Author Topic: Convicted pedophiles in the rom hacking and emulation scene?  (Read 17433 times)


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Nope.  All I have said is that there needs to be a proper investigation because those leaks paint a very disturbing picture. Others are basically saying "Nothing to see here".  It's that simple, really ;)

I look at each and every case and make my own mind up.  JFK? It was Oswald. Moon landing? It happened.  9/11? It was a bunch of Muslims armed with box cutters.

So, no, I am not a conspiracy theorist.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-03 17:36:31 by DLPB »


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That's cool, just asking.

Jenova's Witness

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It's probably more interesting to check out people who are in a position of trust. Certainly the worst abusers of power will seek to gain such a position. This has happened a lot with priests and even doctors.  Look up Harold Shipman.
That's something I noticed regarding social justice types as well.  They seem very good at using social leverage to get into and stay in positions of power and authority bottlenecks, after which they promote their friends and generally wreck up the place.  It usually starts with heavy-handed moderation in the name of fee-fees.

Qhimm has generally lax moderation; all the better to let little arguments burn out instead of letting lots of tension build up.  Everyone's allowed to argue to the point where it becomes mud-slinging (entertainment, argument for its own sake) and then someone shuts it down, but leaves it public.

Any organization can only serve once master.  For us that master is rom hacking, but if we were supposed to do rom hacking and social justice (or any other form of evangelism) it would quickly become unbearable.

We don't even know how much people out there are paedo. As far as homosexuals are now accepted by society still some are slandered, in pedophilia nothing changed, it's heavy taboo and negative talk. Society thinks pedos are perverted predators raping and killing children. Many of them are living a happy life with adult spouse and had never touched any children in inappropriate way, yet still they can't say who they are. There aren't many statistics about paedos because everyone is hiding.

Kiwi Farms has a great write-up on Allison Rapp.  She is a pedophile, a translator who apparently censored "problematic" stuff in Nintendo games before being fired, a hooker in an open relationship who also got her husband to be a gay hooker, and an all-around dumpster fire.

Warning: NSFW nudes from her (and his) escort website and terrible jokes in poor taste.

While I don't think that pedophiles should be executed, that is because we are better served by studying them.  Preferably in a prison somewhere.  Once we know how to spot them and we know what causes pedophilia, we can make sure that no more pedophiles are created.

As for why I think pedophiles should be exiled and studied; they are a threat to children and to public health.


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Well, I would also note that paedophile and abuser are two very different things.  The latter is a criminal, the former is not.  It's only when one acts on the dysfunctional impulse, infringing on another directly or indirectly, that it becomes a crime. For example, taking pictures, downloading material (depending on country) - or just plain sexual  conduct with a minor.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-03 19:16:21 by DLPB »


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Qhimm has generally lax moderation; all the better to let little arguments burn out instead of letting lots of tension build up.  Everyone's allowed to argue to the point where it becomes mud-slinging (entertainment, argument for its own sake) and then someone shuts it down, but leaves it public.
In general, I feel that tossing around bans tearing apart the modding part of the community over things that happen in CU would be counterproductive to the goals of the site. If I'm gonna do anything more serious than closing threads, it's generally only going to be when I see the potential for real trouble. The level of disagreement in this thread is enough for me to keep an eye on it, but not enough for me to take action (and I hope it doesn't reach that point).

Now, if any of you wanna start distributing copyrighted content, cussing out long-time members for calling you out on it, and telling me I will "surely get what I deserve some day" then we can start talking about taking more serious action.

Jenova's Witness

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It seems we are capable of compartmentalizing our butthurt.


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In general, I feel that tossing around bans tearing apart the modding part of the community over things that happen in CU would be counterproductive to the goals of the site. If I'm gonna do anything more serious than closing threads, it's generally only going to be when I see the potential for real trouble. The level of disagreement in this thread is enough for me to keep an eye on it, but not enough for me to take action (and I hope it doesn't reach that point).

Now, if any of you wanna start distributing copyrighted content, cussing out long-time members for calling you out on it, and telling me I will "surely get what I deserve some day" then we can start talking about taking more serious action.

Yeah well....  Fern you, Covarr.

EDIT: although, Just for the sake of fun, and to keep this going.  Who among you can actually tell me what spirit cooking is?  (protip: satan isn't involved, what you guys seem to think is satanism, isn't satanism, and uhh... yeah you seem to be pretty misinformed on a few things).
« Last Edit: 2017-01-04 17:12:42 by DragRopes »


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Why is it so hard to not be a butthole on the internet


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Satanism doesn't exist.  Confused Matthew said it best "It's for the kids".


  • And then it dawned on me, that Satan is also an old fuck.
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Satanism doesn't exist.  Confused Matthew said it best "It's for the kids".

In the sense that there are people running around sacrificing virgins to a goat's head at the top of a pentagram?  No, not at all.  In the sense that are philosophies and religions that use the story of Lucifer/Satan either in a deistic fashion or in an allegorical manner, yes, Satanism is a real thing, I can confirm that 100%

Jenova's Witness

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In the sense that there are people running around sacrificing virgins to a goat's head at the top of a pentagram?  No, not at all.  In the sense that are philosophies and religions that use the story of Lucifer/Satan either in a deistic fashion or in an allegorical manner, yes, Satanism is a real thing, I can confirm that 100%
Satanism is a way for dorky weirdos and try-hards to seem edgy and get laid.  It impresses fatties and looney women who are attracted to serial killers and rapists.

In any case since we're now talking about Comet Ping Pong et al, I would be remiss if I didn't post a link to the MPC thread about it.

Quote from: That One Guy
The reason were even talking about this now is because NYPD found Weiners email stash and they contained common pedophile codewords.  NYPD obviously know what these codewords mean as they have seen it before so they went to the FBI and Comey re-opened the case.  Lets all pray to God that the NYPD still has a copy of the emails they found on Weiner's computer.  PMan, you and I dont know what pedophile codewords are, but that doesn't mean they don't exist and there are many bizarre emails that dont make any sense.  People talking about sharing a single slice of cheese pizza?  They want to know how many people are coming so they know how thin to slice the slices????  This makes no sense in the context of food, but in the context of pedophile codewords, it does.

And youre right, we dont know for sure if this is pedophilia or not, which is why we need several investigations done.  Im boggled as to why not a single investigation in 9/11 and this pedophile s**t has been done yet.  At the very least, the Molesta emails looks like satanic ritual abuse and it needs to be investigated thoroughly. If Podesta the slimeball sits there without being investigated then all is lost.  Trump must press charges and have the AG go after the devil worshipers.  Investigations for every pervert involved.  If we lived in a moral society, Hollywood and the government would have been investigated for pedophilia long ago.

I'm not saying there's nothing to any of this, I think there are likely pedophiles in that circle simply because you always see gay men in that milieu and where there are gay men, child molesters are never very far behind.  It's an open secret among these people that gay men f**k underage twinks, they consider it acceptable for their own demented reasons, and pedophiles benefit from this.  I don't know what the pizza stuff is about, but it's easy to read a lot into an inside joke.  I think if there is really something going on the FBI will find bigger evidence than some vague innuendo about food.  And at this point it will be difficult to cover up, given the animosity within FBI ranks.

I don't doubt for a moment that there is pedophilia among other sexual crimes rampant among the elites, and that those who don't partake turn a blind eye to it.  We know it happens because we have so many criminal cases--Jimmy Saville, Dennis Hastert, Jerry Sandusky, Rotherham--in which it's been exposed.  In every case there were people who knew and said and did nothing.  Most likely these cases are the tip of the iceberg, and there is even more going on that is better concealed.  People like Podesta mix with this element blithely, and that in itself should be cause for alarm.  Nothing about what has come out reflects particularly well on him, the most charitable interpretation is that he is basically a nihilist whose interest in sexual images gets close to sadism.

It is the nature of today's elites and the perverse environment that shapes them that nihilism and sociopathy run high, and those are conditions that will always lead to abuse and exploitation.  The banal form of that abuse is Hillary Clinton mistreating her underlings, the more sinister form is sexual.  I can't at the moment describe exactly why sexuality is the special target of this kind of evil nihilism, but it always is.  It's an aspect of sexual morality that liberals are always in denial of.

Quote from: I Love Carbs
I think pman nailed it. When I was growing up in DC, there were always rumors of sexual impropriety discussed in hush tones, and I met some profoundly weird f**kers (especially at the Unitarian church), who produced broken relationships and damaged progeny. But I never caught anybody red handed.

Still, this is one of the reasons the contrast between Trump's family and the Clinton's is so viscerally startling. It's one thing to cheat on your wife because you can't control your horny levels. I do NOT condone or excuse that, but, truth is, in the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty normal mistake. Trump obviously never stopped loving his kids for a second, it shows in their health and vigor (and easy, natural smiles). I also strongly suspect that he was much less of a playboy than he wanted you to think he was (for marketing purposes) but that's a different story.

At any rate, there's a big difference between that sort of thing and true depravity. You might laugh at this, but another somewhat Trumpian figure is Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty clan. While he ultimately found God and patched up his marriage, he lived a famously lecherous life in his early years. Again, his kids turned out great, the happiness and wholesomeness is plain to see -- and it triggers the f**k out of the perverts.

Now, here's where I'm going with this: I know several other examples from my personal life of guys who struggled with fidelity, and they fit a pattern similar to Trump and Robertson. One key thing is their kids turned out great. "By their fruits ye shall know them" indeed. But the other thing that REALLY stands out in my mind right now -- and this might sound silly, bear with me -- is that they're all grossed out by buttstuff. Remember that GQ interview with Phil Robertson where he said he didn't understand the sexual appeal of an anus, nor why any man would choose that over a vagina?

This is important because it indicates the difference between simple sexual incontinence ("damn I want to hit that but I'm married but damn...") versus an addiction to transgressiveness and depravity ("man it would be so hot to cheat on my wife, so naughty, I want to be naughty..."). In the beginning, these two things look alike from the outside, but over time, they diverge, because addictions always escalate. Hence why gays in particular almost always go from bad to worse in their behavior. Homosexual intercourse is by its nature transgressive, so it's not just about the physical sensation but about the "high" that comes from being naughty. And the exploits of homos are well documented elsewhere on MPC.

But this sort of thing can apply to heteros as well. If the pleasure of sexual intercourse doesn't come from the physical sensation and the feelings of pair bonding with your mate, but rather, comes from the "high" of being "naughty," you're looking at a situation that will almost certainly progressively escalate to worse and worse things to get that "naughtiness" fix. I take it I don't even need to explain how the use of pornography aids and abets this process.

So, does this pizza stuff really indicate a pedo ring? I don't know. On the other hand, all of the trappings absolutely indicate normalization of sexual transgressiveness. And because that inevitably escalates -- and because these people have the money and resources to get away with it -- there are almost certainly lots and lots of people with varying degrees of guilt by proper moral standards. But is it actually a pedo ring? Or is it just someone like Lena Dunham who didn't see what was wrong with molesting her sister? It's hard to tell, and the one certainly doesn't preclude the other.

In conclusion, I recommend that our weaponized autism division continues to dig -- but also to be patient, and accepting of messiness and ambiguity. Things might be worse than the current theories, but then, they might also be "better" in that they don't involve sex slavery, but perhaps just diddling a permissive neighbor's kids. I don't know, but I guarantee you that if you keep digging, you will find some incredibly ugly s**t that will leave normal America aghast. At the very least, bringing the true depth of depravity of our elites to light can open the eyes of a public that is largely clueless.

Take that image I posted and show it to people who are reluctant to get on the Trump train, or who tepidly supported Clinton. Explain that this is the type of crowd that the Clintons run with. They will be appaled.

Normie twitter thinks we need to be gracious in victory. Well, against those of good faith and basic decency, yes, for sure. But for the deranged and degenerate true believers? Hell no. Run them down and destroy them. Find and expose all of their dirty laundry for the public to see. Drive them into exile. To the extent that they are depraved, even if they aren't kiddie diddlers (or prostitute beaters, or...) they one day would be, given the time and resources to feed their inevitability escalating depravity. Their disgusting behavior must be exposed, and they must never have the resources to get away with their indiscretions. Cast them into outer darkness, forever.

Quote from: Moishe Schwartzmordstein
I have to agree here, that the essence of what is going on is not pedophile rings so much as banal tolerance of depravity by the powerful and their gay social circles.  As far as the whole Illuminati or Satanist angle, I honestly believe that it is just part and parcel of the leftist need to worship themselves and transgress normal moral and social boundaries.  The essence of modern occult movements are Luciferian and their beliefs resemble the self-love and license that typifies purely secular leftist ideology.  In fact, I find little space between the two.

A question that I always wonder about is this - these people all start off as basically secular nihilists, in thrall to their appetites and loyal only to their own ambitions.  I don't doubt that the more sadistic of them are drawn in some ways to Luciferian doctrines since they boil down to "worship yourself and do as thou wilt," but I'm sure that most who actually engage with actual occult rituals start off doing it mostly as a joke.  How many eventually take it seriously?  I have known people who join a church because they want their children to have a moral foundation, and eventually buy into it all after a long period of LARPing.  I imagine that the same is possible with Satanists.  How many start this s**t as a way to network with like-minded, transgressive sociopaths and show how they are "in on the joke" and can be "trusted to keep secrets," and eventually get to a point where they believe it on some level? How many true believers are there in high places in this country?

I still bet not that many, but even one is too many.

Quote from: The Unready
Satanists/Gnostics/Frankists all come to the same thing: transgress rules and morals. Transgress social rules. Shock people. Transgress God's rules. Transgress the basic fabric of the universe and then you can become like gods. Then you can make the rules. You don't have power only over people, but of the whole structure of society, of physics. You can have power over God.  That is the promise.  It's a false promise of course, but for these people it seems to be seductive.

What is all this trans nonsense, but an attempt to break through the roles that nature has given us.  They actually think they can get one up on their own DNA. Cut off your dick to show that you won't be bound to your DNA.

Ejaculate in a woman's anus, isn't that defying nature? Take it a step further and ejaculate inside a man or inside a child.  Isn't that sticking one to God? Who does he think he his to tell you what to do, anyway, Dad?

It might sound like nonsense to you, but they seem to believe it.

Quote from: GhostfaceCracka
The other thing is that, if you accept spiritual reality as real, as I obviously do, then the evil rituals and practices and symbols and all that have an objective reality beyond whatever the fool who dabbles with them intends, and by making use of them and staying in prolonged contact with them, he opens himself up to malevolent influences - demons - who will gain influence and power over him. He will not have the latitude for long to think of it all as a lark, a joke or performance art. Exorcists like Fr. Amorth and Fr. Ripperger have described many, many exorcisms  that were necessitated because someone, a kid usually, dabbled in occult stuff and let something in. Now imagine what is let in if you, God forbid, do something really dark like what is being suggested here?

BTW I haven't looked at any of the images in the links and I wouldn't recommend it, or if you do, don't keep looking at them. These kinds of things can affect you in bad ways and especially graphic images of this sort of thing are bad for the soul. Church exorcists warn against morbid interest in these sorts of things. Pray for police investigators who have to view this stuff as part of their investigations.

There is a lot of evidence that gay men like to have sex with boys, but even in the scientific literature it's handwaved as gay men "seeing" the otherness in a lonely children and "inducting" boys into gay culture by raping them.  If normies knew there was more to gay men than being catty, superficial, and dying of AIDS, gay men would not be held in high esteem by anyone of worth.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-04 22:45:46 by Science Is Racist »


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I was about to say that I stopped reading when I saw the words "where there are gay men, child molesters are never very far behind."...  Then I saw your statement at the end of the post, and had to scrap everything I wrote.

I know we -JUST- had a conversation about civility; but I'm sorry, there's no place for it here, when you're literally saying that gay men are pedophiles because they're gay.  Covarr, sl, obesebear, whoever sees this; if you have to ban me, go right the fern ahead, because I simply can't help myself here.

You are, without a doubt, one of the most disgusting piece of strawberries human beings I've ever had the misfortune of learning about the existence of.  You have nothing but hatred and contempt in your heart, and a people like you are the reason why there will never be world peace.  It's not because of Islam, or black people, or homosexuality, or whatever your flavor of the week bigotry is.  I sincerely hope you experience nothing but pain and misery for the rest of your (hopefully short) life.  You wish nothing but pain and misery on others, and are genuinely of no value to society.  Your opinions are invalid (and yes, opinions -CAN- be invalid.  "I think gay men are inherently pedophillic" is factually invalid, and therefore your opinion is invalid), and I would not be surprised to find out that your IQ is equivalent to that of a rock (I'm sorry rocks, please forgive me).  You either fail to see the parallels to one of the most horrifying events in human history playing out before us, or you embrace them.  Either way, it shows us that you yearn to live under the shadow of Fascism once more.  I will have NO sympathy for you whatsoever when your family members die fighting for your sickening ideals; all I can hope for, is that you live long enough to see it.

EDIT: by the way, it would still please me if you died sooner rather than later....  Fuck it, try to die as soon as possible; prevent your genes from continuing in the first place.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-05 02:16:39 by DragRopes »


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Annnd we are done. Topic closed. Too many people right ready for a ban.

edit: this is an inclusive place. nobody deserves to get shit on.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-05 02:21:14 by sl1982 »