Author Topic: What Leftism Is  (Read 48332 times)


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #25 on: 2016-06-12 22:33:20 »
I don't even like Trump very much, but I do have a new found respect for him, especially after watching this video:

Trump might say some strawberries we don't like, and he may hold some views that I don't, but the one thing he does is not back down to this obsessive progressive group-think mental disorder that has run rampant worldwide. In my opinion, the ability to say what we want, think what we want, and to name the enemies we face without fear of irrational persecution is far more important than any other economic or social issues. That is why I find myself siding with Trump more and more often.

For the people who say that Hillary would be better... Are you mental? You wouldn't dare say that another Bush would be better would you? (I sure as hell wouldn't.) I don't understand why people are so easily persuaded and manipulated by these supposedly "moderate", lyring, two-faced career politicians that fall on whatever side of the spectrum suits them the best.

Hillary is a pathological liar. She has been caught on camera many times lying and refusing to admit to the lies she spewing during the SAME election season. The Obama campaign tore her campaign to shreds because of how untrustworthy and horrid of creature she is, and now that she is running against Trump we are going to forget all that happened because Trump said some politically incorrect "insensitive" things about muslims and mexicans?

Every (illegal) Mexican that comes over here is breaking our law. Muslims kill people all around the world every day at rates THOUSANDS of times higher than any other religion. Frankly, I don't give a fern about illegals because they don't care about our laws, and I don't care about the "hurt feelings" of muslims when it is primarily THEIR RELIGION causing all of the mass-murder in the modern age. Trump's reluctance to back down from these issues just makes me respect him more. If he ever cowered to these obsessive progressive morons he would be nothing more than any other of these squirmy, spineless, serpentine frauds that have run America for the last 20-30 years.

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #26 on: 2016-06-12 22:57:14 »
I've noticed that leftists seem to have a rather bizarre ranking system - with Female lesbian Black Muslim at the top (if you can find one before she is killed) and White Christian Heterosexual Male at the bottom.  The thing is - Muslim ranks above Black or white male or female (I am aware that Muslims are either one of the two, but the point is the ranking system).  So if non-Muslim women or gays think that the left will protect them, they better think again.  Islam trumps all in the left's insane pecking order.
That is the Progressive Stack, which coincidentally is also an example of leftists appropriating terms from the hard sciences and engineering (Computer Science in this case) to make their nuttery sound legitimate.
^Examples from the OWS

The progressive stack is applied intersectional feminist socialism theory.

When socialist states implemented their forced equality, there were still differences between individuals and groups of individuals.  Instead of taking the obvious gambit - these are probably the result of biological differences in individuals - they just assumed that they weren't being socialist enough, and they endeavored to be socialist not just in terms of economics and politics, but in terms of EVERYTHING.  Thus you have Black Lives Matters protestors freaking out over a few thugs getting shot and ignoring:
1. White people being far more likely to be shot by cops than black people,
2. Black people committing far more crime per capita than white people, and
3. The huge body of published scientific research on the fields of heritable mental and psychological traits such as intelligence and behavior.

Also, I was a liberal until around the age of 8.  I lived on a rough neighbourhood and saw the scummy thug types laughing at the law and creating misery all around them.  Back then, I used to wonder why the people on TV were saying things that made no sense - things that I knew were false (like "helping" thugs and "rehabilitation".  They just needed to be understood  - and other nonsense).  I figured that I was too young to understand.  One day, years later, it dawned on me that at 8 years of age, I was smarter and more clued up in how the world really is than most of the liberal elite and government.

And it's only gotten worse since.
I  hope you have kids, my friend.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #27 on: 2016-06-12 23:01:05 »
God, she's awful.  Banging on about "first woman president" - hoping that will be enough to win over enough women voters and gain power.  It's so damn transparent and pathetic.

- edit

Ah, interesting.  I wasn't aware it was documented :P As for kids, although I am sure I'd be a great dad, I will not bring them into this world as it stands.  Certainly not this useless country (Britain) as it currently stands.  Maybe if I were loaded....
« Last Edit: 2016-06-12 23:02:53 by DLPB »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #28 on: 2016-06-12 23:22:01 »
Ah, interesting.  I wasn't aware it was documented :P As for kids, although I am sure I'd be a great dad, I will not bring them into this world as it stands.  Certainly not this useless country (Britain) as it currently stands.  Maybe if I were loaded....
You'd rather British women marry muslims?


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #29 on: 2016-06-12 23:24:08 »
Most people aren't like me, so it will be fine.  But what I'd rather is the electorate wising up or, failing that, the human race just dying off because it's an insult to earth for us to keep on breeding with the current level of ignorance.

I am not against a Muslim and a non Muslim having a family  - as long as it's an extreme moderate/benign interpretation of the respective religions (something that's very hard to realize with Islam, sadly, because of Muhammad).  But if it's a relationship based on forcing a partner into being a second class citizen - or beating them - or forcing them to adhere to opinions or behaviours they do not want... then  No.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-13 11:17:44 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #30 on: 2016-06-13 13:29:00 »

That's why Trump is great.  Because he is saying something that Obama and Hillary won't.  If he wasn't around - the'd just ignore the elephant in the room.  They are trying to even now but he isn't letting them.  That's why freedom of speech is such an important thing - it let's the truth out.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #31 on: 2016-06-13 20:10:38 »

I'll pop open the wine if this guy is elected.  It looks to me like people are finally getting sick of Islam and are not afraid of saying it.  The cloud of PC and liberalism is finally dispersing.

He's intelligent as hell.  And they must be tearing their hair out.  How do you come back to someone pointing out that 130 people were killed in a country with tough gun laws - when your argument is that tough gun laws will stop mass murder?  You can't.  It's an insane and illogical argument by people who don't want to accept the awful truth - and are using this to peddle their anti gun propaganda. Hillary and Obama are well aware that with guns out of the way, America would be as useless and defenceless as Europe.  Just look at Germany- Merkel is laughing her head off at the electorate and no one can do a thing about the traitor.

They laughed at Trump - but they ain't laughing now.  The left are a joke and a freak show - they continually underestimate their enemies and are limited by their myopic view of the world and their lackluster imagination.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-13 21:24:02 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #32 on: 2016-06-14 03:22:27 »

He can be a ponderous listen, but it's a 101 on why we are committing suicide with useless appeasers at the helm.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #33 on: 2016-06-14 21:29:38 »

What leftism is Rule 1.  Appeasement.  To be a good leftist, you need to be a good appeaser.  Counting down the days until this donkey is out of power.

Rule 2.  Denial.  Your agenda and ideology is perfect - so if something goes wrong, it cannot possibly be your agenda at fault. Just keep shaking your head (if you can shake it while it's embedded in sand).

This is a very encouraging sign....

That would never ever have been printed in the British press 10 years ago.  But the gloves are coming off.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-14 22:08:47 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #34 on: 2016-06-14 23:17:37 »
Oh come on man, just watch this, she'll make far more sense


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #35 on: 2016-06-15 01:00:03 »
I think the big eye opener in all this is that gays have finally found out that they have more of a friend in the right than they do in the left.  I imagine that comes as quite a shock to them.  But it really isn't.  The leftist approach is all about furthering its own agenda, creating division, and garnering votes.  It does it with great success with its constant race baiting, for example.  But until now, it's been hard to expose it to the masses.  That's what I do thank Muslims for. It's shown up the blatant hypocrisy of the left.  Gays have seen the weak and useless president for what he is - and have seen how the left will defend Islam over all else. I'd wager Trump will have had a MASSIVE boost in votes because of how well he handled the aftermath of that brutal attack - and how poorly Hillary did. Many of those votes will come from gay people.

As if by magic - a good example is found.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-15 20:21:45 by DLPB »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #36 on: 2016-06-15 20:53:37 »

Introducing Alexander Jahans, a truly eloquent spokesman for the left.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #37 on: 2016-06-16 22:00:05 »
haha.... ;) indeed!


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #38 on: 2016-06-21 15:38:14 »
Rule 3. Hide the truth.  The truth is the enemy.  Change words and phrases so that the elephant in the room is removed. Rewrite history.

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #39 on: 2016-06-23 00:22:46 »
Rule 3. Hide the truth.  The truth is the enemy.  Change words and phrases so that the elephant in the room is removed. Rewrite history.
They're destroying their own support base.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #40 on: 2016-06-23 00:42:18 »
Do they not even realize how absurd they look?


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #41 on: 2016-06-23 13:54:58 »
God I hope Britbongs don't shoot themselves in the foot and remain. November can't come soon enough.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #42 on: 2016-06-23 15:18:33 »
I wouldn't be surprised if "we" do.  The people of Britain have been dumbed down for decades - and many of them see the EU as a "hand out" club of benefits.  They don't see any of the wider arguments.  The working class are their own worst enemy - they decry lack of school places, lack of homes, NHS waiting times, massive immigration - and then go and vote for an organization that creates many of those problems and wants to admit Turkey.  It also has a "free movement" open border policy that is crippling our economies and security.  Many in my family have suffered hardship due to leftist policies but they still vote left and EU.  I really don't know what to say.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #43 on: 2016-06-24 05:22:18 »
Just heard that Britain has officially Voted to leave the EU. This'll get messy for those that still remain. Britain may not have gotten anything out of them, but they won't be as strong as they were.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #44 on: 2016-06-24 06:27:48 »
Whoa, this sounds like a big deal. I should start buying UK stocks, the pound is tanking


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #45 on: 2016-06-24 08:49:51 »
It isn't tanking at all - it's simply what happens under this kind of change. It will stabilize. Things will be a vast improvement for most people away from that lying deceitful organization - that puts Islam and migration above women and everyone else for that matter. That interferes with everything and is a big undemocratic dinosaur that costed Britain a fortune in membership fees.  I can hardly believe that we actually voted out.  A proud day for Britain - specifically England and Wales - to finally be rid of the EU.  Europe yes. EU no. 

We will do fine.  We were once a military superpower - and we were not part of the EU when this happened. We were not some silly powerless country before the EU 40 years ago either.

What would have been weak would be being governed by people we cannot elect.

Hello sovereignty! Bye bye EU.


I must confess to having a lot of fun this morning reading all the rants from the remainers - the usual "You are a raaaaaycist"  doing the rounds.  The left still in a state of denial and still making the same errors that pushed so many to leave.  Calling people a racist for voicing legitimate concerns is long past its sell by date.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-24 09:07:31 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #46 on: 2016-06-24 13:32:45 »
The Pound has reserve funds to keep it from tanking long-term. Of course it was going to go down if the exit went through, but nearly a century of economics have taught banks how to stall such a decline.

We will do fine.  We were once a military superpower - and we were not part of the EU when this happened. We were not some silly powerless country before the EU 40 years ago either.
That's an outdated argument too. You were a military superpower in WWII and have not had to be since. There have been major advancements in industry and design of war machines since then. Forgive me it this analogy doesn't apply, but it sounds like you're claiming you can be a smartphone hacker because you developed for Windows 3.1.

A proud day for Britain - specifically England and Wales - to finally be rid of the EU.
Scotland and Ireland say "HELP US, EU!!" What would it do to the UK to lose them? Admittedly, probably not much, but they don't feel like the UK is enough for them. If they leave then you are the odd ones out.

What would have been weak would be being governed by people we cannot elect.
This is the strongest argument for leaving the under represented EU. This is also why the US left England. UK was the EU's trump card economically and now it's lost it.

I must confess to having a lot of fun this morning reading all the rants from the remainers - the usual "You are a raaaaaycist"  doing the rounds.  The left still in a state of denial and still making the same errors that pushed so many to leave.  Calling people a racist for voicing legitimate concerns is long past its sell by date.
Meat and potatoes time: leaving the EU would NOT have even come up if the EU weren't expressing refugees to the Isle in the first place. You can site other compounding issues leading up to it and even claim that the US Civil War wasn't about slavery, but it was the tipping point. As such you can see how the rest of the world, who are more focused on their own political problems, view your vote as a direct response to the influx of publicly unwanted refugees. It makes you appear racist and uncaring.
Again, rebuttal that you don't care how others are misinterpreting the entire situation, but that's always going to color their dealings with you in the future.
Devil's advocate aside, I wish Britain all the best of luck with what will certainly be an uncertain transition from conglomerate member to standalone sovereignty. It can work in Britain's favor for sure.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #47 on: 2016-06-24 16:51:36 »
Scottish and N. Irish folks and MPs are asking for independence votes and it's looking likely, many Scots, myself included, voted to stay in the UK in order to continue being part of the EU in the first place and now a difference of 1.4 million people has shat all over that plan.

As a side note, the current UK immigration issue is a problem regardless of us being in the EU or not, so using it as a reason for voting leave is plain stupid, we'll still get literal truckloads of them coming in for years to come.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-24 17:59:06 by Tekkie.X »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #48 on: 2016-06-24 18:02:17 »
As a clueless outsider just looking at the poll results, the average opinion across the UK looked pretty conflicted. Does that mean that the UK is going to break up eventually?


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #49 on: 2016-06-24 18:49:32 »

@knifethesky Scotland and NI really have no political power to break free (and Southern Ireland don't want to reunite).  The English (UK) parliament holds the power and can deny them a referendum.  Scotland has just had one - so I doubt it will be granted another.  But I wouldn't be bothered either way.  I assume financially, it would be a bad thing if it left, but I don't know. 

As a side note, the current UK immigration issue is a problem regardless of us being in the EU or not, so using it as a reason for voting leave is plain stupid, we'll still get literal truckloads of them coming in for years to come.

No, it really isn't.  Inside the EU we HAD to have open borders.  We were part of free movement and we had NO way to stop it.  No way to elect anyone who was against it and implement any change. Soon, Turkey will also be fast tracked into the club - and that's another ton who will make their way to European countries.  Germany had admitted 1 million migrants - a large proportion of those people would also be heading to Britain LEGALLY if we were part of the EU.

We are now a full sovereign state.  A lot of problems to fix - and I agree with the turds we have in charge, it won't be fixed overnight... but at least now we a chance.  And at least now we are governing ourselves.  That's democracy, folks.  The EU is anything but and it's gonna die.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-24 19:36:23 by DLPB »