DLPB while it applies to Europe, for anyone dealing with European users, you have to abide by those nations laws or you can in fact be drawn to court, whether the likelihood of your country allowing it is another matter. but in general when it comes to these matters countries tend to accept this. just like how Valve as an example got to follow the laws of refunds for each and every individual country they have made their service available to.(Valve has plenty of cases where they were forced to refund purchases despite the no refund policy they used to have because they were found quilty and fined for not doing by different countries a few years back.
Covarr, GDPR applies to everyone who handles or have the possibility to handle personal data of EU nations citizens, email,name,address,age etc are all classified as personal data and does make liable to for breaking the GDPR, whether whomever handles such requests(user reports it to the representing party) will follow through on the request/complaint or not is a different matter.
personally I don't really care what this site does, I like it. I am just saying, I know of atleast a couple of hobby websites not driven by profit, not companies but some were shut down, some were blocked until they complied to the GDPR(or they decided to block access from that nation/nations)