The bug with FMVs also appearing in title screen video - each subsequent time it is more and more slower. And it seems to me that FMVs a little bit faster then before, but maybe I am wrong with that.
You're absolutely right each time the title video plays it gets slower each time. This would explain why the post I made about playing the videos from the title menu won't play right, it's because the title video already engaged some sort of function that effects the frame rate on the FMV. Whatever this function does to the original value it isn't always being reset after the previous video finishes playing. I'm curious if you skipped an FMV during normal gameplay if the next FMV to play in the story would be effected if you didn't restart your game, load a new file, or go back to the title menu.
Either way this actually does seem to effect normal gameplay during the end of the game. After the FMV where the Hilda Guarde leaves Zidane at the Iifa tree. This problem slows down the already odd video where Zidane runs on the vines. You can see what I encountered here: excuse my lazy uploading with 0 editing off of my phone, but the timing is off which causes his character model to not know what to do/where to be.
After this happens the final FMV where Garnet and Zidane embrace plays at normal speed, but whatever value, that I'm referring to earlier in this post, never gets reset and this effects the final credits in the same way as the vine video and it's slowed down as well. This can be seen here: I may be making assumptions as I've never seen the code for this, but that seems to be the case from what I can see. I'll try to see if I can induce this fault during normal gameplay in different ways. Sorry for the lengthy post!