Author Topic: Convicted pedophiles in the rom hacking and emulation scene?  (Read 17441 times)

Jenova's Witness

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I vaguely remember that someone at Zophar has a conviction for possession of kiddie porn.  Didn't someone at RHDN get busted too?

I ask because I'm curious how prevalent this phenomena is.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-02 01:49:25 by Science Is Racist »


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honestly wouldn't surprise me if it was less legit child pornography and more loli hentai
either way it's screwed up though

Jenova's Witness

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No I mean legit kiddie porn, not loli (although there isn't much of a difference, both are for perverts)


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Zophar...that takes me back. :)

It's not that all hackers/pirates/emulation users are pedos. Like all occupations, there are people with all kinds of interests and "skeletons in their closets". Not all gun owners are murderers and not all hackers are doing anything illegal.

Actual pedos are probably just as prevalent in the emulation community as any other community. It's hard to "make" and distribute without attracting attention. Loli stuff isn't illegal in some countries.


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It's probably more interesting to check out people who are in a position of trust. Certainly the worst abusers of power will seek to gain such a position. This has happened a lot with priests and even doctors.  Look up Harold Shipman.


  • 0xBAADF00D
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We don't even know how much people out there are paedo. As far as homosexuals are now accepted by society still some are slandered, in pedophilia nothing changed, it's heavy taboo and negative talk. Society thinks pedos are perverted predators raping and killing children. Many of them are living a happy life with adult spouse and had never touched any children in inappropriate way, yet still they can't say who they are. There aren't many statistics about paedos because everyone is hiding.

I heard also that someone from Clinton's were having a "cheesy pizza" business.  8)


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Yup!  They are as bad as they come.


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I ask because I'm curious how prevalent this phenomena is.

Pedophilia stems beyond the hacking community if that is what you are asking. Pedos exist everywhere, including communities that you are likely involved with. Sadly it is only the ones who get caught that make you realize this fact. I mean, just look at Jared from Subway, the most unsuspecting guy with the most innocuous occupation.


  • Covarr-Let
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I think it's not so much that it's prevalent in emulation and hacking as it is people like us spend more time in those communities, and therefore are more likely to hear about it when it happens in those communities, because those are people we know of or in some cases even know. When someone on our radars is convicted of something like this, obviously it's going to stand out to us more than if someone we've never heard of is convicted of the same exact crime. Conversely, people who are interested in sports and athletics are more likely to know if a sports star or coach is convicted, etc.


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I heard also that someone from Clinton's were having a "cheesy pizza" business.  8)

Except there's absolutely no evidence, and the concept requires way to much conjecture for it to get off the ground.


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There's plenty of evidence that something very wrong was going on. It's dodgy at the least.  But, hey, ho...  I doubt anything will be done about it or even investigated properly.  When you can get away with blowing Libya to bits, I think a bit of "pizza" will be ignored.  ;D
« Last Edit: 2017-01-02 20:47:23 by DLPB »


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There's plenty of evidence that something very wrong was going on. It's dodgy at the least.  But, hey, ho...  I doubt anything will be done about it or even investigated properly.  When you can get away with blowing Libya to bits, I think a bit of "pizza" will be ignored.  ;D

You're mixing up conjecture and evidence.  See, when someone goes "this person knows these people, and they all meet here" that's called conjecture.  When someone provides a physical object or someone's testimony, that corroborates all or some of it; that's called evidence.  Literally 100% of this is conjecture with 0 evidence of anything dodgy.


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I'm sorry, but I and many others disagree. It isn't normal for that sort of code word discussion to be had about something innocent or benign. Not normal at all.  Drug dealers /organized criminals are the only other group I know that use this sort of tactic. I'm not suggesting it was to do with a paedo ring or something - but I am suggesting it probably wasn't legal or otherwise acceptable.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-02 23:48:49 by DLPB »


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Get out while you still can


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I'm sorry, but I and many others disagree. It isn't normal for that sort of code word discussion to be had about something innocent or benign. Not normal at all.  Drug dealers /organized criminals are the only other group I know that use this sort of tactic. I'm not suggesting it was to do with a paedo ring or something - but I am suggesting it probably wasn't legal or otherwise acceptable.

You, and many others disagreeing doesn't make it fact though.  Not normal != nefarious.  Again, you're mixing up conjecture and evidence.


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And you have decided there is nothing in it and so we're all supposed to accept your opinion as fact.  Not happening. Speaking in code in that way is very odd and needs investigating properly.


  • And then it dawned on me, that Satan is also an old fuck.
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And you have decided there is nothing in it and so we're all supposed to accept your opinion as fact.  Not happening. Speaking in code in that way is very odd and needs investigating properly.

No, it's not that I've decided there's nothing in it.  It's just that there's nothing that warrants a search.  Speaking in code is simply not enough to infer that anything nefarious is going on.  You can bitch and moan about how evil the Clinton family is all goddamn day, but that doesn't make it so (not that I'd particularly argue that point, but a lot of people, yourself included, seem to have some sort of vendetta against them, and take it to an extreme where they can't take a shit without it being the biggest disgrace in the history of time.  I find it even stranger that you feel so strongly about these issues, given that you have absolutely no vested interest in American politics).  There's literally no evidence of anything illegal going on.  There is absolutely nothing that warrants investigation from a legal perspective, and honestly, that is the only perspective that should be taken in this matter.  Any other perspective comes to conclusions through the use of nothing more than conjecture; and even if there WERE a pedo ring (as ridiculous an idea as that is), there simply isn't enough evidence to warrant any sort of investigation that would yield any results.  You can argue it's shady as fuck, and I won't even argue you're wrong; but the ideas that there is a pedo ring (or some other nefarious meeting) and the idea that whatever is going on must be investigated are ridiculous and have no footing in reality.


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Tabloid level journalism at its "best". The sources are anonymous FBI agents (as in not confirmed to actually BE an agent), 4Chan and Reddit. They're basing their entire article on unconfirmable reports and presenting it as fact. It only serves to harden an already biased audience even if it is true. The entire idea hinges on people's inability to think critically about the source of information they are presented. The Internet contains an uncountable amount of "fictional truths" that people just believe because they "read it somewhere". That is why some idiots don't vaccinate their children and we have a surge of easily preventable polio outbreaks.

The FBI wouldn't "hush it up" that a presidential candidate is involved in a pedophilia trafficking ring. That thinking preys upon people's desire to see politicians or any authority figure as corrupt and indicative of some conspiracy against them or use it as an excuse to vilify an individual or group.


  • And then it dawned on me, that Satan is also an old fuck.
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Tabloid level journalism at its "best". The sources are anonymous FBI agents (as in not confirmed to actually BE an agent), 4Chan and Reddit. They're basing their entire article on unconfirmable reports and presenting it as fact. It only serves to harden an already biased audience even if it is true. The entire idea hinges on people's inability to think critically about the source of information they are presented. The Internet contains an uncountable amount of "fictional truths" that people just believe because they "read it somewhere". That is why some idiots don't vaccinate their children and we have a surge of easily preventable polio outbreaks.

The FBI wouldn't "hush it up" that a presidential candidate is involved in a pedophilia trafficking ring. That thinking preys upon people's desire to see politicians or any authority figure as corrupt and indicative of some conspiracy against them or use it as an excuse to vilify an individual or group.



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They are speaking pedophiliac code words, and there is plenty of circumstancial evidence surrounding this. Then there is hard indisputable evidence that they are openly OPENLY stating that they are engaging in spirit cooking and satanic practices.

How far the west has fallen when people like you literally defend pedophilia. They are normalizing evil in this world. When I was younger I thought liberal minded people just saw things differently, then I grew wiser and thought maybe they are just gullible or ill informed. Now I've come to see that Liberalism is a religion, a cult religion, it's practices are dogmatic, it's leaders invoke divine right and are unquestionable and infallible. We are told that we live in a democracy but the country was setup as a republic and almost all of the distinctions between republic and democracy have been annihilated by the powers in control, all of the safeguards on uncontrolled power.

We are told we live in a free country but with each passing year our freedoms are eroded away, gun rights are restricted, freedom of speech has always meant freedom of political speech but they used the case of Schneck vs United States to whittle away free speech and freedom of association. They start with something completely reasonable that you can't yell fire in a theater when there is no fire, to begin the slow whittling away of free speech. But free speech was always about protecting speech of a political nature, everyone, EVERYONE knew this. The whole case was a farce as the government continually grabs more and more financial and bureaucratic power and slowly chips our freedoms away. Now they talk about hate speech. Why are they afraid of such speech? Because it has the potential to lead to rebellion, and the new aristocracy of bankers and their pets are afraid of losing their status as leeches of the world, creating nothing yet consuming everything and everyone.

 In the age of the internet people have no right to be uninformed or claim ignorance, many of them are quite frankly evil. It's a new Satanic religion that has grown up in the west in the aftermath of two world wars fought primarily for the benefit of the international cabal. A demoralized and controlled society that has completely given up on God and God has therefore given up on them. All you have to do is look at Roe vs Wade, every justice who participated in that decision or has come afterword admitted there is nothing in the constitution that guarantees a right to abortion, in fact the opposite is true it guarantees a right to not have your life deprived without due process. They essentially admit they have shit all over and used the constitution as a toilet rag to spread their satanic beliefs. The fact that people in general and Christians especially haven't revolted yet attests to their power to control people through fear, money, the media, and manipulation. The exact same way President Shinra and then Rufus controlled people. When money doesn't work, just use fear. Or as the Romans said, bread and circuses for the plebs and when that doesn't work threats of violence or actual violence. But the bread and circuses almost always work right up until the end, when they day of the rope comes for all of you who have been shitting up and shitting on this world. It always comes eventually.

Some say it's been going on since WW1, this insanity, but its roots go back further. As Karl Marx said, capitalism was the necessary weakening of the state and people to usher in the insanity of Communism. Capitalism introduced the weakness to the immune system of the west, and Communism is the virus that ravages it.

DLPB you should know:
« Last Edit: 2017-01-03 15:47:37 by olearyf2525 »


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The FBI wouldn't "hush it up" that a presidential candidate is involved in a pedophilia trafficking ring.

I was about to ask if you have any conception of the history of things the FBI has hushed up, or any conception of the corrupt world we live in where people with lots of power and money are able to silence large amounts of people by threatening their job security or families.

I find it odd that there are people who enjoy ff7 when large parts of the story are very traditional and  quintessentially against Capitalism and Communism. The war between Wutai and Midgar, the comments of the villagers in Kalm, the history of Corel and so many other details. Kinda reminds me of people who hate Christianity and yet love the Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings. I mean are they that dense you don't even need to read Tolkien's letters or listen to C.S' Lewis radio show to see he is basically recreating the Christian story that their entire mythos and story telling revolve around those beliefs.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-03 15:53:05 by olearyf2525 »


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In the age of the internet people have no right to be uninformed or claim ignorance, many of them are quite frankly evil.

Spot on.

Also pretty funny you should mention CoN and LotR v Christianity. Covarr and I had this convo last night :P
« Last Edit: 2017-01-03 15:42:48 by DLPB »


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Spot on.

Also pretty funny you should mention CoN and LotR v Christianity. Covarr and I had this convo last night :P

I love them both, I think they helped me move away from atheism when I was feeling pretty down and like there couldn't possibly be a God. Of course I'm not claiming to even be a good person but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to be good people, that we don't inherently and intrinsically know right from and wrong.  People simply don't want to hear the truth because it shatters their illusions, illusions are lies that they have built up, and based their existence around. The father of lies is the devil.

As Tolkien said in the video where he converted Lewis away from atheism/agnosticism:
"Oh Jack, myths are not lies. In fact they are the very opposite of a lie. Myths convey the essential truth. The primal reality of life itself.....Well you see we have been duped into using the word myth as being synonymous with a lie, because we have been duped into accepting the first real lie of materialism....that is the hideous claim that there is no supernatural order to the universe. The materialists have imprisoned us in a world of mere matter. Of physical facts divorced from and devoid of metaphysical truth. Well I say that they are lying. I say that they are the ones who have come up with a false myth. Their world doesn't exist it's merely a figment of their imagination. Well fine, however there is a problem, the problem is that they've convinced us that it is true.  3 dimensions, 5 senses, 4 walls!....The 4 walls of materialism are the 4 walls of a prison! The four walls of materialism are the four walls of a prison and the materialists are our jailors....they don't want us to see what's beyond those walls. They don't want us to discover what lies outside of their narrow philosophy.... Worst than that they think any attempt to escape from the prison is an act of treason!"

"We tell stories because God is a storyteller. In fact he is THE storyteller."
Tolkien believed Christianity was the culmination of the myths of our people. As a linguist versed in ancient languages and myths he was well aware of this truth. Tolkien said "Christianity is the true story, that makes sense of all the other stories. It is the archetype, it is the story in which all other stories have their source and the story to which all the other stories point."

 Let us for example compare the end of the world of the Norse mythology as written in the Eddas to Christianity as written in the New Testament:

    Brothers will fight
    and kill each other,
    sisters' children
    will defile kinship.
    It is harsh in the world,
    whoredom rife
    —an axe age, a sword age
    —shields are riven—
    a wind age, a wolf age—
    before the world goes headlong.
    No man will have
    mercy on another.[13]

12 “Brothers will give their own brothers to be killed, and fathers will give their own children to be killed. Children will fight against their own parents and cause them to be put to death. 13 All people will hate you because you follow me, but those people who keep their faith until the end will be saved.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-03 16:05:24 by olearyf2525 »


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How far the west has fallen when people like you literally defend pedophilia. They are normalizing evil in this world. When I was younger I thought liberal minded people just saw things differently, then I grew wiser and thought maybe they are just gullible or ill informed. Now I've come to see that Liberalism is a religion, a cult religion, it's practices are dogmatic, it's leaders invoke divine right and are unquestionable and infallible. We are told that we live in a democracy but the country was setup as a republic and almost all of the distinctions between republic and democracy have been annihilated by the powers in control, all of the safeguards on uncontrolled power.

Who has "literally" defended pedophilia? I don't defend it. My point is question your source of information. I've seen so many things on the Internet that are just plain wrong.

In the age of the internet people have no right to be uninformed or claim ignorance

Terrible logic. Ever heard of a tree octopus? Could it be you're uninformed or ignorant? No, you're not because there is no such thing. However, the information is presented in such a way as to purport to be completely accurate and serious and people DO believe this and continued to defend it when proven false.

Let us for example compare the end of the world of the Norse mythology as written in the Eddas to Christianity as written in the New Testament...

Your comparison is weak. Is the only similarity that you're drawing on the "brothers" line? These two passages have entirely different meanings. The Norse passage implies that during the end of days that families will turn on each other to survive while the Christian passage implies that families will expose one another if one is found to be a Christian (Christ's teachings were considered "heretical" at the time).

[Liberalism is] a new Satanic religion that has grown up in the west in the aftermath of two world wars fought primarily for the benefit of the international cabal.

Don't confuse amorality with Satanism or immorality. These are three completely separate philosophies. Liberalism is, as far as I understand it, an attempt to serve all people and culture groups with a single broad set of logically established (I'm struggling for the right word here) rights which may be considered immoral to some. Liberalism means different things to different groups so there is no one consensus on its tenants.

I was about to ask if you have any conception of the history of things the FBI has hushed up, or any conception of the corrupt world we live in where people with lots of power and money are able to silence large amounts of people by threatening their job security or families.

Yes, I do know there are plenty of things the FBI has hushed up and that corruption exists in all governments. This just wouldn't be one of those instances. Even if it were, there are plenty of internal committees designed to prevent internal corruption. It hinges on there being a "top dog" that doesn't answer to anyone that is behind it all when that's just not true. Everyone, at least on paper, answers to someone else.


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DLPB, are you under the impression that everything is a conspiracy and any "establishment" talk is pure subversion?