Author Topic: What Leftism Is  (Read 48333 times)


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #75 on: 2016-06-28 15:16:52 »
And what a disaster for the EU countries if it does.  They've been pushing for this for ages.  Turkey brings very little benefit for ordinary people of the EU - but it does bring mass migration.  It's also one of the reasons we voted Leave.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #76 on: 2016-06-28 20:34:13 »
DLPB, I agree with the all of your points on EU and most on Islam. Most, because confrontations between hostile powers do not occur at all times. Nazis collaborated with the Soviets from 1939 to 1941, and in fact Stalin instituted trade agreements with Germany after Hitler took power. We all know how much those two regimes were different and actually hated each other, apart from the police states they both instituted. Come to think of it, the democracies themselves allied with the Soviets, even though that regime is widely considered the most bloody in 20th Century, and slaughtered many millions of people prior to WW2, as well as in it (not as much afterwards). Jews helped the Muslim Moors invade Spain because their rights had been restricted under the Visigoths (though internal Christian infighting was also important in them being overrun by the invading armies) and hoped to attain a better situation under the Caliphate, which in fact they did for a while. In response, Christians persecuted Jews in Spain after 1492. CIA (which would be expected to install an US-backed type of democracy) actually overthrew democracies in Iran (1953) and Brazil (1964) and installed dictatorships. As you can see, just because countries, ideologies and religions dislike each other, doesn't mean they won't have truces or even temporary alliances for their own gains, as well as seemingly contradicting operations.

It's true that we shouldn't resort to extreme and wild unevidenced theories in regard to anything. With that said, however, I don't see what's wrong with BUILDWALL's post. Plenty of world famous people over the ages have stated similar concerns, including Cicero, Voltaire, Henry Ford, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cervantes, Chaucer, Churchill, Chekhov, Charles d*ckens, Dostoyevsky, Erasmus, Benjamin Franklin, Charles de Gaulle, Hegel, Heidegger, Shakespeare, Thomas Jefferson, Immanuel Kant, Goethe, Martin Luther, Tolstoy or Mark Twain. Are we going to simply dismiss their thoughts critical of Jews the same way the mass media dismisses and ridicules all criticism of Islam as "Islamophobia"? Anti-semitism is born out of both rational and irrational actions, and reasonable Jewish writers like Bernard Lazare, Hilaire Belloc and Samuel Roth (who like many Germans, also admit guilty actions in WW2) have written as much. If we're going to dismiss any criticism of a single group, why shouldn't we dismiss that of others as well? Why not dismiss all the obvious actions of Muslims over the last decades and before? Why not dismiss the killings by Christians in the Middle Ages? Why not claim the Soviet Union killed at most 5 million in its existence and also call as conspiracy theories statements to otherwise? If we're truly open-minded, we need to listen to all the points of view (including Muslims, which are one of the biggest and definitely the most visible threat to Europe) and not become like many close-minded Leftists, who say they're "liberal" and "tolerant", but then turn around and say "Anyone against multiculturalism is a racist!", "Controlling your borders is fascist!" or "Stop stereotyping, you privileged white male!".

I know you're listening to PJW, but people aren't flawless, while he's great on the EU, Leftists and Islam, for example, and I use him as a resource for that, he refuses to read the same kind of literature and material about Jewish people. However, it's also true that there are plenty of nice and hard-working Jewish people, and in fact 1871-1933 German Jews were highly influential in world science and arts. Hans Zimmerman and Howard Shore, for example, are outstanding modern composers. Einstein is pretty famous as well. There are way more examples, but it's enough for now. It's also true to anyone who reads Jewish history that they're incredibly lively, industrious and ethnocentric people, who have established Europe's modern banking houses and even Reuters, the first worldwide hub of international news. And because of their internal connections, they've used them to benefit themselves in times when anti-Semitism ran rampant, such as WW2. However, in the process they often also screwed other people, and it is these events that are at the heart of these "anti-Semitic conspiracy theories", which I dismissed the same way you once did the anti-EU statements. Just like there have been influential German, Turkish, Arab or Japanese extremists, there have existed Jewish ones over the span of history, and it would be abnormal if any person, let alone people, wouldn't resort sometimes to dubious actions for their own benefit. Plenty of literature from both Jews and non-Jews has been written about such incidents over the ages from highly-articulated, intelligent and well-read people, who referenced and sourced their findings, so I don't understand your knee-jerk reaction. But let's talk about Muslims now.

Unfortunately, they're a serious problem in Europe, and no PC wallowing can change the facts. They've created no-go zones, where police and special services are afraid to go in. They've created a mass underworld drug industry. ISIS has been supplying terrorists to Europe and participate in terrorist attacks. However, the true extent of participation of Muslims is unknown, since false flag attacks can also be used for the EU to increase the police state, which they proclaim is to fight "Islamic extremism" and "racism" online. Which means that whoever participates in these attacks, EU benefits by widening the police state and thus strengthening the positions of the rich EU-funded Leftists who live in gated communities, away from high immigrant populations they claim to support. Muslim participation in these attacks is the most likely out of all groups, since that way they can "inflict revenge on Westerners".

Rotherham is simply the tip of the iceberg of the sex crimes in UK, and there are lots of undocumented smaller-scale "industries" of these, and probably even bigger ones that haven't been uncovered yet. Muslims (like many other non-European immigrants) vote Labour, since these will continue the welfare and pro-immigrant agendas Europe's been suffering for decades. As DLPB correctly said, these parties are aware of that and are trying to outdo each other in how much they can appease foreigners. In fact, I've read immigrants voted more favorably for "Stay" because of that, but have no link now. Check out this link, where Muslims attending the conference do not feel themselves as "British", and think Sharia Law should rule UK! Note also the timing. Finally, and most importantly, their population is the most rapidly growing in Europe. In fact, Muslims have the highest population growths all over the world, and have increasingly taken over more and more influence in India, for example. Just imagine how it's in Europe, where the native population has no kids anymore! German adults are slated to become minorities in their own country's demographic by the end of this decade because of the influx of millions into its country, for crying out loud! In 2015 alone Germany received a documented (there have been reports of hundreds of thousands who went into hiding) amount of people of over 1% of its own population, and it's only increasing!

I leave the conclusions to the reader.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-28 20:38:31 by Tarts »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #77 on: 2016-06-28 21:03:39 »
The problem I have is that Muslims blow the world up and suddenly Judiasm or Christianity get brought up out of nowhere.  I don't think it's at all relevant.  When those two groups are creating the carnage here and now, today, I will be more open to debating them.  But it simply isn't a key concern. I make it clear that I find all religions are against true free thinking, but Islam is the very worst.  Also, I frequently see people blaming the bombings and 9/11 on Jews, which isn't just a distortion - it's plain bad.

I am sure there are legitimate concerns, but I've seen too many coming up with conspiracy theories.  I don't do conspiracy theories.  I do hard fact.  When Muslims are responsible for the massive number of atrocities world wide, I do not suddenly say "JEWS!".  It doesn't make any sense to do that, especially when you take a few hours to study the life of Muhammad and the Koran and Hadith (which is the life of Muhammad mostly).

It should also be noted that a lot of Muslims still believe that 9/11 was an inside job by the Jews to discredit them. It's this kind of nonsense I have no time for.

Oh - and here's the latest
« Last Edit: 2016-06-28 21:08:04 by DLPB »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #78 on: 2016-06-28 22:32:04 »
All that changes absolutely nothing of what I said. 1000 Links won't.
You're not willing to listen to evidence?

Islam is absolutely and totally opposed to Judaism and the Jewish people.  That's a stonewall fact.  It is an historical fact and verified very well by the Hadith and the Koran. Palestine [Hamas] is currently at war with Israel - mostly because Israel is Jewish.  A Jewish person is not going to work behind the scenes to promote a religion or ideology that wants to see it destroyed. Iran, and Israel's neighbours, have consistently called for the state of Israel to be wiped off the map.
I don't care.  That's not my problem, it's theirs.

Anti Semitic conspiracy theories are just that: Anti Semitic conspiracy theories.
Posting links to articles written by Israeli citizens, living in Israel, for Israeli publications that are hosted in Israel is a conspiracy theory?

You must be Jewish.  There's no other explanation for your incredible capacity for double-think.

I am not concerned with Judaism.  I'll start worrying about it when it has bombs strapped to it or it is running amok with AK 47s in multiple countries or flying planes into buildings.
Well when your local Jewish community advocates bringing Muslims in don't come running to me for help.

Israel is the only real democratic country in the Middle East.
I don't care what they do or what they are, as long as they do it over there.

Perhaps concentrate your efforts on the fact that it is legal in around 10 Islamic countries to kill people for being homosexual - and many more where basic freedom is denied.
Again, as long as they do it over there I don't care.  Not my problem.

Talk of Jews is a nonsense that needs to stop. I will go no further on that subject.
Pointing out facts to cucks until they mentally shut down and stop arguing is a victory in my book.  I accept your surrender.

Cucks will always and eternally cuck for their favored minority.  It's a mental illness, a form of projection.  They can't help it.

Meanwhile, very interesting development between Turkey, Israel and Russia. Turkey has formally apologised to Russia (never saw that coming) and formalized a "reconcilation pact" with Israel. Makes me wonder if Turkey will still go ahead and join the EU.
By the time Turkey joins the EU the only country in the EU will be Germany.  We all know what happens after that.

The problem I have is that Muslims blow the world up and suddenly Judiasm or Christianity get brought up out of nowhere.  I don't think it's at all relevant.  When those two groups are creating the carnage here and now, today, I will be more open to debating them.  But it simply isn't a key concern. I make it clear that I find all religions are against true free thinking, but Islam is the very worst.  Also, I frequently see people blaming the bombings and 9/11 on Jews, which isn't just a distortion - it's plain bad.
I disagree that Christianity is against free thinking.  It's against (or used to be against) degenerate, self-destructive behavior, but it's not against non-degenerate free thinking.

Free thinking often isn't that useful.  The scientific method, yes.  Free thinking in other areas, not so much.

Strictly speaking, is it a good thing that we are allowed to have unlimited amounts of porn available 24/7 on the internet?  Is it damaging to people, to relationships, and to society?  Would we all be better off if there were checks in place to reduce the amount of porn on the internet?

I don't think porn should be legal.  That is 100% against free thought.

I am sure there are legitimate concerns, but I've seen too many coming up with conspiracy theories.  I don't do conspiracy theories.  I do hard fact.
Except when people provide sources.

When Muslims are responsible for the massive number of atrocities world wide, I do not suddenly say "JEWS!".  It doesn't make any sense to do that, especially when you take a few hours to study the life of Muhammad and the Koran and Hadith (which is the life of Muhammad mostly).

It should also be noted that a lot of Muslims still believe that 9/11 was an inside job by the Jews to discredit them. It's this kind of nonsense I have no time for.

Oh - and here's the latest
I'm only concerned with Muslim attacks that damage ethnic Europeans.  They can kill each other all the want, as long as they don't kill my people.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-28 22:34:54 by B U I L D W A L L »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #79 on: 2016-06-28 23:13:14 »
Basically, you are an antisemite. Perhaps this thread is the place for it, after-all.  Since that also seems to curry favour with the far left.  I hope I am not correct in thinking that you also consider the Holocaust to be a myth? [edit. I was correct.  Sigh.] It's a shame, too, because we need people like you to fight against the tyranny of Islam, but this anti-Jew rhetoric is a liability and makes things ten times worse. It pushes people away from the debating table and makes my side of the debate look like it's dominated by rabid racists out to preserve the world for White Guy.  As I have said repeatedly, it isn't Jews or any other group slaughtering people all over the world and spreading Sharia Law like Tyrion Lannister does Wild Fire.

Well when your local Jewish community advocates bringing Muslims in don't come running to me for help

The Catholic church and other religious people are already doing that in Britain - so they'll have to get in line.

The biggest reason we have a soaring Muslim population (and immigrant population in general) - that's only going to get worse - is the poor leftist education system, traitorous politicians that line their own pockets, and useful idiots, like the ones mentioned above. It isn't some Jewish conspiracy. I don't need to go looking for a scapegoat when I can just talk to my own deluded family (non Jewish), their friends (non Jewish), my friends (non Jewish), and listen to the MPs and celebrities (largely non Jewish) of Britain.  That's reality - not a hocus pocus cauldron of blame to one section of society. Note, I am even blaming MY OWN FAMILY for contributing to this.

If I were going to look for a scapegoat, I'd have to start with the Christian denominations who welcome dangerous people into the country with open arms (and like in Sweden, state that it's a great thing).  But, see, that's where logic kicks in for me... I don't see a big behind the scenes scheme, I see a bunch of silly, naive people, who have no logic but honourable intentions.  Like my own family. Because that's reality.  There is no scheme.  There are just dumb people, naive people, and devious politicians that want to further their leftie self-hating cause.

All you need to do is go online and look at the people holding up "Refugees welcome" placards.  Most of these people are ordinary citizens. So why should I blame the Jews for it?  If your logic were applied, I'd actually have to believe that most people I know are secret Jews.

I'm only concerned with Muslim attacks that damage ethnic Europeans.  They can kill each other all the want, as long as they don't kill my people.

Then that's another thing we disagree on.  I care about all people. I don't think we should interfere with these places, because we end up getting another Iraq/Afgan.  But I do care.  You could just have easily been born there. They are humans, not "other people". They are as much a victim of Islam as we are.

You must be Jewish.  There's no other explanation for your incredible capacity for double-think.

The ultimate conspiracy theory. It does the rounds an awful lot, although it's the first time I have been accused of being part of the evil and all-seeing organization that's out to get you.

There is another explanation - and I have given it to you in this post.  I don't suppose that it will change your mind, because you're already sure that the world is made up of powerful all-seeing Jewish overlords that are in control of everything - and actually plot their own destruction. It really is possible to have an opinion contrary to yours without being part of the grand conspiracy you think exists.  But I am not even sure yet if you are a troll or not.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-30 00:56:58 by DLPB »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #80 on: 2016-06-28 23:48:42 »
B U I L D W A L L, please keep namecalling out of it. The only reason this thread isn't closed is because the discourse has remained civil. Calling someone a "cuck" (or any other namecalling, really) is not acceptable behavior on this forum. ~Covarr


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #81 on: 2016-06-29 16:45:33 »
And what a disaster for the EU countries if it does.  They've been pushing for this for ages.  Turkey brings very little benefit for ordinary people of the EU - but it does bring mass migration.  It's also one of the reasons we voted Leave.
Maybe those developments could of been a trigger for ISIS attacking Turkey last night too (I was in an airport at same time it happened, glad it wasn't something global!). I think thats the first time ISIS have attacked Turkey.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #82 on: 2016-06-29 17:13:29 »
Maybe those developments could of been a trigger for ISIS attacking Turkey last night too (I was in an airport at same time it happened, glad it wasn't something global!). I think thats the first time ISIS have attacked Turkey.

Sadly, it isn't.  There have been a lot of incidents there but it hardly gets reported in the West.

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #83 on: 2016-06-30 00:16:57 »
Basically, you are an antisemite.

Rhetoric != Dialectic

Perhaps this thread is the place for it, after-all.  Since that also seems to curry favour with the far left.
Butthurt doesn't make for effective dialectic, fam.

I hope I am not correct in thinking that you also consider the Holocaust to be a myth?

It's a shame, too, because we need people like you to fight against the tyranny of Islam, but this anti-Jew rhetoric is a liability and makes things ten times worse. It pushes people away from the debating table and makes my side of the debate look like it's dominated by rabid racists out to preserve the world for White Guy.  As I have said repeatedly, it isn't Jews or any other group slaughtering people all over the world and spreading Sharia Law like Tyrion Lannister does Wild Fire.
Have you ever argued in real life?  No one likes a pussball.  Trump didn't win the nomination by being a nice guy; he won by bullyciding Jeb Bush and being a controversial asshole, but one who always told the truth.  If you can find it within yourself (hint: check beneath your penis) to be bold, it will help you win arguments and respect.  Who cares if someone calls you a fascist, a Nazi, or a racist?  If you're conservative, they're going to treat you like one anyway.  You may as well do whatever you want and have fun while you're at it, or at least tear a hole in their ass when they try to take you down.

As I noted in the links I posted exclusively to Jewish produced and owned websites and media earlier which you really, really don't want to acknowledge for some strange reason, these things don't really matter.  Anything which is not pro-European will eventually become anti-European.  If you let in one special group of non-European people because they aren't as destructive as another group, eventually this group of people will want to bring in a worse ethnic group so you won't kick them out.

Look at it like this.  Men in Asian countries HATE European men because their women prefer to date European men over Asian men.  Weaboos and losers abuse this to date women who are far, far beyond anything they would ever get in their home countries.  Should Asians continue to let in unlimited numbers of Europeans and European men simply because European men aren't blowing themselves up and beheading people like Muslims are?

Of course not.  European people and European men may not be evil, bad, or particularly destructive, but they are doing real harm to an entire generation of young Asian men (and to the Asian women who end up birthing future spree-shooters with European guys that probably shouldn't be allowed to breed).

Any Asian man who is okay with this either has some skin in the game - he profits from it somehow, possibly by owning a "karoke bar" - or he has abandoned the ideals and best interests of his people.  It's one step from abandoning your people to advocating for the opposition.

The term "cuckservative" is defined as "someone who identifies as a conservative while holding liberal ideals dearer than conservative ideals."

Calling someone a cuck is simply a rhetorical flourish on a logical argument, and one which dramatically improves its effectiveness given that I got a warning for using it.  But it really means something else entirely.  What does it mean?  What is another word for cuck or cuckservative?


But of course I would have no need to use such rhetorical devices (which actually contain truth) if you would look at the links (from Jewish-owned and operated media, no less) I posted and provide some sort of explanation for them.  It would make you look less insecure, mentally unbalanced, or blind to our audience if you could come up with a reason for why these things exist.

The Catholic church and other religious people are already doing that in Britain - so they'll have to get in line.

The biggest reason we have a soaring Muslim population (and immigrant population in general) - that's only going to get worse - is the poor leftist education system, traitorous politicians that line their own pockets, and useful idiots, like the ones mentioned above. It isn't some Jewish conspiracy. I don't need to go looking for a scapegoat when I can just talk to my own deluded family (non Jewish), their friends (non Jewish), my friends (non Jewish), and listen to the MPs and celebrities (largely non Jewish) of Britain.  That's reality - not a hocus pocus cauldron of blame to one section of society. Note, I am even blaming MY OWN FAMILY for contributing to this.

If I were going to look for a scapegoat, I'd have to start with the Christian denominations who welcome dangerous people into the country with open arms (and like in Sweden, state that it's a great thing).  But, see, that's where logic kicks in for me... I don't see a big behind the scenes scheme, I see a bunch of silly, naive people, who have no logic but honourable intentions.  Like my own family. Because that's reality.  There is no scheme.  There are just dumb people, naive people, and devious politicians that want to further their leftie self-hating cause.

All you need to do is go online and look at the people holding up "Refugees welcome" placards.  Most of these people are ordinary citizens. So why should I blame the Jews for it?  If your logic were applied, I'd actually have to believe that most people I know are secret Jews.

That European people do it too doesn't mean that Jewish people don't also do it, and at disproportionate rates compared to European people.  European people seem to have a sort of pathological altruism, wherein they project their own psychological proclivities onto other groups of people that evolved in radically different environments.  My people are very trusting of others, to a fault; I'm not surprised that they would adopt the attitudes that benefit non-Europeans at the expense of Europeans.

The real question is, where do these beliefs come from?  Who is putting this stuff out there?  And what exactly are the beliefs that make a person advocate against their own ethnic group?

Exhibit A: Tim Wise

Ctrl + f "Jew"

Wise was born in Nashville, Tennessee, to Michael Julius Wise and LuCinda Anne (née McLean) Wise. His paternal grandfather was Jewish (of Russian origin), while the rest of his ancestry is northern European, including some Scottish. Wise has said that when he was about 12 years old his synagogue was attacked by white supremacists. Wise attended public schools in Nashville, graduating from Hillsboro High School in 1986. In high school he was student body vice-president and a member of one of the top high school debate teams in the United States. Wise attended college at Tulane University in New Orleans and received his B.A. there, with a major in Political Science and a minor in Latin American Studies. While a student, he was a leader in the campus anti-apartheid movement, which sought to force Tulane to divest from companies still doing business with the government of South Africa. His anti-apartheid activism was first brought to national attention in 1988, when South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu announced he would turn down an offer of an honorary degree from Tulane after Wise's group informed him of the school's ongoing investments there.

Wow man, how weird!  Here we have a Jewish man who writes books and is paid to give speeches to 18 year old freshman at universities about how he is ashamed of all the evil things that people who are "White" like him did.

Hmmm, but that's only one man.  Let's see what's floating at the Times of Israel:

Oy vey!

But surely there must be at least one person who hates White people that isn't Jewish!  What about Susan Sontag?  She once said this:
"The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."

That's about as anti-European as it gets!
Ctrl + f "Jew":
Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of Mildred (née Jacobson) and Jack Rosenblatt, both Jews of Lithuanian and Polish descent.

How exactly is it scapegoating WHEN THEY FUCKING DO IT?  Is it scapegoating when I blame black people for committing a disproportionate amount of crime WHEN THEY COMMIT A DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNT OF CRIME?

Does the definition of scapegoating change when it suits you?

I have a proposition.  You find me a liberal that is vehemently opposed to the mere existence of ethnically European people and who claims to be White.  I will prove that this person is Jewish, involved with Jewish people, or a complete and utter degenerate who deserves to be deported as much as the most violent Muslim invader.

Or you could just ignore my rational arguments, call me a conspiracy theorist, and then have the gall, the utter hypocrisy to claim that I am trolling when you have not made a single rational argument to rebut my claims.  One of us is trolling, but it isn't me.

Then that's another thing we disagree on.  I care about all people. I don't think we should interfere with these places, because we end up getting another Iraq/Afgan.  But I do care.  You could just have easily been born there. They are humans, not "other people". They are as much a victim of Islam as we are.

If I was born there, then I would have an entirely different genetic makeup, which would make me very unlike what I am now.  In fact if I was born there I would probably want to kill Westerners because the guys who preach to me every day say so.

Instead of spending trillions of dollars in outreach to make everyone like us - what Justin Trudeau apparently wants - I say that we use this amazing technological innovation called a WALL and that we physically remove people who are not like us to their homelands.  Weird, I know, and there are very few instances in history were having a big beautiful wall between you and people who want to kill you has ever helped anyone, but I want to give it a try.  Somehow, I have a feeling it will work.

Besides that, how do you propose we police them and stop them from killing each other?  Should we only import the gay Muslims?  Wait, maybe you want us to invade them and slaughter our sons and brothers so their gays can have unprotected group sex with each other?  That sounds like the most conservative thought of all time, surely it will be a hit with John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan.

This is more evidence that you really are more of a liberal than a conservative.  If I go to a feed store or a barber shop and ask the farmers and old men there if they are conservative and their opinions on Muslim immigrants, none of them give a flying fuck about Muslims - even gay ones.  The only conservatives I've ever met that care about people from outside their nations are:
1. Women
2. Non-Europeans
3. Politicians who expect cushy lobbying jobs when they finally lose an election

More than that, it's honestly kind of racist that you think that Muslims are so lacking in agency that they need a European there to babysit them.  I mean, why can't they take care of themselves and build nice countries where they want to live?  Is it institutional racism, fam?  Hmm, maybe it's our unexamined Huwyte privilege?

The ultimate conspiracy theory. It does the rounds an awful lot, although it's the first time I have been accused of being part of the evil and all-seeing organization that's out to get you.

There is another explanation - and I have given it to you in this post.  I don't suppose that it will change your mind, because you're already sure that the world is made up of powerful all-seeing Jewish overlords that are in control of everything - and actually plot their own destruction. It really is possible to have an opinion contrary to yours without being part of the grand conspiracy you think exists.  But I am not even sure yet if you are a troll or not.
So it's a conspiracy theory to assume that someone who apparently cares more about other ethnic groups than the one he claims to be may not telling the truth?  I mean, when have Jewish people ever done that?

TBH fam it don't matter if you're really ethnic European or not.  The end result of not advocating 100% for your own people is always the same.

One last thing: I noticed that you never actually said that you're not Jewish.  Technically, you haven't answered me yet.  No pressure!  Don't be concerned how your inability to answer this simple question makes your arguments look.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-30 00:44:28 by B U I L D W A L L »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #84 on: 2016-06-30 00:38:50 »
Haha, obvious antisemite is obvious.  Using your language. You didn't even have the decency to admit that you think the holocaust is a hoax.

And, no, I am not Jewish; I would have thought that absolutely obvious by my posts. I was raised Roman Catholic but now realize what a load of old horseradish all religion is (although your opposition to Jews is not just Judaism but the people itself). I am an agnostic at worst and an atheist at best.

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #85 on: 2016-06-30 00:42:24 »
Haha, obvious antisemite is obvious.  Using your language. You didn't even have the decency to admit that you think the holocaust is a hoax.
I actually haven't researched the Holocaust yet, so I can't say anything either way.  And I prefer to think of myself as counter-semetic.

And, no, I am not Jewish; I would have thought that absolutely obvious by my posts. I was raised Roman Catholic but now realize what a load of old horseradish all religion is (although your opposition to Jews is not just Judaism but the people itself). I am an agnostic at worst and an atheist at best.
There, isn't that better?  How easy was that?

My opposition is mostly to them not policing their assholes the same way we do ours.  If one of our people murders someone, we kick that person out.  One of theirs murders someone, they close ranks and start crying about the Holocaust.

Case in point: Jewish Rabbi's bodyguard driving drunk, kills 1 boy and injures his sister when he runs a redlight.

There's a really great play by a black lady about it.  Forgot what it's called.  She's an amazing actor and play-write.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-30 00:53:21 by B U I L D W A L L »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #86 on: 2016-06-30 00:46:26 »
As easy as exposing your antisemitism :P

I actually haven't researched the Holocaust yet, so I can't say anything either way.

I don't believe that cop out for a second.

Also, don't bother editing your posts (I see you have a habit of it) - I back up all arguments like this.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-30 00:49:41 by DLPB »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #87 on: 2016-06-30 00:51:50 »
As easy as exposing your antisemitism :P
C O U N T E R - S E M I T I S M

I don't believe that cop out for a second.
I seriously haven't researched it exhaustively.  All I have to go on is what other guys in my circle say, and while I trust them I always research it myself.

Also, don't bother editing your posts (I see you have a habit of it) - I back up all arguments like this.
All of my edits are grammar, punctuation, dead-meme links, or additive.  I wouldn't do that to you, man.  Arguments are sacred. /autism


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #88 on: 2016-06-30 00:54:07 »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #89 on: 2016-06-30 00:57:10 »
Yeah, that was due to some kid who wanted to dox me.  I banned him from my forums (and later deleted my forums and all my hacking info) because he wouldn't leave me alone.

It's a long story.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #90 on: 2016-06-30 00:58:48 »
It's a long story.

It's a long nose.

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #91 on: 2016-06-30 00:59:33 »
It's a long nose.

This was before I became race-aware.  He was Ukranian, but he was a degenerate NEET loser.  I don't think he was Jewish, so no long nose.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #92 on: 2016-06-30 01:03:36 »
 I meant this guy:

« Last Edit: 2016-06-30 01:07:12 by DLPB »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #93 on: 2016-06-30 01:05:19 »
Ah, that makes more sense.

But yeah, totally not going to give you his contact info to verify it.  I hate that little fuck.


On the subject of counter-semitism:

It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses
By James Traub

Ivory Tower Intrigues
The pseudo-meritocracy of the Ivy League.
By James Traub

t turns out, ironically enough from the point of view of my family trajectory, that the admissions systems at the Big Three were built expressly to keep out people like my father—smart, driven Jewish kids from gigantic New York City public high schools.


We can't let European people have democracy if they don't vote how we want!
« Last Edit: 2016-06-30 01:26:58 by B U I L D W A L L »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #94 on: 2016-06-30 20:13:32 »
I am not a racist and don't think of myself as "anti-black", I'm "counter-black". There's a difference, I promise. (sarcasm)
« Last Edit: 2016-06-30 20:21:11 by StickySock »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #96 on: 2016-07-01 14:49:38 »
That's a false equivalency to what he said. He wasn't making any argument for or against black people or black crime.


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #97 on: 2016-07-01 15:48:52 »
I guess facts are racist, mane.
I was just having a bit of fun.  ;D

It may seem contradictory that I have a problem with Islam and not with other religious groups or or people of another ethnicity, but I have sound reasoning I think. The difference is not only that Islam has such a high murder rate compared to any other religion in modern times, but also because in the teachings of Muhammad himself it is okay to murder others for various reasons. It is a fairly easy root cause analysis of the violence Islam commits on a daily basis.

High murder rates in a particular culture must be linked to something tangible, like a violent doctrine they follow or something. At that point, I can agree that there is an issue with said group. However, the color of your skin has always been and always will be irrelevant to the sane and logical person.

I don't deny that there are high murder rates among black Americans in America (because there definitely is), but I would not say black people are inherently violent like Islam is. There is definitely something in the culture of black people in high crime areas that is causing the behavior (I suspect it has something to do with the government, welfare in particular, in addition to an irrational tradition of not integrating into "white" society stemming from a rational fear of racists pre-civil rights movement).

Jenova's Witness

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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #98 on: 2016-07-01 18:05:26 »
It may seem contradictory that I have a problem with Islam and not with other religious groups or or people of another ethnicity, but I have sound reasoning I think. The difference is not only that Islam has such a high murder rate compared to any other religion in modern times, but also because in the teachings of Muhammad himself it is okay to murder others for various reasons. It is a fairly easy root cause analysis of the violence Islam commits on a daily basis.

High murder rates in a particular culture must be linked to something tangible, like a violent doctrine they follow or something. At that point, I can agree that there is an issue with said group. However, the color of your skin has always been and always will be irrelevant to the sane and logical person.

I don't deny that there are high murder rates among black Americans in America (because there definitely is), but I would not say black people are inherently violent like Islam is. There is definitely something in the culture of black people in high crime areas that is causing the behavior (I suspect it has something to do with the government, welfare in particular, in addition to an irrational tradition of not integrating into "white" society stemming from a rational fear of racists pre-civil rights movement).

This is not about skin color (though skin color is a correlating factor since it follows a similar evolutionary path as other traits in response to certain evolutionary pressures, which will be explained soon).  It is about intelligence and behavior, both of which are highly heritable.

Behavior is highly heritable and can change quickly over several generations.  To support this I submit the Russian fox breeding experiments.

Consider the environment in which Europeans (and to a similar degree north-east Asians) evolved.  There are mountain ranges which separate north-central Europe from the Mediterranean.  In an ice age, these mountains would be covered in glaciers and impassable.  Thus any populations north of them in lower elevations would be genetically isolated from much of the rest of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

One characteristic of European winters during the last ice age was winters which could sometimes last up to 6 months long.  This had a eugenic effect.  It killed off the dumbest individuals (especially the dumbest men), and it forced people to cooperate to survive.  Those who couldn't cooperate would jeopardize the survival of the family, tribe, or clan, and would presumably be killed by their relatives.

Homo Sapiens also interbred with the local Neanderthals, who had slightly larger brain cavities than our species and had been in the environment longer than we had (which means they were likely to have alleles that enabled them to survive in that environment, such as increased intelligence).

In time you ended up with a localized subspecies that was more intelligent than their ancestors and more socially cohesive.  You can still see this social cohesion in how quickly white people ostracize those who violate their collective norms, whether they are liberal or conservative.  Before anyone argues, liberals and conservatives have very different norms and what counts as violation will vary between them.

In Africa food is abundant and there were never extreme winters as there were in Europe and large parts of Asia.  With no evolutionary pressure to kill the least intelligent and essentially unlimited food (to the hunter-gatherer, that is), survival became a matter of competing with other individuals to reproduce as quickly and as much as possible.  You can compare this to the reproduction strategy that a resource-limited (warmth, food, light) population in Europe was forced to evolve, where children were valued and the murder of a child was a capital offense in pre-Christian times.

In Africa, to reproduce the most you must compete, and to compete effectively you must be violent.  There are numerous histories of tribes conquering other tribes, where they exterminated the men and enslaved the women and children.  The Zulu invaded and exterminated tribes in what is now South Africa within the last 400 years, so this has been going on for tens of thousands of years.

This seems to be the same case in other areas.  In the Americas the Aztecs practiced mass human sacrifice, but the tribes to the north of the Rio Grande - where water and arable land was scarce, and they had to be intelligent and socially cohesive to survive - would routinely defeat Aztec invaders from what is now Mexico.  Unfortunately the native Americans suffered from weak immune systems as they were isolated from the rest of the world, and introduction of things like tuberculous (which came from migrating seals, of all things) and other pathogens exterminated much of the population north of the Rio Grande... though that's not to say that they were all nice guys and noble savages.

Behavior is heritable.  People of African ancestry commit a disproportionate amount of crimes because they evolved in an environment where violence was a successful reproductive strategy, and because there was little selection pressure against low intelligence.  Does this mean they are subhuman and that they lack emotions and should be exterminated?  Of course not.  It simply means that they can't function in a society where following the rules, displaying low time-preference, and regularly making rational and informed decisions is taken for granted.

What you do from there is up to you.  Do you want to change your entire society to accommodate them?  Do you want to repatriate them to Africa?  Do you want to embark on a eugenics program to weed out the dumbest among them (pay them $300 to be sterilized, because anyone dumb enough to do that is probably not someone you want to reproduce), while rewarding the most intelligent to reproduce (subsidized housing, subsidized education, basically what we already offer African Americans)?

Like I said, this isn't about skin color.  It's about intelligence and behavior.  I've never had a problem with African Americans who have average IQs above about 95, which is roughly the minimum to function in modern society.

The problem with Muslims is the incentive structure their religion imposes on them, and the genetic consequences of those incentives.
Estimating the Inbreeding Depression on Cognitive Behavior: A Population Based Study of Child Cohort, by Mohd Fareed and Mohammed Afzal.  Marriage between first cousins causes about a 13 point drop in IQ.  Note that cousin marriage is allowed in Islam.

I don't have time to continue effortposting, so here is my current up-to-date collection of hatefacts.  The latest batch isn't annotated yet, peruse at your discretion.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-01 18:10:03 by B U I L D W A L L »


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Re: What Leftism Is
« Reply #99 on: 2016-07-01 19:04:36 »
For someone who "doesn't know if the holocaust actually happened", you seem to "know" a lot about primitive humans before civilization.  :-P

The key difference between you and I seems to be that you believe genetics have the predominant role in human behavior, and I argue that not only are humans spontaneous in their behavior (much more than any animal ever will be), but also that culture and tradition has a much greater impact than genetics do.

For instance, men have more testosterone than women so they tend to be more violent. This would seem to be an observation that would lend credence to your argument. So then what should women do to force men to behave more peacefully?

The problem I have is that I have an abnormal amount of testosterone compared to most men (I looked like a yeti since like 6th grade), and yet I am one of the least violent people I know. Humans still have the cognitive ability to refuse to act on animalistic urges and tendencies (yes, even those with very low IQ's).

I admire the effort you put into your posts, and I commend you for being civil while discussing issues that could easily become heated and emotional. That being said, your viewpoints are definitely racist even if they are not meant to inflict harm on other races, just with the justification that you believe evolution and modern science support you. And in a way they do, but I think you have lost sight of the fact that humans are NOT animals, and so using studies of animals to understand human behavior is insufficient.

Humans have so much more to them than animals do that no scientist alive today or that has ever been alive can fully comprehend. If you keep trying to categorize people by their evolutionary history, your models will always be demonstratively lacking. Humans will always surprise you with their unpredictability. I guarantee it.