Author Topic: FF7 Remake general thread  (Read 86145 times)


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #75 on: 2015-12-07 13:28:49 »
RE: the whole multi-part thing - it's easy to immediately assume SE will opt for the biggest money spinner available to them and go all episodic. At this point though, one dubiously-translated sentence isn't enough info to start flailing about uncontrollably and start shouting profanities at strangers in the street.

In fact, there was a similar game that came out a while back that was split into 'multiple parts', if only because storage constraints meant devs had to split big games into separate discs. I'd even go so far as to say that each disc 'provided its own unique experience' in terms of both story and gameplay.

My point is, it could just as easily be a way to emulate the feel of that 'please insert disc 2' achievement I felt from the original. Just a thought.

Or, it could totally be a ten part thing that lasts three years with each bit costing the same as a full game. Who knows!

EDIT: I am aware there's been an interview. It still hasn't been explicitly stated sections will be sold separately. We'll see.

While I'm here, I might as well share a couple of thoughts about the thing.

They seem to be taking a few unexpected liberties with design (i.e Barret's new shades, and the fact that despite the buster sword thing being quite a huge point in CC, they've reverted to the original design for that). Minor things. I'm cool with this, it's all artistic license as long as it doesn't screw with anything major. We'll see.

What I'm slightly more concerned about is the overall colour (or large lack of) in the trailer. There is a worrying trend with blockbusters of a similar ilk to suck all the colour out of everything to make things look 'cinematic'. To me, it just makes everything look washed out. I get that maybe Midgar is dark and so that particular section's been done on purpose. And yeah maybe a bright purple uniform and blindingly orange hair won't work as well today as it did in the 90s. But annoyingly, they seem to have stolen the art direction from XV, and I'm not sure if anyone at SE has realised that they're separate games. We'll see.

But that's the main gripe I have with the trailer so far. Looks as though they've copy-pasted FFXV and stuck some fresh models in over the top. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of the reason for switching engines and all the development complications etc. The battle effects just look way, way over the top. I'm actually personally really excited by XV, but what works for one won't necessarily work for the other. Again, we'll see.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 13:54:25 by SuburbanKnight »


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This kind of confirms their incessant bitching for all those years saying "it would be too big of a project to remake the game"

So they are going to expand Midgar and stuff which makes the game bigger

The pros of this are we are going to be able to play the game sooner rather than later

The cons are this is going to be a huge cash grab, and we will probably beat the episodes long before the next ones get released.

I am not too happy about this. I was looking forward to buying some limited edition version.

If they price any of these episodes at $60 then that's a middle finger to us.

This is shit news.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #77 on: 2015-12-07 14:15:06 »

What I'm slightly more concerned about is the overall colour (or large lack of) in the trailer. There is a worrying trend with blockbusters of a similar ilk to suck all the colour out of everything to make things look 'cinematic'. To me, it just makes everything look washed out. I get that maybe Midgar is dark and so that particular section's been done on purpose. And yeah maybe a bright purple uniform and blindingly orange hair won't work as well today as it did in the 90s. But annoyingly, they seem to have stolen the art direction from XV, and I'm not sure if anyone at SE has realised that they're separate games. We'll see.

I don't like lack of colour either, but maybe it's just Midgar looking like that to give it a even more desolate feel, we don't know yet.

I wouldn't say that each disc had a "unique" experience, apart from the first disc being the start of the game, disk 2 the middle part and disk 3 the ending part. Splitting it to 3 discs was really just a necessity of the time because of the cd's limited storage capacity rather than the intention to give each disk a unique experience.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #78 on: 2015-12-07 14:26:57 »
why on Earth would we need the spin offs re-releasing?

Why not? Crisis Core is actually a pretty fun and solid game and its gameplay style would fit the whole "1080p uber graphics" perfectly. Your needs do not represent the needs of every single Final Fantasy 7 fan.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 14:28:30 by -Ric- »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #79 on: 2015-12-07 14:33:40 »
Why not? Crisis Core is actually a pretty fun and solid game and its gameplay style would fit the whole "1080p uber graphics" perfectly. Your needs do not represent the needs of every single Final Fantasy 7 fan.

No, they don't.  But that's not answering the question.  They were hardly released in 1996.  It's just a cash grab.  I don't speak for people who think buying games again and again and again is a cool thing; I speak for what I see as plain sanity.

Where does this end?  Do you have a limit on when you say "enough is enough" or do you just continually buy the same game ported or arranged slightly a ton of times?  I fail to see the logic of that. Is there a limit?  At what point are people just going to stop feeding a company that is clearly laughing in their faces?
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 14:35:24 by DLPB »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #80 on: 2015-12-07 14:47:40 »
No, they don't.  But that's not answering the question.  They were hardly released in 1996.  It's just a cash grab.  I don't speak for people who think buying games again and again and again is a cool thing; I speak for what I see as plain sanity.

Where does this end?  Do you have a limit on when you say "enough is enough" or do you just continually buy the same game ported or arranged slightly a ton of times?  I fail to see the logic of that. Is there a limit?  At what point are people just going to stop feeding a company that is clearly laughing in their faces?

I don't really get what your problem with that is, people can waste their money on whatever they feel like. My personal limit is quite simple, when i don't feel like replaying a certain game on a new platform... i don't buy it. Simple. That doesn't mean someone else will feel the same way as me, someone might want to re-play the game on that new platform, someone might not have the console it was released on and might want to play the game. Is it really such a terrible thing to have the option? You are not forced to buy them and "feed" the company.

Again, your needs do not represent the needs of every fan. Just cause you don't enjoy remakes/re-released doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. They are selling so obviously there is a market for them.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #81 on: 2015-12-07 14:50:07 »
Type-0 was originally released for the PSP in 2011, with PSP graphics. It was re-released earlier this year (in March, if my memory serves me right) with upscaled graphics and some things changed around. Granted, performance is crap, translation leaves a lot to be desired and the English voice acting makes my ears bleed, but there are Japanese voices so I'm fine for that. The difference with Crisis Core is that Type-0 never got a release outside of Japan. But really, re-releasing a PSP game with upscaled graphics isn't that bad. Yes, it's a cash grab, but given that Type-0's port was truly an HD upscale (and not just some filters applied), I believe it would be nice to experience that game in HD again.

To me, I draw the line where it makes sense to. Type-0 ported with HD graphics and available to the whole world? Worth it. Crisis Core ported with HD graphics for everyone without a PSP to enjoy? Sounds alright. It's not inherently bad just because it's not new.

Otherwise, I pretty much reflect Ric's point. Don't like it? Don't buy it. It's as simple as that, really.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #82 on: 2015-12-07 14:52:41 »
I don't really get what your problem with that is, people can waste their money on whatever they feel like.

a. Wasting money on the same product is stupid. And I don't like stupid.
b. In this case, it impacts ME - because by doing this I never get to see NEW content or well designed content (nor do you - as mentioned previously, the MAIN FF game releases are WAY down).  I get mindless content, like this disease of a remake, which is already all over the place and being split into parts. This is a direct result of there not being more people like me - People who speak out against what is going on in this piddly ass little games industry.  If people wasted their money and it didn't impact on me in any way - it would still annoy me.  But I wouldn't feel the need to whinge about it. I'd just weep for humanity, which is what I do quite often.  But no.  As I said, this current mindset is reinforcing Square's belief (and it's a correct belief) that they can get away with whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

This is replicated in politics. When good people do and say nothing, you get crappy leaders.

« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 14:55:31 by DLPB »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #83 on: 2015-12-07 14:59:00 »
Frustration and anger are to be expected. You should worry more when it turns to apathy.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #84 on: 2015-12-07 15:04:19 »
I was cautiously optimistic with the announcement, gained a little more hope with Smash Cloud and Dissidia Cloud, then lost a decent amount when the PSX trailer was revealed, and pretty much lost it all now that it is episodic.

The only way they could save it for me now is if they are planning on splitting the game up into three separate parts (three discs like the original at the same story points) for $20 each. That way they aren't over charging and the multi-part release is somewhat a throwback to the original.

Obviously it will be worse than that though, because each time I've given them the benefit of the doubt on this thing they have went and annihilated my good faith in one way or another.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #85 on: 2015-12-07 15:12:46 »
a. Wasting money on the same product is stupid. And I don't like stupid.
b. In this case, it impacts ME - because by doing this I never get to see NEW content or well designed content (nor do you - as mentioned previously, the MAIN FF game releases are WAY down).  I get mindless content, like this disease of a remake, which is already all over the place and being split into parts. This is a direct result of there not being more people like me - People who speak out against what is going on in this piddly ass little games industry.  If people wasted their money and it didn't impact on me in any way - it would still annoy me.  But I wouldn't feel the need to whinge about it. I'd just weep for humanity, which is what I do quite often.  But no.  As I said, this current mindset is reinforcing Square's belief (and it's a correct belief) that they can get away with whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

So, you are right and everyone else is wrong. Screw the people who want to buy the remakes and have fun playing them just because you don't.
You seem to have a belief that Square Enix should cater to your needs and opinion somehow and if they don't, they are complete idiots who have no clue what they are doing... Well... the Final Fantasy 7 remake will blow up and sell like hot cakes whether you want it to or not and that will just once again prove that your opinion is just that, an opinion, and that your needs are just YOUR needs.
Just get over it. As its been said before countless times, don't like a product? Don't buy it. Just spare us the verbal (in this case written) diarrhea of how everyone else is stupid for using their money however they want to and buying stuff that actually provides them entertainment. I'm done arguing about this, it feels like arguing with a religious person and there's just no way to win against that.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #86 on: 2015-12-07 15:14:37 »
So, you are right and everyone else is wrong. Screw the people who want to buy the remakes and have fun playing them just because you don't.

Err, that's a straw man.  Suggest you go back and read what I wrote.  And if I want to call people collectively dumb, then I will.  I am not singling any one person out here.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 15:21:25 by DLPB »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #87 on: 2015-12-07 15:37:16 »
This thread is becoming toxic, so I'm putting it on notice. Criticizing FF7 Remake or Square Enix is one thing, but not attacks aimed at other members. Any and all hostility directed toward any forum member or generic group which may include forum members ("haters", "fanboys", "whiners", "gamers", etc.) will result in an immediate +50 warn level. Cut it out, ALL of you. ~Covarr

Also I merged Travis's thread in here because we don't really need a separate thread just for the "episodic" announcement.

by doing this I never get to see NEW content or well designed content (nor do you - as mentioned previously, the MAIN FF game releases are WAY down).
I disagree with this. Other big studios (Ubisoft, Activision, EA) have no trouble releasing annual installments of their biggest franchises even with inflated budgets and bloated "graphics before gameplay" design philosophies. They manage this by having multiple teams all working on different entries at once, and putting them on alternating release cycles. If Square Enix can't pull this off, this is the result of incompetent upper management not building enough teams, not of the internal studios' design decisions.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 15:41:56 by Covarr »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #88 on: 2015-12-07 15:51:50 »
I disagree with that because those other companies you mention are not peddling so many cash ins (because they wouldn't get away with it, probably) in the same way as SquareEnix are with a ton of remakes, rehashes, rereleases and spin offs. The sheer volume of what SquareEnix are releasing these days - and have for a while - is directly harming quality, imho.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #89 on: 2015-12-07 16:01:40 »
Crisis Core is actually a pretty fun and solid game

And nothing more (it's full of senseless game decisions - "Activate combat mode" great they say it I wouldn't have realized it without the reminder). We want at last a 9 of 10 game as Square or Enix has made in the past and not another solid 7 of 10. SE has made since ages not one FF the fanbase does ask for and now they remake the most symbolic game in the franchise and they ignore the wishes again because of the current game industry environment. Only dead fishes swim with the stream...

There is a reason why old JRPGS came to steam, why not follow this route, if they have to go one, we have enough of these action games. Many of the current AAA games have a conservative style so the statement that the 'gameplay of back then doesn't work' today is bullstrawberries.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 17:05:15 by Kaldarasha »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #90 on: 2015-12-07 16:48:50 »
So, you are right and everyone else is wrong. Screw the people who want to buy the remakes and have fun playing them just because you don't.
You seem to have a belief that Square Enix should cater to your needs and opinion somehow and if they don't, they are complete idiots who have no clue what they are doing... Well... the Final Fantasy 7 remake will blow up and sell like hot cakes whether you want it to or not and that will just once again prove that your opinion is just that, an opinion, and that your needs are just YOUR needs.
Just get over it. As its been said before countless times, don't like a product? Don't buy it. Just spare us the verbal (in this case written) diarrhea of how everyone else is stupid for using their money however they want to and buying stuff that actually provides them entertainment. I'm done arguing about this, it feels like arguing with a religious person and there's just no way to win against that.

Am I the only one who wholeheartedly agrees with DLPB? Obviously the fanbase has withered and degenerated into a group of people who are OK with this sort of thing. This is not okay. Square has shafted us once again. I realize I am in the minority, but I feel adamantly about this.

What about the Resident Evil Remake? The entire game was improved substantially, but they didn't destroy the original game's feel in the process. There arent ton's of hollywood style scenes, the characters havent been heavily redesigned, the script wasn't reworked. There wasn't a 3d camera decimating the environmental creepiness that the original one had. They simply did what was right. They made the game better in every way, while retaining the original feel.

Why can't Square just do that with FF7?


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #91 on: 2015-12-07 17:02:54 »
Yeah, the RE1 remake was done properly and with respect to the fans of the original game. Square, on the other hand, has no care for that.  And I'm not even sure they understand anymore what made the original great, as I said before.  So... where does one go from there? 

let's put it this way.  If someone had asked Square to piss off as many of the original fans as possible... I can't imagine it would be all too different to what they HAVE done. It's about as different to the original game as it can possibly be.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 17:06:26 by DLPB »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #92 on: 2015-12-07 17:12:28 »
What about the Resident Evil Remake? The entire game was improved substantially, but they didn't destroy the original game's feel in the process. There arent ton's of hollywood style scenes, the characters havent been heavily redesigned, the script wasn't reworked. There wasn't a 3d camera decimating the environmental creepiness that the original one had. They simply did what was right. They made the game better in every way, while retaining the original feel.

While the REMake was amazing it was only 6 years later while they were still actively making RE games in that same style with 0 coming a little bit later, RE4 then came out in 2005 but was still like the older games during early development(see the RE3.5 footage where it's RE meets Silent Hill and Leon was meant to be killed off) until it's switch to 3rd person, FF7 has been 18 years at this point and close to 20 by the time the remake comes out and several different styles of FF gameplay development later including the semi realtime gameplay of Crisis Core, XII and Lightning Returns, and the MMO style of XI and XIV.

It's triple that time gap and a very different generation of gamer that Square has to deal with and thus appeal to now.

Capcom has announced they're remaking Resi 2, whether it'll be done in the old style or like RE4 through 6 we shall see.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #93 on: 2015-12-07 17:32:53 »
Capcom has announced they're remaking Resi 2, whether it'll be done in the old style or like RE4 through 6 we shall see.
Capcom really loves their fans. They're often buffoonishly incompetent (especially where their handling of the Mega Man franchise is concerned), but they try their hardest to give fans what they want and to their franchises justice. I think it's a safe bet that RE2make will be more like the original and not like the new style, especially if they're trying to keep the costs low. Though I've heard rumors you'll be able to switch between fixed cameras/tank controls and over the shoulder/third person shooter controls, because they seem to have swallowed up the team of a fangame that was going to do just that.

It means instead of concluding in one entry, multiple entries are being considered in development. Each entry will have its own unique story. As a gaming experience, each entry will have the volume of content equal to a full-sized game.
This goes a long way to assuage my fears regarding it being episodic. This won't necessarily mean it'll be good, but at the very least it means they (probably) won't be ripping us off by charging more for less game.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 17:35:58 by Covarr »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #94 on: 2015-12-07 17:47:48 »
Capcom really loves their fans. They're often buffoonishly incompetent (especially where their handling of the Mega Man franchise is concerned)

Even Inafune himself away from Capcom can't keep the Megaman spirit alive, Mighty No 9 is already on track to be a gigantic flop.

It's also been confirmed that the FF7 Remake is being made on Unreal Engine 4.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-07 17:50:25 by Tekkie.X »


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #95 on: 2015-12-07 19:05:31 »
Since it did turn out to be episodic, I really have no interest in this game for now. I'll just wait a year or two for the "complete" edition. Even then, I might not bother. One good thing, for me, is since it is episodic I'll get to hear how good or bad the game is before all episodes release/the full game is released. Which saves me time and money. Thanks Square. :D It might seem like milking the consumer by doing it this, too. But if people don't like how the first episode goes, I highly doubt(or like to think) they'll waste money on the others. Well, outside of the hardcore/dedicated fanbase. It seems to me Square will be riding on if FF7:R and FF15 are successful... If they don't meet expectations and become poorly received, I don't see SE coming back from that easily. Though, at this point, I don't really care if they do.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #96 on: 2015-12-07 19:42:45 »
This whole episodic thing doesn't seem too promising... but I'm trying to stay positive. Hopefully they clear up the whole thing in the Jump Fiesta... I hope that when they release FFVII-R for PC (c'mon it will happen eventually) they already have the whole thing out.

I liked the gameplay trailer, good thing I already liked Kingdom Hearts' battle system from the 1 hour I played it. :P We didn't see much of it yet, though.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #97 on: 2015-12-07 19:48:30 »
Episodes eh?  Most likely I'll be reading reviews and checking let's plays of the first episode or two before I spend any money on this.  If they will truly have the "volume of a full sized game", well awesome!  That makes it sound like it will be an even bigger game than the original meaning there must be plenty of side quests to occupy time.

Unfortunately I'm not holding out much hope for that to be true.  This might end up being one of those ones where I wait for all episodes to come out and then buy it during a steam sale.  Willing to bet each "episode" will be $50 or more at the time of release.  I just don't have that kind of time or money to put towards gaming these days.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #98 on: 2015-12-07 23:09:56 »
At least the cross dressing scene will be intact.


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Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
« Reply #99 on: 2015-12-07 23:52:34 »
Thank god the cross dressing scene will be in there, everything will be fine.

I wonder how they'll cut this up into separate games. In the original, you can't start disc two until you've finished disc one. Square is implying that you could just buy the second game and start there with no save data or carnal knowledge of the first game, it just feels dirty. I can't complain about them wanting to produce the largest possible version of VII that they can. At least I like the characters in ff7, can't say the same about ff13.