Cheers for the reply.
I have deactivated all my mods, I enabled the Menu Overhaul along with Spell Textures and Media - Music and Sound in no order whatsoever (going by mods one by one). I believe the Menu Overhaul is causing some kind of incompatibility with it as I tried it on it's own. I'm gonna try others but it's such a shame I might not be able to use the overhaul as it really does make the menu more modern.
I have found three incompatible mods from my mod list, I will list them for anyone who wants to use these but still edit the kernel file via WallMarket.
Misc- CHaOS (Character Overhaul Seven)
Gameplay- Difficulty and Story
Battle Models - Weapons
Battle Models - Characters
Battle Models - Enemies
Battle Textures
Minigames - Fort Condor
Field Models - Characters. Enemies. and Objects
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
Media - Music and Sound
Minigames - Chocobo Race
Minigames - Wonder Square
Spell Textures
World Models - Characters. Enemies. and Vehicles
World Textures
Misc - Red Werewolf
Menu - Backgrounds and Avatars
Menu Overhaul
The incompatible mods stop the changes I made to the kernel file (stat changes to the buster sword along with changing all of Cloud's swords to that of the buster sword model), however I don't fully know if it will affect other kernel changes you make.
So I kind of solved my problem but there's a trade off. I am still interested in a mod that changes all the swords to the buster sword model, if anyone knows of one on here please let me know. Thanks.