Author Topic: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!  (Read 26065 times)


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Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« on: 2015-12-12 00:24:04 »
I created a petition recently to try to create a means to show Square Enix we as fans want the game we have deserved for 20 years.. An episodic release not only hinders the gameplay but the narrative as well, and punishes the fan for not paying a high premium to experience the story we deserve..

Tell Square Enix WE WANT BETTER!


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #1 on: 2015-12-12 00:37:32 »
I'm afraid that won't fix the other 20 or so complaints I have about it - so I just won't bother ever playing it. And I'm happy with that.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #2 on: 2015-12-12 00:39:46 »
Well, all we actually know is you'll be paying for multiple releases, which they insist will amount to full-size games. The intricacies of how it will work hasn't been confirmed.

Loading data from the previous release, being able to explore areas in previous installments. All of this stuff we do not know if it will be present. There are things we could surmise, like most of Midgar won't be revisitable in parts beyond the first, but that's true for the original FFVII also.

Wow, I've become a lot less outraged by this whole multiple part thing than I was originally.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #3 on: 2015-12-12 01:19:14 »
On a technical level there is no excuse what so ever to split it into a multiple release. If games such as Witcher 3 can create a whole world of content easily just as large if not larger than any FF universe with CD Project Ted being a fraction of the size of Square Enix, than I don't see any reason other than to charge a heavy premium to fans of the game. Why would no other FF game in the series be an episodic release including FF 15 which looks just as technically impressive as 7 remake, but 7 remake be an episodic release? Its because they know they can nickle and dime the fan base for an incomplete game. A dual layer Blu ray can fit 50GB of data not including off cd Updates which virtually all games do now a days.. This is just a way to piece meal the game into muiltiple parts and feed it to us in multiple releases so that they can Nickle and Dime the Fanbase. No other rational or technical reason would back up such a decision. Hell If you want more proof WE ON THE FORUMS IN TEAM AVALANCHE HAVE MANAGED TO MOD A 20 YEAR OLD GAME TO BE AROUND 21 GBS WORTH OF DATA. CMON SQUARE YOUR GOING TO NEED A BETTER EXCUSE THAN OH ITS TO TECHNICALLY DEMANDING OR IT WOULD TAKE TO MUCH TIME.. US MODDERS HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR MORE THAN 8 YEARS AND HAVE WORKED WITH A 20 YEAR OLD ENGINE...


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #4 on: 2015-12-12 03:00:54 »
I'd like to defend SE a minute. Just hear me out.

When SE says they can't "fit" the remake into a single release, they don't mean in the physical sense (they could obviously create as many discs as they wanted), they mean that they need a lot of time to create the amount of content that they want to make. It sounds like they want to spend something like 6 years making all the content, and they don't want to make the fans wait that long.

Suppose you were given two choices: (a) SE spends 6+ years making an epic, huge remake with tons of content and expanding on the FF7 universe, etc., or (b) Square Enix spends 2 years making a remake with limited scope. Which do you think most FF7 fans would choose? If they go with (b), a lot of fans will surely be disappointed and want a lot more and wish that SE spent more time on it, given how special this game is. So, SE is obviously going to choose (a).

Now, suppose SE decides they're going to spend 6 years making an epic remake. I think it's perfectly reasonable to charge more than the cost of a single game for 6 years of development. And I like the idea of splitting it up into parts so that we don't have to wait 6 years. (For example, split it into 3 games, 2 years apart each.) A lot of people say they don't want to play it until all parts are done, and that's totally understandable, but they can still do that even if SE releases it in parts, by waiting until the last part is released.

However, I will acknowledge there's a possibility that SE could do something like "release part 1 of 3", then "release part 2 of 3", then instead of "release part 3 of 3", they might do something like "release Crisis Core prequel remake", then "release other expansions", blah blah blah, then finally wait to "release part 3 of 3" until the very end, making such people wait for a very very long time until the whole thing is complete. But, hey, if you have the desire and willpower to wait 6 years, you can probably do 10 years just as easily.

By the way, obviously this is just an example, we don't know many years they'll take, how many parts there will be, how long we'll have to wait between parts, whether we can use our game data from one part to the next, whether there will be level caps, etc. So, it's kind of early to pass judgment until we have more information anyway.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #5 on: 2015-12-12 04:12:27 »
I don't understand why people are complaining about getting more content. You like ff7, and SE wants to spend so much money and resources on a remake that they are forced to make a developmental and economical decision to split the game into parts. At least TWO full FF7 AAA productions would be the product of this decision instead of one. Go ahead and beg them to put less time and resources into the franchise, you won't be happy with any decision they make anyway. Your petition is silly.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #6 on: 2015-12-12 04:28:42 »
I'm sorry, but apparently FF15 is a smaller game and that is going to end up being a 10 year development cycle.

I'm sure as fuck not buying a PS5 just for final fantasy 7, so I much prefer this multipart series that is released in reasonable timelines.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #7 on: 2015-12-12 04:58:41 »
I don't understand why people are complaining about getting more content. You like ff7, and SE wants to spend so much money and resources on a remake that they are forced to make a developmental and economical decision to split the game into parts. At least TWO full FF7 AAA productions would be the product of this decision instead of one. Go ahead and beg them to put less time and resources into the franchise, you won't be happy with any decision they make anyway. Your petition is silly.

More content?  You mean more bloat, surely?  The vast majority of it will be crazy long cutscenes.  And since when did gaming hit such a low that it has to release one game in multiple parts?  It's bad all round. Bad management or greed or both.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #8 on: 2015-12-12 05:13:28 »
More content?  You mean more bloat, surely?  The vast majority of it will be crazy long cutscenes.
I don't know what you mean or how you would know - do you work at SE?

And since when did gaming hit such a low that it has to release one game in multiple parts?  It's bad all round. Bad management or greed or both.
I think you would appreciate a crash course in software development. Everything is perpetually expensive and behind schedule, video games exponentially so. I also think you are missing the point as far as the multiple pieces are concerned, each piece has been mentioned to be a full game and they intend to expand and deepen the story/scenario. It isn't a carbon copy of the original in the form of an action-esque game.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #9 on: 2015-12-12 05:24:06 »
Deepen = wreck with more bloat, retcons, and shoehorned characters like Genesis, I presume.  I know all about software development - enough to know that this is more a cheap trick and suckering the fanbase for more money - and it's evidently working.  There is no justification for multiple parts.  FF7 1997 came on three discs and as one game.  It's 2015 and this kind of thing is ludicrous.  Other game companies do not do it and would not do it.

Also, no-one asked for the "remake" they're giving us. It's so far away from what the original fanbase wanted, it's not funny.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #10 on: 2015-12-12 05:29:15 »
You're making a lot of generalizations there, so I guess we will just have to wait and find out what it really is. I think you've spent so much time tearing apart the original, that anything new just doesn't seem right, I understand that perspective.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #11 on: 2015-12-12 06:36:48 »
You're making a lot of generalizations there, so I guess we will just have to wait and find out what it really is. I think you've spent so much time tearing apart the original, that anything new just doesn't seem right, I understand that perspective.

It's not that we despise anything new in general, but rather that we have reasonable doubt that Square Enix has what it takes to change the game for the better. I would always welcome changes even in remakes, as long as they're indeed changes for the better, and not for the worse. The problem is, we already KNOW for a fact that when it's the bone-headed blockheads at SE that are doing those changes, they can only be for the worse. And we know that based on our experience with all their RPGs that they released in the past 12+ years or so. Their track record leaves us little reason to remain optimistic.

On topic: I like the idea of such a petition and I fully support it, but I just doubt that it would make an impact on SE's business decisions even if the petition managed to assemble about 100.000 people, because... when was the last time that SE ever listened to their fanbase?


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #12 on: 2015-12-12 06:49:16 »
No ATB / limited atb, story and character alterations, multiple parts, bloated cutscenes, totally unrealistic matrix /bond action, realtime battle with numbers flying all over, poor voice acting, cliche dialogue, totally different style....

What could I possibly have against it?  It's as far away from the original game as it could have been - and it's supposedly a remake for the fans of the game.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #13 on: 2015-12-12 09:07:33 »
I'm not for this kind of petition, however suspicious I am about the way this remake is heading to. In the end, the pressure will fall on the developpers and they can't do a good job if everyone is tearing them apart with their expectations (especially for a remake like this, which should be wrapped in nostalgia and not made in a hurry).

Yes, this episodic thing is a joke. Yes, the reason they gave only hide mercantile strategy. But if the petition gets big enough to make them change their strategy, I'm afraid that it will only mean the developpers have twice less time to do as much work as originally planned (and whether or not I like what they do, I don't wish them that, both for them and for their game's sake).


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #14 on: 2015-12-12 12:20:35 »
I think you would appreciate a crash course in software development. Everything is perpetually expensive and behind schedule, video games exponentially so. I also think you are missing the point as far as the multiple pieces are concerned, each piece has been mentioned to be a full game and they intend to expand and deepen the story/scenario. It isn't a carbon copy of the original in the form of an action-esque game.

I think Square needs more of a lesson in the SDL. YOU DON'T RELEASE HALF A PRODUCT! Isn't that like ordering a burger and giving you the bun and trimmings before the meat is done? I have yet to play Star Craft 2 because it was episodic. I waited for it to be complete, not jumping at every little piece (which they admitted was incomplete) when dangled in front of me. Now not only is it complete, but I'm going to pay less for the full thing than if I had paid full retail when each piece came out. I win, not Blizzard.

Episodic releases are their way of saying "We messed up our time-table, but we won't admit it". It's not like these are even going to be sequels or isolated stories. It's ALL ONE STORY purposefully split into pieces to prevent people from yelling at them for missing their own imposed deadline.

We're heading for another video game crash for nearly the same reason as the last one: rushed titles from AAA companies. Valve honestly doesn't have to release any more Half-Life titles. They don't "owe it" to anyone. But they do have potential for a great game once it's finished. Square announced this remake WAY too early if they weren't far along enough to be certain that they could release it with that ridiculously early release date.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #15 on: 2015-12-12 13:39:02 »
I can't believe people are actually defending this... Im lost for words.. Why can't we as fans expect better? as that really soo unreasonable.. to Expect better from a dev? No one is going to convince me for my life that Square is doing this to "provide more content" ITS A BLATANT CASH IN.. Cmon guys really? Lets tie the evidence here, what is by far the most popular Final Fantasy in the series? I wonder. Next lets look at SE financial records, they arent doing so hot recently.. Couple that with the fact that the gameplay demo already had ENGLISH LOCALIZATION which is one of the very last steps in making a game, this isn't a question of resources or time, Give me a break.. If Square can spend 10 years working on FF 15, they can put 4 years of effort working on a COMPLETE TITLE.. We have waited for this for YEARS, and they are just gonna return our commitment with charging high premiums for games that are half complete... 


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #16 on: 2015-12-12 15:46:50 »
I'd rather have multiple releases of DLC (hoping how they're doing it instead of actual titles like Tell Tale) than condensing the game. Of all the things they could possibly do this is one I don't mind (In comparision to Barret possibly wearing those sunglasses through the whole game).


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #17 on: 2015-12-12 16:47:57 »
Just you wait 5 years from now. We are going to be getting DLC like being able to control volume and gamma settings, and some how people are going to justify it lol


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #18 on: 2015-12-12 16:51:46 »
Just you wait 5 years from now. We are going to be getting DLC like being able to control volume and gamma settings, and some how people are going to justify it lol

Haha, it's not so unlikely anymore is it? ;)  We went from fully controllable Aeons and characters in FFX, a world map beforehand, and all the other stuff - to this.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #19 on: 2015-12-12 17:21:23 »
If Square can't make a full title with a world map anymore and a story with a narrative that follows through till the end in one title I don't think Square deserves our money. Especially if CD Project Red with a fraction of the resources can one-up them in terms of content. Square is one of the largest gaming companies in the world. It's absolute nonsense given the fact that they already have an English localization, that they can make up that they cant make a full game due to time constraints or resources. THIS GAME IS 20 YEARS OLD ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! This game was made 20 years ago with a fraction of the resources with its story told more in depth than what they are currently offering and they are telling me that they cant make a consolidated title with current technology and funds which they already demonstrated they have?! Hell what was the whole FF7 tech demo in 2005 about? Wasn't that them bragging about how they could make the game with their resources? Why does the game already have English localization for a game that supposedly started development only a short while ago? (I know this because there were interviews with Square in 2013 about them saying they would only remake FF7 if another game outdid its "legacy". Now an abandoned gambit because of their financial problems lol). This is a Joke, Square can do better and they know they can, But they also know they can extort as much money out of fans as possible because its Final Fantasy 7 dammit.. This game isn't the Goddamn Lord of the Rings, this doesnt need to be released in 3-6-10 parts however much Square wants to extort out of fans.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #20 on: 2015-12-12 17:57:44 »
If memory serves me right each episode of Xenosaga on the ps2 full games as well. i not gonna jump down square enix throat just yet until all parts are released. Xenosaga got me worried if its series was gonna be bad but turned out to be good in the end.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #21 on: 2015-12-12 19:16:02 »
XenoSaga was its own gameseries though, thats different. That would be like comparing Witcher 1, 2, and 3 with what they are doing.. ITS ALREADY A GAME THAT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED WITH ITS OWN STORY ITS A REMAKE FOR DAMN SAKE.. The best comparison I can to what they are doing is the .HACK series. I thought .HACK was a joke because they basically buffered padding for eachgame with the same engine and same gameplay, to prolong concluding a story they already wrote out. Yet they managed to charge a premium to get people to buy 5 games... Next thing you know youre going to have Nintendo release Ocarina of time into 3 parts.. Are you Kidding? ITS A GAME THAT ALREADY EXISTS ITS NOT ITS OWN STANDALONE SERIES AND MOST OF ALL THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A GODDAMN REMAKE!!!


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #22 on: 2015-12-12 19:18:37 »
Well, tough cookies, it's happening and they won't change their minds, Japanese developers are infinitely more stubborn than western devs.


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #23 on: 2015-12-12 19:20:08 »
Really I cant think of any other example though where they have taken a prexisting game (one that is 20 years old mind you), call it a "Remake" and SEGREGATE IT INTO MULTIPLE PRODUCTS. Tell me one that has done that I cant find it!


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Re: Petition to have FF7 Remake be a FULL TITLE!!!
« Reply #24 on: 2015-12-12 22:18:09 »
Honestly, I overreacted to FF7 remake being released as multiple parts. They claim each game is a full-sized release, and if there is a save carry-over functionality that keeps my stats, items, and such from game to game I'll be fine with it. If they expand each game into a 25-30 hour story with another 10-15 hours of extras, I'll get all the games when they eventually release together as a physical release.

The multi-release aspect is a very small issue in regard to the game in my opinion. What everyone should be focused on, is whether or not any of these parts are good. If they aren't, it doesn't matter if they are all together or released one a a time. At least this way if they are bad you don't have to buy all of it before you realize it, you can just return the first one you buy and stay away from the "remake".