Author Topic: [FF8 PC] No GF or Custom GF Squall  (Read 5326 times)


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[FF8 PC] No GF or Custom GF Squall
« on: 2018-01-04 01:53:22 »
I had an idea while playing through FF8 to make my version of Squall a little more unique, since it seems so odd he's viewed as this student with a lot of potential. I came up with the following idea: Squall is that bit more unique because he does not need a Guardian Force junctioned in order to use abilities. He has the base skills, and can learn other abilities and commands himself without a GF, and learn to junction magic to all stats.

I do not know how possible this would be, but I do believe this would be a cool idea if it could be executed. As of now, the only way I think this could be executed is to constantly go into a save editor, which I'm not overly happy with doing because it forces me to fully exit the game. Another way I could think to do this would be to create a mod that adds a new GF from the get-go that can only be junctioned to Squall, starts with the base commands, and has the ability to learn everything (of course not all at once.)

I want to try and learn how to do this, so that I do not have to use a save editor to junction to Squall without him having a GF, and update this thread once I know more.

If anyone knows of something that could help do this, or is genuinely interested by this idea, let me know.


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(Update) [FF8 PC] No GF or Custom GF Squall
« Reply #1 on: 2018-01-04 05:05:31 »
After doing a bit of researching with the Hyne Save editor, which can edit GF abilities as well as junction magic and equip commands without a GF equipped, I've discovered a few things.

The first is that the option I had first come up with will work, I will just have to exit the game whenever I want to change my commands or junctioned magic, which very much alters my game experience.

The second is that, in order to alter a GF and make it custom to what I want, i would need to make the GF have the ability to learn every ability. However, when you add items that the GF does not already have the option to unlock, it automatically completes that ability, which I do not want because I want Squall to have to unlock those to build Squall the way I want him to be.

I have not found any tools that let me edit base GF abilities, or do the first option without a save editor, but I will continue to look.


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Re: [FF8 PC] No GF or Custom GF Squall
« Reply #2 on: 2018-01-04 06:59:16 »
Doomtrain lets you edit default GFs abilities via kernel.bin edit


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Re: [FF8 PC] No GF or Custom GF Squall
« Reply #3 on: 2018-01-04 21:24:46 »
Doomtrain lets you edit default GFs abilities via kernel.bin edit

I discovered that, and spent some time last night and this morning learning about FF8 kernel editting. That does seem to be a good way to do it, however I did encounter one issue: you can only apply 21 skills to a GF, including the basic commands of Magic, Draw, GF, and Item. However, I found a way to do so;

I took 3 Gf's, Diablos, Cerberus, and Leviathan (based on Squall's base compatibility.) Then I separated abilities between the three, putting only the base four abilities on one GF. Then, in the save editor, I set them all to level 1, activate those three, and immediately junction them to Squall before I even enter the overworld. Then I set what I want to learn on each GF, based on how I want to build Squall. He starts with nothing, but after a while, he'll have a pretty decent arsenal of abilities.

To be honest I kind of hoped that I could put them all on one GF, and make it so you'd actually have to sit down and fight to earn the ability to junction to a stat or to gain a boost in strength. I also only had time to really include things that affect Squall, and did not include any abilities that affect GF HP or damage. It adds a new way to play without Squall himself relying on GF summons, and that's kind of what I wanted for personal story purposes; Squall doesn't need a GF becuase he learns these skills himself.

I am probably going to end up editing the kernel some more, maybe change those three GF's to be named after aspects of Squall, and even have maybe altered versions of his portrait. I'm not sure.

But if people are interested in this playstyle, I'll package this and release it as a mod.


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Re: [FF8 PC] No GF or Custom GF Squall
« Reply #4 on: 2018-01-25 10:23:25 »
Hmm, I would be interested in this once I get FF8 for steam although I would prefer starting only with Diablos and having to claim Cerberus and Leviathan the old fashioned way but have them only junctionable to Squall. Other than that I think your idea sounds like fun.


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Re: [FF8 PC] No GF or Custom GF Squall
« Reply #5 on: 2018-02-12 04:12:27 »
If you can make it work with Steam I'd definitely be interested in it.