Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo  (Read 77081 times)

Sega Chief

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[FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« on: 2020-01-17 20:12:19 »
[FF7 Randomiser & Game Tuner: Godo]

Main Program[v0.4.4]

Auxiliary Program - Field Script Add-on[v0.2.0]
* This tool is in Alpha and targets the game's flevel; it's based on Iros' 7h Program and complies with the licence that tool is supplied under.

[Feature List]
Spoiler: show

~~Features Overview~~
Below is an overview of each feature offered by the mod, broken down into section.
More detail of the changes can be found on the respective feature's page.

Randomisation Options
   + Attack Data (Spells)
   + Item Data
   + Weapon/Armour/Accessory Data
        + Materia Data

        + Character Stat Growths
        + Limit IDs/Unlock/Gauge Divisor (Damage taken to fill)

        + Character IDs
        + Starting Stats
        + Character HP/MP
        + Equipped Weapon/Armour/Accessory
        + Equipped Materia
        + RNG Table

        + Battle Background
        + Camera

        + Enemy Models
        + Enemy Names/Attack Names
        + Enemy Stats/HP/MP/EXP/Gil/AP
        + Enemy Attack Data
        + Add Random Element to Attacks
        + Add Random Status to Attacks (Safe & Unsafe)
        + Elemental Affinity/Status Immunities
        + Held Items

-) Special Hacks:
   + Enemy Swarm: Fills each formation to 6 enemies (some exceptions).
        + Boss Swarm: Same, but for bosses
   + Disable Escapes
   + Poverty Mode: All fight rewards limited, enemy items removed
        + Spellspring: All MP costs set to 0 for player/enemies

-) Balance Tuning:
   + Stronger Enemies
   + Weaker Enemies
   + Max Drop/Steal Rates

-) Restriction Rules:
   + No Physical Attacks
   + No Limit Breaks
   + No Spells
        + No Summons
        + No Items
        + No Materia
        + No Exp
        + No Gil
        + No AP
        + Initial Equipment Only

-) Random Seed:
   + Seed is generated when applying changes (always unique)
   + Seeds are collected in a time-stamped catalogue to be reused later

Spoiler: show

~~Installation Guide~~
) Before starting, make sure to right-click the .EXE and, in Properties, select Unblock if it appears.
) Whitelist in antivirus if it has trouble running/patching.
) If the randomised files crash on game launch, try a different seed; if problem persists, report it.

For PC
) Contained within the Download is the application .EXE file and two folders; Default Files and Output Files.
) Acquire a Scene.bin and Kernel.bin from your FF7 installation and place them in the Default Files folder.

By default, the FF7 files should be (depending on version):

FF7/data/battle/scene.bin (1998/7th Heaven)
FF7/data/kernel/kernel.bin (1998/7th Heaven)

FF7/data/battle/lang-en/battle/scene.bin (2012/Steam)
FF7/data/lang-en/kernel/kernel.bin (2012/Steam)

) Run the Godo application and select the desired options.

At the top of the application window are a series of drop-down Menus.
Click into one and set the options you want and their parameters (if applicable).
Some of these parameters are %-based, some represent a range (0-25 for instance).

////Quick Options
These apply most of the changes found in the Options forms, with a predefined set of parameters.
It's primarily for speed and convenience, and behaves in a similar way to the earlier non-configurable builds of Godo.

A set of tailored changes that are applied to the game.
) Base player equipment/spells are unchanged, but the character stats/starting equipment are changed.
) Enemy stats are changed, but not their attacks or Model

) Most spells are unchanged, but Enemy Skills, Equipment, and Items are changed.
) Character stats and starting equipment are changed.
) Enemy Stats and Attacks are changed, but Model is not swapped.

) Player's entire arsenal changed, along with stats, etc.
) Enemy stats and attacks randomised, with Model Swap

Extreme: Changes everything in the character/enemy data with maxed parameters
) All filters are off, everything is randomised (this will likely be unstable)

A seed can also be entered to replicate changes across different users; this requires that the same options be enabled.
If no seed is entered, one will be generated from the current System.Time.
All seeds are recorded into a notepad file within the application folder.

When ready, click Apply. If successful, a message will appear confirming this along with the seed used/created.
If an error occurs, it will appear on screen mentioning the section/location of the error.

Take the files from the Output Files folder and put them back into FF7; the game should be ready to play.
Remember that a New Game will be needed for some of the options to take effect, such as character starting stats.
A pre-existing save file can be used with the randomised files but there may be some visual glitches with the EXP gauge.

) You will require a tool to extract files from a CD/ISO/BIN/IMG; CDMage version 1-02-1B5 is recommended.
) Open the FF7 Disc as a M2 track (not the M1 default)
) Extract the Scene + Kernel from BATTLE and INIT folders respectively
) Randomise them as per above steps

) A patch is needed to expand the Scene + Kernel space, available here:
) This patch moves the Scene + Kernel to the Movies folder on the disc, allowing for unlimited space
) Once the patch is applied to the disc, import your randomised Scene + Kernel to the Movie folder.
) When prompted, confirm to pad the files with 0s.

Note: The PSX version is more prone to failure depending on what options are selected.
For stability, it is recommended not to use Model Swap and especially not Enemy Swarm.
) Bug reports should be posted here for visibility:

This application was built on .NET Framework 4.7.2 and uses DotNetZip as a dependency;
it will not work on Windows XP or older.

Godo targets folders/files by name; do not rename the folders/files within the application.
The intended folders/files are:
Godo/Default Files/Scene.bin
Godo/Default Files/Kernel.bin

Godo/Output Files/Scene.bin
Godo/Output Files/Kernel.bin

Internal Error Messages
) Valid Directory Required: Make sure that the Scene.bin and Kernel.bin are in the Default Files folder and that all
file and folder names are correct. If so, and using fresh files doesn't help, report as a bug along with options.

) Scene ID: # has failed to randomise: The scene mentioned is skipped and left as default. If using default files and
this error appears, report along with options used. If modded files are used, then just proceed.

) Kernel Section: # has failed to randomise: Same as above, but for the Kernel section. Same rules apply.

) External Windows Error Message: Something has failed within the tool itself, this will be context sensitive to the
message you receive. Report it.

In-game Errors
) Game fails to launch
Sometimes randomised files will not launch with the game; if this occurs, the only way to proceed is to re-randomise on
a fresh seed and try again. This may be due to an inconsistency with the GZipping algorithm or a problem with the assigned
data that hasn't been caught yet.

) Battle fails to load/crashes on swirl: This is a formation problem, and hints at an invalid BattleBG, camera, or similar
issue. Report it as a Battle Swirl crash along with location and options.

) Battle loads but no enemies/characters: This is an invalid Enemy ID has been set to the formation.

) Battle stops but game is still running/no actions can be taken: This is a softlock and can be caused either by an attack
ID being wrong, an animation error, or similar. Context is important so try to describe what happened prior to the crash
and what enemy model was being fought.

In general, any kind of progression-blocking problem should be reported so I can more accurately update the logic/filters
to get rid of problems for the future.

Spoiler: show

*) Issue where enemies were being allocated vast amounts of HP has been fixed.

*) Added Boss Swarm option to Special Hacks

*) Fixed major issue with items having their data mis-allocated
*) Aeris has been locked from Limit Break reassignment pending tests
*) Enemy Swarm HP reduction no longer applied to bosses
*) Drop/Steal Rate values corrected

*) Formation IDs weren't being updated with Model Swapped ones, resulting in empty battles

*) Exemptions for Enemy Swarm corrected to exclude Icicle Battles
*) Added Max AP under Balancing
*) Checked Item Behaviour and corrected it

*) No longer required to move files from Default Files to Target Files for a fresh randomisation; this is now done automatically. Default Files are used on every run and randomised files are written to the Output Files folder, overwriting any previous files inside.

*) Model Swapping has been modified to only allow 'safe' swaps until AI editing is added (to eliminate a cause of instability in certain swaps)
*) Serious bug where enemy data was being misaligned, leading to unassigned enemies/invalid enemy data (sky-high AP was a sideffect of it as this is where the misalignment occurred).
*) Materia AP reassignment only modifies existing levels, instead of adding new 'empty' ones
*) Some underflow assignment problems for Gil, etc. corrected
*) Enemy Swarm fixed

*) Enemy balancing has been re-done; more potent Damage Formulas excluded from the assignment pool in Enemy Attacks
*) Spells now only use Magic-based Formula, and Weapons only use Physical-based formula; this will change when Description generation is added.

*) Parameters for customisation options weren't being initialised properly, resulting in Nulls

*) Profile options non-operational due to an array being set with to the wrong size
*) Confirm button on Challenges form not hooked up

*) Added UI options to customise the randomisation options
*) Profiles added to quickly generate a pre-defined set of randomisations with parameters from Light to Extreme
*) Quick Options retained from previous versions to randomise sections

*) BattleBG for Final Sephiroth battle removed from the pool (buggy)
*) Supernova excluded from Animation assignment

*) Escape and Remove now correctly filtered out (wrong IDs were assigned)
*) Magic Pot added to excluded models list (no valid attack anims)
*) Aero-Combatant added to excluded models list
*) Grangalan added to excluded models list (along with Jnr and Jnr Jnr)
*) Icicle formations added to Excluded Scenes list
*) Checks added for stat randomisation to prevent C# data overflow setting stat to 0

*) Materia Section was failing to randomise.
*) Issue in which non-changed models were having their animations re-assigned as if a model swap had occurred, causing soft-locks.
*) Improvement made to animation allocation for greater stability.

Bugs & Issues
*) Model Filters issue where risky models with multiple idles and hurt animations were being swapped out.
*) Model filters refined and a new option (Risky Swap) added to handle enemies with special requirements.
*) Issue where enemies could have FF assigned as their animation IDs in excluded scenes.
*) Issue where Limit Break ID wasn't skipping Tifa, Cait Sith, and Vincent for assignment.
*) Added some spell animation IDs which could cause softlocks without their special flags to the exception list.
*) No Spells/Summons/Items implementation changed; Menu Commands will now not open their respective Menus.
*) Some Kernel options were improved to reduce likelihood of hard-crash on game launch.

*) Fixed wrong placement for an enemy in one of the Swarm formations.

*) Added rules for the first Reactor and the early battles to reduce risk of unwinnable battles.
*) Refined the randomisation rules for reassigning stats, weapon formulae, enemy attacks, & Exp/Gil/AP.

Initial Release

Spoiler: show

Thanks to NFITC1 for helping me understand the compression format for both the scene.bin and the kernel.bin; the Wiki resource put together by the community was also enormously helpful.

Special thanks to Uprisen, Strife98, Death_Unites_Us, and iDerek759 for helping to test the mod prior to release; and to Tsuna for spreading the word. Also thanks to AntiqueChrono for running output files through his unit tests.

Thanks to Eswoogi, CalebHart, and others for bug reports & support.

« Last Edit: 2020-04-04 23:56:03 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #1 on: 2020-01-17 21:50:32 »
Found a bug pretty early on when morphing fogger encountered an unexpected error and crashed the game.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #2 on: 2020-01-17 22:25:28 »
I randomly encountered Carry Armor's arms which tried to lift one of my characters, causing a softlock in the battle.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #3 on: 2020-01-17 22:28:43 »
Found a bug pretty early on when morphing fogger encountered an unexpected error and crashed the game.

You mean Smogger? It might be that certain models can't be morphed, so if the enemy had one of those models that might be why. Do you remember what the model looked like/or what enemy it was? Either that or it had an invalid item ID set as its Morph.

I randomly encountered Carry Armor's arms which tried to lift one of my characters, causing a softlock in the battle.

I was hoping the arms would be OK; I ran a test where they seemed to operate properly. Maybe one of the arms is safe and the other isn't, I think they link to each other through animation data. If they aren't safe then I'll need to shuffle them out.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #4 on: 2020-01-17 23:23:41 »
I was hoping the arms would be OK; I ran a test where they seemed to operate properly. Maybe one of the arms is safe and the other isn't, I think they link to each other through animation data. If they aren't safe then I'll need to shuffle them out.

If it helps I think there were two right arms, and the 'center' enemy was a Motorball-type enemy (don't know which one if there are multiple).  I wound up just slowing the battle speed enough so I could run away from them


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #5 on: 2020-01-17 23:29:23 »
Ran into a battle softlock when Tifa uses the Fury Brand limit break. Was running a clean install of FF7 on Steam.

Battle stays focused on this angle and seems to continue indefinitely, with music and party member idle animations continuing as normal. I waited several minutes to see if it would end itself.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-17 23:32:21 by ferriswheel31 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #6 on: 2020-01-17 23:55:33 »
Encountered a bug really early on, used Haste and it played the `Escape` spell animation and then broke the battle. Can select one additional attack and then the battle is softlocked. seed info here

Also would be nice if the randomiser remembered previous settings and potentially a spoiler log generated for things like this? would make some bug reporting easier.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #7 on: 2020-01-18 01:26:49 »
If it helps I think there were two right arms, and the 'center' enemy was a Motorball-type enemy (don't know which one if there are multiple).  I wound up just slowing the battle speed enough so I could run away from them

There's a bit of a problem with the filters, I'm going to re-do them and make it a bit stricter.

Ran into a battle softlock when Tifa uses the Fury Brand limit break. Was running a clean install of FF7 on Steam.

Battle stays focused on this angle and seems to continue indefinitely, with music and party member idle animations continuing as normal. I waited several minutes to see if it would end itself.

Yeah, Tifa was supposed to be excluded from getting different Limit IDs because it'll react unpredictably when used. I'll have sorted in the update.

Encountered a bug really early on, used Haste and it played the `Escape` spell animation and then broke the battle. Can select one additional attack and then the battle is softlocked. seed info here

Also would be nice if the randomiser remembered previous settings and potentially a spoiler log generated for things like this? would make some bug reporting easier.

Ah Exit, I think that spell has a special animation. I'll add that spell to an exclusion list so it doesn't get onto anything.

Can add some memory stuff and a log, but first I'll need to focus on stability.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #8 on: 2020-01-18 18:29:34 »
Hello all, here are a few bugs I noticed since yesterday.

1) Already said on Twitter, but I fought 2 Razor Weeds (or any enemy similar to him) and when I used Ice2, the game softlocks.

2) I fought a part of Emerald Weapon (with head and body only), and game crashes each time the enemy attacks.

3) With one specific randomization option, first battle is against 2 Corneo's Lackey (or 2 Scotch, not sure), and even if I win XP, it's not shown after the battle (as if I didn't win XP at all).

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #9 on: 2020-01-19 22:19:14 »
Updated the randomiser to 0.2.0; this should sort out the problems with enemies using AI references on animations along with a lot of other stability issues. Changelog section on the front has the details.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #10 on: 2020-01-20 00:16:51 »
I got kernel section #8  (Materia data) has failed to randomise. It doesn't work with any seed. I can supply my kernel.bin file on demand. It should be vanilla. I'm using 0.2.0.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-20 00:20:04 by Grabsac »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #11 on: 2020-01-20 12:31:20 »
No worries, I identified the fault. I'll patch it tonight.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #12 on: 2020-01-20 12:34:09 »
hey sega chief

some streamer on twitch said the hellagunner boss fight on this randomizer softlocks the game when the second hellagunner tries to comes down but it does not so it softlocks fight, i think it has to do with the different backgrounds, thats how it is with the motorball fight as well


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #13 on: 2020-01-20 13:01:09 »
changing backgrounds wont have any affect on any fight except for Safer Sephiroth i believe. The problem was with one of the boss fight filters but the update from yesterday should fix it so if you are on twitch make sure the streamers are using the 0.2.0 patch

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #14 on: 2020-01-20 19:05:52 »
hey sega chief

some streamer on twitch said the hellagunner boss fight on this randomizer softlocks the game when the second hellagunner tries to comes down but it does not so it softlocks fight, i think it has to do with the different backgrounds, thats how it is with the motorball fight as well

changing backgrounds wont have any affect on any fight except for Safer Sephiroth i believe. The problem was with one of the boss fight filters but the update from yesterday should fix it so if you are on twitch make sure the streamers are using the 0.2.0 patch

I was talking to someone about it, and I think I have a strong lead on what it is. The animation reallocation only checks if the model swap option is on, not if the current scene has models excluded from swapping. So I reckon Reno, Gunners, Motorball, etc. were having their animations shuffled around. If it is that, then I can get a fix for it tonight.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #15 on: 2020-01-20 20:05:11 »
In my seed Tifa got Omnislash as her Limit Break.
And it broke the game once she used it, as per image:

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #16 on: 2020-01-20 22:02:38 »
Was that with the latest version, 0.2.0?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #17 on: 2020-01-21 04:48:53 »
Godo V0.2.0

Doggy casting barrier on Rufus causes some kind of summon effect that softlocks. Might be sephi's supernova summon.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #18 on: 2020-01-21 12:05:16 »
Godo V0.2.0

Doggy casting barrier on Rufus causes some kind of summon effect that softlocks. Might be sephi's supernova summon.

That's the escape/exit animation, it was supposed to be locked off from assignment to attacks. I'll take another look at it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #19 on: 2020-01-21 14:47:26 »
SegaChief! Legend!

Managed a full run last night with only the 1 softlock we spoke of on twitter - So 0.2.0 is much more stable!

However, I did encounter cloud with a blank limit level 2 - Which wouldn't soft lock, but it wouldn't allow me to do anything until i cycled to another character:

( Image example: )

Then I only encountered 1 other issue, whereas when I got a gameover, the gameover music played, but it was just a black screen that I couldn't close the game and had to restart my PC.

Otherwise, really solid play through last night - Will try the new release today and let you know if I encounter anything else.

Cheers dude.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #20 on: 2020-01-21 16:39:37 »
Cool, cheers; I'm working on a UI change at the moment which will allow for the parameters for things to be more user-specified.

Edit: Forgot to update on here, 0.2.1; fixes the Materia Data section and a bug with animation assignment for non-swapped models when Model Swap is on.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-21 16:41:54 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #21 on: 2020-01-22 15:19:27 »
Hey SegaChief! Nice one, thanks for the response!

Couple of notes from yesterdays run on 0.2.1!

Had a softlock on the Sector 7 tower before it got blown up by Reno - What was weird is that it was a normal enemy, in the right area ( ) So it really threw me as to what might have softlocked going up the stairs on the tower? Looks like the enemy just dissapeared after stealing from it and it locked? ( )

Had a softlock on the Egg encounter again just after costa del sol on the world map too - Original Enemy: Grangalan ( )

Finally a new softlock which was abit weird - The icicles in Gaea cliffs - This was a weird one, as I could get past it, but only if I killed ALL enemies in 1 hit - If i couldn't kill the front row at the same time as the icicle, it softlocked - Example ( )

However, if I managed to kill them all at the same time, ( ) the fight progressed as normal, but if I kill ONLY the icicle, it softlocked.

Hope these examples help some! Will do another run today and let you know if I find anything else!

Cheers SegaChief! Legend!


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #22 on: 2020-01-22 15:56:40 »
Oh! And one final thing I forgot to add, it's not a softlock, but maybe a broken animation? Cids HP & MP Drained from 1 attack, but then auto fills back up? May cause locks with other enemies, maybe?

Final Fight on the train heading to corel in disk 2 against the metal Eagle Gun ( )

( )

Cheers! Sorry for the spam swoogDerp


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #23 on: 2020-01-27 01:30:20 »
Soft lock near costa del sol.
The magic pot seems to try to run away immedietly and then the battle soft locks;
Queued attacks will not go through and unable to run from the battle.

Also had a soft lock on the bridge between costa del sol and the golden saucer.
I had seen both asset swaps in different battles and I'm pretty sure the battles went just fine.
I don't know if its something about combining the two enemies together.

Those are the only two issues I've had on the new version.
You are doing great!

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #24 on: 2020-01-27 21:17:44 »
Hey SegaChief! Nice one, thanks for the response!

Couple of notes from yesterdays run on 0.2.1!

Had a softlock on the Sector 7 tower before it got blown up by Reno - What was weird is that it was a normal enemy, in the right area ( ) So it really threw me as to what might have softlocked going up the stairs on the tower? Looks like the enemy just dissapeared after stealing from it and it locked? ( )

Had a softlock on the Egg encounter again just after costa del sol on the world map too - Original Enemy: Grangalan ( )

Finally a new softlock which was abit weird - The icicles in Gaea cliffs - This was a weird one, as I could get past it, but only if I killed ALL enemies in 1 hit - If i couldn't kill the front row at the same time as the icicle, it softlocked - Example ( )

However, if I managed to kill them all at the same time, ( ) the fight progressed as normal, but if I kill ONLY the icicle, it softlocked.

Hope these examples help some! Will do another run today and let you know if I find anything else!

Cheers SegaChief! Legend!

Thanks for the clips, useful to see it in action so I can spot potential causes.

Soft lock near costa del sol.
The magic pot seems to try to run away immedietly and then the battle soft locks;
Queued attacks will not go through and unable to run from the battle.

Also had a soft lock on the bridge between costa del sol and the golden saucer.
I had seen both asset swaps in different battles and I'm pretty sure the battles went just fine.
I don't know if its something about combining the two enemies together.

Those are the only two issues I've had on the new version.
You are doing great!

I clean forgot about Magic Pot; I don't think it has any attack animations so best it gets put on an exclusion list.