Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)  (Read 436741 times)


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #825 on: 2025-02-14 08:09:54 »
Callisto !
Happy to see you here, I have lots of question.
There is now a mod manager and people ask a lot to have your mod in it. Would you agree ?

I work hard on documenting the game
And you have found info I am not able to found back anymore. I have really a lot of questions but one is bothering m for a mod I would like to do: How did you change the probability of Rare item of bahamut ? Reading your hex, it's not possible for me to find it there :'(

If you have time to pass on the discord to exchange i would greatly appreciate !

Thanks for passing by.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #826 on: 2025-02-24 04:21:08 »
Callisto !
Happy to see you here, I have lots of question.
There is now a mod manager and people ask a lot to have your mod in it. Would you agree ?

I work hard on documenting the game
And you have found info I am not able to found back anymore. I have really a lot of questions but one is bothering m for a mod I would like to do: How did you change the probability of Rare item of bahamut ? Reading your hex, it's not possible for me to find it there :'(

If you have time to pass on the discord to exchange i would greatly appreciate !

Thanks for passing by.
Hey hobbitdur!

First of all, sorry for the late reply and the hex file not being properly documented at the moment. I'm fine with my mod being added to the Junction-VIII mod manager.

The bytes corresponding to the item probabilities with Rare Item equipped are in the hex file, and modified as followed in the mod:

Code: [Select]
#Rare Item probability values for each item slot
865F6 = 78
86600 = C8
8660F = E6
86610 = 00
866B4 = 78
866BF = C8
866CF = E6
866D0 = 00
86820 = 78
8682B = C8
8683B = E6
8683C = 00

This changes the base probabilities from

rnd = [0..255]
  if (rnd < 128) Slot = 0
    else if (rnd < 242) Slot = 1
      else if (rnd < 261) Slot = 2
        else Slot = 3


rnd = [0..255]
  if (rnd < 120) Slot = 0
    else if (rnd < 200) Slot = 1
      else if (rnd < 230) Slot = 2
        else Slot = 3

Which leaves a 26/256 chance for Item #3 being dropped/mugged rather than the usual 0/256.

Base values taken from Battle Mechanics FAQ by ForteGSOmega.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #827 on: 2025-02-24 16:11:31 »
Happy  to see you coming back to FF8 ! No worry foor the delay, we all have a life (even tho I admit I was waiting it ^^).
Ok nice for J8, do you wanna work on it ? We can explain you all on how it works. You'll see it will even help you to update the mod if you want in the futur.

Ok super for rare item, thanks a lot.I am learning to retro-engineer. I saw on some of your message you are pretty good at finding values. Do you have some database we can share together ?
I will post all my question later, as I don't want to suddently flood you with question. But one think that would help the community is to details your hext file.

Also, I am making a mod called cronos with a team, I know you have your own mod but if you maybe wanna keep it on this state and work on new thing, you are welcome to join the task force. The idea is to bring a gameplay mod that everyone can love as it will offer options.

For the moment on my side I am studying the sequence animation, and searching by RE squall hit100% and escape part of battle. If you have any info on those please share :D


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #828 on: 2025-03-02 21:48:05 »
For the Rare item, I find the probability a bit everywhere. Actually rare item also have impact on mug and card drop. But those value seems to only fix the item drop rate. Is that correct ?