Thank you for the kind words, everyone.
Yeah, machine learning aided upscaling has exploded within the last year or so. Before you had to do with something like Waifu2x, but then you got SRGAN, ESRGAN, Let's Enhance, Gigapixel. This stuff is evolving fast. Anything we do this year, will probably be blown out of the water by the methods of 2020.
Anyway, here are some of them at full resolution. the 7th Heaven pics, I notice that your version has more noise in the lighting glares. However, your Texas sign to the right looks crisper. Both look great.
While I have you here, maybe you (or anyone) else could explain why I'm getting a bugged out battle HUD:

I feel like there's a setting/installation problemen in 7th Heaven/the Game Converter. It hasn't got anything to do with my mod, as it happens even if I remove all the new field textures. Any help would be much appreciated.