Author Topic: Long load times between areas/minigames.  (Read 1332 times)


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Long load times between areas/minigames.
« on: 2019-03-31 15:04:10 »
Hi folks. Just a quick question - I'm getting excessively long waits when transitioning between areas or minigames. Chocobo racing is the worst, with up to 6 minute waits after starting the load.

I have a few mods loaded, and my system is more than adequate, with the game also being run from an ssd.

Any ideas guys?


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Re: Long load times between areas/minigames.
« Reply #1 on: 2019-04-02 01:32:40 »
Same for me. I have like 6 to 15 second load time between screen, it's almost unplayable. . .

I'm running 7th Heaven and my MODS are as follow

ID: a7339ccb-a283-4116-a667-f73f691c5751
Version: 1.0
f_animation = 1
w_animation = 1
60fps = 1
fba = 0
fbn = 0
fed = 0
fs = 1

ID: ef8208a1-f916-4ea4-9c31-2c00d6b7f1a6
Version: 1.702
Sword = 2
Dynamic = 1
HQW = 0

ID: 254b5298-6fb8-4983-a22d-4da95d6f201a
Version: 1.702
RSP = 1
YCloud = 1
CloudSword = 1
Barrett = 1
Bugen = 1
Kage = 0
Ruy = 0
Rock = 0

ID: b6552577-365f-4479-b91b-76b9f1be18cf
Version: 1.0
weapons_aerith = 3
weapons_caitsith = 1
weapons_cloud = 0
weapons_sephiroth = 1
weapons_yuffie = 1

ID: 38bdfe30-88d4-414e-a82a-6a37170855f5
Version: 1.0
huge_materia = 1
materia = 1
potions = 1
save_point = 2

ID: 9bb0a3cd-2748-439d-b8a9-4cd650146bba
Version: 1.0
models_aerith = 1
models_barret = 2
models_caitsith = 1
models_cid = 2
models_cloud = 4
models_redxiii = 3
models_sephiroth = 1
models_tifa = 3
models_vincent = 2
models_yuffie = 1

battle models
ID: 497c01e9-b13a-4d0b-a705-72610eb1094c
Version: 1.39
models_aerith = 0
models_aerocombatant = 1
models_airbuster = 1
models_barret = 0
models_caitsith = 0
models_chokobo = 1
models_cid = 0
models_cloud = 0
models_elena = 1
models_grunt = 1
models_guardhound = 1
models_hundredgunner = 1
models_motorball = 0
models_mightygrunt = 1
models_mp = 1
models_redxiii = 0
models_rude = 1
models_reno = 1
models_sephiroth = 1
models_soldier = 1
models_sweeper = 0
models_tifa = 0
models_vincent = 0
models_yuffie = 0

ID: 2ffb6bd9-d2f9-4344-89b7-98aecd626288
Version: 1.0
models_diamond = 1
models_frogs = 2
models_scorpion = 1
models_jenova = 1
models_joker = 1
models_life_form = 1
models_motorball = 1
models_ruby = 5
models_soldiers = 0
models_sweeper = 1

ID: 7280f5e1-d49e-4085-ba27-6cf61cee3732
Version: 1.0
battle_bg = 1

ID: 83b36e51-ef60-4837-bc8d-0f200f428e03
Version: 1.0
gameplay = 0

ID: 95ea7313-e990-458b-be4d-9ba75532fa0d
Version: 1.0
ar = 0
cf = 0
dm = 1
isl = 1
i = 0
li = 1
lcs = 1
lt = 1
nrb = 0
spa = 1
sc = 1
sbo = 1

Remako HD Graphics Mod BETA_0.1
ID: acd059e7-5994-4c9b-8de7-68f43007ce56
Version: 1.0
field_bg = 1

ID: 0012ca30-e1a6-4e1b-b19c-949dca9ccb07
Version: 1.0
movie = 2

ID: c813947d-dcac-4b24-85a0-cab64cc1cd38
Version: 1.0
music = 1
sound = 0

ID: e03de42b-d4f2-47da-a360-124dabc50c68
Version: 1.0
avatars_aerith = 2
avatars_barret = 2
avatars_cait_sith = 2
avatars_chocobo = 2
avatars_cid = 2
avatars_cloud = 2
avatars_cloud_young = 2
avatars_red_xiii = 2
avatars_sephiroth = 2
avatars_tifa = 2
avatars_vincent = 2
avatars_yuffie = 2
game_over = 1
prelude = 2
start_menu = 7

ID: 78455722-d828-4870-8afc-93b3d06294fe
Version: 1.0
chocobo_models = 1
condor_models = 1
motorbike_models = 3
chocobo_textures = 1
coaster_textures = 1
condor_textures = 1
motorbike_textures = 1
snowboard_textures = 1
wonder_square = 1

ID: d4f8bc0e-b0d2-4989-b06a-13ffec00f168
Version: 1.0
magic = 2
coin = 12
limit = 0

ID: 8f7a1ef2-e62b-467b-9768-e9193f0d8d7e
Version: 1.0
beacause = 1
menu = 1
break = 1
hand = 1
nbb = 1
ncb = 0

ID: 31803774-a4ec-4e6e-91aa-90c28134139f
Version: 1.0
cid_world = 2
cloud_world = 5
tifa_world = 4

ID: 625c7867-cb76-4989-9710-f483a3e90730
Version: 1.0
diamond = 2
emerald = 1
ruby = 1
ultima = 1

ID: 60a39433-8aec-4b71-9907-dab29ce6a1b5
Version: 1.0
buggy = 1
chocobo = 1
highwind = 1
submarine = 1
tiny_bronco = 1

ID: 54d7fa95-7ec2-47b3-b00e-e7758ff46625
Version: 1.0
world_bg = 1