Author Topic: [FF8:R] Demaster unofficial patch- HD fields, monsters, fixes + launcher 1.3.0  (Read 169514 times)


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Step 4: Download and install the new .conf file from the github section
-- You now have the injector! --
Step 5: Install currently available mods for Remaster (tonberry mods will NOT work, but remaster mods are listed as such in the forum!)

to install the mods I realeased that are .zzz files, you'll need deZZZArchive from Sebanisu and to unpack them from the .zzz file and then drop them in the proper folders in DEMASTER_EXP once you've installed Maki's demaster patch properly.

...I completed the first 3 steps. From the looks of things. Did as you directed.
But I feel stupid that I'm having trouble locating the "new .config file"
And I wouldn't know where the "currently available mods for Remaster" are either...
I'm beginning to think this is all way above me for me to ever understand.
Worse, I feel awful because it's not like I can even help as I can't even understand way enough to implement it...

Even if I never get this to run too. Thank you all for getting everything this far, truly. You all are amazing.
And the screenshots look incredible. It's beautiful to see so much love going into this Game...Even more than the developers, to be completely honest.


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Thank you very much Maki for this great work.  ;D I come to report on my side my experience ...

It only worked with the original ff8_demaster.dll file in the 1.2.4 archive (124kb), no longer works with update from ffviii_demaster_manager.exe which gives a 284kb ff8_demaster.dll file. However with the ff8_demaste.dll 1.2.4 (124kb) which works for me I do not have Antialiasing activated.

Another big thank you for your work to relive the transcendent experience of FF VIII. :)


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Thank you very much Maki for this great work.  ;D I come to report on my side my experience ...

It only worked with the original ff8_demaster.dll file in the 1.2.4 archive (124kb), no longer works with update from ffviii_demaster_manager.exe which gives a 284kb ff8_demaster.dll file. However with the ff8_demaste.dll 1.2.4 (124kb) which works for me I do not have Antialiasing activated.

Another big thank you for your work to relive the transcendent experience of FF VIII. :)

You don't have Anti-aliasing activated? How did you do that? That something I would need to do manually?
Sorry, just..I can't get this to work at all...
Feeling like an idiot..

Yagami Light

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AA options are accessible by pressing left trigger and left analog stick at the same time in game, the demaster config is just a simple notepad file with the settings on them you can find the latest one here

copy and paste to your existing demaster config file

This new option
;Disables linear filtering and brings back point clamp as in PlayStation

Will remove filtering which will make the text look more blocky change it to 0 to disable it if you don't like it.

@Maki the background texture was just the existing waifu one upscaled to 2k/4k
« Last Edit: 2020-04-25 11:39:49 by Yagami Light »


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I have no way to access it. (Cant open it, I'm not a coder, I dont know what I'm doing) But thank you for trying..

Yagami Light

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Access what? Its just text you highlight, right click copy and paste into your demaster config folder inside ff8 remastered directory heres a picture if need further help let me know


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I've been trying to get the Project Angelwing textures set up using the guide included. I've run all of them through the converter provided but they don't appear to be loading in-game. I think this is because the only files that show up in C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\DEMASTER_EXP\textures\field_bg after an unpack of the game are the textures for the game over screen. I'm a total noob when it comes to modding this game, did I miss something?


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I was digging around this mod to get the PS4 prompts to work for all joypads. I use a PS3 controller which emulates a 360 controller, so I get the Xbox prompts by default. That having been said, even with a PS4 controller, I'm still getting Xbox prompts. I just bought the game on sale, so I don't know if it has native support for PS4 controllers or if it's something with the mod.

Anyway, I found a few PNGs for button prompts and I just removed the Xbox ones, copied the PS4 ones and renamed the copies to the Xbox titles. But that didn't seem to work. I was sure I replaced all the Xbox icons in the DEMASTER_EXP with PS4 ones, but the game still seems to use the Xbox prompts.

Any idea why that might be? Any idea on how to get PS4 prompts working?



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Maki, I tried sending you an e-mail but you haven't responded. Is there any other way I can contact you directly?


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I want to replace some fields for remaster. But I feel like I lack some information how to do it. I'm new to modding so that might be the problem. I see in description where should be a pdf manual for demaster tool. But I can't find it anywhere. Am I missing something?

Yagami Light

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The PDF manual was removed in later releases, you can download the first version

To use field files you need to download FatedCourages angelwing gigapixel version, then use the textureModHelper included which automatically renames all the field names to be compatible with the demastered version. However some fields are named incorrectly and FatedCourage hasn't released his own fields for remastered yet so you have to rename them manually.

@Temujin64 you need to replace the xbox button textures in 4_xinput PNG inside iconfl03 folder.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-08 15:24:03 by Yagami Light »


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The PDF manual was removed in later releases, you can download the first version

@Temujin64 you need to replace the xbox button textures in 4_xinput PNG inside iconfl03 folder.

Hey Light, thanks so much for the tip. In my case it was the iconfl01 folder. I had to edit the png files to get the directional buttons showing up correctly as the  Xbox version references a different part of the png for just directional buttons.

Here's a copy in case someone else wanted to do this without the hassle.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-11 21:46:34 by Temujin64 »


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I'm trying to make the Demaster work with the newest update possible, but it won't.

With Beta version 1.2.4, it worked fine with the new BattleField Pack Remastered released by MCindus. But I've updated the Demastered with the new DLL, and the new demaster.conf file, and none of the mods seems to be working now. Neither the Battlefield mod nor the UV fix, the fix to erase the bilinear filter, or other replacements for textures and files.

Tried to reinstall the game and unpack the files again, and as I said, everything works perfectly with the default Beta v1.2.4 (except for the fix for Bilinear Filter, that doesn't exist in this version). Once I update the ff8_demaster.dll and the demaster.conf files, is when everythin stops working.

I'm playing in Spanish. Perhaps the language is the problem?


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I'm trying to make the Demaster work with the newest update possible, but it won't.

With Beta version 1.2.4, it worked fine with the new BattleField Pack Remastered released by MCindus. But I've updated the Demastered with the new DLL, and the new demaster.conf file, and none of the mods seems to be working now. Neither the Battlefield mod nor the UV fix, the fix to erase the bilinear filter, or other replacements for textures and files.

Tried to reinstall the game and unpack the files again, and as I said, everything works perfectly with the default Beta v1.2.4 (except for the fix for Bilinear Filter, that doesn't exist in this version). Once I update the ff8_demaster.dll and the demaster.conf files, is when everythin stops working.

I'm playing in Spanish. Perhaps the language is the problem?

This seems to be an issue with 1.2.8 -- I am currently using 1.2.6 and things are working fine.  Let's hope things get patched up!

Thanks for everything you do, Maki!


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This seems to be an issue with 1.2.8 -- I am currently using 1.2.6 and things are working fine.  Let's hope things get patched up!

Thanks for everything you do, Maki!

Is there a link to the 1.2.6 version? I'd like to test it with the bilinear filter off, if it's possible.


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Updated to 1.2.8a and repacked- there was probably an issue with debug build of the dll. It probably updated to that debug build. It's now compiled properly and packed with all the things needed:


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Updated to 1.2.8a and repacked- there was probably an issue with debug build of the dll. It probably updated to that debug build. It's now compiled properly and packed with all the things needed:

Thanks! Got it working fine this time!


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Updated to 1.2.8a and repacked- there was probably an issue with debug build of the dll. It probably updated to that debug build. It's now compiled properly and packed with all the things needed:

Here work, but the fonts look strange in the menu. Using the SeeDRemastared UI.
I went back to 1.2.4 and now is normal again.


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can someone help me. when i try to launch the game it say "unknown exception has occured"

IMAGE_BASE at: 6C080000; OPENGL at: 0
Applying DIRECT_IO
DEMASTER::ApplyUvPatch::The addresses are wrong! We found no ADD byte ptr[esi+8] at given rel call
Applying texture patches...
Applying BATTLE_CHARA patch
Applying FIELD_ENTITY patch
Applying battle field patch
ApplyBattleFieldPatch():ds_free is at: 6D6EB2A8 and ds_teximg is at: 6D6EB4A0Applying FIELD_BACKGROUND PATCH
« Last Edit: 2020-05-13 22:57:46 by ericdepositar »


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Here work, but the fonts look strange in the menu. Using the SeeDRemastared UI.
I went back to 1.2.4 and now is normal again.

I think it is because you've disabled the Linear Filter of the game, the same happens to me with a custom font, when I put that setting OFF. I think it is because the game doesn't read the transparency, and also, tries to scale the image with the nearest filter.


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I think it is because you've disabled the Linear Filter of the game, the same happens to me with a custom font, when I put that setting OFF. I think it is because the game doesn't read the transparency, and also, tries to scale the image with the nearest filter.

yeah, it was it.
thank you.
sould let enable or disable ? any advantage ?


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I've tried following all of the advice on this topic for getting the mod installed and running, but No mater what I've tried, I can't get a launcher to come up. The game itself launches, and there are no mods in effect. Any ideas?


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I just realized that I'm kind of an idiot and haven't done any proper troubleshooting yet, so I'll do that and report back on what I've found


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yeah, it was it.
thank you.
sould let enable or disable ? any advantage ?

I recommend to have it enabled, but that depends on how do you like to see the game in movement:
- If you enable the Linear Filtering, the textures in HD will look smooth (including main characters, some enemies and NPCs, or objets in the game), except for those that are in the original low resolution from previous ports and versions, that will look ugly (mostly, the worldmap, and some enemies and monsters).
- If you disable the Linear Filter, textures will look rough, for characters, enemies, and menus (including the fonts), but that is not a problem if you played the original PSX version. Low resolution textures on the worldmap and some enemies will take advantage of this, since they will look the same as in the original PSX version, and 2000/Steam ports with that same option disabled.

So... as I said, that depends on you. Do you like to take advantage of the filtering to see smooth textures, or perhaps you are looking for the same appearance from previous versions before the Remastered? Both options are good.


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I recommend to have it enabled, but that depends on how do you like to see the game in movement:
- If you enable the Linear Filtering, the textures in HD will look smooth (including main characters, some enemies and NPCs, or objets in the game), except for those that are in the original low resolution from previous ports and versions, that will look ugly (mostly, the worldmap, and some enemies and monsters).
- If you disable the Linear Filter, textures will look rough, for characters, enemies, and menus (including the fonts), but that is not a problem if you played the original PSX version. Low resolution textures on the worldmap and some enemies will take advantage of this, since they will look the same as in the original PSX version, and 2000/Steam ports with that same option disabled.

So... as I said, that depends on you. Do you like to take advantage of the filtering to see smooth textures, or perhaps you are looking for the same appearance from previous versions before the Remastered? Both options are good.

got it
thanks, mate  :)