_EFIGS.dll+8A2E75 - add byte ptr [esi+04],00

change 4th byte on those pointers to 0

Im sorry for asking like this but can you upload the file is already patched for Remastered version? I dont know anything about patcher or coder, i really dont know how to do like what you say :( Completely blind ... Thank you so much anyway ^^