Steam BuildID: 296320 (FF8_EN.exe)I put the absolute minimum effort into this program because I was not sure if something like it already existed. If it garners enough support, I may continue the project.
What is Training Center?In its current state, it is a battle simulator.
What does it do?(Re)Play any battle with the current party (untested).
Can I switch/customize my party?Not yet, but that is the long term goal.
Can I play as a monster?Maybe one day.
How do I use it?Start FF8_EN.exe and load a save file
Start FF8_TrainingCenter.exe
Enter a number in the edit box
Check the Check1 checkbox
Go to B-Garden- Training Center location and encounter!
CommentsI do not have time to catalog each battle right now which is why the UI is practically non-existent.