Author Topic: Stuck at 20 FPS after the intro cutscene  (Read 6674 times)


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Stuck at 20 FPS after the intro cutscene
« on: 2019-06-17 06:53:15 »
Hey folks,

I'm new to this; I got the steam release yesterday and fiddled with 7th Heaven in the morning, it's midnight now and I can't get rid of an issue with the field FPS.

Menus run at 60 FPS
Cutscenes at 15 FPS and
Battles at 12 FPS in the counter
Field is running at 20 FPS solid - This is ruining the intro sequence of Cloud jumping out of the train, and it's making the game generally feel 30% slower and it's been quiet frustrating :(

Spoiler: show

I've tried my best to change settings and see what the issue might be but I've run out of things to try in the past few hours and google searches.

Config v1.02 Image:
Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show
# ff7_opengl-0.8.1b config file

## If you just want to play the game, these are the only options you'll want to change.

# set the window size (or fullscreen resolution) of FF7
# 0 means use original resolution in window mode, your current desktop resolution will be used in fullscreen mode
# preserve_aspect adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio
window_size_x = 1920
window_size_y = 1080
internal_size_x = 1024
internal_size_y = 768
preserve_aspect = on
fullscreen = on

# mod directory
# subdirectroy of mods/ where textures will be loaded from
mod_path = Textures

# check your Nvidia/ATI/Intel control panel settings if this option doesn't seem to work
enable_vsync = on

# allow FF7 to use linear filtering for its textures
# some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail
# only affects low-res textures, high-res replacements will still be filtered where appropriate
linear_filter = on

# plugin used to play music, VGMstream requires a set of looping .ogg files in the music/vgmstream folder.
# If no music plugin is loaded the game will play MIDI as usual but FF7Music will NOT work.
music_plugin = plugins/vgmstream_music.fgp

## All the little extras that weren't part of the original game, default options include only trivial bug fixes.

# make all dialog boxes transparent, same effect as the transparent dialog boxes YAMP patch
transparent_dialogs = off

# include armor in magic defense calculation
mdef_fix = yes

# minigame fixes

# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
post_source = shaders/
enable_postprocessing = yes

## Don't fiddle with these unless you know what you're doing.

# enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
fancy_transparency = yes

# display frames per second counter in upper right corner
show_fps = on

# display some real-time debug information
show_stats = on

# store external textures in a compressed cache for increased performance
# compression is not lossless, some artifacts may appear when this option is in use
# texture cache does NOT update automatically if the source image changes, however, deleting anything from the cache
# will cause that file to be recreated from the source
compress_textures = no

# max size of the texture cache to hold in RAM, in megabytes
# don't set it any higher than 1GB unless you want your game to crash
texture_cache_size = 768

# use pixel buffer objects to speed up texture loading
# might crash horribly on ATI cards but should work for NVIDIA users
use_pbo = no

# use mipmaps (anisotropic filtering) for high-res textures
use_mipmaps = no

# replace FF7's default framelimiter timer source
use_new_timer = yes

# plugin used to play movies, FFMpeg is the only choice for now
movie_plugin = plugins/ffmpeg_movies.fgp

## These options are mostly useful to modders and should not be enabled during normal play.

# read files directly instead of using LGP archives
# for example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first,
# if this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive
direct_mode = on

# show every failed attempt at loading a .png texture
show_missing_textures = off

# extern additional library
load_library = Multi.dll

Spoiler: show
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design/PCIe/SSE2 4.6.0 NVIDIA 425.31
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 32768x32768
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1920x1080, output resolution 1440x1080, internal resolution 1024x768
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 124, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 4096
[00000000] INFO: postprocessing program link log:
Fragment info
0(133) : warning C7050: "refractedColor.w" might be used before being initialized

[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...
[00000001] creating dsound primary buffer
[00000001] reading audio file
[00000001] loading static sounds
[00000001] sound initialized
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] Entering MAIN
[00000001] Exiting MAIN
[00000001] START OF CREDITS!!!
[00000001] INFO: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\eidoslogo.avi; h264/pcm_s16le 1280x960, 30.000300 FPS, duration: 11.133222, frames: 334
[00000332] INFO: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\sqlogo.avi; h264/pcm_s16le 1280x896, 15.000200 FPS, duration: 14.533140, frames: 218
[00000548] set music volume: 127
[00001767] set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
[00001832] END OF CREDITS!!!
[00001832] Entering MAIN
[00001832] set music volume: 127
[00001832] Exiting MAIN
[00001832] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00002460] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00002460] Entering MAIN
[00002464] Exiting MAIN
[00002464] Field Start
[00002465] INFO: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\opening.avi; h264/pcm_s16le 1280x896, 15.000200 FPS, duration: 119.465074, frames: 1792
[00004971] Entering MAIN
[00004973] Exiting MAIN
[00004973] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00005383] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00005383] Entering MAIN
[00005385] Exiting MAIN
[00005385] Field Start
[00005719] Entering MAIN
[00005721] Exiting MAIN
[00005721] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00005844] WM_CLOSE
[00005844] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00005844] Field Quit

Spoiler: show

FF7 GameConverter, Version 7th Heaven
Creator: Kompass63
Editor: EQ2Alyza

Start running at    Date: Sun 06/16/2019    Time: 22:32:31.39
Active code page: 437
ActualPath C:\Users\SSing\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000

You are running "Windows 10 Home" on a 64 Bit Operating System (AMD64)

Real Management 32Bit WOW64

This patch is already applied.
Variables are taken from GameConverterKeys.

Selection is:   Overwrite


Copying Registry Keys...
Removed CompatFlags from "ff7.exe"
Removed CompatFlags from "ff7config.exe"

Setting GC Registry Keys...

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\GameConverterkeys

Setting language to en...

Detecting drive letter for FF7 Discs...

Drive letter for FF7DISC1 --- F:\

Movies path found at...

"G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\"

Copying English Files...

Copying 1.02 patch for ff7.exe...

Copying Aali's Custom Driver, version 0.8.1b...

Moving OGG music files...

Adding more Registry Keys...
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\MIDI
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound
Adding Registry Key to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FF7app.exe

Please check over the settings for FF7Config...

1) Sound tab should have a Sound device set. Do NOT leave it blank.
2) Perform the Sound and MIDI tests.
3) Graphics tab can be ignored.
4) Click OK when finished.

Inserting Multi.dll, Hext.dll, and Languagefile...

Patching FF7anyCDv2...

Install the Laptop Keyboard Patch?
(Choose YES if keyboard does NOT have a NUMPAD)

Patching complete.

Check FF7_GC.log for details.

called with ""C:\Users\SSing\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\FF7_GameConverter_7H.bat""
Arguments: "C:\Users\SSing\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\FF7_GameConverter_7H.bat"

Actual Path:                     C:\Users\SSing\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000
Product Name:                    Windows 10 Home
Architecture:                    AMD64
Running in Modus                 32Bit WOW64
OS Bit Version                   64
Reg-Keyname Steam                HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 39140
Reg-Keyname Re-Release           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{141B8BA9-BFFD-4635-AF64-078E31010EC3}_is1
Reg-Keyname 1                    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.
Reg-Keyname 2                    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FF7app.exe
Reg-Keyname 3                    HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.
Steam Release is present:        Yes
Steam Release Path:               
Re-Release is present:           
Re-Release Path:                 
Original Release is present:     
Original Release Path:           
Destination Path:                G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII
Source Path:                     G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII
Videos Path:                     G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies
Original Videos Path:             
Original Language                en
Converted Language               en
Original Drive Letter:           
Converted Drive Letter:          F:\
and now clear up Variables...
Ending at           Date: Sun 06/16/2019    Time: 22:33:04.18

I've been running the ff7.exe directly because I thought it was an issue with a Remako Mod (my reason for buying the steam release yesterday) but that didn't seem to be it; any help would be greatly appreciated!
« Last Edit: 2019-06-17 06:59:41 by MrZeffy »


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Re: Stuck at 20 FPS after the intro cutscene
« Reply #1 on: 2019-06-17 19:25:47 »
Try turning off vsync and post processing.  Your internal x and y resolutions also seem borked, as they're actually smaller than the window resolution (most configs I've seen to date have 3k x 2k (I'll edit later with the actual numbers)

Edit: Typical internal resolution values are 3840x2160
« Last Edit: 2019-06-17 21:57:09 by LordUrQuan »


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Re: Stuck at 20 FPS after the intro cutscene
« Reply #2 on: 2019-12-25 19:19:32 »
I have exactly the same problem. Field is 20, battle is 12. Toggling Vsync and post processing doesn't change a thing. The game without mods works fine, but the problem starts even with the single "The Reunion" mod enabled.