This is truly excellent work. It would never have occurred to me to use ML to upscale the background layers. The results are phenomenal in a game as beautiful as FFIX.
My only concern - and I don't really want to add a sour note to this discussion - what's the position of anyone who distributes artwork that's transformed from SE's original assets? Are ML manipulated backgrounds treated as a transformed work? I wouldn't want any HD pack to be stymied by legal problems.
I've asked SE directly, but got the usual answer : We can't endorse it, please follow the user agreement.
It's clearly in breach on that agreement on two points :
- Don't re-verse engineer the game
- Don't (re)use assets
For the first point, I'm living in Europe where such clause is illegal (
Anything for inter-operability is legal.
For the second point, I believe my work can be considered as fair used :
- It's educational (I'm releasing the whole process in open source), and cultural (restoring lost art).
- I do not sell it and have no commercial advantage.
- It's partial (it's only the background of the game, not the whole game) and derivative (restoration is considered derivative)
- It doesn't hurt their business (on the contrary, they can sell more games because of it)
Of course, if they send me a cease & desist, I won't fight against it, but I don't think they have any interest in doing so.