Author Topic: What Leftism Is  (Read 48380 times)


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What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-05-27 04:25:32 »

No greater example than the bastards in the audience.

Also worth a watch
« Last Edit: 2016-05-27 23:31:16 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Has Become
« Reply #1 on: 2016-05-27 21:35:57 »
Milo is freaking awesome. At first glance you would think he's some sort of comedian but once he opens his mouth, he slams everyone with the truth and does so in an honest, ruthless, yet funny and amusing way. And he's pretty much always right.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #2 on: 2016-05-28 03:12:52 »
Watch out, Obama is about - and he's apologizing to Japan for the fact they bombed Pearl Harbor and declared war on America. The docile leftist prick can't get enough of victimhood.  I've never seen such a weak and useless US president.  I'd say he's the worst leader on the planet, but I know that's Merkel.
« Last Edit: 2016-05-28 15:11:34 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #3 on: 2016-05-28 17:13:12 »
Watch out, Obama is about - and he's apologizing to Japan for the fact they bombed Pearl Harbor and declared war on America.

He specifically did not apologize for that. Lots of Japanese were offended that he didn't and those that weren't would have been offended if he did. The surviving US vets told him not to.
This whole trip was really NOT a good idea. It served no true purpose.

I'd say he's the worst leader on the planet, but I know that's Merkel.
Wait until January of next year. We'll have a worse one.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #4 on: 2016-05-28 23:05:02 »
I'd say he's the worst leader on the planet, but I know that's Merkel.

Just wait until the US election, it will get funnier I promise.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #5 on: 2016-05-29 16:30:00 »
He specifically did not apologize for that.

He doesn't need to say "I apologize" - his actions and the visit speak volumes.  It's a deliberate provocative act from a president that, in my opinion, hates his own country and the West in general. He specifically brought up the bombings when he did not need to - and he visited the places that were bombed. And the timing of his visit was also obviously deliberate.  I don't see any other country like China doing the same (also victims of Japan at one point).

I just find it completely ridiculous. Whether he utters "Sorry" or not. It's an apology in all but words, and he knows what a massive backlash he'd get if he said it.  Instead he talks about how bad nuclear weapons are - and skirts around the full-on apology as a compromise.  Trump called him out on it too.

And from what I am gathering he has also been using the event to push his agenda of anti-Trump?

“I held his hand, and we didn’t need an interpreter,” Mr. Tsuboi, 91, said later. “I could understand what he wanted to say by his expression.”

Can't wait until he's gone.

Instead of politicians laying wreaths and talking about the actions of the past, perhaps they can look to the present.  Thanks largely to the action and inaction of spineless politicians, we have the worst thing since Nazism trolling the globe (Islamic State - who Obama likes to call ISIL - a name that they no longer even go by).  I find the current predicament far more important than  past predicaments.  But Obama clearly doesn't. He's done sweet FA about Islamic State or some other big issues. He's sat around talking a lot and doing very little.

Lastly, someone posted this

Let's see now. Cuba, Vietnam, Japan...yep, he's hitting them all for decisions made by past Presidents. Still waiting for an apology for the war on crime by Clinton. How about apologizing for Wall Street? Oh, you fixed it? Tell that to Trump and Sanders voters? The only thing you did for me was to stop Hillary from being President. Twice now. First in 2008, and now 2016, thanks to your exposing the true leftist agenda. YOU have divided this country as never before. Don't play the victim, it was YOUR hatred of America....

I agree.  Although I'd say Vietnam was a true crime and one where an apology was needed.  And has probably been given numerous times?


Here's the thing. The left love bringing the past up and initiating discussion about past atrocities or wrongs, because it creates division and a victim mentality. Obama really has been a massively divisive president. Trump and Clinton will be too - but for different reasons. 
« Last Edit: 2016-05-29 17:04:50 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #6 on: 2016-05-29 19:29:47 »
I'd say he's the worst leader on the planet, but I know that's Merkel.

What did she or he leading? They both are only the major of Midgar.  ;)

And what opportunity do we German have? We can't take the freedom to say 'no we don't host anymore refugees'. If we do we are all Nazis and anti-Semite (this really isn't a synonym only for the Hebraic folk). More or less her position is quite understandable. Still not a fan of her, but at the moment we have a lack of options to choose from, so I fear that she will be there another 4 years.  :'(
I wonder where all the money was hidden we currently seem to have for all the refugees? If we had put all the new source in our education system then... what do I say, she is only the major...


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #7 on: 2016-05-29 20:02:15 »
It isn't like the insane cow has taken in a few thousand, either.  It's around 1 million, largely from Islamic nations, with more on the way.  It's clear that she doesn't care about the massive problems that brings. But you know what, Germany votes for it.  As Milo points out in numerous videos, women are their own worst enemy, as they frequently and overwhelmingly vote for these insane leftists that then cause problems that they are directly affected by more than men.  It's not going to be good for women under Islam.  Good luck, folks.

Each and every last one of these victims are the result of treasonous Merkel.
« Last Edit: 2016-05-31 08:34:37 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #8 on: 2016-06-12 12:18:26 »
Already the anti gun mob are blaming Trump for the latest atrocity by Muhammad.  It makes me laugh. This Muslim has shot up a gay club in what I am told was a gun-free zone.  Oh, yeah - gun free for everyone who is not intent on mass slaughter. If you are - just a walk in the park.  This isn't the fault of guns.  Strong gun controls only added to the misery in France, where 130 were gunned down in streets! If anything - people armed would have had more chance than what they had - zero.  And the same applies here.

This isn't Trump's fault - This is an insane religion - founded by an insane man - and practised by people who have been made insane by its hateful and militant ideology.  It is not going to go away until we confront the actual ideology itself.  People like Hillary and Obama want to ignore it - call it a "lone wolf" - and then allow thousands of unchecked migrants to waltz right in regardless of the serious dereliction of duty that actually is.

And some people vote for them!

Holy shit - just imagine how many of these nutters have walked into Germany.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 18:28:35 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #9 on: 2016-06-12 19:19:21 »
"I feel sorry for the American people having O'Barmy as president, he's as useless as a chocolate teapot."

haha.  Seriously - he's banging on about the evils of guns and refuses to mention Islamic terrorism.  Does he think gun control was the problem in Paris, too?   Get this delusional weirdo out of office.

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #10 on: 2016-06-12 19:39:05 »
Progressivism is a death cult.  Libertarianism too, in a way.  They are both the products of the Enlightenment, that is radical individualism taken to it's logical conclusion.

I'm a Populist Nationlist because I understand that the individual is not the most basic unit of society.  An individual alone can accomplish nothing of value, it is only when individuals work together for their greater good that their lives improve.  However people are fundamentally unequal in abilities and dispositions, so it is pointless to hold back the most fit to care for the least fit... with this in mind, the purpose of social safety nets is to eliminate the need for social safety nets.

Moly is an anarcho-capitalist, but he's coming around to my point of view.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #11 on: 2016-06-12 19:43:35 »
Obama is what happens when people vote because of a trendy idea. "He's black.  Aren't we enlightened?" Nobody listened to people that saw through him and saw he was like Blair - all rhetoric, smiles, and talking the big talk. No real ideas. No leadership qualities.  Just talk and smile and promote a flawed "progressive" agenda.  He's so delusional that they should section him and drag him off to the loony bin.  People are making the same mistake with Hillary now - her campaign and the liberal media is making a huge deal out of the fact she is a woman. So let's vote for someone because of what lies between their legs - yeah - that will end well.

When you have a candidate that is so desperate that she is virtually prostituting herself to women voters in order to gain power, you know they are a useless sack of garbage. If America chooses her over Trump, it deserves everything it gets.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 19:48:41 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #12 on: 2016-06-12 20:07:32 »
There isn't a really good option in my opinion.

I'm kind of with Sam Harris on this, Hillary is a bad person but unfortunately the most realistic choice out of a bunch of pretty bad ones. Just imagine Trump literally exiling millions of illegal aliens from the country. The USA was founded on the principle of fleeing a bad situation and starting better lives, which are exactly what these illegal aliens are doing. That is a pretty big reason why we are aren't England 2.0 right now, it is against the basic foundation of this country's principles.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #13 on: 2016-06-12 20:09:48 »
It wasn't founded on the principle of millions of freeloaders coming across the border from Mexico, causing massive strain on the economy and infrastructure - nor was it founded on the idea of tolerating an ideology that is based on death - and further - allowing untold numbers of its followers to arrive in the country completely unchecked (something Trump opposes, but Hillary supports).

The better choice is Trump, by far.

Illegal is illegal.  They have no right to be in America.

it's a very different world now to the one when America was founded.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 20:11:44 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #14 on: 2016-06-12 20:17:18 »
It wasn't founded on the principle of millions of freeloaders coming across the border from Mexico
If a family escapes drug cartels, gang violence and very high unemployment rates - the tropes of the state of Mexico, and does whatever it takes to get into the USA (for poor people, the only way in is illegally in a lot of cases) but then get jobs and contribute to society through buying things and paying sales tax, are they really freeloading?

What if that was your situation?

Illegal is illegal.  They have no right to be in America.

Mexico is part of North America
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 20:18:57 by KnifeTheSky77 »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #15 on: 2016-06-12 20:19:51 »
What if that was your situation?

That's an appeal to emotion and does not fix any problem.  You allow millions in - and more come.  And more.  Where do you stop?  Because land and resources are a finite commodity.  That's why socialism is a complete failure. It runs out of other people's money. It isn't my situation.  It's tough luck. Every country has a law - and they are breaking the law.  A lot of criminals also come across that border.  What you are advocating is the right to break the law, which is not a good or rational position to hold.

Mexico is part of North America

You know full well I meant the USA. Please don't cheapen this debate with that kind of nonsense.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 20:22:20 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #16 on: 2016-06-12 20:29:11 »
That's an appeal to emotion and does not fix any problem.
I wasn't trying to illicit any sort of emotion out of you, but more or less try to have you objectively understand multiple perspectives. You do whatever you do to better your situation, whatever that may be, that is what people generally try to do in life.

Because land and resources are a finite commodity.
That is more a problem of being a Human in general than anything else. You can't get mad at people in a certain area for reproducing, we all do it and for usually the same reasons

You know full well I meant the USA. Please don't cheapen this debate with that kind of nonsense.
I couldn't help myself, heard too many dad jokes this weekend.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #17 on: 2016-06-12 20:32:21 »
But I wasn't being mad at people.  I was being mad at politicians like Hillary that do nothing about it - and separately the ideology of Islam.  Leaders are meant to uphold the law and work in the best interests of their own people - first and foremost. Mexicans are free to try their luck - but what Obama and Hillary do is criminal negligence.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #18 on: 2016-06-12 20:38:59 »
Luckily, the US government is like a huge ship with a small rudder. The maximum amount of good or evil the president can actually follow through with is minimal in the grand scheme of things due to the checks and balances of government branches. That is the beauty of democracy, the majority of people need to agree before you ruin the lives of millions of illegal immigrants or starting a war


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #19 on: 2016-06-12 20:47:35 »
That didn't help much with Iraq and Afghanistan (Bush and Blair) - or the rise of IS and the Egyption problem (Obama).  All of them disasters and all approved - but not by the people in all cases.

Blair took Britain into Iraq and Afghanistan without any authority from the people - and with Iraq it was based on a pack of lies.

When it comes to illegal immigrants, I'd say they knew what they were doing was illegal when they embarked on breaking the law.  I won;t shed a tear if one or all of them get sent packing. Then maybe more will learn to respect another country's laws.  Also, instead of fleeing their own country, they may try to repair it.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 20:50:20 by DLPB »

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #20 on: 2016-06-12 21:07:30 »
Just imagine Trump literally exiling millions of illegal aliens from the country. The USA was founded on the principle of fleeing a bad situation and starting better lives, which are exactly what these illegal aliens are doing. That is a pretty big reason why we are aren't England 2.0 right now, it is against the basic foundation of this country's principles.
How exactly will we pay for all these illegals?

Also you're wrong.  The USA was founded explicitly for White men who owned property.  It says so right there on the founding documents.

How are we not England 2.0?  We have a presidential candidate who wants to outlaw gun ownerhship (like Britain), we have unlimited immigration for people who can't contribute anything but menial labor to the nation and who commit violent and sex crimes at rates much higher than the White population (like Britain), and we must pay for these knuckleheads too (in the form of free health care, free K-12 education, food stamps) (also like Britain).

Look, if you think that these brown people are so great you should go live with them.  When Trump wins you can go live in Mexico.

If you import Mexicans into America, you don't make the Mexicans into Americans.  You make America into Mexico.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #21 on: 2016-06-12 21:31:37 »
Here here!

I'd wager the people who are pro illegal immigrant have never lived in an area affected by the fruits of it directly.  The fact is that the numbers are unsustainable - and the country suffers as a whole when you import or allow huge numbers of people from failed states.  It's plain common sense. And there is never an end to it - because the failure keeps on failing, they keep on breeding, and then they keep on coming.  All you do is lower the standard for everyone  - hence Churchill's comment that socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 21:34:51 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #22 on: 2016-06-12 21:46:17 »
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light," said Max Planck, "but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

Although in this case, it doesn't quite work out that way because delusions that lead to death have a funny way of kicking everyone in the rear end.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 21:50:31 by DLPB »

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #23 on: 2016-06-12 21:58:46 »
I'd wager the people who are pro illegal immigrant have never lived in an area affected by the fruits of it directly.
Exactly.  I was a leftist - a literal socialist, in fact - until I actually had to live with the diversity.  Most leftists project their own low-time preference and high trust societies onto the third world hordes.  They never stop and wonder, "Why is the third world so shitty?"  They always bite take the bait and blame everything on White people.

The fact is that the numbers are unsustainable - and the country suffers as a whole when you import or allow huge numbers of people from failed states.  It's plain common sense. And there is never an end to it - because the failure keeps on failing, they keep on breeding, and then they keep on coming.  All you do is lower the standard for everyone  - hence Churchill's comment that socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
In an era where onanism is celebrated, you can't expect anyone to display common sense.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light," said Max Planck, "but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

Although in this case, it doesn't quite work out that way because delusions that lead to death have a funny way of kicking everyone in the rear end.

If the recent night club shooting - the largest mass shooting in US history, where a Muslim man killed at least 50 people in a gay nightclub - is any hint, leftists need to actually have their lives threatened before they wake up and face the mess they helped create.  It's one reason why I sincerely hope that Hillary wins, even though I'm voting for Trump - watching leftists eat crow as their pet minorities devour each other is hugely entertaining.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #24 on: 2016-06-12 22:16:11 »
I've noticed that leftists seem to have a rather bizarre ranking system - with Female lesbian Black Muslim at the top (if you can find one before she is killed) and White Christian Heterosexual Male at the bottom.  The thing is - Muslim ranks above Black or white male or female (I am aware that Muslims are either one of the two, but the point is the ranking system).  So if non-Muslim women or gays think that the left will protect them, they better think again.  Islam trumps all in the left's insane pecking order.

Also, I was a liberal until around the age of 8.  I lived on a rough neighbourhood and saw the scummy thug types laughing at the law and creating misery all around them.  Back then, I used to wonder why the people on TV were saying things that made no sense - things that I knew were false (like "helping" thugs and "rehabilitation".  They just needed to be understood  - and other nonsense).  I figured that I was too young to understand.  One day, years later, it dawned on me that at 8 years of age, I was smarter and more clued up in how the world really is than most of the liberal elite and government.

And it's only gotten worse since.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 22:20:04 by DLPB »