Author Topic: A big thanks!  (Read 1921 times)


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A big thanks!
« on: 2018-01-31 20:09:47 »
Just wanted to post a huge thanks to some people on here, namely Sega Chief, Jedwin and Sanjiyan.
There are others as well but my memory unfortunately is not that great. I have had multiple issues running Eidos version of FF7 and installing New Threat, thanks to running very old software on a Windows 10 system!

But a big thanks for the mod which is brilliant, still largely unknown by the general populace from what I can tell and is just a testament to one man's imagination and hard work.
Thanks to Jedwin for the .exe patch that got me through the infuriating crash after defeating Dyne (I've had my fill of him now). And to Sanjiyan who gave the oh so concise instruction in what to edit in the Hex Editor.

Great work here on these forums and you're all amazing in my book and I've really appreciated what you have done and are still indeed, still doing.