Author Topic: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.  (Read 18749 times)


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Watch this first.

Americans have a choice. The choice is between a successful businessman who says what he thinks - however politically incorrect - and genuinely wants to end corruption, or a family who have lied, and cheated, and broken the law all their lives. It really is that simple.

Hillary is back under investigation by the FBI for her flagrant disregard for even the most basic of security laws. Hillary lied about a 12 year old rape victim, claiming that she was a fantasist who pursued older men. Hillary did this knowing the victim was in a coma for 5 days, and knowing the accused was guilty. She has even lied about her whereabouts on 9/11, claiming she was in New York. Her campaign knew about - and orchestrated - riots at Trump rallies. The list of laws she has broken is incredible—and she is running to be your leader.

So what will you get from her, other than lies and corruption?  Well, she thinks Merkel is a genius and wants to ape her European model. This means that you can forget your borders. She wants to grant amnesty for illegal immigrants (because they will then vote Dem), and citizenship for Syrians, knowing full well they can't be properly vetted (because they will then vote Dem). She won't be held accountable personally when one of them kills or destroys. France, Germany, Belgium, and Sweden have all paid a heavy price for the retarded leftist agenda.

Fine. Trump said some naughty things.  Boo hoo.  Hillary and the left have DONE some truly awful things.  Trump didn't need to run for president - and he isn't blackmailed by people offering money, like Hillary.  If you want to join Europe as a failing, dying, Islamic hell-hole... VOTE HILLARY.  If Not... and you have any sanity... VOTE TRUMP.

This election is more significant than most because two or more Supreme Court judges need replacing. Trump has already made his choice for who will replace them, and they are a sane choice. They will uphold the constitution. Hillary will stack the deck with far left judges who will implement her crazy Leftie dream. Ask Germany how things are working out.

A message I sent to someone else:


Hillary and her camp:
Mexicans are "Taco Bowls"
Bernie Sanders voters are "Basement dwellers".
Trump supporters are "Deplorables".
Women Bill abused are "Bimbos / Trailer trash"
Black people are "Super predators"
Latinos are "Needy"
Catholics are "Severely backwards" [notice no mention of that other protected religion anywhere]
Child rapist's victim is an attention seeker who sought out older men.
Laughs at getting child rapist off the hook and knowing he was guilty.
Deleted 33,000 emails and broke one of the country's most serious laws.
says that Breibart has "no right to exist" and that she will shut the website down.
"We came, we saw, he died"  Laughing her head off like a little child over a murder and over an extremely serious matter.
Wrecked Libya
Wrecked Syria and is now trying to start a war with Russia.
Repeated lies.

Yeah, how could we ever vote for Trump?

« Last Edit: 2016-11-06 01:34:05 by DLPB »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #1 on: 2016-11-06 07:25:48 »
The best situation would be Trump getting >60% of the popular vote and then being denied the presidency via electoral college shenanigans or something else equally absurd.  That way we could continue to wage a cultural insurgency against the lugenpresse and other tools of the establishment.

Hillary said something like she would have amnesty within 100 days, so if we're busy bringing down the media (peacefully) while tens of millions of central and south Americans rush the southern border to get free shit from US taxpayers it will redpill the remaining Americans who refuse to see what's happening.  The best thing that could happen then is if Hillary tries to arrest the cucked Republicans, removing alternatives to the Alt-Right and opening the doors for conflict escalation.

The goal isn't to win the election or to get Trump elected - though if he does win we can work with that.  The goal is to bring down this entire rotten system.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #2 on: 2016-11-06 08:27:19 »
Well said.  Hillary will turn America into Germany - all for the vote.  Trump has already shown up the media of America for the farce they are.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #3 on: 2016-11-06 08:51:45 »
My hope is that if the Left try to do to America what they have done to Sweden, the Americans will come out shooting. They at least have guns. Sweden just have a bunch of rather dopey feminists.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #4 on: 2016-11-06 12:00:52 »
You know, we do have at least two other options. I'm voting for one of them. Trump would be the worst president in history. So would Clinton, just a different kind of worst.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #5 on: 2016-11-06 12:19:27 »
There isn't two other options.  A vote that isn't for Trump is just a vote for Hillary and vice versa. The other candidates haven't a prayer.  I also think Trump would be a decent president. For one thing he doesn't want to go attacking Russia.

Jenova's Witness

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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #6 on: 2016-11-06 14:30:06 »
DLPB, I'm proud of you English standing up for yourselves.  Freedom for Britain; we don't have to talk about the other part.

How is life with you?  I'm doing good.

Well said.  Hillary will turn America into Germany - all for the vote.  Trump has already shown up the media of America for the farce they are.

The antecedent is the Weimar Republic - joblessness, bondage to foreign bankers, hatred of your people and your culture, violent invaders, massive degeneracy, legalization of incest and pedophilia, women earning bread on their backs.  Only this time the leftists and their handlers have turned every ethnic European country on Earth into Weimar Republics... and we all know what follows that.

My hope is that if the Left try to do to America what they have done to Sweden, the Americans will come out shooting. They at least have guns. Sweden just have a bunch of rather dopey feminists.
The Swedes are too nice to their women.  Women don't care about politics, they want strong men and children to care for.  We'll teach the Nords how to be strong again.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #7 on: 2016-11-06 16:58:58 »
Well, I'm gearing up for a trip to London for mass protest.  Not even I believed they would have the audacity to block Brexit - but it does appear they are trying. So we will see what happens.  I think May is in on it as well.  She could have enacted Article 50 immediately but has left it on purpose imho.,  Now some awful foreign nobody and her allies in the far left have gone to corrupt judges to have the referendum set aside until it is ratified by paraliament... which could see it overturned or watered down.  The elite are truly wicked.  It's even worse in America, where they may as well hold a sign up during media broadcasts "I'm with her".

The contempt they all have for democracy is breathtaking. America have a chance to stop the corrupt government and get someone in there who will sort out the establishment.  But they are all crying that he says mean things. haha.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-06 17:00:29 by DLPB »

Jenova's Witness

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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #8 on: 2016-11-06 17:10:13 »
Well, I'm gearing up for a trip to London for mass protest.  Not even I believed they would have the audacity to block Brexit - but it does appear they are trying. So we will see what happens.  I think May is in on it as well.  She could have enacted Article 50 immediately but has left it on purpose imho.,  Now some awful foreign nobody and her allies in the far left have gone to corrupt judges to have the referendum set aside until it is ratified by paraliament... which could see it overturned or watered down.  The elite are truly wicked.  It's even worse in America, where they may as well hold a sign up during media broadcasts "I'm with her".

The contempt they all have for democracy is breathtaking. America have a chance to stop the corrupt government and get someone in there who will sort out the establishment.  But they are all crying that he says mean things. haha.
When your hobbies include raping children and literal satanism (Alex Jones - of all people - was right?), denying the will of the people is what you do before breakfast.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #9 on: 2016-11-06 21:27:56 »
FBI proving Donald Trump correct, yet again. Corruption all the way to the top. We're supposed to believe that the new emails - THOUSANDS of them - illegally deleted by Hillary - and then found on a pervert's laptop - have been properly investigated in a few days, and that she is innocent of all blame. Oh, and what convenient timing... 2 days before the election. It's all been set up by Obama and the government to sway voters. There is no way a real investigation can be concluded that fast.

To anyone that believes it can: I am selling pig wings on the corner of Bullshit Avenue yesterday.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-07 00:18:15 by DLPB »


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #10 on: 2016-11-06 23:08:32 »
Here's someone who saw it coming....




Although to be honest, with the level of corruption and collusion Clinton so obviously has with the FBI and the media and all those who raise money behind the scenes, does Trump stand a prayer?  Assange thinks no - and honestly I have to agree.  America is no longer even remotely free.  Trump has at least shown us it in no uncertain terms.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-07 00:58:33 by DLPB »


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #11 on: 2016-11-07 02:46:52 »
We all saw it coming. As soon as election fraud happened against Bernie Sanders at the DNC, I knew Clinton would win the whole thing.

Our elections aren't elections. They create the illusion that the people have a say in what goes on. George Carlin was right.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-07 02:48:26 by Shard »


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #12 on: 2016-11-07 03:01:56 »
We all saw it coming. As soon as election fraud happened against Bernie Sanders at the DNC, I knew Clinton would win the whole thing.

Our elections aren't elections. They create the illusion that the people have a say in what goes on. George Carlin was right.

Yup. Sadly, he was.  I can hold on to the minuscule hope that Clinton will be beaten, but it is clear that Trump has exposed this shoddy system for what it is. And maybe that's what he intended to do all along. Voters are thick. Media is all in line. And the voters will swallow anything the media report. The elite know it and love it.  The top % of brains and money in the country use and abuse everyone else and are immune to the laws we plebs live by.  More and more I have respect for certain dictators who shoot those who have done wrong - regardless of position. It would seem to beat this pathetic charade. At least with an unapologetic dictatorship, you know where you stand.

And a big heads up to Wikileaks. They've embarrassed these bastards.  No wonder Clinton wanted to drone attack Assange.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-07 03:22:47 by DLPB »


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #13 on: 2016-11-07 11:24:31 »
There isn't two other options.  A vote that isn't for Trump is just a vote for Hillary and vice versa. The other candidates haven't a prayer.

That's incorrect and exactly what the herds of Republicans and Democrats want you to think. No, the other candidates don't stand a chance because of the way the press treat them, but by voting for one of them I can confidently say I didn't vote for the trash that will end up in the oval office.

I also think Trump would be a decent president. For one thing he doesn't want to go attacking Russia.
Have you even listened to this guy? He doesn't know what he wants. There have barely been three statements said that form a consistent thought from him. He still wants to build that stupid wall. You compare a Clinton term to Nazi-like, but Trump would be very reminiscent of the pre-civil rights pro-KKK era.
Most of his campaign has been "Down on Hillary and non-white males" and "give me the bombs". He's would use this office to further his own interests just like he would any other business merger. Countries are not corporations to be bought and merged.

Our elections aren't elections. They create the illusion that the people have a say in what goes on. George Carlin was right.
"Our elections" haven't been "our elections" from the beginning. Popular votes don't really mean anything because those in power don't trust those that vote. When you give everyone the chance to vote then that's that many chances to "get it wrong". Thus the Electoral College was born. That's the institution that REALLY decides who gets to become president. They Gerrymander like crazy to make the polls turn out the way they want which is why you don't see many states instantly give results after their polls have closed. It doesn't take hours to count votes anymore.

FBI proving Donald Trump correct, yet again. Corruption all the way to the top. We're supposed to believe that the new emails - THOUSANDS of them - illegally deleted by Hillary - and then found on a pervert's laptop - have been properly investigated in a few days, and that she is innocent of all blame...

There is nothing you can say or show that can prove that she did anything illegal with these emails. The whole issue was whether any classified information had passed through this server. Should she be held accountable for deleting the emails and attempting to cover up an investigation? Maybe. No one knows the whole circumstance behind the deletions so no one has the right to say she's guilty of treason just because she had deleted emails.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #14 on: 2016-11-07 12:22:38 »
Trump's position on climate change is enough for me to not vote for him


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #15 on: 2016-11-07 16:36:08 »
A vote that isn't for Trump is just a vote for Hillary and vice versa.
I really can't agree with this sentiment. Let's use Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson as an example, because he seems to have the most support of the 3rd party candidates right now. Clinton supporters would have you believe that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump. Trump supporters would have you believe that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Clinton.

The problem? It can't be both. There is no reasonable line of thinking in which a single vote can simultaneously be for both Donald Trump and Hillary clinton. Is it an effective vote? Almost certainly not. There is every argument to be made that a vote for Johnson is a wasted vote. But a vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson, and nobody else. This constant claim that people across both parties are making is uninformed at best and intentionally misleading at worst, depending who is saying it and why.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #16 on: 2016-11-07 20:11:33 »
Do you guys honestly think that the other candidates have a prayer in this election?  It WILL be won by Trump or Hillary - so voting for another is just a wasted vote (perhaps in future elections this will change - but it isn't going to change tomorrow is it?). America doesn't have a proper system - it's a bogus two party rule. Almost as bad as Britain where the 3, now mostly 2 main parties are in collusion.

As for climate change... The reason China is fast beating America all over the place is that it doesn't give a stuff.  And I'd say ice ages long before human activity bear out that it ultimately won't matter. It's far more likely that climate change "science" is being used to generate money for people who "study" it - and the rich, like Al Gore, who use it to generate revenue. It's all just another tax on guilt - to fool people into giving up their money where they ordinarily would not.  Penn and Teller sum it up best.  It's bullshit!  Anyone who thinks the media have your best interests at heart - or are even remotely independent - after what has gone on this election are living in a fantasy land.

Can't find the full video.

Trump's position on climate change is enough for me to not vote for him

And that's as bad as someone who destabilized the entirety of the Middle East, left men to die "What difference does it make", defended rapist by lying about the 12 year old victim, laughed about Gaddafi's murder, wrecked Libya - causing countless deaths, caused the Syrian crisis by backing the rebels, caused the rise of IS, and has been shown to be utterly corrupt at every level. A compulsive liar.


I don't understand how you could then take the chance that she is elected over Trump. God help you if she gets in. Climate change is the least of the worries.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-07 20:31:54 by DLPB »


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #17 on: 2016-11-07 20:42:52 »
Do you guys honestly think that the other candidates have a prayer in this election?  It WILL be won by Trump or Hillary - so voting for another is just a wasted vote
I won't deny this. Not even a little bit. But there is a big difference between a wasted vote and a vote for the other candidate.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #18 on: 2016-11-07 21:07:41 »
This is also a good read.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #19 on: 2016-11-08 02:50:54 »
I feel that Trumps policies and ideas are really good, the problem is I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. I think he's another leftist Neo-Con who is playing at conservative to get elected. I hope Hillary wins we need another 8 years of Obama's destructive and communist policies so that this country crashes and burns even harder and then and only then can a REAL conservative who says all the things Trump says but who is an honest hard working and middle class or poor man wins.

Sick of the leftist, pro israel, pro war illusion of choice we have between the Trotskyite Neo-Conservatives and Communist Liberals. Both of them need to burn at the stake for treason to our founders and constitution with their globalist and destructive policies. It's like we're living out of something straight out of ff7. No more Bushes, No more Obamas, No more Clintons, no more LEFTISTS EVER. They destroy everything others have built over generations. Nothing comes from their policies except destruction. I'm sorry that if you don't see this at this point with the state of the world the way it is today you've either been drinking too much kool-aid or you're frankly of low intelligence or maybe of high intelligence but low morale character. Whatever the case is, I've lost all respect for such people over the past 8 years, too many stupid people making too many problems. It's not just me either there is an ever increasing minority of people waking up to the leftist lies we've been fed over the last few decades, the problem is it's still not enough. So yea I hope Hillary wins and continues to bankrupt our nation, they think they'll win by replacing us in our own countries, except they won't. Evil always loses in the long run. Democracies were intended to work in small tribal homogeneous communities not a nation of 350 million people half of which have very fundamentally different and irreconcilable beliefs. The politicians quickly realized we wouldn't tolerate their corruption so they import people to vote for them who will. Let this country burn, not much good left in it worth saving too many brainwashed idiots who believe everything they see on tv or are told by authority figures, we need a new and stronger and smaller nation which will rise from the ashes and remains of this one.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-08 02:59:35 by olearyf2525 »


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #20 on: 2016-11-08 03:22:07 »
I don't think Trump would risk assassination or all this hate and hurt for a lie. He didn't have to do it and that's very very unlikely.  The problem with a Hillary appointment is the Supreme Court judges she will appoint. If Trump loses, you can say goodbye to America as you know it. Just look at what that crazy weirdo Merkel and her followers have done to Germany.  How long is that country going to take to mend - and they haven't even reached anywhere near the worst of what is to come yet.
« Last Edit: 2016-11-08 03:24:09 by DLPB »


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #21 on: 2016-11-08 04:36:36 »
I won't deny this. Not even a little bit. But there is a big difference between a wasted vote and a vote for the other candidate.
Ditto. I voted against both of them because I believe that likely one of the other candidates (there are 9?!) would be better. I will admit that I wasted my vote, not because I voted on a losing candidate, but because it was not an informed vote. I don't know much about the candidate I did vote for because this candidate didn't get to appear at press conferences. My vote didn't have the opportunity or the funding to go on lengthy campaigns to every state in the country to let people know that there are other options. My vote wasn't one of the supposedly binary options that nearly all media lead me to believe I had.
My vote lost because the other parties spend too much money making everyone believe that there are really only two options and that their candidate is better than the "other option".

I'll tell you something that happened while I was voting today. I'm in a state that almost always votes party A (I'm purposefully being as vague as possible). There was a...constituent behind me that was speaking on a cell phone and repeatedly said something similar to "I made it and I'm happy to say there's not a single [party B] member in the room because everyone here is breathing." While I don't align myself with any party (I refuse to join a political herd mentality) it made me afraid that this person was going start a riot because of such a politicist comment. These are the kinds of people that are voting in major parties. They don't care about issues or what's best for the country and our allies. It's a loyalty program to them and they think their party is the only one that can make it better. My opinion is if you can't PROVE why you believe your candidate is the best then you are wasting your vote and our "men who died to give you the right to vote" only died to give you the illusion that your vote really matters. Money is what gets presidents in the office, not popular votes. We learned that decades ago and the system hasn't changed then and intelligent people won't trust it.

As for climate change... The reason China is fast beating America all over the place is that it doesn't give a stuff.  And I'd say ice ages long before human activity bear out that it ultimately won't matter. It's far more likely that climate change "science" is being used to generate money for people who "study" it - and the rich, like Al Gore, who use it to generate revenue. It's all just another tax on guilt - to fool people into giving up their money where they ordinarily would not.
There's not NEAR enough data on climate to convince me that this isn't some natural cycle. There are even some surveys that suggest within the past 100 years we've been colder than usual and it's finally balancing out from that. Forget volcanoes spewing out sulfur and cow methane.

Anyone who thinks the media have your best interests at heart - or are even remotely independent - after what has gone on this election are living in a fantasy land.
Every media outlet has political bias. This is widely known. Republicans say Fox news, despite its record of terrible journalism, is still the best source of information. My dad once explained to me once I began to be more independent that he grew up with a strong sense of "brand loyalty" that permeated all the decisions his generation grew up with and he wasn't encouraged to be more open-minded in his political stances. Until this mentality stops being taught to future generations we will always have a two-party system.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #22 on: 2016-11-08 04:42:27 »
I agree with all of that, but there is one redeeming feature that Trump has - even if all else was a lie.  And that is - he self funds. He is a billionaire businessman.  He does not need - nor does he - go to the lengths that Hillary has to secure deals and corrupt alliances. I can't see Trump allying himself with Saudi, for example (he has even said as much).  Hillary is more than just a dishonest politician... she is a criminal. Her party is the worst America has ever had.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #23 on: 2016-11-08 06:07:38 »
The Donald should have been nicer to Hispanics, they're going to seal the deal for Hillary with record breaking voter turn out.


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Re: If You Don't Vote Trump, Good Luck - You Will Need It.
« Reply #24 on: 2016-11-08 06:11:22 »
I'd say it's more the African Americans who are likely to "seal" any deal - because too many of them have fallen for government handouts and the race-baiting that the Left love to do every second (93 and 98% I seem to recall they voted for Obama - it was well over 90% in both elections).  Race relations are the worst America has seen for some time.  It doesn't help when you have a black president siding with BLM against the police - and continually reacting to unfolding stories by telling the public it is police brutality (he did that a lot).

As for Hispanics... I spotted this post:

knowshistory • 7 hours ago
i get it. in order to win, republicans will have to convince our loyal, noble, wonderful hispanic invaders that republicans are more anti-american than the democrats, and are more willing than the democrats to violate our nation's laws to get huge hordes of hispanics to invade our country and live the life of ease on welfare. the problem is not that trump promised to end immigration, but that he is 16 years too late. after the vile, criminal, law-breaking of the foreign invasion loving bush and obama, there are now so many invaders that, combined with america-hating domestic enemies, the american patriot is now outvoted, and there is guaranteed to be a succession of criminals in the white house until our nation is totally destroyed. it did not have to happen. if the criminal, nation destroying traitor george w bush had obeyed and enforced our laws, the next criminal, obama, would not have been elected, and without the criminal obama administration, hillary would be in prison where she belongs, and trump would never have bothered to run for president.

Sam:Looks like she's won


If Assange is right she has
not won.  More "won"
And then she'll do what Merkel has... and what all of the Western Marxists are doing... filling up the country with nasty traitors who will continue to vote for them. 
justw ait until the african americans geta  taste of the Syrians and others coming their way.  Thats where she's planning on sending them. Not like she's going to send them to one of her leafy suburbs.

Too right, the ones letting them in don't live anywhere near them

exactly.  That's always been the case.  The elite lie and laugh.  Laugh and lie.  They come on TV - same as their lovely leftie hollywood pals - and tell everyone else what horrid people they are if they vote Trump.  Then retire back to a mansion.
ANd the electorate fall for it
you have to stand back in awe at the stupidity of the general public
Cameron's little slogan was the best ever... they must have sat on their backs LAUGHING at the electorate on that one... "We are all in this together"
I mean you could NOT make that up.


Haha seen these.  Downloaded already haha
« Last Edit: 2016-11-08 06:58:55 by DLPB »