Author Topic: [FF7R] Remake Discussion & News  (Read 95343 times)


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #25 on: 2019-06-11 15:41:19 »

I don't agree. It's your opinion to think so, but hear me out on this. Based upon what you're saying, Advent Children would have also catered to feminists, but almost 15 years ago before the identity politics of today's Western society came into fruition?

Square Enix is a Japanese company first and foremost, and Final Fantasy is their Japanese franchise. I've lived in Japan for long enough now to know that society here functions much differently than the Western world. All the identity representation [nonsense] currently thrown into Western media and's not here. Most Japanese people are ignorant to its existence, and those who may get a whiff of it from the internet, don't care enough to ever talk about it. Another fact is that the majority of the player base is male, and the Japanese gaming industry heavily favors male loving aesthetics. They don't tone down characters because feminist activists [whom don't exist in Japan] demanded it do so. Trust me on this's not a feminist thing.

I personally don't mind the new look they've given, but still enjoy the original the best. The changes themselves at least match pretty well. Barret with sunglasses though? That one will take awhile to grow on me.

This is my take as well. And we know it's a good system seeing how the Hardcore mod and New Threat have shown us what could have been developed instead.

Hello, i never liked the Advent Children look of any character. I thought that compared to FF7 1995 they all looked less cool -  or less sexy in Tifa's case. Also, they no longer had anime-aesthetics that i really liked in the original. To me the Kaldarasha models are a superb representation of how they should look - the FMV-videos.

However, i did accept that style because in the case of Advent Children it took place after FF7. As such they might have changed their style over the years. And not only that, but i get it that they'd want a movie to be more real-life like. Not really a fan that they've taken the remake in that route instead of the anime-route - but at least it's understandable to some degree. As an example, i love the new look of Cloud and the fact that he has gotten his cool pants back. I really disliked how they got too slim in all the modern games. To me Cloud has pants that stretch to the side - doesn't look cool otherwise. I still miss the more pointy hair of the original though.

About feminists, i just thought that because of their bad influende on other games, movies and TV-shows that they caused this change as well. But i also do know that Japan is different - so i am not at all certain as to why they gave Tifa stocking socks/leggins when they could just have kept her the way she is in the original. Wanting a remake doesn't mean "we want you to remake everything in the game" - it could just mean "we want modern graphics but the same game otherwise".

If comparing Advent Children to the Remake, the main difference is that the Remake claims to be Final Fantasy VII - but by changing the style of Tifa it's not looking like FF7. It looks like a "new FF7" and i wanted the old with better graphics. Now, i am not against more story, multiplayer or whatever - i like any "expanded content". But changing the looks of characters is so stupid - why change what isn't broken? The old style of Tifa is Tifa since 22 years ago. I don't like changes that change how characters look.

For example, in the 90's you had Vegeta from DBz as 16bit pixels in snes games, and today you have Vegeta in PS4 games with anime-style graphics - the character still looks the same! They didn't change his hairstyle or his clothes - only the graphics. Why couldn't FF7 Remake do the same?

Advent Children is a continuation, Crisis Core is a prologue, Kingdom Hearts is a mix of Disney/FF - but the Remake is Final Fantasy VII and should have re-used all the original designs unchanged.
« Last Edit: 2019-06-11 15:44:13 by mr_nygren »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #26 on: 2019-06-11 15:58:32 »
I fully agree with tifas model being kinda unnecessarily tamed down wtih the long stocking socks; other than that though damn this looks absolutely fantastic im really hyped now combat looks extremely fun and the whole thing is visually absolutely stunning.

Cant wait to get DLPBs explanation on why this combat is all complete crap and am interested in how precisely the original scorpion battle (or rest of combat) is so much more tactical, braincell demanding than this lol (while restressing that the numbers are too flashy) ^^

I did expect the new battle-system to be trash - like in Devil May Cry, a game i hated because of the mechanics.

I have to agree with you that i were pleasantly surprised by it. The only thing the game needs is a "Classic look"-DLC.


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #27 on: 2019-06-11 16:27:49 »
One thing even i am genuinely worried about is that any kind of eventual dodging mechanic will be too powerful and/or badly implemented, although from the trailers we´ve seen so far fortunately dont suggest that
(I mean wtf @ ffXV it was not only idiotically implemented (keep button pressed opposed to timing it) but also pretty much an instawin button disregarding undodgable attacks which went the other direction that on some of the harder enemies like naglfar being capable of consistently oneshotting you, forcing you to basically spam revive to win unless you are maxed out)
« Last Edit: 2019-06-11 16:35:14 by Manakaiser »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #28 on: 2019-06-11 16:58:18 »
The whole "feminists ruined Tifa" thing is silly. They've ruined plenty but this isn't one of them.

Has everyone forgotten Final Fantasy 15's Cindy?

And Tifa looks awesome. They don't have to design the character to look like a hooker in order for her to look badass.

I haven't played a FF game since FFXIII and i felt it were underwhelming and i really disliked the linear story. I only really enjoyed 7, 8 and 9 - but 10 is still charming even though i never finished it.

FFXII kept me obsessed the first time i played it for many hours, but after i stoped playing i never got back in. So i thought it were impressive and great but i disliked it's battle-system as i died all the time in a catacomb or whatever. Had to use cheats to get past a part in it. I never had to cheat in the old games. - The problem was that the game had real-time battles. Every enemy could attack and you could never be safe - all your characters got attacked at once.

The new Remake has a pausing-ability and also keeps some of the traditional aspects. That will make it harder for the AI to kill everyone in the party before the player can react.

As for looking like a hooker, i think the Stockings are more  like my picture of one - however, after looking again at Tifa i think she is kind of hot still. Just not in the way i'd expected. But i didn't expect changes to her look, the more i look at her the more used i get to her - it's not bad, just not as good as in the past - i could probably enjoy the game with the new look.


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #29 on: 2019-06-11 17:09:07 »
They probably toned down Tifa a bit so people take her more seriously as a character (especially new players). It's got nothing to do with feminism or SJWs, Japan couldn't care less about these things. Expect loads of fanservice elsewhere in the game, if FFXV is any indication.


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« Last Edit: 2019-06-11 20:38:10 by Kuraudo. »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #31 on: 2019-06-11 21:31:24 »

Nice timing, having a couple of beers right now. Cheers!

To be clear, I have no problem with action RPGs, but I am more passionate about turn-based games, be it Civilization, Heroes, FF, ++. Remaking FF7 into an ARPG is entirely up to SE.

FFXII kept me obsessed the first time i played it for many hours, but after i stoped playing i never got back in. So i thought it were impressive and great but i disliked it's battle-system as i died all the time in a catacomb or whatever. Had to use cheats to get past a part in it. I never had to cheat in the old games. - The problem was that the game had real-time battles. Every enemy could attack and you could never be safe - all your characters got attacked at once.

The new Remake has a pausing-ability and also keeps some of the traditional aspects. That will make it harder for the AI to kill everyone in the party before the player can react.

FFXII had a wait option. If on, you could basically press X (ps2) any time to input commands. Or was it when the atb bar was full? Well, in any case, FF12 was kind of a hybrid.
« Last Edit: 2019-06-11 21:42:19 by gjoerulv »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #32 on: 2019-06-11 22:42:50 »
Seriously as a character?  We have a guy with a crazy hairdo holding an impossibly big sword and a dude who goes around with a gun arm. The new dialogue I've heard so far has also been ridiculous.  I can assure you that seriousness is not the reason she isn't showing any panties.

Let's do an experiment. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Aerith? Now, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Tifa?

See the problem there? That's what they're trying to avoid this time.


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #33 on: 2019-06-12 10:23:52 »
I'm actually excited for it the remake, the battle system looks engaging with a great deal of care taken to appease the purists, it seems fairly balanced apart from the mental hp maxes, I hope materia is implemented in a meaningful way where you can sort of customise characters with it.

Art wise I think the characters look closer to the original art then alot of people are giving it credit for, considering the chibi-style characters were only done due to limitations on the original PlayStation, as for stockinggate if that's all people are whining about it's a good day for tifa fan boys.

Overall the game looks beautiful, I have some concerns but they arent major and I have quite a few less after the presser


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #34 on: 2019-06-12 17:01:20 »

Jason Schreier: "Just asked Yoshinori Kitase how many games are going to be in the Final Fantasy VII remake - he said he can't say yet "because we don't know ourselves."

Square Enix PR reply to journalists on the matter: "While the development team finishes the first game of the project, they are also planning the volume of content for the second. Due to the work already done on the first game, we anticipate that the development of the second game will be more efficient. However, for now we would like to focus on the development of the first game."
« Last Edit: 2019-06-13 18:01:12 by Kuraudo. »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #35 on: 2019-06-12 21:12:37 »
Those 4K renders looks great. Barret without the glasses looks fantastic. I don't mind the glasses, but he looks better without them. SE not knowing how many games they're making was my biggest concern outside of combat. Combat looks great (to me, my opinion) but it would be nice to know how many games we're actually getting. We'll probably know more closer to March.


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #36 on: 2019-06-12 22:26:30 »

Those renders are pretty crisp though, but for some reason i think aeriths face looks a bit weird/off.
« Last Edit: 2019-06-12 22:33:35 by Manakaiser »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #37 on: 2019-06-13 15:13:18 »
I didn't buy she was the type to walk around wearing those clothes everywhere.  But then this was originally an anime style game - where it could work.

You hit the nail on the head. I think her clothes now better match her personality


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #38 on: 2019-06-13 16:54:43 »

Do you think possible to "load" settings (level of character, equipment, items, etc) of the 1st game to the next game?

Or it will be a new start from lvl0?  ???


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #39 on: 2019-06-13 20:18:30 »
It'll probably load data from the previous games. I know a few games could do that in the PS2 like the .Hack games.


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #40 on: 2019-06-13 20:29:35 »
While i agree with the load data, what im wondering regarding that though is how they will handle max level if you load you previous data;
It would be highly unsatisfying if the max level in the whole first episode which supposedly is around 50-60 hours long would be lvl 20-30 and if you can get to lvl 99 then will max level after episode 2 be 200? (and it would be equally unsatisfying and lot more immersion breaking (and sadly likely) if the "load data" only loads ruddimentary strawberries like quests completed and choices made and everthing else gets reset. (i find those kind of load data scenarios almost pointless) like in mass effect where it was basically an almost useless feature but it worked there because the games narrative was handled differently and wasnt a previous story with set progression split up) badly worded but you catch my drift hopefully.

Also curious how they will handle stuff like normal gear/weapons in the same veign; like will the best sword in the whole first episode be the 3rd buster sword (you can see at least 2 in the trailers eleased so far) or will you get to high tier weapons. I dont want to have a proper endgame only in the last episode, endgame and leveling for superbosses is one of my favorite parts of rpgs. All of that and much more is one of the major issues (whole progression in all aspects) i see with the episodic format.
« Last Edit: 2019-06-13 20:38:04 by Manakaiser »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #41 on: 2019-06-13 23:25:36 »
It seems too far from the original to load data correctly.


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #42 on: 2019-06-14 02:01:18 »
Subsequent viewings of the new content, detailed breakdowns from the lucky few who got to play at E3, have left me quite satisfied with the combat sections of the remake.

All account point to specific actions in combat making a noticeable difference, so tactics become important, ATB charges matter a great deal, without them no magic, no items and no heavy attacks/skills.

It appears status effects are present, tifa having sadness in one of the trailers, which I'm curious as to how that's going to effect combat, is it going to just slow limit build-up or is it going to have a more noticeable effect, are they going to have all status ailments or are they only gonna stick to ones that are easily relevant.

Pacing is a concern I have, 40-60hrs of Midgar is all well and good if the story is stretched correctly, depending on how they fill the story out it could be spectacular or terrible, as a caveat it appears they are adding a good deal to do with avalanche, which it a step in the right direction, they also seem to be increasing the reunion foreshadowing, which dependant on how obvious they make it could lead to some interesting story potential.

I don't think we are going to have a limited level cap, assuming GS is only about an hour in(based on escape time for the reactor)...hp given in trailer 1024 by GS, 1700 by AB 2400 by Aps, following that growth curve for until motorball 5500+hp.... This is assuming that the demo growth curve isn't twisted for testing purposes which is kinda concerning if they want to make it a continuous game rather then totally separate games, I doubt this based on heavy attack damage numbers during Aps fight only being 120-169

Other concerns I have how is materia going to be implemented, as it's clearly in game and appears variable, what about these new skills, how exactly is leveling going to work, personally I feel a sphere grid Style leveling system is most practical for the remake or ff5 role system.

Motorball is either a rubbish last boss, a fun novelty boss or an excellent first boss
« Last Edit: 2019-06-14 02:13:27 by Izban »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #43 on: 2019-06-14 07:08:37 »
It seems too far from the original to load data correctly.
What do you mean Alyza?

I think anyway if true that "load data" is possible... then a level cap is a solution they might apply.


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #44 on: 2019-06-14 19:57:45 »
Cross-gen hypothesis from Yosuke Matsuda: "It's the hottest topic at the moment and we thought you might ask us that," Matsuda said. "I believe that our teams have made it so that the game will support both the next generation and the current generation of consoles. I believe it is being developed so that it is going to be playable on both, so I'm not really concerned about that and I believe that the fans are also going to be able to enjoy it on both, including the next-generation of consoles."

Kitase twitter: "Good day everyone, I'm Kitase, the producer of Final Fantasy VII Remake. There had been a raging wave of developments related to Final Fantasy VII Remake, from the sudden announcement in May, the release date reveal in an orchestra concert held in Los Angeles on June 9, and a playable demo at E3. But I'd be glad if all of our fans are delighted with the many surprises after waiting for so long. In doing a remake, what we first emphasized was to depict Midgar, which symbolized the world setting of the original Final Fantasy VII the most, in a charming way. We newly redesigned the interior structure of Midgar, and added new episodes as well as depictions of the daily lives of citizens who live there. Ultimately, just by depicting the story until the original's Escape From Midgar, we already reached a huge capacity with a pack of 2 Blu-ray discs, which should have enough density and volume for the world setting and storyline. To go along with that, we have optimized character growths and boss monster placements for this game, completely reconstructing it as a single standalone game, which we think will have become a title worth playing enough. We plan to develop the Final Fantasy VII remake project into multiple titles in the future, but we hope you will look forward to the release of the first title, Final Fantasy VII Remake, on March 3, 2020. June 14, 2019 Yoshinori Kitase, Producer of Final Fantasy VII Remake"

Kitase again: "While many people may think that Midgar is very dark at first glance, we have a design aesthetic where the city has strong elements of colour and variety. The lighting and colouring we are using throughout Midgar accentuate what is unique about FINAL FANTASY VII’s world. We decided not to use a photo-realistic approach with the design, but instead something more stylised, honouring the artistic designs and choices of the original."
« Last Edit: 2019-06-14 20:31:01 by Kuraudo. »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #45 on: 2019-06-14 20:15:41 »
Ultimately, just by depicting the story until the original's Escape From Midgar, we already reached a huge capacity with a pack of 2 Blu-ray discs, which should have enough density and volume for the world setting and storyline.

I mean.. they fit the entire open world of Final Fantasy XV into one... How damn big have they made Midgar exactly? LOL


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #46 on: 2019-06-14 20:20:28 »
Demo Minutes, 42:00 starts
Max Demo Impressions Resume (Walltext coming!):
Spoiler: show
  • Saw a special behind-closed-doors media presentation (45 minute demonstration)
  • Presentation was of the entire Bombing Run mission
  • VII Remake had tons of accolades at E3
  • New voice cast hired just for VII Remake
  • Original voice cast will continue to voice other projects where the VII cast are in
  • New English language Barret voice actor feels a lot more truer to the original Barret we saw in VII
  • It appears that they have taken some mechanics out of the gameplay that we have seen in order to make it more streamlined and presentable … it feels like there is a lot more that they have hidden and not revealed to the public at this time
  • They don’t want to fuck this up – they know how much pressure in on their shoulders
  • There is a ton of nostalgic points sprinkled throughout - aimed to remind you of the original but that this is a new version of the same game, ala the RE2 remake
  • SE had been following Max for some time, especially all the reactions to the Remake, and noticed him during the event. Was able to get a picture with Kitase
  • When development was tough, the team was highly motivated by showing Max’s reaction videos – very touching for Max (he teared up on stream)
  • Replays his reaction videos for perspective about what he is going to dive into
  • It is obvious that they didn’t get rid of all of CC2’s work. It looks like it has all been repurposed instead. Starts off exactly like we saw back in the 2015 trailer
  • Just like in the original, Avalanche run past whilst Cloud is left behind to deal with the Shinra MPs. He is treated like the grunt/mercenary for hire like he is
  • Head into the train station entrance
  • Avalanche whistle to get the guards to attack Cloud, leaving them free to run into the Reactor
  • Shinra MPs have their machine guns, tonfas and grenades
  • Wedge and Jessie are trying to hack a door
  • Jessie has a sub machine gun. Constantly hits on Cloud
  • Wedge is worried if they can trust Cloud. Tries to introduce himself but Cloud isn’t interested
  • Barret warns Cloud that he better be on their side – denoting Cloud in his Shinra gear. Cloud is just here to be paid
  • Cloud has a weird flashback / memory just as the door is hacked
  • We get the classic Reactor shot as it pans up
  • The music is amazing, blends in extremely well into different themes as things happen
  • Avalanche continue to leave Cloud to deal with enemies – jokingly telling him to have fun. Wedge is the only one concerned about Cloud
  • Cloud has multiple stances. A nimble stance, a heavy brawler and a counter-hit stance. You get different combos based on this. If you are hit by a ranged attack or magic, you are punished for this by taking big damage. This stance isn’t in the playable demo
  • Everyone will have these special stances or unique aspects
  • So even the same character can play in different ways whilst also utilising the character switching
  • Biggs cutting a hole into a gate – the group go through whilst Cloud is forced to deal with things again (lol)
  • Up to this point, the dialogue is similar to the original but expanded but as soon as they get to the main elevator, the dialogue takes a huge new turn
  • Barret has a motivational speech about why they are doing this mission – really gets into it. Jessie and Cloud exchange a look during this. Barret is mad that Cloud isn’t taking this seriously. Barret says he can hear the screams of the planet and Cloud says to get help. This pisses Barret off
  • There is genuine tension between Cloud and Barret – you feel that they don’t know if they can trust this Ex-Shinra guy
  • New security system goes off, which makes them concerned about Cloud even more
  • Banter continues. Barret tries to issue orders to Cloud but Cloud keeps telling him to leave him to do his job
  • XV had some good organic banter and group dialogue … but this blows it away completely. They feel like genuinely real people. Max was most concerned about this, but not anymore. Not cringy at all. Didn’t hear anything repeated during this opening segment
  • By the Scorpion Sentinel boss fight – Cloud and Barret have bonded somewhat, due to helping each other out during that encounter
  • The characters feel like people!
  • Lip synching is perfect
  • Gameplay is super smooth. It was a live demo running on a PS4 Pro. So polished
  • No loading … at all from the start of any kind
  • Cutscenes dynamically transition into field / encounters. They are littered throughout
  • Cloud is a BIT OF A DORK!
  • The most polished game from SE. It is on another level (audio, animation, transitioning, no loading, banter/dialogue, intuitive music ….) It felt like they spent a year and a half just on the Bombing Run
  • The big worry is how the hell the rest of the game will match this same quality!
  • You can flee from a fight. If you are faster than your opponent, they will eventually lose interest and return to their positions
  • The music is SO intuitive. During the different phases of the Boss fights. When Cloud does a Cross Slash, the choir suddenly kicks in and out
  • There were combos within the game – it does more damage if you combine character moves at the same time
  • There was a bit of a hint that they have a TON more mechanics and gameplay aspects that they have in store that they don’t want to reveal just yet. Max felt like the game was opening up and had this in store in the future
  • Still shocked at the quality. Hard to process this being for the whole game!
  • So hard to discuss this game with non-players. It seriously NEEDS to be experienced
  • Can’t stop thinking about the game
  • Jessie is super cool in this version – Max’s favourite so far. “I appreciate you talking to me, but how about you go down there and blow her mind instead” (in reference to the Reactor). The dialogue is so awesome
  • Wedge sounds a lot different to the previous trailer
  • They are teasing the relationship aspects – which is integral to VII
  • They are trying to preserve the characters as much as possible
  • He prays that SE releases the Bombing Run demo to the public, like Capcom did with the RE 2 Remake
  • They said they are aware of what everyone loves about Midgar and their experiences. They will have everything that people love … but there will be a ton more
  • In Max’s opinion, the subsequent games will all play differently and have different mechanics. He envisions part II being completely open world and so different to Part I. Lots of vehicle use/action. Doesn’t expect much to transition over between the different parts
  • One of the biggest takeaways from everything is that SE want this to be immersive and seamless. This will carry through onto Part II and the open world. He expects it to be on PS5 (his opinion)
  • Showed the famitsu footage – clean from the presentation without the commentary
  • If Barret staggers an opponent, he says ‘Shit Yeah!’
  • You get a great sense of scale of everything
  • When you kill enemies, you don’t get a traditional win screen. The menu is very clean and simple
  • He didn’t see it himself, but he heard that Barret can hum the victory theme and Cloud tells him to ‘shut up’
  • President Shinra and Heideggar are completely aware of what Avalanche is doing. They are watching their activities from the monitors. The Shinra theme is amazing – done with strings and presented very hauntingly and evil. Super dark. A lot of the music is brooding – leaves you with despair, just like the world of Midgar
  • The game takes advantage of the fact that you know who these characters are. Things are introduced before you see characters. The way the characters are talking, it feels like Tifa feels sorry for Cloud, which is why he is being offered this job
  • PSX 2015 trailer. Max says the opening scene has been re-choreographed. The sequence is completely different. The tone is so different compared to the 2015 trailer. Everything feels a lot more faster too. Such a different game to what we saw. They didn’t trash all of CC2’s work. It is just so much more polished and snappier
  • He is trying to find something wrong with it … he can’t. The only (extremely minor) thing is that the camera sometimes isn’t amazing
  • Steve Burton was great for what they wanted to do, but for the more dorkier Cloud (and one more cocky / faithful to the original) he is glad they are going with this new actor. “That’s my line”. Max loves the cheese-ball one liners from Cloud. CC Cloud didn’t feel like Cloud aside from when he was mako poisoned
  • Difficulty – it wasn’t super difficult, but even the devs said that it was meant as a tutorial for the players. But even in the Scorpion boss fight you lose a lot of health and it takes 15 minutes to complete entirely
  • Using items is attached to the ATB gauge. To get ATB gauge you need to fight
  • Showed the PS3 tech demo for laughs
  • Cloud’s hair is more similar to his original design
  • Original gameplay comparison. The Midgar panning out to the train running in is different. You cut to the soldiers once the pan out to Midgar is complete. Barret runs off to leave you to tackle the guards like in the original
  • Security officers have all the same moves from the original
  • Cloud trash talks the Security Officers
  • You get a new train station segment from the train stopping to the gate (you see it in the trailer – where Jessie says “have fun”).
  • Lots of new dialogue
  • You can’t change the character’s names
  • Barret and Cloud tension, and you feel that around the other characters
  • During the pan up to the Reactor, you cut to the tower and President Shinra watching everything
  • Cross Slash is Cloud’s limit. Braver was a move / skill
  • You go through corridors rather than outside area once past the gate
  • The Reactor entrance, you don’t get the same perspective when you run in until after Cloud looks up – it gives you the huge scale of everything
  • Cloud has a flashback/moment right before this
  • If the Mono Drives float above Cloud, he will jump up to air combo them. So though there is no manual jump, if they are within his reach, he can attack flying opponents
  • In the Reactor, there is a whole new sequence – Biggs cutting through the grate. A lot more intense than in the original. They trust Cloud to know where to go
  • The Reactor music is incredible
  • There are golden-looking chests
  • The elevator sequence is there in the Remake, but it is different, especially the lead-in
  • Anything with Shinra logo on it is destructible, so you can break boxes or open chests for loot. You can ‘attack’ out of combat
  • Demo on floor was unlocked framerate but one Max was watching was 30 fps
  • Barret and Cloud have their fight right after the elevator. Music kicks in and lasers shoot down. Character switching tutorial – shows you how to switch to Barret. Barret looked like he was going to shoot Cloud but he shot an opponent behind him. Cloud doesn’t even flinch from the shot. Barret is the long-range fighter. They really gave this a lot of thought. It feels like the original, but a new twist on the gameplay
  • The demo ended where (in the original) Jessie teaches you how to go down the ladder. In the Remake, there are no ladders, it is a big spiral staircase down into the underbelly of the Reactor. Tons of enemies on the way down. Jessie points out where the Reactor core is
  • Limits still build from damage. Especially blocking
  • No Sweepers or Grunts were available in the Bombing Run demo that was played
  • If you run around and dodge too much, you didn’t get much ATB bars
  • Not sure if MP was regenerated from normal attacking
  • During the boss fight, he noticed the items that were available to him. Cloud’s inventory changed – he had grenades and some other items
  • Cloud is confused by the Scorpion Sentinel’s ability to heal / regenerate
  • No functioning menu for Materia yet, or the characters / equipment, etc…
  • From the top of the Reactor to the bottom is about x4 longer than the original game
  • No save points in the demo – presented as a tutorial
  • Barret asks you to set the bomb. He says something like Tifa trusts you but he doesn’t. He wants Cloud to prove that he can trust him. Cloud aggressively says fine and sets the bomb
  • You don’t get the ‘this isnt’ a reactor’ line. Instead you get a flashback/moment. He holds his head. It’s not all red and ear screeching… just a single black feather that falls to the ground and dissipates. Alarms set off and that’s when the moment ends
  • The Scorpion Sentinel can scan you. If he does, he can grab the character and disable them. You have to switch to Barret, and if you attack him enough, you get released
  • Stone Skin – gives Barret less damage and stunning. Barret is a tank
  • The game is chapter based. Chapter 1 "The Mako Reactor". Might get a chapter completion bonus?
  • No jump button
  • Feels NOTHING like CC
  • You can hold down button to continuously attack, but Cloud has different moves. If you press the button repeatedly instead of holding it down, you do a longer combo
  • Barret was just hold down to shoot. Barret doesn't have to reload
  • Extrapolates the combos that could happen with Materia added into the mix
  • For everyone who complained about Turn Based not being in the game - Tactical Mode solves that completely. You can play it like that, or as an action RPG
  • You don't get to see the escape after the Reactor explodes in the presentation demo
Credit: Max for video/ Claymore for the text resume
« Last Edit: 2019-06-16 17:40:05 by Kuraudo. »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #47 on: 2019-06-14 22:56:42 »
For everyone who complained about Turn Based not being in the game - Tactical Mode solves that completely. You can play it like that, or as an action RPG


No, it doesn't.  They said the same kind of thing about ff12 and it was unplayable in the obviously non intended mode.  We can see with our own eyes what they've done to the battle mechanics.  Them pretending it isn't so is not conning me. 

Also, it's not about how many things you can find that are flashy or catchy - it's about pacing, writing, and soul. All of which the game already show a chronic lack of.

It always seems to be the case that before a game that shows early signs of some serious flaws is released,  people create a deluge of excuses and alternate explanations or else dwell on graphical power.  But for me personally, I already see all the reasons I'll dislike the game - even if others will end up loving it.  8)

- Also, they've stuck to inferior translations - like Cross Slash. Once again, they'll pander to "canon".  And I bet Genesis etc all get roped in.

 ::) :)

Oh and @topic thanks for the massive post kurando. Not gonna lie while I certainly anticipate this game to an extent, im not hyped enough to plow through it all so I gave up halfway through the list but I can certainly apreciate the effort put into it.
« Last Edit: 2019-06-14 23:02:56 by Manakaiser »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #48 on: 2019-06-15 00:46:42 »
I wonder if they'll release a special FF7:R version of the PS4 Pro. I don't own one, but I might finally cave  8)

Or...Google Stadia  :-[
« Last Edit: 2019-06-15 04:19:36 by EQ2Alyza »


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Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« Reply #49 on: 2019-06-16 15:03:18 »
Thanks for the long post Kuraudo. The game sounds great. I'm relieved by the combat mechanics. I would have been hitting my head off the keyboard if they decided to keep it pure turn based (yes i know the original is great, but i don't want a carbon copy).