Author Topic: FF8 PSX/PC Lv Down/up on characters?  (Read 3374 times)


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FF8 PSX/PC Lv Down/up on characters?
« on: 2016-08-18 20:48:09 »
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to use Lv Down/up from GF on your party members by just modding data files (like the kernel.bin or init.out)?

For example if you use doomtrain tool, you can change Lv ability target value from 80 to 84 to be able to target party members, though it will miss just like a boss foe (they are immune).

Also with ifrit tool, the Lv immunity could be some of those unknown flags, but not sure.


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Re: FF8 PSX/PC Lv Down/up on characters?
« Reply #1 on: 2016-08-19 01:13:32 »
it's possible but it's not trivial - and you'd have to edit the exe, there's no way to do this by just editing bin files. The function that deals with LV Up/LV Down is at 0x493650 in the English Steam version.
The exact point it misses is at 0x493668 which is the jump that is used after testing the character for being a player character.
The problem is that a lot of the function uses monster-specific code (i.e. reading parts of the dat files) which would cause access violations when attempted with a player character.

You'd basically have to redirect that jump to a code cave somewhere and rewrite most of the method with character specific code, it's possible but probably more effort than it's worth, especially since you then have to deal with issues like HP and stuff getting copied back to field data accidentally.
« Last Edit: 2016-08-19 01:29:36 by JWP »


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Re: FF8 PSX/PC Lv Down/up on characters?
« Reply #2 on: 2016-08-19 02:24:22 »
Thanks for looking it. Indeed as you said, is more effort than it's worth, and nightmare to implement for the psx version.