the 2nd mod is more like: "Final Fantasy X-2: Feminist Edition" 
I don't think so.
*Clothes are clothes, Men, Women wear clothes, nothing feminist here but only a choice of preference in "style" , it's like saying a woman wearing long sleeves with jeans is category to Feminism. No need to worry man, political equality makes no sense to me.
just my side opinion on the mod, i think it's nice cause it adds a little more personality to there previous character build from there story. You don't have to be showy to pop out to a crowd. But the stockings on Yuna in that mod should be changed and designed, I'm thinking sky blue with yellow lace leggings blended in with the shorts into a different style of pants.
Oh Ric maybe you should try designing some outfits for the game you're self you might be good at it, my first texture was on dissidia 012 duodecim
Video of my first texture for squall here:
*Who knows maybe someone will do one of Beta Tidus with the black hair from E3.
Oh nvm it's been done!